Safari causes apps to flicker

I'm running Safari 5 on Vista.  About every day, my apps start repainting.  The only way to stop this is to quit Safari.  Any idea what causes this?
I like Safari out of all browsers but it is unusable at this point.

I'm running Safari 5 on Vista.  About every day, my apps start repainting.  The only way to stop this is to quit Safari.  Any idea what causes this?
I like Safari out of all browsers but it is unusable at this point.

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    First, it might be you simply put Safari in a folder somewhere. Try searching for it using Spotlight. Drag down on the screen to display the Spotlight search bar and type "Safari". If you see Safari, it is still accessible on your iPad. If not, try the following.
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    file:///Users/macbookair/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202013-12-30%20at%207.08.03%20PM. png

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    Hi Ray ..
    Might be corrupted preferences...
    Go to ~/Library/Preferences
    Move the file from the Preferences folder to the Trash.
    Restart your Mac.
    ~ (Tilde) character represents the Home folder.
    For Lion:   To find the Home folder in OS X Lion, open the Finder, hold the Option key, and choose Go > Library
    edited by:  cs

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    Mail [605]
    7.2 (1874)
    Build Info: 
    Code Type:  
    X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [164]
    Mail [605]
    User ID:    
    2014-05-01 22:11:44.754 -0500
    OS Version: 
    Mac OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  5D0F67F3-4D58-F054-66B6-24017FD68ADC
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
    VM Regions Near 0:

    I will check.  Can the security update be installed if you can no longer open the Mac App Store app?
    I was listening to the MacCast podcast and the host had a similar issue and did something similar to the link below.  I am concerned that I may mess something up by doing this. -Of-Death.htm

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    One way of confirming bad RAM is to run the Apple Hardware Test from your Tiger Installer DVD. When you start-up from the DVD, you hold down the option key. Eventually, the Hardware Test icon appears. Select it. When fully loaded, select the "quick test". This will test the various components of your system, including the RAM.
    I have doubts about Safari causing the kernel panics. Have you seen this Apple Knowledge Base article about Kernel Panics?
    One way to speed up Safari, especially since you carried it over from another system, is to trash the Icon folder in your User Account>Library>Safari folder. This holds the site icons. Trashing it will reset the file. Initially, the small icons appearing in the address bar will revert to a blue dot. Over time, the favicons will start to appear as you visit various sites.
    Another way to speed up Safari is to select "empty cache" in the Safari Menu.
    Post back after you run the hardware test.

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