Safari now thinks webhistory files are apps?

I don't know what happened but i just restarted and suddenly whenever i try to open .webhistory files (stored safari history websites) it gives me a popup box asking if i was sure i want to open this "application" since it was downloaded from the internet. this usually only happens with app-files but why now with .webhistory files?
Why does it think that .webhistory files are apps?
i have no clue why this is happening now. it can't be 10.5.3 related because i installed right when the update was released and that was few days ago. and it wasn't happening an hour ago before i restarted.
any ideas?
Message was edited by: MBX
Message was edited by: MBX
Message was edited by: MBX

I just started experiencing the exact same issue you described both with .webbookmark and .webhistory. Pulling up a search via spotlight and selecting either brings up said dialog box.
Annoying as ****. Anyone else experiencing this and/or find a solution?

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    Chris CA wrote:
    How do I find out where iTunes thinks missing files are?
    The exclamation mark means ITunes doesn't think they are anywhere.
    If you right click - get info on a song then view the Info tab, you will see where iTunes last used it from.
    I'm not a newbie. I know quite a lot about iTunes. You sound like you don't though because if you did you would know that this is not true. If you "right click - get info on a song" (pressing cancel to the Locate popup) "then view the SUMMARY (not info) tab" you will see "Not Available" where the file location usually is. I wouldn't have asked this question if I hadn't gone through the steps already.
    Thanks for trying though. Next time, please try the advice before you give it.
    I add dozens of songs at a time to my library all the time and there is no Earthly way for me to constantly remember where they were before
    You should not have to remember anything about where they were.
    I agree.
    Are you always moving them around?
    When I install a new hard drive. Yes. I generally keep everything organized and I let iTunes keep the folder organized but several years ago I used windows media player to organize my media.
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    Do you have iTunes prefs -> Advanced Keep ITunes music folder organized ticked and Copy files to iTunes ... ticked?
    *OF COURSE!* Again, I'm not a newbie.
    I have several hundred playlists with these files
    Why would you have several hundred playlists?
    I don't mean to sound rude but you sound like an Apple fanboy. Are you trying to tell me how I should use my own program? The answer to the question is I am a salsa instructor/DJ and I am constantly adding songs and videos to my library. Every month I have various salsa events, classes and performances that I do. I use my iPhone for the music. I need to maintain the playlists because students/teachers/studios/clubs/bars/churches/etc. call me back and want a repeat of the great salsa night I gave them a year ago. Naturally my playlists are highly organized into folders. So, I still have them and I need them.
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    I just need an answer to the question.
    Thank you for your reply though. It gave me hope, for a time.

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    ChristopherDavid wrote:
    I've had this happen too unfortunately. I'm not sure if this fix will work for you or even if you have tried it yet: Try force-reconnecting your masters. You may have to do this individually for a large lot of files or you may get lucky and the entire lot will reconnect with one attempt. My experience with this though is that the fix does not hold. Meaning, an computer restart, or a data base rebuild miffs it all up again.
    I've just run into this problem too. I'm only dealing with about 250 problem images out of about 15,000, so I feel lucky compared to some of the other participants in this thread.
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    Probably because someone in the past did what you are doing, but told it to open the files in CrashReporter.
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    My Mac thinks they are all music files.
    Does it not stick when you tell it to open in iTunes?

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    (a very desperate) Kraig x

    Sorry - bad forum form
    I'm rocking Windows 8.1, i7, 20GB ram, GTX560Ti + GTX570.

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    Try "No Content after Updating":

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    ibook G3 dual usb   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Look in your Pictures folder for your iPhoto Library folder. If it's there look inside the iPhoto Library/Originals folder to see if you're full sized image files are in the subfolders. They should be. What probably happened is the loss of power corrupted the database file inside the library and when you open iPhoto it thinks there are no files.
    If the above is correct then move the current iPhoto Library folder to the desktop. Launch iPhoto and, when asked, select the option to create a new library. When that library is open, drag the Originals folder from the library on the desktop into the open iPhoto window. This will create a new library with your photos and the same rolls that were in the old library. Unfortunately you'll lose your albums, keywords, comments, books, slideshows, etc. but you will have your photos back. To protect against similar corruption of the database file in the future see my Tip at the end of my signature.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.

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