Saml2 error validateArtifactRequester: certificate from client is null

I got this error ArtifactResolutionService.validateArtifactRequester: certificate from client is null, authentication is failed.>
If you see the log then you can see the handshaking between assertion and indentity works but somehow the assertion refuses the response of the identity
assertion provider
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SAML2Filter: Processing request on URI '/appB/faces/aut/restricted.jspx'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><getServiceTypeFromURI(): request URI is '/appB/faces/aut/restricted.jspx'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><getServiceTypeFromURI(): request URI is not a service URI>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><getServiceTypeFromURI(): returning service type 'SPinitiator'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SP initiating authn request: processing>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SP initiating authn request: partner id is null>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST>< Checking if the Keystore file was modified>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SP initiating authn request: use partner binding HTTP/Artifact>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><store saml object org.opensaml.saml2.core.impl.AuthnRequestImpl@168c85b, BASE64 encoded artifact is AAQAAMRtlWqk3m9VqV3ySu7qjJcGo08PSwH/NaPWjnhgmqYEpXMWX2STBHg=>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><post artifact: false>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><local ARS binding location: http://laptopedwin.wh.lan:8001/saml2/idp/sso/artifact>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><post form template url: null>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><URL encoded artifact: AAQAAMRtlWqk3m9VqV3ySu7qjJcGo08PSwH%2FNaPWjnhgmqYEpXMWX2STBHg%3D>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><URL encoded relay state: null>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><artifact is sent in http url:http://laptopedwin.wh.lan:8001/saml2/idp/sso/artifact?SAMLart=AAQAAMRtlWqk3m9VqV3ySu7qjJcGo08PSwH%2FNaPWjnhgmqYEpXMWX2STBHg%3D>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SAML2Servlet: Processing request on URI '/saml2/sp/ars/soap'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><getServiceTypeFromURI(): request URI is '/saml2/sp/ars/soap'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><getServiceTypeFromURI(): service URI is '/sp/ars/soap'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><getServiceTypeFromURI(): returning service type 'ARS'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><ArtifactResolutionService.process: get SoapHttpBindingReceiver as receiver and SoapHttpBindingSender as sender.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><ArtifactResolutionService.validateArtifactRequester: certificate from client is null, authentication is failed.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST> <Warning> <Security> <LAPTOPEDWIN> <DefaultServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1252769424812> <BEA-000000> <[Security:096565]Artifact requester authentication failed.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SoapHttpBindingSender.sendResponse: Set HTTP headers to prevent HTTP proxies cache SAML protocol messages.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SoapHttpBindingSender.send: the SOAP envelope to be sent is :
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST> <<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap11:Envelope xmlns:soap11=""><soap11:Body><samlp:ArtifactResponse xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" ID="_0xf34d9596cf9f8d37715fdf3529266b40" InResponseTo="_0xe219b059e77568bc835736caa94d6855" IssueInstant="2009-09-12T15:30:24.812Z" Version="2.0"><saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">jdev_wls</saml:Issuer><samlp:Status><samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success"/><samlp:StatusMessage>[Security:096565]Artifact requester authentication failed.</samlp:StatusMessage></samlp:Status></samlp:ArtifactResponse></soap11:Body></soap11:Envelope>>
####<12-sep-2009 17:35:24 uur CEST> <authn_request - item: _0x9061f430c89cd074398250c710c83045 expired.>
identity provider
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SAML2Servlet: Initialized logger service>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SAML2Servlet: Initialized SAML2 service>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SAML2Servlet: setConfigKey called with key 'default'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SAML2Servlet: Processing request on URI '/saml2/idp/sso/artifact'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><Redirect URI cache updated.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST>< Checking if the Keystore file was modified>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><getServiceTypeFromURI(): request URI is '/saml2/idp/sso/artifact'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><getServiceTypeFromURI(): service URI is '/idp/sso/artifact'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><getServiceTypeFromURI(): returning service type 'SSO'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><Request URI: /saml2/idp/sso/artifact>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><Method: GET>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><Query string: SAMLart=AAQAAMRtlWqk3m9VqV3ySu7qjJcGo08PSwH%2FNaPWjnhgmqYEpXMWX2STBHg%3D>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><     Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/xaml+xml, application/, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-ms-application, application/, application/, application/msword, */*>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><     Referer:;jsessionid=TtbvKr5Myy7hC5y2j9YVZMLp2dxvYlGP3nV8KnJPtnB5svv4cnDL!-453074333?_adf.ctrl-state=m6b65gdxq_4>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><     Accept-Language: nl>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><     User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.0)>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><     Host: laptopedwin.wh.lan:8001>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><     Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><     Connection: Keep-Alive>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><     Cache-Control: no-cache>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><ssl client key:Sun RSA private CRT key, 1024 bits
modulus: 135256530343776309493378499238723474761809537383354856443783031405724842963590896515127253614442774833330163469306346998433606124817086312759138932710087080464501074410925139095622741276531270633324573257815772267862467588496928149465417098076218732040047455958122894583653703895415828491462423303970267662119
public exponent: 65537
private exponent: 70314326087743699962454879977162652930937500017561071746336998641882377889887267410323718367396514008446506086626901479113065301623787031382331559843030136237857866934906267741351110674239213829006129063775109788707087302538026535943257466578949319062480441789214176315827916248430287133081293921721804088033
prime p: 11974625102832097583118096114610793613205242504983701060834332690026001982375077665162762308523793650653350947197100038932023730202787298553029195261347327
prime q: 11295262205059515784067784104204404656057034968759802138195417174670025481580489505249455835611140503620524999898446032906677280702668039750528726228078297
prime exponent p: 10636051419212951957075964614303506523311875298802298281157626077164099690190818102244374273181234298154969131746805474255337189050985724645168110919912251
prime exponent q: 9180707495599589343206474566470241653094376286920321960074362300079694178141042692915879784722129977674567430529173188898986608915112396683265394948155617
crt coefficient: 3999529359604887198322520465212803445668432210961019729502103914530388247742016641237995952808703712482862506414062073383339683451433625683775233168415551, ssl client cert chain:[;@767c0d>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><get BASE64 encoded artifact from http request, value is:AAQAAMRtlWqk3m9VqV3ySu7qjJcGo08PSwH/NaPWjnhgmqYEpXMWX2STBHg=>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><ArtifactResolver: sha-1 hash value of remote partner id is '0xc46d956aa4de6f55a95df24aeeea8c9706a34f0f'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><ArtifactResolver: found remote partner 'jdev' with entity ID 'jdev_wls'>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><ArtifactResolver: returning partner: [email protected]779>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><partner entityid isjdev_wls, end point index is:0>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><find end point:[email protected]2a7, binding location is:http://laptopedwin.wh.lan:7101/saml2/sp/ars/soap>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><samlp:ArtifactResolve xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" ID="_0xe219b059e77568bc835736caa94d6855" IssueInstant="2009-09-12T15:30:24.671Z" Version="2.0"><saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">soa</saml:Issuer><samlp:Artifact>AAQAAMRtlWqk3m9VqV3ySu7qjJcGo08PSwH/NaPWjnhgmqYEpXMWX2STBHg=</samlp:Artifact></samlp:ArtifactResolve>>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><open connection to send samlp:ArtifactResolve. partner id:jdev_wls, endpoint url:http://laptopedwin.wh.lan:7101/saml2/sp/ars/soap>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><isClientPasswordSet:false>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><connect to remote ARS.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SoapSynchronousBindingClient.sendAndReceive: begin to send SAMLObject to server.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SoapSynchronousBindingClient.sendAndReceive: sending completed, now waiting for server response.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SoapSynchronousBindingClient.sendAndReceive: response code from server is: 200>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SoapSynchronousBindingClient.sendAndReceive: get a HTTP_OK response, now receive a SOAP envelope message.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><SoapSynchronousBindingClient.sendAndReceive: found XMLObject in envelope, return it.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><http url connection disconnect.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><samlp:ArtifactResponse xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" ID="_0xf34d9596cf9f8d37715fdf3529266b40" InResponseTo="_0xe219b059e77568bc835736caa94d6855" IssueInstant="2009-09-12T15:30:24.812Z" Version="2.0"><saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">jdev_wls</saml:Issuer><samlp:Status><samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success"/><samlp:StatusMessage>[Security:096565]Artifact requester authentication failed.</samlp:StatusMessage></samlp:Status></samlp:ArtifactResponse>>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><get samlp:ArtifactResponse and verify it.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><saml version:2.0>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><inResponseTo:_0xe219b059e77568bc835736caa94d6855>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><status code: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><status message: [Security:096565]Artifact requester authentication failed.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><[Security:096577]Failed to receive AuthnRequest document from the requester.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><Caused by: [Security:096502]There is no saml message in returned samlp:ArtifactResponse.>
####<12-sep-2009 17:30:24 uur CEST><exception info [Security:096577]Failed to receive AuthnRequest document from the requester.
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
     at $Proxy26.process(Unknown Source)
     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
     at [Security:096502]There is no saml message in returned samlp:ArtifactResponse.
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
     at $Proxy26.process(Unknown Source)
     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
     at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(

Refer SAP Note: 730870. Q16.
Fyr from SAP Note:
Q 16: While sending a message to the RfcAdapter the error "... functiontemplate from repository was <null>" is shown. Which reasons are possible?
              A: After receiving a message from the Adapter Engine, the RfcAdapter extracts the payload from the message. Normally this should be an XML document in the RFC-XML format. In this format the root element of the XML document represents the name of the function module and is enclosed in the fixed RFC namespace 'urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions'. But this only will be checked at a later point, when the conversion from XML to native RFC is done. As prerequisite of this conversion the structures and types of the function module parameters has to be known. This is also called metadata or function template. To get this function template the name of the function module is extracted from the root element of the XML document and is queried against the metadata repository of the communication channel. If the metadata repository doesn't have a function module with this name, the exception named above is thrown. Possible reasons are
The XML document, which was send to the RfcAdapter, is not a RFC-XML document. So the root element name of this document is not the name of a function module and thus can't be found in the metadata repository.
The metadata repository doesn't contain an entry for this function module name. Normally the metadata repository will be an R/3 system and it's function module repository can be searched with transaction code SE37.

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    Thanks, Nicky

    Are you using SSL? Maybe, it has to do with it. I encountered a similar problem. It turned up that this read error occurred inside Apache and was caused by a nonstandard-SSL-request by Internet Explorer. te remedy was to add this to the Apache configuration:
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    Lycka till!

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    According to tzengs suggestion I tried to export the certificate again from firefox using "backup all" instead of "backup" with no effect.
    One thing which I am still not sure of:
    Can my client give me a p12 certificate which I can use as it is to sign my application using the provided password or do I have to process this certificate first?
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    If you edit reports locally you also need the database client and configured on the local PC also.
    When you use Remote Desktop you are using everything installed on that PC. Remoting in all you are doing is passing the screen updates to your local PC and nothing else.
    Oh, and you should likely install the BOE Client tools on your local PC also.
    Thank you
    Edited by: Don Williams on Dec 24, 2010 1:44 PM

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    Certificate ret = ks.getCertificate("ProofCert");
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    incompatible with interface
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    You need to import the following security libraries:
    and all the libraries under "security.class".

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    Data Pump is server-based utility :Overview of Oracle Data Pump
    You can not do what you want to do.
    however you can use NETWORK_LINK between two databases.

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    i'm trying to set up communication between a third party sistem and R3 via XI. I'm using BAPI_ROUTING_CREATE but , when i send the XML message (you can read it below),   the rfc adapter starts this exception:
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    May be someone can help me?
    Best Regards
    <rfc:BAPI_ROUTING_CREATE xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:rfc="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
              <BAPIFLAG>' '</BAPIFLAG>

    Hi Luca,
    Please see the thread if you havn't yet.. u may get some help
    RFC error
    RfcClientException: functiontemplate from repository was <null>

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    Please help me troubleshoot this problem

    Agree with S Guna, there is no easy way to push a certificate automatically to a client that you don't control other than building an installer package and asking them to run it.  In this situation, if there are a lot of non-domain joined machines
    a third party certificate is the way you need to go.
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer".
    SWC Unified Communications

  • While logon to lync it gives error " there was a problem verifying the certificate from the server "

    i already go through all threads related to my question. but not even one thread is satisfying my question  ok my problem is again the same it gives me error as i mentioned in title. client OS is XP. actually can somebody tell  me which certificate
    i should import in which name of certificate group.
    N ya why error has occur. help me 
    thanks in advance 
    jayesh rohit

    You'll want the CS root certificate in the trusted root certificate authorities area of the machine store (vs the user store).  If there are any subordinate CAs with intermediate certificates, put them in the intermediate certification authorities area. 
    Verify that the certificate has the correct SANs for you server.  Did you generate the certificate from the deployment wizard, did you check the box for the sip domains as you went through the wizard?  Is the certificate internally signed by your
    certificate authority?  Are you attempting to connect internally or externally when you see the issue? 
    Can you confirm that your SRV records for have the correct port and hostname and that the hostname is also resolvable?  Can you do the same for
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer".
    SWC Unified Communications

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    Could not create JCOClientConnection for logical System: 'WD_MODELDATA_DEST' - Model
    An exception has occurred: Erorr accessing cache [region]='XCM_SESSION_SCOPE'.
    [EXCEPTION]$Exception: Cannot return access for region 'XCM_SESSION_SCOPE'. Cache is not ready
    I'm using following existing JCO definition by configuring them with correct parameters.  Tested them successfully
    What am I missing?  In SM04 tcode I see 2 connections are opened with 2 Megabyte not released for a long time.  I think if connections are released correctly it should drop to 1 megabyte.  Is there anything that I need to do just after execute method as shown below (I have replaced function module with <FM> in below code)
    try {
         } catch(Exception exception) {
              msgMgr.reportException(exception.getLocalizedMessage(), false);
    The error is in the catch block which is displayed on the view page.
    I modified the above code and put in finally block to close the connections as follows, please let me know if this is OK.  I still get error message as "Error connecting using JCO.Client: null" but no additional connections in the SM04 after adding finally block.
    try {
         } catch(Exception exception) {
              msgMgr.reportException(exception.getLocalizedMessage(), false);
         }finally {
              // disconnect the connection
    Edited by: Praveen11 on Oct 5, 2009 9:06 AM

    Thanks Satish.
    The issue is resolved.  I think it was to do with permission, as I was running directly from NWDS deploy and run the session didn't have proper authorisation or something that was causing this error.
    When I copy pasted the URL in the correct browser session window I got no error and function module was successfully executed.   However the issue now is that values are not showing up in the view may be to do with mapping context or model  I'll review and post back as different thread.

  • Error when connect from portal system (abap ) to external ssl client - sm59

    Hi I am tryign to setup a ssl connection from the abap sm59 portal system to an exteral server.. I have setup the certs that the client has given me in strust.but i m gettign the ffg error.
    sysno      60
    sid        PID
    systemid   370 (Solaris on SPARCV9 CPU)
    relno      7110
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    150
    intno      20020600
    make       multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
    profile    /usr/sap/PID/SYS/profile/PID_DVEBMGS60_pidevdb
    pid        3911
    [Thr 01] Thu Jun 14 08:38:48 2012
    [Thr 07] Thu Jun 14 08:39:07 2012
    [Thr 07] *** ERROR during SecudeSSL_SessionStart() from SSL_connect()==SSL_ERROR_SSL
    [Thr 07]    session uses PSE file "/usr/sap/PID/DVEBMGS60/sec/SAPSSLA.pse"
    [Thr 07] SecudeSSL_SessionStart: SSL_connect() failed
    [Thr 07]   secude_error 536871970 (0x20000422) = "SSL record with the wrong SSLPlaintext.version received"
    [Thr 07] >>            Begin of Secude-SSL Errorstack            >>
    [Thr 07] ERROR in ssl3_get_record: (536871970/0x20000422) SSL record with the wrong SSLPlaintext.version received
    [Thr 07] <<            End of Secude-SSL Errorstack
    [Thr 07]   SSL_get_state() returned 0x00002120 "SSLv3 read server hello A"
    [Thr 07]   SSL NI-sock: local=  peer=
    [Thr 07] <<- ERROR: SapSSLSessionStart(sssl_hdl=10720d530)==SSSLERR_SSL_CONNECT
    [Thr 07] *** ERROR => IcmConnInitClientSSL: SapSSLSessionStart failed (-57): SSSLERR_SSL_CONNECT {00020a7c} [icxxconn_mt.c 1957]
    When i change the sm59 connection not to use ssl. it give me a pop up screen . and asks me to enter user and password...
    He then  give me a private key file .. i.e a .pfx file but not sure how to load this in strust. I tried to convert in useign sapgenpse. but it fails with teh ffg error
    12% sapgenpse import_p12  -p /usr/sap/PID/amos/amos_client.pse /usr/sap/PID/amos/amos_client_pk.pfx
    import_p12: MISSING password for PKCS#12 file "/usr/sap/PID/amos/amos_client_pk.pfx"
    Please enter PKCS#12 encryption  password: *******
    PKCS#12/PFX file contains 1 keypair:
      1. FriendlyName = "amos.server.interface.webuser.web_int.cert"
         X.509v3 (type=Both) RSA-2048 (signed with sha1WithRsaEncryption)
         Subject="CN=AMOS WebService Interface Client, OU=IT&S MRO, O=South African Airways (Pty) Ltd, L=OR Tambo International Airport, SP=Gauteng, C=ZA"
         Issuer ="[email protected],, OU=Certificate Authority, O=South African Airways (Pty) Ltd, L=OR Tambo International Airport, SP=Gauteng, C=ZA"
    ERROR: Incomplete certification path -- NEED certificate of "[email protected],, OU=Certificate Authority, O=South African Airways (Pty) Ltd, L=OR Tambo International Airport, SP=Gauteng, C=ZA"!
    I have attached a doc of what it looks like.. appreciate any help

    There is an error in the publishing of template
    Template :"bbpsc02" is not publised in ITS.
    Go to T.code: SE80
    Publish all the templates again and check
    Check with your SAP  BASIS team for the help

  • WDDynamicRFCExecuteException: Error connecting using JCO.Client: null

    This is a common problem,I have seen many threads , but following them did not solve my problem.
    I have the JCOs tested successful from WD Admin. When I create a sample WDJ application with RFC model and deploy it to the server, I get Error connecting using JCO.Client: null.
    I have checked my binding , I have only one input parameter and the code is
          wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("Inside wdInit in Component ctrller");
          Z_Plm44_Obsoleteimpactanalysis_Input input = new Z_Plm44_Obsoleteimpactanalysis_Input();
    Also I have implemented closing the connection
    I contacted the basis team... they tell me that everything is fine from their end. they have tried increasing the JCO connection pools.
    Thanks for your help in advance

    Hi Karthika
    Check this pdf and try to catch WDDynamicRFCExecution in catch block.
    Please put your code in try catch and also import in your code;
    Re: User has no RFC authorization for function group.
    Hope this will help you.
    Arun Jaiswal

  • Error in RFC Receiver Adapter: functiontemplate from repository was null

    Hi Friends,
    i am working on JDBC -> RFC Scenario, JDBC Sender Adapter is working fine, but RFC Receiver Adapter is throwing this error message... can some one help me to solve this issue...
    Message processing failed. Cause: error while processing message to remote functiontemplate from repository was <null>: error while processing message to remote functiontemplate from repository was <null>

    I think the logon details what you are giving in Receiver CC may be wrong. Check all those details like Application Server,System Number,User,Password and client.

  • Server error: "The attempt to read data from the server '(null)' failed"

    Multiple times during each day my client ( puts up a little exclamation mark "!" next to the mail account hosted on our Leopard Server. Clicking on this little alert icon pops up a message that reads:
    +There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Verify the settings for account “Leopard Server Account” or try again.+
    +The server returned the error: The attempt to read data from the server “(null)” failed.+
    I can make the "!" go away by choosing Mailbox>Synchronize>Leopard Server Account. And everything seems peachy but it inevitably pops up again in another hour or two. It's annoying because I'm not sure if mail is getting through or not when the "!" is up.
    Any ideas why this is happening?

    I've just solved a similar issue.
    I have a dedicated server running Plesk 9.5 and when I upgraded to iLife 11 and Snow Leopard this error appeared. I could quickly click "get mail" and I'd get all my mail, but only 3-4 of my 9 mail accounts would connect. Theo others would have the error:
    "The server error encountered was: The attempt to read data from the server..."
    I found solutions for those using IMAP mail:
    modify the /etc/courier-imap/imapd configuration file and change MAXDAEMONS from 40 to 80 and MAXPERIP from 4 to 40. This allows all the machines behind my home firewall to connect to multiple accounts on the e-mail server with mailbox caching enabled.
    I'd made this change on my server but it didn't seem to have any effect. It dawned on me that I'm using POP, not IMAP. So I found in /etc/courier-imap/pop3d the same settings. I changed the MAXDAEMONS from 40 to 80 and MAXPERIP from 4 to 40 and voila, all my connections concurrently worked.
    This has taken me more than two days to fix and I hope posting this helps someone else with the same issue.

  • Lync 2013 mobile client. Can't verify the certificate from the server. Please contact your support team

    We upgraded Lync Server 2010 to Lync 2013.
    Users are able to login on desktop clients but unable to connect on mobile client. We get following error message:
    Can't verify the certificate from the server.
    Please contact your support team

    Please check the Root CA is installed on your mobile device.
    Can you sign in externally?
    Please check you have updated the DNS records for Lync mobile autodiscover service.
    Lisa Zheng
    TechNet Community Support

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