S10 Internal WebCam-How To See Webcam On Desktop?

I never had internal webcam. I have seen other computers where the webcam is on and it is shown on desktop. Is there aprogram for Lenovo S10 that does this? Also allows to take pictures when on desktop? Appreciated, thanks.
Go to Solution.

Hi, there is no software ,nothing on c: or elsewhere its simply basic windows usb-device without program...
no software is factory delivered by lenovo....
..... thats the microsoft way to go....to the cam.....
Open the Scanners and Cameras wizard by clicking the
Start button , clicking Control Panel,
 clicking Hardware and Sound,
 and then clicking Scanners and Cameras
there is ...USB-Videodevice = webcam ... and you can do nothing, only taken pictures... no configuration nothing...
thats why i recommend to download Lenovo Easy Capture....
 with Lenovo Easy Capture
Lenovo Easy Capture installed and working on S10(e)....
you can config picture size, video clip,  ...with funny frames... and many more...
so what is better....
sincerely KalvinKlein
Thinkies 2x X200s/X301 8GB 256GB SSD @ Win 7 64
Ideas Centre A520 ,Yoga 2 256GB SSD,Yoga 2 tablet @ Win 8.1

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    The cheap & easy way is to just drag the app to the Trash.
    If you want to get all of the associated files use an app deleting app like the free AppCleaner;
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    Here is a guide from Dell official website for you:
    Using and Troubleshooting the Dell Webcam and Dell Webcam Central Software           
    Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
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    Hi Latha,
    Whenever you create a hierarchy and activate it, an internal ID called Hierarchy ID will be generated and this information is stored in the table RSHIEDIR. In SE12 go to this table and in place of HIENM give the name of your Hierarchy and IOBJNM as the name of the infoobject for which you created this hierarchy(0costelmnt in this case). With this you will get a HIEID.
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    tn varchar2(35);
    sqlstmt varchar2(2000);
    rc sys_refcursor;
    tn := '&tn';
    sqlstmt := 'select * from '||tn;
    open rc for sqlstmt;
    post u r comments,Hints and suggestion...

    post u r comments,Hints and suggestion...
    SQL> var rc refcursor
    SQL> begin
      2     open :rc for  'select * from &tn';
      3  end;
      4  /
    Enter value for tn: emp
    old   2:    open :rc for  'select * from &tn';
    new   2:    open :rc for  'select * from emp';
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
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         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 SPENCER    CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20
          7499 VERREYNNE  SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
          7521 VAN WIJK   SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
          7566 MAINGUY    MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
          7654 KISHORE    SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
          7698 BARRY      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30
          7782 BOEHMER    MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2695                    10
          7788 PADFIELD   ANALYST         7566 09-DEC-82       3000                    20
          7839 SCHNEIDER  PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5500                    10
          7844 GASPAROTTO SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30
          7876 CAVE       CLERK           7788 12-JAN-83       1100                    20
          7900 CLARKE     CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
          7902 JAFFAR     ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20
          7934 ROBERTSON  CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1430                    10
           109 JOMAR                                                                   30
          8800 VISWARAYAR INTERN          7934 03-OCT-82          0                    10
    16 rows selected.
    SQL> Cheers, APC
    Blog : http://radiofreetooting.blogspot.com/

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    Internal Program Error: SAPLCBIH_ER00
    Message no. C$153
    Internal System error
    Notify your system Administrator
    Error data:
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    Ravi: No dumps(ST22) and also No error messages(SM21) are being created for this problem.
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    And also I have SAP_ALL authorization. I was able to access this till two days before.
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    Can anybody let me know how to see the generic users in 11.5.10 who are not enddated?

    if I understand you correctly, you're looking for the all the out-of-the-box accounts.
    You could use something like this:
    select * from fnd_user
    where start_date = to_date( '01/01/1951','mm/dd/yyyy')
    or where creation_date = the apps install date
    Be warned that many of these accounts are used internally and shouldn't be end-dated.

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    HI all,
    How to see the assets in internal tables
    JK Rao

    ANAR     Asset Types
    ANAT     Asset type text
    ANEK     Document Header Asset Posting
    ANEP     Asset Line Items
    ANEV     Asset downpymt settlement
    ANKT     Asset classes- Description
    ANLA     Asset Master Record Segment
    ANLB     Depreciation terms
    ANLC     Asset Value Fields
    ANLH     Main asset number
    reward pts if useful

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    How to see the all the sql history on sql commands tab.
    I want see all sql statements.
    Where to set if we need to store more sql statments in history.
    We are using Apex3.2 and 10g database(EE).

    I just checked the source code of the SQL commands history region and that report fetches a maximum of 1000 records. I don't know if you change the setting somewhere in the builder, but seeing the code it looks as though 1000 is hard-coded in the report definition(apex 4.0).
    If you need to see all the command history,you can query the original table: APEX_040000.WWV_FLOW_SW_SQL_CMDS
    Note that is an internal table used by apex and hence you might not find any documentation about it(google got me one valid hit: Identifying Inactive Workspaces which seem to confirm the table's use).
    Anyway, here's what you need to do, ask your dba to grant your workspace user select access on this table
    Connect as dba user and run
    GRANT SELECT ON APEX_040000.wwv_flow_sw_sql_cmds to '<WORKSPACE SCHEMA>'Now you can run the following command from your workspace to see the entire command history using
    select * from APEX_040000.WWV_FLOW_SW_SQL_CMDS where parsed_schema = '<WORKSPACE SCHEMA>';You might want to revoke the grant once you have seen the data/taken out an export due to security issues.

  • How to see list of bugs to be fixed in future patch level?

    It occurs often that the client needs to upgrade due to one application error, but after upgrading they discover more application errors in the latest patch.
    How to see SAP notes for bugs to be fixed in future patch level for CA or US localization only?
    This is the scenario: Client was upgraded to 8.8 SP0 PL11 and they discovered a bug (SAP note 1475645). SAP note 1475645 was released on 04.06.10 when the upgrade was in testing. SAP intends to fix it in a future patch, therefore it is not included yet in any info file. It was not found in testing and unfortunately the client found this bug in the live upgraded database.
    It would have been good if before upgrading the live database I could have found this note and advised the client of the workaround.
    I tried the notes search but this returns 821 notes.
    If I search #8.8 program error# or #8.8 application error# I do not find all relevant notes. The reason is that the writing of the notes is not consistent - Note 1475645 does not contain #8.8#.
    If I search using category - program error, search for: SAP intends to provide a patch
    and search method: phrase, I get 821 notes.
    They are in order of last change date which is good but still, this doesn't work because a clean up is required e.g...Note 1477578 still says "SAP intends to provide patches' even though the patch has been released already (PL12) and I have already reviewed the info file.
    It would be very helpful for both support and upgrades if the SAP notes search can be improved:
    - refine search by version i.e....2007 or 8.8
    - refine search by localization i.e...those country specific could be filtered out.
    - refine to date range i.e...last change date
    - clean up text on note when patch fix is released
    - write notes consistently so that same search method can be used
    Alternatively, please provide the info file for planned future patches. That way I can check what application errors are not fixed and exist in the patch I am upgrading to.

    Hello Maeve and Archie,
    I have gone through your posts in this thread and I would like to give you some insight into what we as SAP are doing to improve in the above mentioned areas.
    First of all we are continuously improving the testing on patches that we release to the market, to ensure that we are not introducing any new defects into the product. However as you have mentioned, even through the rigorous testing process that we have at place, the fix in one place might touch the functionality in other place and go to the market unnoticed.
    To make sure this does not happen we are continuously monitoring all such cases and following up on them. This iterative process has ensured that there is a minimum of problems that are released to the market.
    In addition our policy for patch content makes sure that the cases that were identified in the market are fixed in the first available patch.
    For details on our Quality assurance you can view the session "Understanding SAP Quality Assurance" delivered by Jaroslav Brutenic our QA team leader. It can be found in the Development tab of the[ PKOM 2010 page|https://websmp203.sap-ag.de/~form/sapnet?_SHORTKEY=01100035870000705765&_SCENARIO=01100035870000000183&_ADDINC=011000358700001192682007E&_OBJECT=011000358700000101242010E].
    In regards to the Note search for solutions delivered via patch, the methodology that we use is the following:
    1. product defect is identified and scheduled to a future patch in our internal systems.
    2. note is created that describes the defect and the solution that will be delivered via patch
    3. once the patch containing the fix is delivered onto service market place the note is attached to the "Patch overview Note" with the name of the patch.
    Therefore the notes that do not have the overview note attached are the ones that are already identified but not yet delivered in a patch.
    Lastly, we are currently working on improving the patch info file to provide a better overview of the defects that were fixed in the current and previous patches. Please let me know in case you are interested in reviewing and providing feedback, I will e-mail you the file.
    In case you have any additional questions please let me know.
    Best Regards
    Martin Han
    Global Development Support Lead
    SAP Business One Global IBD


    Hi everyone.. the problem is: The server have all the UUID or ID of the computers.... but in windows we know how to see that but in mac we dont have idea to where see this number... so.. i try in terminal with some commands but everytime say the UUID of hardware or UUID of user but i need other UUID and this UUID is the number that the server say that is mine....
    Is strange....
    In windows we found a program,, but in mac i dont find some program can help my problem... My UUID is the same only show me the UUID of Hardware... i need the 4 UUID of the computers...

    Ok, Mr. Happy Duck, mouse over to the Apple menu in the top/left corner, select About this Mac. Click on More Info... then on System Report... The Hardware overview should give you all you need.

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