Safari 5.0 - Trouble playing flash video

So, I just got a new Core i7 Macbook Pro, and I'm trying to watch hulu or trailers full screen, and regardless of how low the resolution of the video, it's choppy and stutters when it's made full screen. When it plays embedded, it's just fine.
If I play the same video in Chrome fullscreen, smooth as silk. I'm not sure what to make of it.
Is there a fix, or is this a known issue, or do I have some sort of lemon Safari install? Is there a problem with the Flash Plugin?
I'm on the latest version of Flash Player, I've uninstalled and re-installed Flash multiple times, I've repaired disk permissions multiple times. I'm running out of things I can think of.
Any ideas?
Additionally, with flash content in Safari, sometimes Flash will 'crash' and my screen will get all garbled. It hangs around until I restart my computer, and affects functionality in Safari and Chrome, and it feels as if there's a general slowdown.

So, I just got a new Core i7 Macbook Pro, and I'm trying to watch hulu or trailers full screen, and regardless of how low the resolution of the video, it's choppy and stutters when it's made full screen. When it plays embedded, it's just fine.
If I play the same video in Chrome fullscreen, smooth as silk. I'm not sure what to make of it.
Is there a fix, or is this a known issue, or do I have some sort of lemon Safari install? Is there a problem with the Flash Plugin?
I'm on the latest version of Flash Player, I've uninstalled and re-installed Flash multiple times, I've repaired disk permissions multiple times. I'm running out of things I can think of.
Any ideas?
Additionally, with flash content in Safari, sometimes Flash will 'crash' and my screen will get all garbled. It hangs around until I restart my computer, and affects functionality in Safari and Chrome, and it feels as if there's a general slowdown.

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    1. System Preferences >  Flash Player > Advanced >  Delete  All
         Press the "Delete All" button.
         Install Adobe Flash Player.
       Download it first.
       The next step is important.
       Click Safari in the menubar and select “Quit Safari”.
        Follow the prompts and install it.
        Restart computer. Relaunch Safari.
    2.  Allow  Plug-ins
        Safari > Preferences > Security
        Internet Plug-ins >  "Allow  plug-ins"
        Enable it.
    3. Safari > Preferences > Privacy
        Press the button “ Remove All Website Data”.

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    Repair permissions.
    Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the menu bar, quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.
    If that didn't help, install the v10.5.8 combo update.
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      - Provider
       [ Name]  Display
      - EventID 4101
       [ Qualifiers]  0
       Level 3
       Task 0
       Keywords 0x80000000000000
      - TimeCreated
       [ SystemTime]  2013-01-13T16:54:27.000000000Z
       EventRecordID 86285
       Channel System
       Computer desktop
    - EventData
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    Could you please answer my question about whether it would make a difference to run MSI's branded driver versus reference?
    MSI drivers are tested to works OK with the card, but you can try other drivers if you want.
    If you have troubles with other drivers, its recommended to use MSI VGA drivers.

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    Follow the instructions for troubleshooting Flash here.
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    A possible cause is security software (firewall) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.

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    Hello hashbrown602,
    The following post by Cory from the Inside BlackBerry Help Blog outlines a few steps you can try to successfully play videos from YouTube.​be-on-blackberry/
    If you still have issues after going through each of the steps, you may want to contact your wireless service provider to check your data plan settings.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click "Accept as a Solution" for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    Hi arpriltime,
    Have you looked at our [ Flash plugin troubleshooting section]? There is a lot of useful information in there that should help you get to the bottom of your issue.
    Hopefully this helps!

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    1. Uninstalled and reinstalled Flash and Firefox
    2. Flash works on IE- and i do have both versions of flash installed for IE and Firefo
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    4.In Safemode, videos still do not play
    5. Other issues with firefox started when I installed Webroot Desktop Firewall so I uninstalled it and am using windows firewall

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