Samsung E900 firmware E900XGA2 not supported by iSync

Samsung E900 uses SyncML technology which is behind iSync yet the application states is unsupported. How come Samsung phones are not listed in iSync as not supported. This makes no senses to me. I can sync my contacts, images, messages using anything on the MAC.

Just because iSync uses SyncML and a particular phone uses SyncML doesn't mean the phone will automatically work straightaway, unless support for that specific phone model is included as standard.
That's where iSync Plugins come in. They allow iSync to identify a particular phone, and tell it how to map fields between Mac and Phone.
novamedia produce iSync Plugins for many Samsung phones, including the E900:

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    It's hard to say what's best…
    I'm no mobile handset expert, but I've heard lots of complaints about the design shortcomings of the Motorola contacts application: about the limit to the number of records it can hold, and the fact that each telephone number—even for the same individual—is treated as a separate contact record on a Motorola unit, making the record limitation an even greater problem. One record in your OS X Address Book with three telephone numbers results in three contact records on a RAZR, for example.
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    Google for "nokia 6500s isync plugin" and take your pick from a variety of options.

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    That's a good point, and I should have taken the time to point that out.
    It's not particularly important that Nokia has chosen to offer free plug-ins for a limited number of their mobile handsets not presently supported by iSync. The really important thing here is that a manufacturer has actually chosen to support the technology at all!
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    Dear Raju, good advice - many thanks!
    However, OnSync is not working for me despite of having configured the serial device successfully. I am talking to the developer.
    It would be of interest to us how you managed. Would you be able to help and contact us directly through e-mail i.e. <[email protected]>. Thanks a lot! We can post a summary of the problem solution later on to help others using the same device.
    Regards, Thomas

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    What version of OS X are you using, and what model AirPort Extreme do you have? Look on its case for a four digit model number preceded by the letter A.
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    I assume you are not a developer ,if you were you would know not to post here
    In which case you are using stolen software  which you are not licenced to use .
    We do not assist in such cases
    You may well have to wait until iOS8 is released before it works
    I doubt you will get any help from an Apple Store genius bar as you have made unauthorised changes to the iOS and also likely voided the warranty

  • Does iSync not support your mobile phone?  try this.

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    So I did a little research. First I found this site which links to this app
    After some experimenting, I discovered I can export in vCard 3.0 format, skip using the app, export a group of contacts to one file, and send it to the phone. Done. The address book on the phone contains one entry per name, each entry contains all of that person's numbers, and each number bears the correct icon for home, work, mobile, fax. Email addresses copy too.
    This method of syncing is so easy I think nothing of deleting the entire address book from the phone, and uploading the whole contacts group again. Since that's what I've been doing, I don't know if uploading the contacts twice back-to-back would create duplicates. And as far as I know, there's no way to sync back from the phone.
    But I don't care much about that. I'm fine recording a voice memo reminding me to make certain changes to an address book entry on the Mac and sync the whole thing again. Takes just a moment.
    Perhaps in the future Samsung will be more SyncML and OpenSync friendly.

    You can make this process a bit shorter by doing this:
    1) Drag the *Bluetooth File Exchange* application to your Dock.
    2) Set-up a Group in *Address Book* containing the contacts you want on your phone
    Then, whenever you want to re-copy the contacts to your phone, just do this:
    Open *Address Book* and drag the Contact group onto the *Bluetooth File Exchange* icon in your Dock.
    (BTW, for true bi-directional syncing with iSync you might like to contact as they do iSync Plugins for over 60 existing Samsung phones, and may be able to do one for yours).

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