Runtime Error when setting the textFlow of a TextArea with specific size

Hi All
When trying to set the textFlow of a Textrea with a specific size (412x258) the flash player crashes because of a 15 sec loop. Could you please help me on this?
Please find the code below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="
library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"creationComplete="init()"
import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter; 
private var tfText:String = '<TextFlow columnCount="inherit" columnGap="inherit" columnWidth="inherit" lineBreak="inherit" paddingBottom="inherit" paddingLeft="inherit" paddingRight="inherit" paddingTop="inherit" verticalAlign="inherit" whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve" xmlns=""><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textDecoration="none" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">THE BEAUTIFUL NEW VAGUENESS</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="italic" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textDecoration="none" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">How do I learn to love the non-predictability of the world?</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default"></span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">Nothing is as it is forever. Time and again, everything changes. Again and again, the unpredictable happens, chaos breaks out constantly. Things never stay in order, things can never be effectively planned!</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default"></span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">The problem of contingency, of the non-predictability of personal and professional development, is problematic for many people. Continually, they see themselves questioned existentially. – Delité describes six effective ideas to overcome this problem. With a new attitude to this problem:</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default"></span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">1. Idea: We are children of evolution</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">2. Idea: Primal fear AND basic trust</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">3. Idea: A sensible attitude towards work</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">4. Idea: The illusion of secondary virtues</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">5. Idea: The end of self-pity</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">6. Idea: Loving life</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textDecoration="underline" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default">Read more here</span></p><p color="#000000" direction="ltr" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12" justificationRule="auto" justificationStyle="auto" kerning="auto" leadingModel="auto" paragraphEndIndent="0" paragraphSpaceAfter="0" paragraphSpaceBefore="0" paragraphStartIndent="0" textAlign="justify" textAlignLast="start" textIndent="0" textJustify="interWord" trackingRight="0"><span alignmentBaseline="useDominantBaseline" backgroundAlpha="1" backgroundColor="transparent" baselineShift="0" breakOpportunity="auto" cffHinting="horizontalStem" color="#000000" digitCase="default" digitWidth="default" dominantBaseline="auto" fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="11" fontStyle="normal" fontWeight="normal" kerning="auto" ligatureLevel="common" lineHeight="120%" lineThrough="false" locale="en" renderingMode="cff" textAlpha="1" textDecoration="underline" textRotation="auto" trackingLeft="0" trackingRight="0" typographicCase="default"></span></p></TextFlow>'; 
private function init():void{ 
this.richText.textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(this.tfText, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT); 
<s:TextArea name="richText" id="richText" x="0" y="0" width="412" height="258" horizontalScrollPolicy="
auto" verticalScrollPolicy="auto" selectable="true" borderVisible="
false" editable="false" contentBackgroundAlpha="0" paddingRight="15"renderingMode="
cff" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" cffHinting="horizontalStem"/></s:Application>
The Error details:
Error: Error #1502: A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds.
at flashx.textLayout.compose::BaseCompose/fitLineToParcel()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\ou tput\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::ComposeState/composeNextLine()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\o utput\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::BaseCompose/composeParagraphElementIntoLines()[C:\Vellum\branc hes\v1\1.1\dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\ 95]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::ComposeState/composeParagraphElement()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1 .1\dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::BaseCompose/composeBlockElement()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\de v\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::BaseCompose/composeInternal()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\ou tput\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::ComposeState/composeInternal()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\o utput\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::BaseCompose/composeTextFlow()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\ou tput\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::ComposeState/composeTextFlow()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\o utput\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::StandardFlowComposer/[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\ dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\ ]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::StandardFlowComposer/internalCompose()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1 .1\dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\ 758]
at flashx.textLayout.compose::StandardFlowComposer/compose()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev\o utput\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\compose\]
at flashx.textLayout.container::TextContainerManager/compose()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1\1.1\dev \output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\container\ ]
at flashx.textLayout.container::TextContainerManager/updateContainer()[C:\Vellum\branches\v1 \1.1\dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\container\TextContainerManager .as:1294]
at spark.components::RichEditableText/updateDisplayList()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\spa rk\src\spark\components\]
at mx.core::UIComponent/validateDisplayList()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\m x\core\]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateDisplayList()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framework \src\mx\managers\]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects\framewo rk\src\mx\managers\]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiationCallback()[E:\dev\4.x\frameworks\projects \framework\src\mx\managers\]
Thank you for your support!

This bug should be fixed in SDK 4.5. Please use the latest SDK.
My environment is FlashBuilder 4.5 premium and its default SDK 4.5. It's all right on my machine.

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    Hi Disha,
    I found that only this PO cannot be change. Others are ok. There is an error in ST22 which is as below:
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    This bug should be fixed in SDK 4.5. Please use the latest SDK.
    My environment is FlashBuilder 4.5 premium and its default SDK 4.5. It's all right on my machine.

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         at Method)
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         at Method)
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    my landscape: NW04SR1SP11, Portal6SP11,AIX, Oracle.
    how to solve it?
    thanks a lot!

    Hi Hua
    Check this and this should solve your problem the customizing portal logon page
    There are two jar files that u need to add
    These are the jar files.
    They can be found inside the par file. Extract the par file you will get those files
    The first one have to be placed in lib(inside PORTAL-INF)and the second one inside PORTAL-INF>>private>>lib.

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    Component Name :
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    There is currently an issue with all trial downloads. The SDN team is working hard to resolve it. I'll let you know when it's fixed.
    Thanks for your interest and patience!
    \-- Vladimir

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    Does anybody know, how I can fix the problem?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Bettina,
    If you are developing your aplication as DC then
    1)       expand ur DC
    2)       select Used  DCs(right click on it)
    3)       Add Used DC
    4)       In the new window Expand Local Development
    5)       Expand SAP_JTECHS
    6)       Select and click on finish
    If it is a project then
    1) Right click on your proejct and select properties
    2) Select Java Build Path
    3) Add External Jars, now select the required jar files which needs added.

  • Response format error when using the ASCII object to communicate with a Dart ASPII motor controller.

    I can't seem to get Lookout to work using a COMM RS232 connection to our Dart controller. When using a term program, i'll send the command RV1,0,6 and get the response 1000,0005. I set up the ASCII object in Lookout with the following:
    ResponseFormat="%s" (and many other combinations)
    for TextEntry1 I enter RV1,0,6 and I always get that dang response format error!
    Any suggestions? Obvious goofs?

    What's the Expression you're inserting to read back the response? If you're using just RSV1, you'll get the error. Try RSV1.txt.
    For troubleshooting purposes, delete all RSV expressions and the ResponseFormat connection and insert just an Expresssion on ASCII1.Response (where ASCII1 is your Object). This will give you the raw ASCII frame coming in. Then you can start formatting this raw response with appropriate ResponseFormat and RSVs.
    Hope this helps,

  • Getting a runtime error when running the test project

    I was running a test project which did execute without any problems. Then I added 2 extra DLLs and wrote some code as well. After that I got the below specified run time error. Though I removed those DLLs and new code still it doesn't run. This was running
    fine though. Please advice.
    Warning: Test Run deployment issue: The assembly or module 'Npgsql' directly or indirectly referenced by the test container 'g:\services\communityservice\communityservicetest\bin\release\communityservicetest.dll' was not found.
    Warning: Test Run deployment issue: The assembly or module 'IBM.Data.DB2' directly or indirectly referenced by the test container 'g:\services\communityservice\communityservicetest\bin\release\communityservicetest.dll' was not found.
    Warning: Test Run deployment issue: The assembly or module 'Oracle.DataAccess' directly or indirectly referenced by the test container 'g:\services\communityservice\communityservicetest\bin\release\communityservicetest.dll' was not found.

    I agree with Andy. By the way, when you build a new test project and if you want to add dll to your project, please make sure you will follow this article:
    When you use Add reference dialog please don't forget to set copy local to true.(By default I think new project will not have this problem, the reason may like Andy mentioned that you still have some references to those two dlls when you removed them)Best
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Runtime error when restricting the Characteristic...

    Hi All,
    When i am doing restriction on characteristic i am getting the error like
    Run time error '-2147417848(80010108)';
    Automation error
    The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.
    I dont understand its my problem or any other Basis Issue.
    Please any one help me how to solve this problem.
    Thank you,

    You can find the solution in the note 857360.
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

  • "Error when interpreting the runtime repository"  BSP Component workbench

    I have enhance the Component BP_HEAD_SEARCH under some enhancement set in my development system. After transporting all my changes to Quality system, when checking the same development in BSP_WD_CMPWB it is showing an error -- "Error when interpreting the runtime repository" for the same component and enhancement set.
    I have copied the repository.xml file from the development and again transported it to Quality system, even then the same error is coming.
    Could anyone please suggest how to remove it Quality system, the error is not coming in Development system.
    Shobhit Srivastava

    Hi Pankaj,
    Try as above said
    find the enhancement Z_* bsp application ,compare it with SAP bsp application.
    if the XML file lost,
    add the xml file toZ_* BSP application..
    If it doesnt work leave it as it is.It will not affect your system.In our system also there is a  same error .
    Have a nice time!!!!!!!!!

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