RX3870 - T2d512e SERIOUS PROBLEM!!!

I bought a new 3870 last week. I installed it properly (have done it about 5 years) and turned up the system.
It only runs resolution of 800x600 (in my 22" monitor) with 4BIT COLOR DEPTH!!!!
...and the screen looks messy and about half of the pixels are missing.
After 2 hours of trying to open mozilla-firefox, i've managed to download the drivers....
Is my card broken? Or do i need some bios stuff? Or do i need more powerful powersupply (i have 400W)
Other stuff you need to know:
Intel Q9300
Asus P5K motherboard
2gt 800mhz DDR2
22" Acer 5ms widescreen
Thanks, and sorry my english :D

Quote from: lagipallero on 23-April-08, 02:06:12
OK thanks.
I think this whole thing is full of crap. When i bought the 3870, there was no mention about this. And now when i look at the 3870 box, i can find a tiny txt saying that: "This card requires at least 450W PSU" (and no mention about the amp things you guys explained).
Why is it like this?
I think MSI should inform resellers better to avoid this kind of things happening.
...but thank you guys, you were real helpful!
Its a strange tradition but AMD/ATI always decided to leave out the Amps in their card's power requirements. If in any doubt you can always go here to find out about the PSUs recommended by AMD/ATI http://ati.amd.com/online/certifiedpsu/index.html
More Amps or watts on the PSU will not go into waste. Because if the current trend is to be followed, future generations of cards (and other components as well) is going to become more and more power hungry. And remember that the watts or amps stated on a PSU is often overrated and considering that running efficiency is only 70-80% (in good quality PSU) you are not going to get the exact watts or amps as advertised by its manufacturer.
And I strongly agree that you should atleast test out that card with a stronger PSU.

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    Hi drowne !
    you can try my BIOS, with personal pages on overclockers.ru:
    there need to choose
    This native RX3870-T2D512E-OC\D4 (v.120) BIOS (by clocks), but I edited it turns the turbine.
    best regards!

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    Quote from: Frankenputer on 23-April-08, 11:51:41
    Which Chieftec PSU is that? What specific model?
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    Quote from: wildwild on 09-August-09, 09:28:59
    Hi all,
    Could someone please post the original BIOS for MSI RX3870-T2D512E (not overclocked)? I am having problems with my RX3870-T2D512E-OC and I need to underclock it to RX3870-T2D512E. The original BIOS is required so that Live Update would work.
    Umf.. that crossflash can kill your VGA and void your warranty..
    I am having problems with my RX3870-T2D512E-OC and I need to underclock it to RX3870-T2D512E.
    Do it with software or RMA the VGA if its proved that's VGA fault.

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    Best regards.

    Quote from: AaronYuri on 13-January-08, 21:33:07
    We can't tell you. This is a user to user forum.
    How to contact MSI.
    Well you can close the topic if you want to, i have almost solved everthing concerning my videocard.
    I have replied to wht1986 concerning is fan problem, we all have the same bad cooling system.
    I changed the cooling solution for a Zalman VF1000 (kept genuine rams rads), and put gecube bios (faster and less bugs v 10.73 instead of v 10.67 for msi card).
    Thanks for your help on the forum but really disappointed by msi.
    I asked them for a new bios.. and the replies were astonishing..
    They didn't want to send me a bios, they asked me to use their program live update, a crap which does not work on vista 64 bit.
    So ask a friend with xp sp2. 
    In fact, i think they don't have the new bios for the moment.
    Ps: I still have artefacts sometimes playing Test Drive Unlimited, maybe it's a game bug.
    Playing with NFS Pro Street no problems at all.
    And the card runs faster, with no noise and really low temps!

  • RX3870-T2D512E-OC v102 and v803

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     and change the threshold from 73°C to 35°C , because temperature increase up to 80°C (without over clocking)
    Results : going back to original BIOS because it's not stable (crash / black screen => reset)
    Card still very hot : waiting for fireman 
    - On the v120, I flashed the bios with this one (TV120MS.zip) :
    Reason : the fan allways at 80% like a vacuum cleaner : after flasing it's OK.
    I bought this cards not at the same time, but when I saw the price decrease, I bought a second one to make crossfire.
    But no chance : I run VISTA, the crossfire is detected, but NOT working : I have same performance with one or two cards with windows indice (maybe it is wrong ?), and bridge is connected, dual VGA activated in the motherboard BIOS.
    I have patch with SP1, trying to patch with Microsoft SLI and CrossFire HotFIX (KB936710), but still not working.... no difference.
    I will test in the next days with Windows XP, to see if the problem comes from VISTA.
      Be carreful with bios flasing..... v120 and v803 are NOT the same card and BIOS are different : allways make backup before.
    Tool for flashing :
    Make a bootable floppy disk (without autoexec.bat / config.sys)
    Get info about VGA cards : "atiflash -ai"           -> give the <adapater number> if you have more than one VGA card
    Save BIOS : "atiflash -s <adaptater number> <file name>"
    Flash BIOS : "atiflash -f -p <adaptater number> <BIOS file>"          ex:  "atiflash -f -p 1 TV120MS.102"
    ...at your own risks... 

    Quote from: BOSSKILLER on 28-March-08, 19:44:27
    "I've installed Windows XP SP2 from a formated hard disk, I did all the update from Microsoft, installed last DirectX9.0c (march08), Catalyst 8.3 and I've the result you see on the Windows Peripherals : Windows didn't see the same card 
    You must know that I have 2 RX3870-T2D512E-OC but different version...."
    Yes i've noticed that, but they still have to use the same driver. It can happend that catalyst update driver for the one of the cards only.
    "I will try to manually force install of the same driver. I'll give you the result."
    Results :
    I decided to patch catalys 8.3 as BOSSKILLER said :
    During the patch install, juste before continuing with Control Center install, I forced driver "Radeon HD 3870" (driver v8.471.1.1000) instead of "Radeon HD 3800 series" which is automaticaly installed by catalyst for one VGA card : now drivers are the same for both cards.
    But allways one card in catalyst.
    I tried to shutdown tne PC and change the monitor plug to the 2nd VGA card : The VGA n°2 appears in catalyst (replace the n° 1).
    So the card present in catayst list depends on the VGA pluged to the monitor.
    Confirmation : when a 2nd monitor is pluged (both cards are connected to a monitor), and Windows desktop is extended to the 2nd monitor, then two cards are present in catalyst.
    Crossfire could work, but I think that the bottleneck is my motherboard (when dual card => PCI-e at 2x 8X due to chipset limitation).
    Now "Crysis Demo SP" in 1280x1024 (high) without AA is correct.
    For people who want to look into 3870 bios settings, TechPowerUp has released the "Radeon Bios Editor v1.09"
    When editing your bios, you can see how fan and thermal regulation works.
    Then, you can verify that regulation isn't the same for v120 and v803
    As a result :
    v803 is more stable with original BIOS (modify = hang)
    I've flashed it with this bios revision from ATI (VER010. and it's in test now :
    v120 works well with "tv120ms.102"
    I am very careful about overclocking, and I prefer stable system.

  • RX3870-T2D512E-OC - Vista Business - RC SP1 - BCCODE 124 - BSOD

    Ok I am using a RX3870-T2D512E-OC with 2GB Corsair DDR with a AMD X2 3800 and an Albatron KM51G Motherboard
    At random times I am getting a BSOD
    Here are the details.
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:   BlueScreen
      OS Version:   6.0.6001.
      Locale ID:   3081
    Additional information about the problem:
      BCCode:   124
      BCP1:   00000000
      BCP2:   87DC3020
      BCP3:   B2000000
      BCP4:   00070F0F
      OS Version:   6_0_6001
      Service Pack:   1_0
      Product:   256_1
    I have tried the Cat 8.43 which came with this card - Error occurs
    I have tried the Cat 8.1 which is current on the ATI/AMD website - Error Occurs
    I have tried the Cat 7.12 and the error occurs.
    Any ideas?
    Card is running at stock speeds. Never O/C as I have only had it about 1 week.

    Quote from: Screwball on 01-February-08, 05:54:10
    Not sure but the Seagate drive I have has made a couple of noises I don't like.
    I have another which is identical so going to clone this one onto that and see if it fixes the issue
    You have just changed the video card, and you had the rest of your config working before?
    I mean the ram is a lot of times involved in bsod (or psu).
    I don't like to see the RC SP1 are you sure it is not the source of problems?
    Personnaly i prefer to put the patches and wait for the final SP1.
    The last Catalyst is the 8.1 + the hotfix (v 8.451.4.0).
    You can try the previous one: 7.12, to see if it corrects the issue.
    I am running the same video card with an X38 mobo + core2duo + vista 64 and no bsod.
    You won't get a lot more from PCI-E 1.0 to 2.0, perhaps nothing more. 
    The PCI-E 1.0 is not fully used by actual videocards.
    i.e the the Radeon HD3870 X2 is PCI-E 1.0.
    PCI-E 2.0 is pure marketing for the moment.
    The X38 is the best chipset for the moment if you want a crossfire both PCI-E at x16 and the best memmory management, and also if you want a 45 nm processor.
    But a lot of people prefer P35 mobo's cheaper and doing almost the same thing (with one video card).
    If you buy a core 2 duo i hope you will take a E8xxx (6Mo L2 cache... ).
    Waiting for my E8500.. 

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    Giansh2006 wrote:
    I don't quite understand why you have asked me about why I'm keeping my URL secret?
    It's only that I'm not clear why you are reluctant to post it. If you have a podcast in the iTunes Store then it's there for the world to see - they might search on its subject or title, for example, even if they don't actually know about it from you. If you look at other posts in this forum you will see that usually people post their URLs and then I can examine the feed and hopefully find out from that what the problem is. Without this information no-one can give you anything more than wild guesses.
    If you are still reluctant to post the details and want to have a bash at diagnosing the problem yourself you may find my web pages helpful:
    How do I make a podcast?
    how to diagnose a podcast feed
    Why don't my podcast episodes show the podcast image?

  • Serious problems including battery overheating

    My dad and I both bought Revolutions and have had the same issues with our phones (listed below). We truly believe that the LG Revolution is a defective phone - what are the odds that we would both get "lemons"? While at the Verizon store on 3/13, the store, corporate customer service, and LG claimed to not be able to do anything for us except send us refurbished phones or return our phones to LG and have them worked on (HA. Seriously? Go without a phone? We don't have a land line anymore - might as well dump us on a deserted island). We were notified today, 3/15 that the phones were in the store ready to pick up, but they didn't come with new batteries! SERIOUSLY?!?! THE MAJOR ISSUE WITH BOTH IS THE BATTERY OVERHEATING! These phones are bound to either burn us or kill us. We don't want someone else's "fixed" phone, because it will just do the same thing! Unless Verizon will help us, I'm afraid we are going to get iPhones from another provider, as well as go to the BBB to file a formal complaint. I really don't want to, but I can't believe how much we have spent for our little death machines. We really hope Verizon will cooperate and uphold the standards they set forth in their employee handbook. We would love to be contacted by someone who can help. Please, don't give us the run-around. As anyone can see, factory resets, changing settings, etc. don't work. We have put up with those suggestions for months with no improvement.
    My Dad's Revolution:
    Bought LG Revolution ~July 3, 2011 for $250 + taxes & fees, car charger, (and eventually extra chargers). Over $300 total put in.
    Battery gets overheated to the point that the phone is too hot to touch. This drains the battery from any percentage of battery to 0% in a matter of minutes. FIRE HAZARD IN YOUR POCKET! My dad's chest was almost burned! If it is too hot to touch on the outside, what is it doing to the guts of the phone?!
    Not receiving text messages and picture messages that are sent
    Internet doesn’t work properly - only when it feels like it
    Loses data connection between 3G/4G/Wireless
    Not always getting voice mail notifications
    Phone burned up 2 wall chargers
    Phone is ringing, but the “answer call” screen doesn’t come up, so there is no way to answer the call
    Phone rings once and then shows a missed call. When calling the person back, they say it rang the normal number of times before going to voicemail.
    Not keeping a charge
    Called sister next door and Dad could hear them, but she couldn't hear him. He called back and he could hear her fine, but she said he was very "scratchy" - keep in mind this is NEXT DOOR.
    My Revolution:
    Bought LG Revolution ~July 9, 2011 for $250 + taxes & fees, (eventually, multiple) car charger(s), insurance plan, (eventually, additional wall chargers) $400+ for the total cost
    Battery gets overheated to the point that the phone is too hot to touch. This drains the battery from any percentage of battery to 0% in a matter of minutes. FIRE HAZARD IN YOUR POCKET! My thigh has almost been burned! If it is too hot to touch on the outside, what is it doing to the guts of the phone?!
    Paying for “Unlimited Data” and phone constantly says “Mobile Network State: Disconnected”
    Not receiving text messages and picture messages that are sent
    Not being able to send text messages or picture messages
    Getting the same text 3-4 times
    Sending a text once and recipient getting it 3-4 times
    Internet/apps don’t work due to no data
    Loses data connection between 3G/4G/Wireless
    Not always getting voice mail notifications – getting voice mails 14+ days late. This creates a serious problem for time sensitive messages.
    Phone burned up 4 wall chargers and 2 car chargers
    Phone is ringing, but the “answer call” screen doesn’t come up, so there is no way to answer the call
    Not keeping a charge. On a daily basis between 7:30am-12:30pm, I go from 100% to 20%. In the store on 3/13, the Verizon rep witnessed my phone go from 81% to 68% in about an hour
    Phone rings once and then shows a missed call. When calling the person back, they say it rang the normal number of times before going to voicemail.
    In the beginning, I would get email notifications and after I would read them, it would appear that they were “marked as read”, however, after I back out of the program, it notifies me of the same emails that I just read, only they’re once again “unread”. Now, I’m not getting ANY notifications of email except in the top drop-down screen, which if I click on it, I can see the emails, but after I back out, they disappear because the program decides not to work.
    GPS is unreliable. It often says that I'm 2+ miles away from where I actually am.
    The phone does what it wants to do when it wants to do it – not when you tell it to! All of our previous phones have given us reliable, clear service. What is wrong with this picture? HELP!!!

    Hi I recently had the same problem with the LG Revolution. In fact it had been one of multiple replacement models that I had received in just a few weeks. The first two devices I had problems with them recycling power, I would make calls and they would make the same call multiple times i.e I would get through to the person I was intending on calling and the phone would call them on like a three way call asking me to merge the conversation I was only having with one other person... The 2nd replacement only lasted a few days. I was playing Words with Friends it gave me a sim error out of nowhere shut down. I checked the card after removing the battery and powered it back up. I was fine for about 10 minutes shut down and I was never able to turn it on again. The next phone they sent I received a few day ltr was the frosting on the cake. As soon as I tried to set it up the problems began. The phone was recycling power so much that it wouldn't fully power up before shutting down. Tech support insisted it had to be the battery, that there was no way they sent me 3 bad phones within 2 1/2 weeks... The new battery was sent over night. So I charged it up and gave it a go. It seemed fine at first, but then started acting up again. I resorted to it wasn't the battery and figured when I got to a land line  or another line I would call Tech support. I was driving the phone was in my right lower scrub pocket apparently because of whatever mechanical defect it had overheated and burned me. I have been kind of at a loss when it comes to the Customer Service Dept. I have reported the incident to them even called to find out who to send my co pay bills too, no response. However they did have the nerve to send me a text asking for the device back or they were going to charge me $500. Now I'm thinking may be if people started taking things like this to the media they would act on it...

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    I am having SERIOUS problems here. Let me give you a rundown:
    I have to reboot my phone (or turn it off and on again) to see the correct battery percentage (but I'll address that in a second), and once I reboot it or bring it back up again, it has to restart itself (in the middle of use) about 3 or 4 times before it stays on consistantly; all the while reading the percentage of battery it remembers from the last reboot. Now, about the battery percentage: I restarted it before I charged it last night and it read 16% -mind you, after it had to shut itself down and restart 3 times. I put it on the charger all night, and it still read 16%...but I decided to run a battery cycle (charge it all the way up, and drain it all the way down) to see if that would help. Sad to say, it did not help; infact it made things worse. It now flip-flops in between the Apple boot-up symbol and a black screen when plugged up to a charger or a computer. The computer cannot read the phone being plugged in so I cannot do a manual restore from iTunes.
    Best yet, I upgraded to 7.1, and had the SAME EXACT PROBLEMS I AM HAVING NOW. I did a complete restore of my phone, and even set it up as a brand new iPhone, not even a restore from the last iCloud backup, and just loaded all my content from my Mac...and the problems decided to follow -even after the fresh restore.
    I'm toying with the idea that it may be a hardware problem, but I would love to know if anyone is experiencing the same issue.
    I have no idea what to do... please help.
    I use my phone for business constantly, and almost cannot do my job without it.

    ok well seeing that your are having major issues with the battery and the loading screen it is a hardware issue. reseting it wont help that at all. what you need to do is take it to apple and let them look at it. They can tell you what is wrong with it and how much it would be to fix it ( if it is possible your situation is really bad) but if its not they might give you a discount if you give the iphone to them.

  • Lookout OPC Client – Asynchronous I/O and Update Rate serious problems (Sequence of data)

    I am using the Lookout OPCClient driver to connect to AB PLCs (EtherNet/IP protocol) and power measurement equipment (Modbus TCP protocol). The OPC server is the NI OPC Servers. The data that are read out from PLCs and PMs are energy meter readings, energy counters, power, voltage, current, frequency, power factor and el. energy quality measurements (THD). That energy meter readings are being stored in SQL database.
    I am experiencing a serious problem regarding the accuracy of the meter readings. Several times per day, randomly, meter readings are losing the time sequence. For example, sequence is: 167, after few seconds 165, 166.  In other words, present value followed by two previous old values. That generates a serious problem in our application that is expecting a naturally rising sequence of counter values.
    Analyzing further, I isolated the problem to the connection between Lookout OPCClient and OPC Server. I made a simple application in Lookout 6.7 (opcproc.lkp, attached) with OPCClient parameters: NIOPCServers, OPC2, Asynchronus I/O, Update rate: 10000, Deadband: 0.0, that is reading just one tag from NI OPC Servers demo application (simdemo.opf).
    By using OPC diagnostic tool from NI OPC Servers I record the sequence of OPC requests and responses.  I found out that OPCClient sends every 2.5 sec “IOPCAsyncIO2::Refresh2()” call that is request for refreshing of all items in one OPC group. Few milliseconds later OPC Sever responds with callback function “IOPCDataCallback:: OnDataChange()(Device Refresh)” that actually refresh the data.
    This periodic sequence is intrinsic to the OPCClient and cannot be disabled or changed (by my knowledge).  This sequence is periodically interrupted by “IOPCDataCallback:: OnDataChange()” caused by update rate parameter of OPCClient (client is subscribed to server for periodic update of changed items).
    In the case of demo application on every 4 refresh callbacks caused by refresh requests (2.5 sec) there is one update subscription callback determined by Update rate (10 sec).
    What is the purpose of update sequence and update rate when we have every 2.5 sec fresh values?
    The problem arises when we have a large number of items in OPC group. In that case the OPC Server starts to queue refresh requests because they cannot be fulfilled in 2.5 sec time because of large number of I/O points that must be scanned. At the same time update subscription callbacks are running at the period determined by Update rate. I observed in my production system that regular update callbacks has higher priority than refresh callbacks from the queue. That causes the loosing of timed sequence of data. After the update callback with fresh data, sometimes follow one or two refresh callbacks from queue with old (invalid) data. By adjusting Update rate parameter (1 hour, 2hours …) I can postpone the collision of data refreshes but I cannot eliminate it. Furthermore, the 2.5 sec automatic refresh are large burden for systems with many I/O points.
    Is there a way to disable automatic refresh request every 2.5 sec and just use update requests determined by Update rate?
    Is there a way (or parameter) to change the period of automatic refresh (2.5 sec)?
    This problem is discovered for Lookout 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7 so I could say it is intrinsic to OPCClient. If I use synchronous I/O requests there is not an automatic refresh, but that is not an option for large systems.
    Alan Vrana
    System engineer
    SCADA Projekt d.o.o.
    Picmanova 2
    10000 ZAGREB
    T +385 1 6622230
    F +385 1 6683463
    e-mail [email protected]
    Alan Vrana
    SCADA Projekt d.o.o.
    ZAGREB, Croatia
    opcproc.zip ‏4 KB

    The physical connection from LV to the switch is (I believe) copper crossover to fiber converter into a switch.  Then, fiber from the switch to the end device (relay).  The relay has all of the typical modbus registries and has been verified by inducing signals in to the system and measured/polled in LabVIEW and observed Variable Monitor.  I am working with LV 8.2 and 8.5. 
    An OPC server would only add an additional translation of addressing within the configuration.  The only real draw back would be the network overhead required to do this processing and not being representative of the end design configuration.
    I will reiterated my question in another way:
    I must answer the question to management that relates to data collection, test results and analysis; how often are you polling the client in relation to the outcomes measured?  At this time I can not point at any configuration in the set up and execution that directs the data framing rate.  I only measure the traffic and work with results.  This needs to be clearly identified based on the relay modbus/tcp design capability of supporting an fixed number of client requests per second. 
    For testing purposes, I would like to be able to stress the system to failure and have prove capabilities with measured data.  The present problem is that I have no basis to establish varying polling rates that effect the measured data transmission. 
    This raises another question.  What handles the Variable Monitor data requests and how is this rate determined?
    Thanks for your interest in my efforts.

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    >uses the same video formats and audio formats
    Well... what ARE they?
    Read Bill Hunt on a file type as WRAPPER http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037?tstart=0
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    What CODEC is INSIDE that file? http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037?tstart=0
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below
    For PC http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ or http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en
    For Mac http://mediainfo.massanti.com/
    Once you know exactly what it is you are editing, report back with that information... and your project setting, and if there is a red line above the video in the timeline, which indicates a mismatch between video and project
    How many hard drives, and how much free, defragmented space?
    Trying to use only ONE Hard Drive for Video Editing
    You are a music conductor, with a baton that you use to point to various parts of the orchestra... this is like Windows pointing to various parts of the hard drive to do Windows housekeeping or to load program segments for various functions
    Now, at the same time and with the same hand... while still using the baton to conduct the orchestra... pick up a bow and play a fiddle... this would be doing something with your video file at the same time as all the other work
    You as a person cannot do both at the same time with the same hand
    A computer is a LITTLE better, in that it can switch from one kind of task to another very quickly... but not quickly enough for EASY video editing
    You need AT LEAST two hard drives (separate drives, never a partition http://forums.adobe.com/thread/650708?tstart=0 for more) with Windows (or Mac OS) and software on your boot drive, and video files on a 2nd drive so the boot drive is not slowed down by trying to do everything
    I find that the three drives I use work very well for me, for editing AVCHD video... some people use a 4th drive, so video INPUT files are on drive three and all OUTPUT files are on drive four... I only bought a mid-tower case instead of a full tower case (my bad... but had to fit in the space available on my office desk!) so I use the three drives that will fit
    Depending on your exact hardware (motherboard brand & model AND USB2 enclosure brand & model AND external hard drive brand & model) AND the type of video file, you may... or may NOT... be able to use an external USB2 hard drive for SD (Standard Definition) video editing
    Steve Grisetti in the Premiere Elements forum http://forums.adobe.com/thread/856208?tstart=0 and Jim Simon in the Premiere Pro forum http://forums.adobe.com/thread/856433?tstart=0 use USB externals for editing
    A USB3 hard drive connected to a motherboard with USB3 is supposed to be fast enough for video editing (I don't have such, so don't know) but eSata DOES have a fast enough data transfer for video editing... I have not used the eSata Dock below... for reference only, YMMV and all the usual disclaimers
    http://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-BlacX-eSATA-Docking-Station/dp/B001A4HAFS/ref=cm_cmu_pg_ t

  • Serious problem with my iPod Classic/iTunes

    I have a 6th Generation iPod classic (80 GB), and recently, I have been having some serious problems with it.
    When I connect it to iTunes, there is usually no problem, it shows up, plays and displays the music correctly, etc. However, if I try to ADD any music to it, iTunes will freeze, then close, and within 5 minutes, my entire computer will freeze completely, and be shut off. For whatever reason, happen when my iPod finally disconnects because my computer turned off, all of my music is missing from the library (This doesn't happen every time it freezes, because I try to disconnect my iPod manually before everything freezes). The music is still on the iPod, (it says that I have XX.X GB of "other" instead of music/videos), but it doesn't show up. When I plug in my iPod, iTunes says that there was a problem and I need to restore it. The first time this happened, I lost over 5,800 songs, but I forgave Apple, because these things do occasionally happen, plus I had no idea what exactly went on. The SECOND time happened within the same week, after I had put 800 songs back on the restored iPod. The first time happened when I was using iTunes 10 (which is seriously buggy on my computer, and freezes often), so I switched to iTunes 9 (still buggy, but doesn't freeze quite as much), and the same thing happened. So now I'm thinking it's my iPod's fault. My iPod does a whole host of minor problems over time such as making certain songs cut off at a certain specific point for no reason (Always the same song, always the same cut off point, and I can't fast forward past it, I also can't delete the songs because if I highlight them on iTunes, iTunes will freeze, and if I find them under the music folder in iPod control, my computer will freeze), freezing the entire iPod for seemingly no reason, and somehow messing up my album artwork (it will appear as "Colourful Static"), along with alot more.
    I know this is a troublesome problem, but if anyone could somehow shine some light on this problem, it would be tremendously appreciated.
    Thank you
    -Eric Luna

    Unfortunately, when a hard drive starts clicking that means it's going bad. The mechanism is having trouble reading the drive. Since the iPod is mostly just a harddrive and a battery I have a feeling that this is your problem.
    watch this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMm6c3fr-fU
    about 25ss in is where the clicking starts. If it sounds like that, but softer and more muffled since it is a smaller drive that is being enclosed then I think you might be SOL. Maybe if you're iPod is still under warranty you can get a credit and go for a touch and avoid moving parts all together?

  • Serious problem with blackberry 9300 Curve handset and denial from BB to replace the same, under warranty.

    Dear Blackberry Authorities,
    It is really a horrible experience with the handset of blackberry for me. I have purchased blackberry Curve handset 9300 on 22nd April from a "Phone Store”, Shop No.78,79,community centre, New friends colony, New Delhi, The Invoice No. is 319,The details of the handset are as follows:
    Handset: Blackberry Curve 9300 1256-India Qwerty-Pink
    Name: Blackberry 9300: ETA-716/2010/WRLO
    Model: RDA71UW
    It has been more than just three months ,when i purchased this handset ,It worked fine for about only fifty days from the date of purchase and from the second month ,to my shock, serious problem started in the handset and some time it was getting hanged ,sometime some keys in the keypad did not work ,some time it was getting hanged the moment I receive incoming call., sometime sms sending problem, some time some other problem ..Every time I used to switch off the phone and start again, then it used to work but after some days again there were some other problem occurring in the handset.
    The phone was not getting connected to PC from the starting, and i have tried so many times but i fail to get success.
    Many a times when I used t send sms the entire alphabet typed on sms has gone separately as a single alphabet in a particular sms to the recipient, causing embarrassment for me in my organization. I would blame the black berry for this embarrassment as this has caused due to faulty phone they have sold me,
    I am service class person and i get occupied with my work at office in the day hours and doesn’t have time to go to the service centre of blackberry every time the problem occurs, as there are only one service centre available in Delhi at Lajpat Nagar.The service centre is about 20 Kilometers away from the area my office is situated, I managed to keep the phone running by switching off and switching on after one or two minutes, every time the problem occurs but in the first week of last month ,when the problem started continuing  after  switching off and switching on also ,I was bound to go to service centre at noida since it is close to my place (about 14 Km) in comparison of Lajpat nagar at new delhi,the service engineer at blackberry service centre saw my phone and said there is some software problem which can be rectified by reinstalling the software, and there are some hardware problem also (some keys on the keypad is not et. all working) ,for which i have to surrender my phone to them and they will send it to the Blackberry Office (they did not give address) and it would take 15 days  at least ,thus since I had no back up phone and my each and every contact no. was there in phone it was difficult for me to give them handset at that time ,so I requested them to rectify the software problem by re installing the same.
    I asked the service manager to get the backup of all the data and contact no saved into the phone, but they refused to do so and they asked me to go to some other shop nearby to get the data backup, I went to that shop and they asked 250 Rupees for data backup of my phone. I was bound to say yes to them for the amount the charge for backup .I gave them my handset and after 20-30 minutes they came back to me by saying, we cannot store your data backup as it is not connecting to PC. It was a highly disappointing reply for me.
    Then i again went to your service centre and written down some important contact no.(the number which was stored on phone book) on piece of paper  and taken out my SD card ,and gave them handset for re installing the same.
    They gave me my handset after one and half hour and said" now it would work fine except hardware problem.".I came back and to my utter shock again after two three days handset was into its old condition ,then also I tried to manage with handset and when i could spare sometime I went to your service centre again on 24th July at Noida,
    they took the phone and said it would take 12-15 days to return the handset after rectifying the problem,when i requested them to change the handset with a new handset which is at least in good working condition , they clarified that if the hardware problem is not manageable or repairable ,i would get new handset had no option except to give them handset for rectifying the problem.
    Now,It is the time for a biggest shock from blackberry people-Today on 3rd August ,i have received a call from noida blackberry service centre to inform me that my handset cannot get repaired under standard warranty conditions of blackberry as there are some moisture into the phone and there is no warranty if there is a moisture inside the phone.
    Thus now i wish to inform all the concerned ,Blackberry/Research in Motion ,managers/authorities ,that i have explained above ,all the things ,happened to me in last three months of my purchase of handset, in detail ,so i would again request to Blackberry/Research in Motion ,managers/authorities, to rectify the problem of my handset or change the entire handset so that I can use the same peacefully and should not roam around the service center of blackberry.
    Giving this lame excuse that "there is a moisture inside the handset and thus it can’t get repaired or changed under warranty " is a clear case of cheating and harassing the customer, I have bought the handset to use it for my communication purpose not to roam around the blackberry service center nor to put water or moisture inside the handset and play with the handset and fight with all of you.
    If there were some moisture inside the handset then that should have been seen by the noida service centre people also during my First visit itself by them and they would have refused taking the handset for repair. They did not refuse but accepted handset and reinstalled software also, If there was some moisture that would have been seen by them that time only.
    In my second visit also the took my phone and seen the inside condition also of handset in front of me ,they did not see any moisture, that time also ,and now after 10 odd days ,there are some moisture inside the phone??????.
    I have no idea how blackberry keeps its handset ,which has come to them for repairing ,but if there is any trace of moisture into my handset ,that would have come into the handset ,during these 10 days only when phone was with blackberry authorized service engineers for repair purpose. What I know is that My Blackberry handset is under warranty and it is not working properly thus it should be replaced by Blackberry.
    On the keypad if some key are not working that is a hardware problem which was there in the handset and it has no connection with the moisture.
    If this is the way blackberry is treating its customer, i would say it is harassing its customer, and does not want to rectify the problem .in this case, I would have no option left except to go to the consumer court in Indian judiciary system. And moreover i would inform my and other friends, organizational employee also not to use services/or buy blackberry handset if this is the way BB is treating its customer.
    I would request all the concerned persons/managers/authorities of Blackberry/Research in Motion, take action into my case urgently and rectify the core problem into my handset instead of giving lame excuses, and change the faulty handset of mine with a new properly working handset under warranty condition.
    Best Regards
    Edit: Personal information removed. At no time should you provide any personal information to any other community member. Please review the Community Terms & Conditions and Support Community Guidelines for additional information.

    dubem747 wrote:
    It looks like your phone has a some virus, use your computer to scan and remove it.
    not possible for it to have a virus and a PC would not know how to scan the OS as its protected
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