SAP Business Package

Hi All,
Please tell me the SAP business package name for Collections Management

Hi Laksmi,
Did you find the business package for collection management? I am also looking for the same but have not been able to find anything.
Thanks, Akhilesh

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    You can download the latest excel on Portal Business Packages from here -
    Predefined Portal Content Integration
    Predefined Portal Content Integration

  • ESS Business Package with External Facing / Light Framework

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    We are using an external facing portal with light framework page and we now start with ESS/MSS Business Packages.
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    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Gopal,
    I already tried to replace e.g. in the inner page the Light Content Area iview with the normal Content Area iView.
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    Try the best processes for water:
    Daniel Toba

  • Business Packages available

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    Thanks in advance.

    Please refer to this
    Good Luck!
    Sandeep Tudumu

  • Business Package for finance Transactions in Portal

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    Appreciate your responses.

    Hi Avinash,
    Please check the Portal Content Portfolio site on SDN for information on all the SAP Business packages.
    Predefined Portal Content Integration
    You can download the zip file which has information regarding the most recent business packages from SAP (in an excel format).

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    maintaining multi-lingual External facing portal
    The SAP Portal is multi-lingual by default (incl. left to right, right to left), and the EFP isn't really different from the "normal" portal as the same language identification and content delivery principles apply. It get's more interesting when dealing with anonymous users, WPC content, etc, but nothing really over complicated.

  • Import business packages into the Websphere portal

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    Is there any way to import business packages into the Websphere portal. We are looking to display E Recruitment applications in Websphere Portal.Please let me know the procedure.

    If it is OK to open the e-recruitment app into a new window from Websphere portal, simply link to it and host it in SAP Portal.
    If you can work out the single sign on, perhaps Websphere portal would let you use a portlet like an iframe that lets you display the SAP functionality hosted in SAP Portal. That way it looks like one interface to the end user but back end is hosted separately.
    The most streamlined but also more work, would probably be to have a SOA aware Websphere developer create the front end in IBM that references SAP's remote enabled functions.
    I'm not aware of any automatic way to simply import / host the SAP business packages inside Websphere, if that is what you are asking.

  • Business Package for finance Transactions

    Hi Guys,
    I am trying to find out if any Business Packages are available for SAP Finance transactions like F-03, FAGLB03, FAGLL03, FB03L, FB04 etc.
    Appreciate your responses.

    Hi Avinash,
    Please check the Portal Content Portfolio site on SDN for information on all the SAP Business packages.
    Predefined Portal Content Integration
    You can download the zip file which has information regarding the most recent business packages from SAP (in an excel format).

  • Adding a workset to a Business Package

    I have created a business package using the SAP Netweaver Development Studio. I did this:
    File -> New -> Project... (opens 'New Project' wizard)
    Portal Application -> Create a Portal Application Project
    Project name: MyBP; project root folder: C:\
    In the newly created project I created an iView like this:
    New -> Other... (opens 'New' wizard)
    Portal Application -> Create a new Portal Application Object
    selected project 'MyBP'
    selected template PortalComponent -> AbstractPortalComponent
    Filled in name, class name, package name... Finish...
    This works fine. I added some code, exported it to a par archive and uploaded it to the portal and tested it. I can see my iView and test it. It works fine.
    Now I want to try to add a Workset (or a Page) to my BP. All documentation I can find is suggesting that this is possible, but I can't seem to find any example on how to do it. The 'New' wizard does not offer any templates to use so I am stuck.
    Is there any example available on how to add worksets and pages etc to a Business Package, or maybe it's not possible?
    Is a Workset defined in/as XML and if so, where?
    Thanks for any help,

    The Business Packages are normally pre-built content delivered by SAP available from "") but you can also build .epa files as a Portal Transport Request (via System AdminTransportExport and by creating a NewTransport Package and adding content from the PCD).
    Some of the SAP business packages are delivered as .zip files, some as .epa files and some as .sda file (which require deployment via the SDM remoteGui rather than the normal method of System AdminTransportImport)
    The basic idea is that you can import a load of prebuilt content, of which most of the value is in the iViews and the code behind them, which have been organised into what SAP consider useful Pages, Worksets and Roles that will generally be useful to customers.
    You can then take a copy of the existing roles from the business packages and use them as a starting point for your own customised roles by adding removing or changing their content.
    All of the objects except for iViews exist as PCD objects, as all they really do is organise the iViews into usefull groupings. Its only the iViews that generally require any coding behind them from Netweaver Developer Studio.
    Out of interest, what are you trying to develop?
    Message was edited by: Steve Archer

  • How to download a business package for ESS and MSS?

    hi folks,
    could anyone tell me how to download a business package for ESS and MSS ? any reference material on the same would be appreciated..

    Hi aditi
    You can get it from service market place.Follow the below specified path. -> SAP Installations and Upgrades -> SAP Application Components -> SAP ERP ->
    SAP ERP 2004 -> SAP Business Packages -> Portal Content ->
    Entry by Component -> Portal Content ->
    BP ESS (ERP 2004) 60.2 -> #OS independent ->
    Unzip that zip file to get the file. Deploy this file via SDM.
    You can get refernce material in
    Also check these links below:
    Hope this helps.

  • Creation of Add-on package for 64 bit and 32 bit SAP Business One Client

    Please help me creating package for 64 bit and 32 bit SAP Business One. If Add-on executable is compiled with x86 option then there is no issue of connecting Add-on with 32 bit SAP Business one and if Add-on executable is compiled with Any CPU option then there is no issue of connecting Add-on with 64 bit SAP Business one. Problems are mentioned as below
    1. My Add-on uses MS ACCESS connection and the connection is read using Jet OLEDB 4.0 provider. It works fine for x86 compile mode but not when compile mode is Any CPU. I searched for the issue on Google and found a solution to change MS ACCESS connection provider to ACE.OLEDB.12.0 but again ACE provider is installed according to the Office version i.e. 32 bit or 64 bit office suite. If I install 32 bit ACE provider then Add-on executable compiled with x86 version is working fine but with Any CPU option throws error as provider is not registered on current machine.
    2. Secodly, our license validation activex dll is build using vb 6.0 and therefore when Add-on executable is compiled using Any CPU option, Add-on EXE cannot read from license dll. Any suggestion, how the activeX dll can be compiled whose component can be created from for X86 compiled exe and any cpu compiled exe.
    Please help because we are stuck in this issue and cannot move forward.

    Hi Alejandro,
    That is one solution but did your add on used ms access connection? if you used Jet oledb to connection string or ace oledb connection string? what if 32 bit office is installed and what if 64 office is installed? how did you found the office version in install script? after determining the office version how did you installed Microsoft redistributable for ace oledb (32 bit or 64 bi )?
    I am sorry that I asked many questions but these are the problems where I am stuck with the addon installer?

  • Addon not loading - B1 Usability Package for all users in SAP Business One

    Hello, I am a new admin to SAP B1 and am about to go live in a few weeks. We are running SAP Business One v. 8.80.227.
    Envirorment details: Dedicated server for SAP database, and Terminal Server for remote connections.
    I have a demo group of users in Active Directory that have permission to Remote Desktop to the TS and load SAP. For now, theses users are local admins on the TS. ( Permissions to be revised once addon issues are worked out ). I am the companies tech, and we have a SAP implementation company leading the project development.
    Currently the addons that we are running are CRSB1Addon SAP 8.8 and B1UP from boyumit.
    For one of the users in the Active Directory Security Group all the addon's work great. However the other users get the error below;
    When logging in the system message window shows the following:
    Failed to assign SAP Business One user license to SAP Add-ons. The Add on is configured to automatically load on startup, yet once I get the error, I open the Add on Manager and I don't see the B1UP in either tab at all.
    The error on the TS in the log is here:
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Error
    Date:          18/03/2010 10:55:25 AM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: (100)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      OVCL-TS.laurieroptical.local
    Faulting application SAP Business One.exe, version, time stamp 0x4b8fadd4, faulting module ole32.dll, version 6.0.6002.18005, time stamp 0x49e037d7, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x000472da, process id 0x1f14, application start time 0x01cac6a4a2da01c9.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Application Error" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2010-03-18T14:55:25.000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>SAP Business One.exe</Data>
    Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: dontforgetken on Mar 18, 2010 4:05 PM

    hello Ken - Boyum IT has its own License Administration - path of Administration > Add Ons > B1 Usability Package > License Administration...
    Do all of the users have a checkmark to give them access???
    When a user has only the Main Menu window open, select the "Form Settings" icon and follow the same path on the Form Settings window that is diplayed and make sure they have checkmarks next to the B1 Usability Package to be "Visible".
    Are all of the user set to display Boyum IT on their machines???
    LOL - I am not technical so I have no idea what that other stuff means...
    Hope that helps...

  • Error in the BSP service of business package SAP Learning Solution

    Hi all,
    I'm implementing the business package for Learning.
    I've activated a BSP service in Backend system (ECC 5.0) with BP LSOFE300 (Sap E-Learning Solution).
    On testing the BSP service,I've a "Raise Exceptions" on link "Training Activity" and in others link "Error: RC 2".
    This is the exception:
    Exception condition "INITIAL_LEARNER" raised.
    Tipe of interruption: RABAX_STATE
    ABAP Hierarchy:
    Kindly provide inputs to solve the problem.

    This worked for me too. Thank you very much.
    However, I am missing the point
    "You must also make sure that all users that use the connection have authorization to Trusted RFC"
    could you be more clear on this.
    I have a problem described below. I am not sure where it is coming from.
    I installed bp for Learning Solution 300 on EP6.0 SP16. It has one BSP iView. The iview is assgined to a page and page to workset and worset to a role. Couple of Portal User ID was assgined this role. SAPR/3 user ids same as portal user ids were assigned to IT105 of PERNR in t-code 'pa30'.
    We are using SAP logon ticket method for SSO with ECC5.0.
    I logged into portal with one user id and tested the application. The corresponding PERNR was assigned some qualifications, profile match up etc. in the backend. The values are getting updated in the portal.
    But when I logged into portal with another user id, I am seeing the same qualifcations of the last 'PERNR' instead of the qualificaitons of 'PERNR' assgined to this User ID.

  • ESS and MSS business packages in SAP Netweaver

    I am going to work on ESS & MSS business packages in SAP Netweaver using Portal Development Kit.I have never worked on any business package before. Can somebody provide me with the flow of work or some tutorial that can help me out?Also,while working on a business package what are the necessary things i should know?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi, Reinuka!
    Useful links:
    Here are the packages:
    Information: [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    Also check SAP Employee Self-Service Frequently Asked Questions on (you'll need s* user)
    and also Manager Self-Service Documentation on
    Hope it will help you.
    Best regards, Elena

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