Are you referring to the comparison of the addon of B1 2005A and the addon of B1 8.8 ?
if yes, you  could browse the addon landing page :
SAP Business One Add-Ons developed by SAP
Advanced Layout Designer
Copy Express
Fixed Assets
Format Definition
Microsoft Outlook Integration
Payment Engine
Print Layout Designer
XL Reporter
you can find the ppt file or pdf file of the addons and you may see the differences. if you want to dig more deeper, you can download it and install it.

Similar Messages

  • Gap between two characters in SAP Script Address EndAddress.

    Hi Abapers,
    I have one query regarding Address - EndAddress in SAPScript.
    I am putting the code :
    and  I am getting the output in this form
    <b><i>ABC Soft c/o JSI Hong Kon g
    c/o RS Logistics (Shenzhen) Limited
    6/F., DZ Zhong Tian Yuan Logistics Ctr.
    126/Xia Road, Futian Free Zone,
    But the problem is there is a gap between character "n" and 'g" in first line in word Kong.
    Can anybody suggest me how to solve this issue. Or is there any other issues to sort it out this problem.

    Its not the problem with Address / End Address.
    It could be probably maintained that way.
    Please check the entry in the table where it is maintained.

  • Archive Log Gap between Disaster recovery server & Production Server

        Can anybody provide me the script  to find out the archive log missing on Production Server means that archive log backed up & deleted from the production server & rest of the Archive logs has been shipped on to the DR server. Means it will shot the gap between production server & DR server until that log which has been deleted from the production server , but next logs has been shipped to  the DR server. But rest of the logs only be applied when delete log be restored on the production server & shipped on the DR server.
    Ravi Kant Arya

    The question is how are you getting the archive logs shipped over to your standby database?  If you are doing it via FTP or scripts, then you may want to look at configuring DataGuard to do it for you.  Look at "Setting Up Oracle Dataguard for SAP" at:
    Good Luck.
    Mike Kennedy

  • Valid Time Support - filling in gaps between non-contiguous records

    Is there an easy (or recommended) way to fill in gaps in records stored in a table with Valid Time Support?
    Here's my scenario. Suppose there are two "valid time" records for Adams in the table, one that's valid from 1/1/2000 to 1/1/2001 and the other that is valid from 1/1/2002 to 1/1/2003. In other words, there's a one year gap between the two records. The user wants to make a single edit to Adams that covers a broader period of time, e.g. 1/1/1999 to 1/1/2005, which should include the gap between these two records (and the gaps before the first record, from 1/1999 to 1/2000, and the gap after the last record, from 1/2003 to 1/2005).
    What's the best way to do this?
    I've tried setting the session time using DBMS_WM.SetValidTime() from 1/1/1999 to 1/1/2005, and then updating the database. But the update only changes the updated column (e.g. salary) without altering the VM_VALID timestamps.
    Initial values:
    Adams     30000     (1/1/2000 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00, 1/1/2001 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00)
    Adams     31000     (1/1/2002 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00, 1/1/2003 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00)
    DBMS_WM.SetValidTime(TO_DATE('01-01-1999', 'MM-DD-YYYY'), TO_DATE('01-01-2005', 'MM-DD-YYYY'));
    UPDATE tester_timevalues SET salary = 45000 WHERE name = 'Adams';
    Updated values:
    Adams     45000     (1/1/2000 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00, 1/1/2001 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00)
    Adams     45000     (1/1/2002 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00, 1/1/2003 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00)
    I know this is "works as designed". But is there a relatively painless way to fill in the gaps in the records?

    Thanks, Ben. I will give that approach a try.
    BTW, I have an even better example where detecting and filling "gaps" in the effective dated periods is necessary.
    Suppose I have a link table (GroupMembership) with foreign key links to an Employee and a Group table. Say that there's currently a record in the GroupMembership table indicating that Bob was a member of the Steering Committee group from 1/2002 to 1/2004. The information now needs to be amended to indicate that Bob was really a member from 1/2000 to 1/2006. Even if the GroupMembership table has a column that allows us to UPDATE it, the UPDATE will only affect the 2002 to 2004 range, even though we've called SetValidTime() for the range of 2000 to 2006.
    We'll have to cook up some SQL to handle this case. But this seems like a case where Oracle's Valid Time Support could make this make this type of scenario easier to handle.
    As it works now, Valid Time Support will indicate that there is a record for the requested time period (2000 to 2006), but doesn't indicate that the record's valid time period is different than the requested time period (at least not without some additional work on the developer's part).
    Just a thought...

  • Gaps between tracks still?

    Does anyone know if Apple have addressed the gaps between tracks issue? I know you can join tracks, and that's not what I'm asking Would be great if you could listen to mix CDs properly at last....

    Someone else has asked this already, see Ryan Goshorn, "Gapless Playback on Nano?", 06:44pm Sep 8, 2005 CDT
    ...and it appears the answer is that the gaps are still there.

  • Gaps Between Orders while Rescheduling in DS Board

    Hi All,
    After rescheduling is carried out on DS board , I observe that there are gaps between orders on the resource and the sequence of orders have been changed.I am planning in forward direction and the scheduling mode used is insert operation.
    I need help in understanding the presence of gaps and why does rescheduling change sequence of orders.

    Hi Thomas,
    Thanks for your valuable response.
    By using "Interrupt" functionality in DS board, the partially confirmed operations can be rescheduled, but when you double click on this operation, you will see the checkbox "Part.Conf." is removed.
    Now customer want to see this flag stays to be set, so as to configure the color for this partial confirmed operation, and meanwhile to enable the rescheduling functionality.
    Is it possible? Any enhancement we have to do for this requirement?
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Best regards,

  • Classical music on iTunes: lack of proper gaps between movements

    I have the latest generation iPod and am using the latest version of iTunes. I purchase primarily classical music on iTunes and am quite annoyed that the gaps between movements (or "tunes" of an "album") are not reproduced properly the way they are on any CD, including of course the original recordings that the digital tunes derive from. Specifically, one movement runs into the next with little or no silence in between. (I am not talking about crossfade, which I disabled.) I submitted a complaint to iTunes but got no human response, just a free "tune."
    Does anyone know of this problem being addressed by the iTunes Store? Alternatively, does anyone know an easy way to add a few seconds of silence to the end of selected tunes?
    Many thanks in advance for any help!

    I don't know of any scripts that will do that or a program that will do that for you. But if you click on the composer and then hit Cmd i. You can mass change all of the information by that composer. You can do the same thing with Album and Genre.

  • Is it normal for there to be a gap between the glass and bezel on iPhone 5?

    As you can see, there's a really small gap between the glass and the rim (frame) whatever you want to call it. I can fit a piece of paper there, as u can see.
    It also collects dust. It's annoying.
    Is it normal and can it be replaced under the 1 year warranty? I bought the device just 2 weeks ago and haven't dropped it or anything.

    Is anyone else seeing this on their phone or is it just me?

  • I need to add a gap between songs when burning a CD

    I just upgraded to iTunes, hoping that it would solve my problem. I need to add (yes, ADD) a gap between songs. I'm burning a CD to be used during a performance, and there's a reason that I need 10 seconds of silence after the first song. I believe in previous versions I could add a gap between songs...using Get Info, then Options, but now it just gives me a start and end time for songs. How can I add a 10 second gap between the first two songs?

    tcoandkiki wrote:
    How can I add a 10 second gap between the first two songs?
    Add a track consisting of 10 seconds of silence. I made you one in crystal clear MP3 stereo. You can get it here:
    Just put it in the library and then add it to your playlist wherever you need it.
    iTunes lets you add a gap between songs, but only up to 5 seconds, and it has to be the same every time.

  • Gaps between header/footer and main content

    I am building upon a website that somebody else previously worked on.  When adding to the main content, gaps appear between the header/footer and the content.  How can I fix this?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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    <body bgcolor="#d0e8fb" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"><!-- ImageReady Slices (cut_events.psd) -->
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    <p align="left" class="events_boldRed"><span class="style1">Charlie Harper Trunk Show</span></p>
    <p align="left"><span class="style2">February 2012</span><span class="events_boldRed"><br />
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    <p align="left"><span class="events_boldRed"><span class="style1">Back to Basics II with Tony Mineri</span></span></p>
    <p align="left"><span class="style2">March 12, May 14, June 18 &amp; July 19</span></p>
    <p align="left"><span class="style2">9:30-4:00 (lunch will be provided</span></p>
    <p align="left"><span class="style2">Space is limited - $350.00</span></p>
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    <p align="left"><span class="events_boldRed style1">Tony Mineri Embellishments</span></p>
    <p align="left" class="style2">2012 </p>
    <p align="left" class="style2">June 3rd &amp; 4th - Full (waiting list only)</p>
    <p align="left" class="style2">November 4th &amp; 5th (limited space available)</p>
    <p align="left" class="style2">2013</p>
    <p align="left" class="style2">June 9th &amp; 10th </p>
    <p align="left" class="style2">October 6th &amp; 7th</p>
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    <p><!-- End ImageReady Slices --></p>
    <p>  </p>

    This is just a guess, which is what we have to do until we can see the live page, but try changing this -
    <p align="left" class="events_boldRed"><span class="style1">Charlie Harper Trunk Show</span></p>
    to this -
    <p align="left" class="events_boldRed" style="margin-top:0;"><span class="style1">Charlie Harper Trunk Show</span></p>
    Does that solve the gap between the header and the main content?
    While you're worrying about these gaps, read this -
    I see trouble ahead....

  • Bridge Table between two fact tables

    Hello everybody,
    From what I have read on the BI Administration tool help and on this forum, bridge tables are used to define many-to-many relations between dimension sand fact tables. Is it possible to have a bridge table defining a many-to-many relation between two fact tables?
    Here is my senario:
    1. We have a fact table called fact_Orders describing orders for some products.
    2. We have a fact table called fact_Sales describing sales og these products.
    3. We have a table describing the transformation from order lines to sales lines which is a many-to-many relation, because it is possible to transform an order in more than two steps.
    I was thinking of connecting the two fact tables with a bridge table.
    If bridge tables are inappropriate for this case, what could be a better model for my senario?
    Thanks for your time.

    Well a conformed dimension is a bridge table between two facts, so not sure why you need anything else. If there is a one to many from D1 to F1 and a one to many from D1 to F2 then effectively there is a many to many join from F1 to F2 through the D1 dimension.
    Sounds to me like all you need is an order dimension table, rows in the orders fact table will join to this dimension and so will rows in the sales fact table. You can then do calculations like number of sales per order, total sales revenue per order, # of order items per order etc etc.

  • Huge gap between icons in menu bar

    Lately the menu bar will randomly throw in a huge gap between icons. Initially I thought it was a specific app, but now it's happening with all sorts of random icons there...definitely not the same icon each time.
    The icons you see on the left are the ones I launched after the gap appeared.
    Restarting my machine seems to be the only solution to removing the gap.
    Message was edited by: Josh Pigford

    I've tried trashing the prefs for this and have the icons down to just the Apple ones. Then, as I slowly add other menu bar items, they'll start adding the gap directly next to the Apple items.
    But the thing is, it doesn't matter which items are on the left. Different ones can be next to the gap and it still is there.
    Restarting or logging out/in so far has been the only fix (albeit, temporary).

  • How do I remove a gap between table rows in InDesign?

    I need help in figuring out how to remove gaps between table rows.  I have tried Table Spacing under Table Set-up, but it doesn't work.
    Here's what I'm working on:
    As you can see there are gaps above the first row and below last row under the header Business Management Technology.  I cannot select that gap.  How do I remove it, so that the first class, 31058, is flush with the black header?  (and the last class, 32675, is flush with the Chemistry header?)
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    SRiegel wrote: may be that the black bar is created with a paragraph rule instead of cell color.
    I hadn't considered that, and your example is proof-of-concept. However, now that you made me look closer, I still don't think that's the OP's case, seeing as the text in the OP's header rows appears to span more than one column, belying what I suppose must be merged cells.* The column strokes in the "gap" appear to disqualify it (the gap) as part of a row with merged cells.
    *There is still another possibility that someone "made pictures" of tables with merged cells by overlaying text frames to make the header rows. I've run across all kinds of such "carpentry;" especially when the file may have originated at the desk of someone who avoids or resists use of tables. They find ways to fake them and/or their features.
    [still looking]

  • Line gap between record to record using FCC

    Hi Experts,
    i am working on xml to fcc scenario.In target text file i want line gap between each record.
    what are the parameters do i need to provide in reciever fcc adapter?
    please help me in this issue.

    Hi Radhika,
    I guess you can achieve this with "NameA.absoluteRowWidth=<noOfColumns>" along with "xml.endSeparator".
    If the separators do not contain any line breaks, the text document is generated as a single line of text. To restrict the width of the text, use this parameter. <noOfColumns> represents the maximum number of columns in this case. This parameter also functions together with the specification of a line break for xml.endSeparator.
    This value requires NameA.addHeaderLine=0 to be specified.
    Give a try..

  • A gap between letters started to show in my indesgn files. tried to undo with tracking, the paragraph settings. nothing helped. it ruins the fluent view of the document. how can i restore the program so that doesn't happen?

    a gap between letters started to show in my indesign files. tried to undo with tracking, then with the paragraph settings. nothing helped. it ruins the fluent view of the document. how can i restore the program so that doesn't happen?
    for example: say i write a paragraph. then, in a weird some sort of way an involuntary gap suddenly appears between different letters of random words(i did not recognize any pattern to the gap appearing) throughout the entire paragraph. once i've double clicked on that paragraph, and made a minor change, lets say tapped a 'space' key, and then clicked ctrl+z to undo, it has aligned(or fixed) the entire paragraph and made it look ok again. i've tried numerous ways to undo the entire thing, but cannot find the reason. i've been working for a few years and there's no reason why this thing all of a sudden should happen right now.
    if anyone has stumbled on something like that and can advise, i would welcome it.

    yep...i'm typing with hebrew. i'll make a printscreen with the settings you've asked for@:
    if you look closely you'll see that almost every line has a single letter apart. in hebrew there is no usually a singe letter structured words.

Maybe you are looking for

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