S.O.S. - I have a problem reading an XML to save it in a database

I have a problem reading an XML I trying to save the data in a database. In a log cuardo the message as text and is correct, but I do not type in the database
Glassfish give me this error in the log:
HTTPBC-E01052: The value set on the org.glassfish.openesb.address.url normalized message property is invalid. This property is expected to be of String type only.
Accepted the message in DBBC Binding. 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116
Accepted message with exchange ID 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 in DBBC outbound message processor.
Accepted message with exchange ID 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 in DBBC outbound message processor.
Pattern for exchange Id 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 is http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/in-out.
Gettin bean for {http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bd}serviceport
Adding reply listener for messsage exchange:99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116
Received in-out message 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116.
Using Jndi Name:: jdbc/logger
Executing SQL....insert into dbo.appender (timestamp,mensaje) values (?,?)
BPCOR-6151:The process instance has been terminated because a fault was not handled; Fault Name is {http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/process/executable}selectionFailure; Fault Data is null
com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.exception.StandardException: BPCOR-6174:Selection Failure occurred in BPEL({http://enterprise.netbeans.org/bpel/MapeoPedidosEntrada/MapeoPE}MapeoPE) at line 39
BPCOR-6129:Line Number is 37
BPCOR-6130:Activity Name is Assign1
at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.BPELInterpreter.createVirtualFaultUnit(BPELInterpreter.java:234)
at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.BPELInterpreter.execute(BPELInterpreter.java:202)
at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.BusinessProcessInstanceThread.execute(BusinessProcessInstanceThread.java:98)
at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.BPELProcessManagerImpl.process(BPELProcessManagerImpl.java:1046)
at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.EngineImpl.process(EngineImpl.java:278)
at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.engine.impl.EngineImpl.process(EngineImpl.java:1293)
at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.BPELSEInOutThread.processStatus(BPELSEInOutThread.java:590)
at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.BPELSEInOutThread.processMsgEx(BPELSEInOutThread.java:292)
at com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.BPELSEInOutThread.run(BPELSEInOutThread.java:193)
normalized message
Finished processing outbound messages.
Accepted the message in DBBC Binding. 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116
Accepted message with exchange ID 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 in DBBC outbound message processor.
Accepted message with exchange ID 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 in DBBC outbound message processor.
Pattern for exchange Id 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116 is http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/in-out.
Gettin bean for {http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bd}serviceport
Adding reply listener for messsage exchange:99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116
Received in-out message 99574032187979-45019-134439471876390116.
Finished processing outbound messages.
I take data from a XML and I put in two tables in a database. I do not understand what it is the problem.
The main BPEL is this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:tns="http://enterprise.netbeans.org/bpel/MapeoPedidosEntrada/MapeoPE" xmlns:sxxf="http://www.sun.com/wsbpel/2.0/process/executable/SUNExtension/XPathFunctions" xmlns:ns0="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/xsd/tableSchema" xmlns:ns1="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" xmlns:ns2="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab">
<import namespace="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/MapeoPedidosEntrada/PollInPE" location="PollInPE.wsdl" importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"/>
<import namespace="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab" location="recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab.wsdl" importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"/>
<import namespace="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" location="recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin.wsdl" importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"/>
<import namespace="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" location="localhost_9080/bitacoraService/bitacoraPort.wsdl" importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"/>
<partnerLink name="siglo_ped_ext_cab" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab" partnerLinkType="tns:jdbcpartner" partnerRole="jdbcPortTypeRole"/>
<partnerLink name="siglo_ped_ext_lin" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" partnerLinkType="tns:jdbcpartner" partnerRole="jdbcPortTypeRole"/>
<partnerLink name="log" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" partnerLinkType="tns:bitacora" partnerRole="bitacoraPortTypeRole"/>
<partnerLink name="Entrada" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/MapeoPedidosEntrada/PollInPE" partnerLinkType="tns:PollInPE" myRole="FileInboundPortTypeRole"/>
<variable name="BitacoraOperationIn" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" messageType="tns:bitacoraOperationRequest"/>
<variable name="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" messageType="tns:insertRetMsg"/>
<variable name="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" messageType="tns:inputMsg"/>
<variable name="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab" messageType="tns:insertRetMsg"/>
<variable name="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab" messageType="tns:inputMsg"/>
<variable name="PollIn" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/MapeoPedidosEntrada/PollInPE" messageType="tns:PollInputMessage"/>
<receive name="Receive1" createInstance="yes" partnerLink="Entrada" operation="poll" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/MapeoPedidosEntrada/PollInPE" portType="tns:FileInboundPortType" variable="PollIn"/>
<assign name="Assign2log">
<to variable="BitacoraOperationIn" part="part1"/>
<invoke name="log" partnerLink="log" operation="bitacoraOperation" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" portType="tns:bitacoraPortType" inputVariable="BitacoraOperationIn"/>
<assign name="Assign1">
<invoke name="Invoke_SIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" partnerLink="siglo_ped_ext_cab" operation="insert" portType="ns2:jdbcPortType" inputVariable="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" outputVariable="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB"/>
<invoke name="Invoke_SIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" partnerLink="siglo_ped_ext_lin" operation="insert" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" portType="tns:jdbcPortType" inputVariable="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" outputVariable="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN"/>
</process> Thanks in advance!!!

I change the bpel to this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:tns="http://enterprise.netbeans.org/bpel/MapeoPedidosEntrada/MapeoPE" xmlns:sxxf="http://www.sun.com/wsbpel/2.0/process/executable/SUNExtension/XPathFunctions" xmlns:ns0="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/xsd/tableSchema" xmlns:ns1="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" xmlns:ns2="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab">
<import namespace="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/MapeoPedidosEntrada/PollInPE" location="PollInPE.wsdl" importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"/>
<import namespace="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab" location="recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab.wsdl" importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"/>
<import namespace="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" location="recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin.wsdl" importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"/>
<import namespace="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" location="localhost_9080/bitacoraService/bitacoraPort.wsdl" importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"/>
<partnerLink name="siglo_ped_ext_cab" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab" partnerLinkType="tns:jdbcpartner" partnerRole="jdbcPortTypeRole"/>
<partnerLink name="siglo_ped_ext_lin" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" partnerLinkType="tns:jdbcpartner" partnerRole="jdbcPortTypeRole"/>
<partnerLink name="log" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" partnerLinkType="tns:bitacora" partnerRole="bitacoraPortTypeRole"/>
<partnerLink name="Entrada" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/MapeoPedidosEntrada/PollInPE" partnerLinkType="tns:PollInPE" myRole="FileInboundPortTypeRole"/>
<variable name="BitacoraOperationIn" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" messageType="tns:bitacoraOperationRequest"/>
<variable name="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" messageType="tns:insertRetMsg"/>
<variable name="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" messageType="tns:inputMsg"/>
<variable name="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab" messageType="tns:insertRetMsg"/>
<variable name="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_cab" messageType="tns:inputMsg"/>
<variable name="PollIn" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/MapeoPedidosEntrada/PollInPE" messageType="tns:PollInputMessage"/>
<sequence name="Sequence1" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora">
<assign name="Assign2log">
<to variable="BitacoraOperationIn" part="part1"/>
<invoke name="log" partnerLink="log" operation="bitacoraOperation" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" portType="tns:bitacoraPortType" inputVariable="BitacoraOperationIn"/>
<receive name="Receive1" createInstance="yes" partnerLink="Entrada" operation="poll" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/MapeoPedidosEntrada/PollInPE" portType="tns:FileInboundPortType" variable="PollIn"/>
<sequence name="Sequence1bis" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora">
<assign name="bisAssign2log">
<to variable="BitacoraOperationIn" part="part1"/>
<invoke name="bislog" partnerLink="log" operation="bitacoraOperation" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" portType="tns:bitacoraPortType" inputVariable="BitacoraOperationIn"/>
<empty name="HastaAquiVa"/>
<assign name="Assign1">
<invoke name="Invoke_SIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" partnerLink="siglo_ped_ext_cab" operation="insert" portType="ns2:jdbcPortType" inputVariable="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB" outputVariable="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_CAB"/>
<invoke name="Invoke_SIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" partnerLink="siglo_ped_ext_lin" operation="insert" xmlns:tns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/recumat_htor2-siglo_ped_ext_lin" portType="tns:jdbcPortType" inputVariable="InsertInSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN" outputVariable="InsertOutSIGLO_PED_EXT_LIN"/>
And change the XML input to that:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<ORDERS id="125" numero="34" FechaPedido="05/10/2006" FechaEntrega="05/11/2006" Observaciones="Pedido en monitorización." ejercicio="2006" Funcion="0" tipoPedido="220" condFacturar="81E">
<Usuario id="45">
<Contacto id="13" tipo="TE" descripcion="Teléfono de Juanjo Carmona" valor="620987845"/>
<Procedimiento id="1" codigo="0" descripcion="Concurso Público"/>
<Contrato id="1457467" Expediente="07CSU001" CCA="123+WER345"/>
<Empresa id="13" codigo="237619" nombreComercial="nombreComercial1" nombreFiscal="nombreFiscal1" CIF="cif1" EANvendedor="CODIGOEAN111" EANDestino="CODIGOEAN112"/>
<OrganoGestor id="1" descripcion="Hospital Virgen de Tal" EANQpide="CODIGOEAN113" EANAqsf="CODIGOEAN114" EANEmisor="CODIGOEAN115"/>
<PedidoLinea id="234" numeroLinea="1" numeroSerie="1" numeroLote="1" numeroAlbaran="1" fechaAlbaran="05/11/2006" valorarAlbaranes="true" CantidadCompra="3" Observaciones="observaciones lÃÂnea1" cantidadPendiente="3" cantidadAnulada="0" precio="11.243">
<Producto id="1228" CIP="" refFabricante="CS-16402" modelo="modelo1" marca="marca1"/>
<Articulo id="89" codigo="001097" codigoSAS="" codigoLocal="014554" unidadContratacion="CMK" unidadMedida="CMK"/>
<InfLogistica id="45" codigoEAN="codigoEAN1" refDistribuidor="refDistribuidor1">
<Oferta id="67" factorContratacion="2.5" cantidadContratacion="7.5" cantidadEnUnidades="7"/>
<Entregar id="61" cantidad="3" fecha="05/11/2006"/>
<PuntoEntrega id="546" EANReceptor="CODIGOEAN120" descripcion="Almacen principal"/>
<Origen id="464">
<TipoOrigen id="1" descripcion="tipo1"/>
<SolicitudLinea id = "453">
<Solicitud id="67" codigo="3456"/>
An the result is:
I18N: BPJBI-3002: Pattern for exchange Id 123033969803782-31456-134439750656880061 is http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/in-only
I18N: BPJBI-3004: Received in-only message for M Ex 123033969803782-31456-134439750656880061 content is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi:message xmlns:msgns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/MapeoPedidosEntrada/PollInPE" type="msgns:PollInputMessage" version="1.0" xmlns:jbi="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jbi/wsdl-11-wrapper"><jbi:part><root>
<ORDERS FechaEntrega="05/11/2006" FechaPedido="05/10/2006" Funcion="0" Observaciones="Pedido en monitorizaci�³n." condFacturar="81E" ejercicio="2006" id="125" numero="34" tipoPedido="220">
<Usuario id="45">
<Contacto descripcion="Tel�©fono de Juanjo Carmona" id="13" tipo="TE" valor="620987845"/>
<Procedimiento codigo="0" descripcion="Concurso P�ºblico" id="1"/>
<Contrato CCA="123+WER345" Expediente="07CSU001" id="1457467"/>
<Empresa CIF="cif1" EANDestino="CODIGOEAN112" EANvendedor="CODIGOEAN111" codigo="237619" id="13" nombreComercial="nombreComercial1" nombreFiscal="nombreFiscal1"/>
<OrganoGestor EANAqsf="CODIGOEAN114" EANEmisor="CODIGOEAN115" EANQpide="CODIGOEAN113" descripcion="Hospital Virgen de Tal" id="1"/>
<PedidoLinea CantidadCompra="3" Observaciones="observaciones lÃ?Ânea1" cantidadAnulada="0" cantidadPendiente="3" fechaAlbaran="05/11/2006" id="234" numeroAlbaran="1" numeroLinea="1" numeroLote="1" numeroSerie="1" precio="11.243" valorarAlbaranes="true">
<Producto CIP="" id="1228" marca="marca1" modelo="modelo1" refFabricante="CS-16402"/>
<Articulo codigo="001097" codigoLocal="014554" codigoSAS="" id="89" unidadContratacion="CMK" unidadMedida="CMK"/>
<InfLogistica codigoEAN="codigoEAN1" id="45" refDistribuidor="refDistribuidor1">
<Oferta cantidadContratacion="7.5" cantidadEnUnidades="7" factorContratacion="2.5" id="67"/>
<Entregar cantidad="3" fecha="05/11/2006" id="61"/>
<PuntoEntrega EANReceptor="CODIGOEAN120" descripcion="Almacen principal" id="546"/>
<Origen id="464">
<TipoOrigen descripcion="tipo1" id="1"/>
<SolicitudLinea id="453">
<Solicitud codigo="3456" id="67"/>
I18N: BPJBI-3015: Sending status for 123033969803782-31456-134439750656880061. Status: Done.
I18N: BPJBI-3019: Sending a one way outbound message to the NMR. MessageExchangeId is 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350062, service name is {http://enterprise.netbeans.org/bpel/MapeoPedidosEntrada/MapeoPE}log, endpoint name is bitacoraPortTypeRole_partnerRole.
I18N: BPJBI-3018: The contents of the message are : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi:message xmlns:msgns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" type="msgns:bitacoraOperationRequest" version="1.0" xmlns:jbi="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jbi/wsdl-11-wrapper"><jbi:part>
HTTPBC-E01052: The value set on the org.glassfish.openesb.address.url normalized message property is invalid. This property is expected to be of String type only.
I18N: BPJBI-3002: Pattern for exchange Id 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350063 is http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/in-only
I18N: BPJBI-3004: Received in-only message for M Ex 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350063 content is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi:message xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:msgns="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora" name="input1" type="msgns:bitacoraOperationRequest" version="1.0" xmlns:jbi="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jbi/wsdl-11-wrapper"><jbi:part xmlns:m="http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/bitacora/bitacora">
I18N: BPJBI-3015: Sending status for 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350063. Status: Done.
I18N: BPJBI-3002: Pattern for exchange Id 123033969803782-31456-134439750657350062 is http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/in-only
I18N: BPCOR-3003:
document before transformation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><jbi:message xm

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    Every XML document must have a Document Root (in your case <something>). So, if you have multiple <order>'s within your XML document, there is no Doc Root! Eeek!
    Get it? If you only have one <order> per XML file, then you should be alright (and might have another problem) because that <order> becomes the root, but the instant you have more than one, you need something to put all of them (your Doc Root).
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    Can you post a link to a public page that doesn't require authentication (log in) to access it?
    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
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    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
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    First of, that's not "Unicode" and "ANSI". Those are not really encodings per-se. "Unicode" is sometimes used to refer to UTF-16/UCS-2, and "ANSI" is sometimes used to refer to whatever the current 1-byte encoding of the machine is. But again: Those are not valid encoding names. The encodings used are probably UTF-16 (or UCS-2) and UTF-8, respectively.
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  • Problem reading ' from XML uisng SAX Parser

    Hi All,
    I have a XML which contains the following element
    <DataText>This is simple ' Text</DataText>I have included & apos ; in the element called DataText.
    When parsing the element, am getting only the text that appears before & apos ;
    When Not including & apos ; am able to get the full text from this element.
    I observed that in the method characters(char buf[], int offset, int len)
    Thelen attribute shows the total length from start position to the position where & apos ; starts...
    How can i get the whole text which includes even " & apos ; "
    Note : while posting this request, & apos; is being formatted to ' . thats the reason included space between them

    Was not doing much in the characters method, anyway here is the code
    public void characters(char buf[], int offset, int len) throws SAXException{
        elementText  = new String(buf, offset, len).trim();
    }The value for len is from the start position of the element value and the start position of the ' & apos; ' in the XML File...
    If i remove the ' & apos; ' in the element value , then the len is the full character length in between the element.
    Very confused why this is happening !!
    Did anyone face this problem ever before ?

  • I have a problem with my pavilion dv4-2045dx dvd/cd rom drive for windows 7 64-bit

    I can play CD's and watch dvd movies fine.  The drive have no problem reading cd and DVD's.  My problem is with cd-rom and blank CD's and DVD's.  I can't burn anything.  For some reason, it won't read any cd-rom disks.  This has never been a problem before.  I tried the idea about the upper and lower filters but when I searched, I didn't see any upper or lower filters.  I tried the microsoft fix it and nothing was wrong.  I looked at the device manager and it shows no problem at all.  What should I do next?

    Hi, did you say this issue just started?
    If so have you tried a system restore back to date when it was working?
    Here is a link to a document on running a system restore...this is not like a recovery, it won't wipe out all your data
    Just click on the heading for "Returning the computer to a previous restore point"
    I am an HP employee
    Knowledge is power...Power to the people

  • Problem reading GoPro Hero Black 4 files (1080p 120 fps) on my iMac with Adobe Premiere Elements

    I have a problem reading GoPro Hero Black 4 files (1080p 120 fps) on my iMac with Adobe Premiere Elements : the file is read but the quality is quite bad. When I watch it with other software like VLC or MPC, the quality is perfect but the video is sometimes slowed or there are some jumps in the reading.
    What is the issue with this ?
    thakns for your help !

    This is easy. I do it all the time. FCPX ingests GoPro footage just fine. Optimize, and you're good to go.
    BTW: A common hiccup occurs when dealing with over-cranked footage. (60fps or 120fps.) Be sure to "conform speed" to actuate the slo-mo. 'Tis also important to designate your project / timeline at 24fps or 30fps to realize the speed difference.
    I've gotten burned in the past. I'll drag my over-cranked GoPro footage to the timeline. As it is the "first" clip layed into the timeline, the project assumes THAT speed as a default. (As per my preferences.) Thus, when I "conform speed," nothing seems to happen. That's because my project is displaying at the higher rate. A 60fps timeline showing footage shot at 60fps looks "normal speed."
    FYI. (And disregard if you know all this.)

  • Problem reading a xmlType column (return only 999 rows) with XMLTable

    I'm new in the forum.
    Sorry for my english.
    I have a problem reading an xmltype column.
    My oracle's version is
    I have a table like this:
    Create Table TestXml (idProg number, xmldata XmlType)
    XMLTYPE COLUMN xmldata
    I have a xml file containing the equivalent of 10000 record (like a csv).
    my schema xsd is the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:element name="applicazione">
                   <xs:documentation>Flusso Monitoraggi</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="periodo" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                       <xs:element name="segmento" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                                      <xs:element name="progressivo" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                                                     <xs:element name="stato" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                     <xs:element name="ts_start" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                     <xs:element name="ts_stop" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                     <xs:element name="nota_esecuzione" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                     <xs:element name="ts_esecuzione" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                <xs:attribute name="valore" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>
                                                 <xs:attribute name="nome" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                                  <xs:attribute name="nome" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                   <xs:attribute name="nome" type="xs:string"/>
    When I try to read my xmltype column with this select :
    SELECT ap.desc_applicazione,pe.seq_periodo, pe.desc_elem_temp_ist,
    FROM testXML p,
    XMLTable('/applicazione' PASSING p.xmlData
    seq_applicazione for ordinality,
    desc_applicazione VARCHAR2(50) PATH '@nome',
    periodo XMLType PATH 'periodo') ap,
    XMLTable('periodo' PASSING ap.periodo
    seq_periodo for ordinality,
    desc_elem_temp_ist VARCHAR2(50) PATH '@nome',
    segmento XMLType PATH 'segmento') pe,
    XMLTable('segmento' PASSING pe.segmento
    seq_segmento for ordinality,
    desc_segmento_elab VARCHAR2(50) PATH '@nome',
    progressivo XMLTYPE PATH 'progressivo') sg,
    XMLTable('progressivo' PASSING sg.progressivo
    seq_progressivo for ordinality,
    valore_prog NUMBER PATH '@valore',
    desc_stato VARCHAR(10) PATH 'stato',
    ts_start VARCHAR2(50) PATH 'ts_start',
    ts_stop VARCHAR2(50) PATH 'ts_stop',
    nota_esecuzione VARCHAR2(50) PATH 'nota_esecuzione',
    ts_esecuzione VARCHAR2(50) PATH 'ts_esecuzione'
    ) pg
    where idProg = 1
    I obtained only 999 rows.
    I tried with two file xml, one containing 10000 repetition of progressivo, the other containing 10000 repetition of segmento.
    Anybody know why? Where is my error?
    Thank you in advance for any response.

    I'm new in the forum.
    Sorry for my english.
    I have a problem reading an xmltype column.
    My oracle's version is
    I have a table like this:
    Create Table TestXml (idProg number, xmldata XmlType)
    XMLTYPE COLUMN xmldata
    I have a xml file containing the equivalent of 10000 record (like a csv).
    my schema xsd is the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:element name="applicazione">
                   <xs:documentation>Flusso Monitoraggi</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="periodo" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                       <xs:element name="segmento" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                                      <xs:element name="progressivo" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                                                     <xs:element name="stato" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                     <xs:element name="ts_start" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                     <xs:element name="ts_stop" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                     <xs:element name="nota_esecuzione" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                     <xs:element name="ts_esecuzione" type="xs:string"/>
                                                                <xs:attribute name="valore" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>
                                                 <xs:attribute name="nome" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                                  <xs:attribute name="nome" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                   <xs:attribute name="nome" type="xs:string"/>
    When I try to read my xmltype column with this select :
    SELECT ap.desc_applicazione,pe.seq_periodo, pe.desc_elem_temp_ist,
    FROM testXML p,
    XMLTable('/applicazione' PASSING p.xmlData
    seq_applicazione for ordinality,
    desc_applicazione VARCHAR2(50) PATH '@nome',
    periodo XMLType PATH 'periodo') ap,
    XMLTable('periodo' PASSING ap.periodo
    seq_periodo for ordinality,
    desc_elem_temp_ist VARCHAR2(50) PATH '@nome',
    segmento XMLType PATH 'segmento') pe,
    XMLTable('segmento' PASSING pe.segmento
    seq_segmento for ordinality,
    desc_segmento_elab VARCHAR2(50) PATH '@nome',
    progressivo XMLTYPE PATH 'progressivo') sg,
    XMLTable('progressivo' PASSING sg.progressivo
    seq_progressivo for ordinality,
    valore_prog NUMBER PATH '@valore',
    desc_stato VARCHAR(10) PATH 'stato',
    ts_start VARCHAR2(50) PATH 'ts_start',
    ts_stop VARCHAR2(50) PATH 'ts_stop',
    nota_esecuzione VARCHAR2(50) PATH 'nota_esecuzione',
    ts_esecuzione VARCHAR2(50) PATH 'ts_esecuzione'
    ) pg
    where idProg = 1
    I obtained only 999 rows.
    I tried with two file xml, one containing 10000 repetition of progressivo, the other containing 10000 repetition of segmento.
    Anybody know why? Where is my error?
    Thank you in advance for any response.

  • HT5678 I have problems saving pdf files in the web when I use Safari. I don't have this problem with firefox

    I have problems saving pdf files in the web when I use Safari.  I don't have this problem with firefox.

    do they save ok if Safari - Preferences - Security - Allow all other plug-ins is unchecked ?
    If so, likely an adobe or other pdf plugin
    Re-check the setting above & quit any browsers,
    Look in this folder by triple-clicking the line below, then ctrl-clicking it & choosing Services - Open
    /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/
    remove anything with pdf in the filename & test again
    Sometimes, plug-ins can be in the User Library folder :
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/

  • HT4113 anyone else have a problem with the iphone 4s locking and not able to unlock even though you keep entering the only code that you have used?

    Anyone else having a problem with the iphone4s locking and not letting you in even though you keep using the only code you have entered from the begginning?

    No. You are the first person out of 900 million users to have this problem.

  • I have an iMac os x 10.4.11 but I am having problems with Flash Chat. About 3 weeks ago, I can no longer type in messages and send them in any Flash Chat situations. I have uninstalled and re-installed Flash Player 6 times but still have the problem.

    I have an iMac os x 10.4.11 but I am having problems with Flash Chat. About 3 weeks ago, I can no longer type in messages and send them in any Flash Chat situations. I have uninstalled and re-installed Flash Player 6 times but still have the problem.

    I have an iMac os x 10.4.11 but I am having problems with Flash Chat. About 3 weeks ago, I can no longer type in messages and send them in any Flash Chat situations. I have uninstalled and re-installed Flash Player 6 times but still have the problem.

  • Problem reading data from oracle database 11g using OleDbDataReader

    Hi everyone I work with Visual Studio 2010 and C# programming language. I have a problem reading data from the oracle database. I created a WPF application with my main Window Xaml and class files and 1 more class called DataFiles. The thing I want is to read some data from the database on my grid in my WPF window. Problem is even though it connects to the database the grid is always empty. It isn't the connection string as I tested it and it connects to the database the problem seems to be in showing the LASTNAME (PREZIME in my native tongue) on the grid which is what it's supposed to do.
    Here is the code:
    Data Files Code
    using System;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Data.OleDb;
    namespace SQLKonekcija
        public class clsEmployee
            public string Prezime { get; set; }
        public class DataAccess
            OleDbConnection oleCon;
            OleDbCommand oleComd;
            public DataAccess()
                string connectionString = "provider=ORAOLEDB.ORACLE; data source=ORCL; password=****; user id=****;";
                oleCon = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
            public ObservableCollection<clsEmployee> GetAllEmployee()
                ObservableCollection<clsEmployee> EmpCol = new ObservableCollection<clsEmployee>();
                oleComd = new OleDbCommand();
                oleComd.Connection = oleCon;
                oleComd.CommandText = "Select PREZIME from UPOSLENICI";
                OleDbDataReader Reader = oleComd.ExecuteReader();
                while (Reader.Read())
                    EmpCol.Add(new clsEmployee()
                        Prezime = Reader["PREZIME"].ToString()
                return EmpCol;
            }And here is my main window.cs code
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
            clsEmployee objEmpToAdd;
            DataAccess objDs;
            public MainWindow()
            private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                objDs = new DataAccess();
                dgEmp.ItemsSource = objDs.GetAllEmployee();And the XAML
    <Window x:Class="SQLKonekcija.MainWindow"
            Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" Loaded="Window_Loaded">
            <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="237"
                      HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="18,66,0,0" Name="dgEmp"
                      VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="466" ColumnWidth="*"
                    <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding PREZIME}" Header="Prezime"></DataGridTextColumn>
            <TextBlock Height="42" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="18,15,0,0" Name="textBlock1" Text="TEST CONNECTION" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="462" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="28" FontWeight="ExtraBold" />
    The guys on the MSDN forums told me I should ask the question here so sorry if it's not your field.
    Hope u guys can help, thanks.

    I tried it, commented out the reader.read and have the following connection string
    string connectionString = "provider=ORAOLEDB.ORACLE; data source=ORCL; password=****; user id=****; OLEDB.NET=True"
    Unfortunately the result is the same.
    Edited by: Dino2dy on Nov 24, 2011 12:53 AM

  • Problem reading attached PDF files

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
    </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
    </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
    </xml><![endif]--><!--[if !mso]>
         classid="clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D" id=ieooui>
    st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }
    <!--[if gte mso 10]>
    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;
    font-family:"Times New Roman";
    At my work, we use JavaMail (version 1.4.1) in server
    programs, processing mails with attached files from customers. Mostly it is
    TIFF images, but it can also be PDF
    files, and the attached files are extracted and saved for further processing.
    Sometimes, we have a problem, reading attached PDF
    files. The files get saved, but is of size 0 bytes. If I forward it, however,
    using an Outlook client, the forwarded item can be read by our JavaMail program, and files saved OK.
    I have tried to forward it using JavaMail, but I cannot
    compose the mail parts, that fails, however - of the same reasons: I cannot
    read the them in:-)
    It looks like it's when the mail is send from a Mac.
    Anyway, the part to read is of content type "APPLICATION/APPLEFILE" whereas when it's forwarded, it's content
    The way, I read the part, is to check if the part is an
    instance of an InputStream, and then saving into a byte array, like this:
    h5. Object
    obj = part.getContent();
    if (obj instanceof
    InputStream) {
    inStream = part.getInputStream();
    buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
    outBufStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(attFileName));
    ((bytesRead = inStream.read(buffer)) != -1)
    0, bytesRead);
    h5. outBufStream.close();
    is that .read() method always returns -1 when content type Is APPLICATION/APPLEFILE,
    so a file of 0 bytes are created.
    Interesting is perhaps, that debugging shows me that the
    part instance of the InputStream actually is a
    com.sun.mail.util.BASE64DecoderStream when it fails, and a
    when it works OK.
    So I have this idea, that I's a certain type of decoder
    stream we're missing? We use Java 1.6.0 update 10 and JavaMail 1.4.1. and since
    we use java 1.6 we use the JAF framework from that one, I guess?
    Hope you guys can help?
    Thanks in advance, Per Jensen
    [email protected]

    We have two (MS Exchange) servers (from trace log):
    Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1-server version 5.5.2650.23
    Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1 server version 6.5.7226.0
    - the first one is the one, we're using here, but I have tried on the other, newer version too, and it didn't help either.
    But I've found out a couple of interesting things:
    1: Debugging shows me, that the part instance of the InputStream actually is a com.sun.mail.util.BASE64DecoderStream when it fails, and if I forward the mail via Outlook as described earlier, and it can be read OK, the part is a com.sun.mail.util.QPDecoderStream instance.
    2: I can save the WHOLE message to a file, using message.getInputStream(), and when I opens the file I can find the individual attachments - as well as the bodytext, if any - as they are separated with the disposition, mimetype and filename fields, showed as plain text. And the attachments are showed as blocks of characters; I guess it's the ascii character representation of the bytes. Here's a snippet, note the first two sentences. They seemes to be added, somehow, when I dump the message to file(?):
    This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
    this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
    Content-Type: text/plain;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    (The body text here)
    Content-Type: application/applefile;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Disposition: attachment;
    ...(and so on)
    Content-Type: application/applefile;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Disposition: attachment;
    ...(and so on)
    <END OF DUMPED FILE>I understand that it's base64 encoded and must be decoded, and I have tried to copy/paste the blocks separately, run them through the com.sun.mail.util.BASE64DecoderStream, and saving them as PDF files, which works fine(!).
    As the solution seems to be painfull: Parse the mail to find where the attachments starts and stops and saving them as files, I hope you guys can send me on the right track?
    PS: The trace log when dumping the file shows everything OK, I think. Here's a bit of the log at the end of dumping the message:
    A10 OK FETCH fuldført.
    A11 FETCH 1 (BODY[TEXT]<40336.16384>)
    * 1 FETCH (BODY[TEXT]<40336> {0}
    20/03-09 15:18:21,445 3 Done, writing bytes to ByteArrayOutputStream. Size: 40336 bytes (..common.mail.MailUtil.dumpMessageToFile.dumpMessageToFile)
    20/03-09 15:18:21,445 3 Done, writing ByteArrayOutputStream to file. (..common.mail.MailUtil.dumpMessageToFile.dumpMessageToFile)
    A11 OK FETCH fuldført.

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