SAP GRC PC10 CCM - How to delete obsolete audit trails

Hi SAP experts,
I would like to know how obsolete records related to CCM workflows (exceptions, remediation, audit trail of actions) can be deleted in GRC10.
Thanks for your help in advance

Hi SAP experts,
I would like to know how obsolete records related to CCM workflows (exceptions, remediation, audit trail of actions) can be deleted in GRC10.
Thanks for your help in advance

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    Thank you very much

    Here are the queries that I use for my audits internally. The first one is for customer changes. And the second one to control pricing.
    Query Name: Business Partner History Log
    Author: Vincent Motte                  
    Version: 1.0                          
    /* WHERE */
    SET @DATE = /* T1.UpdateDate */ getdate()-30
                    WHEN (SELECT ISNULL(T10.BankCode,0) FROM ACRD T10 WHERE T10.CardCode=T0.CardCode AND T10.LogInstanc=T0.LogInstanc-1)<>ISNULL(T0.BankCode,0)
                                    Then  'Bank details modified'
                     WHEN (SELECT ISNULL(T10.DflAccount,0) FROM ACRD T10 WHERE T10.CardCode=T0.CardCode AND T10.LogInstanc=T0.LogInstanc-1)<>ISNULL(T0.DflAccount,0)
                                    Then  'Bank  details modified'
                     WHEN (SELECT ISNULL(T10.DflBranch,0) FROM ACRD T10 WHERE T10.CardCode=T0.CardCode AND T10.LogInstanc=T0.LogInstanc-1)<>ISNULL(T0.DflBranch,0)
                                    Then  'Bank  details modified'
                    WHEN (SELECT COUNT(T10.CardCode) FROM ACRD T10 WHERE T10.CardCode=T0.CardCode and T10.LogInstanc<T0.LogInstanc)<=0
                                    Then 'Creation'
                    else ''
    END 'Alert',
    T0.UpdateDate 'Update Date', T1.[U_NAME] 'User',T0.CardCode, T0.CardName
    , T0.[CreditLine], T0.[DebtLine],
    T0.[Discount], T0.[VatStatus], T0.[LicTradNum], T0.[ListNum] 'Price List', T0.[DflAccount], T0.[DflBranch], T0.[BankCode],
    T0.[validFor], T0.[frozenFor], T0.[VatGroup], T0.[Deleted], T0.[PymCode], T0.[BlockDunn],
    T1.INTERNAL_K=T0.UserSign AND T0.UpdateDate>=@DATE
    Query Name: Price Change log
    Description: extracts the price modification for each item in SBO for the past 30 days
    Version 1.0
    Author: Vincent Motte
    T1.itemcode 'Item Code',
    T0.Price [Previous],
    T1.Price [Current],
    T2.ListName 'Price List',
    T0.Factor[Old Factor] ,
    T0.factor [New Factor],
    /* select the update date for the log instance(determined by the where condition )*/
    (Select distinct T3.Updatedate from aitm T3 where T3.itemcode= T0.itemcode and (T3.loginstanc +1)= T0.loginstanc ) 'Update Date',
    T0.loginstanc 'Instance',
    T2.listName 'Price List',
    /Select the base price list for the item's price list from the price list table/
    (Select T4.base_num from opln T4 where T4.listnum = T1.pricelist and T4.listnum = T0.pricelist) [Base PriceList ]
    ait1 T0 inner join
    itm1 T1 on T0.pricelist = T1.pricelist and T0.itemcode = T1.itemcode
    Inner Join opln T2 on T1.pricelist = T2.listnum
    /* Condition 1: Select all the items + their price change where the price has been changed and the base price list equals the price list itself. It counts the Log Instance from the item in
    the price list and substract one to get the last entry where the price was changed. The loginstance coutn ignores a count of 1
    T0.loginstanc =
    ((Select count (a.Loginstanc) from ait1 a where a.itemcode = T0.itemcode and a.pricelist = T0.pricelist group by a.itemcode having count(a.Loginstanc) > '1' ) -1)
    /* Cater for prices in target price lists which may have been manually changed. */
    (T1.ovrwritten='y'and T0.Price <> T1.Price)
    or (T0.Price <> T1.Price and T2.base_num = T1.pricelist and T2.base_num = T1.pricelist
    and T2.base_Num = T2.listnum )
    Cater for cases where a currency change but not a price change may happen
    Condition 2: Select all price changes where the price may have changed due to the price of the parent price lsit changing.
    As this type of price chnage is not recorded in the AIT1 the second log instance condition details that the base price list
    from opln does not equal the actual price list in ait1 or itm1.
    T0.loginstanc =
    (Select top 1 c.loginstanc from ait1 c where c.itemcode = T0.itemcode and c.pricelist = T0.pricelist and c.loginstanc <> '1' order by c.loginstanc desc)
    and T2.base_num <> T1.pricelist and T2.base_num <> T1.pricelist
    and T2.base_Num <> T2.listnum
    caters for a change in the factors or prices in target price lists which may have been manually changed.
    ((T0.Factor <> T1.factor)
    or (T1.ovrwritten='y'and T0.Price <> T1.Price)
    or T0.price <> T1.price
    Cater for cases where a currency change but not a price change may happen
    and (T0.Price >= 0 or T1.Price >=0) and ((T0.Price <> T1.Price) or ((T0.Price <>
    (Select distinct b.pricelist from itm1 b right outer join OPLN T4 on b.pricelist= T4.listnum and b.pricelist <> T4.base_Num where b.pricelist = T1.pricelist and b.itemcode =T1.itemcode)))
    and (Select distinct T3.Updatedate from aitm T3 where T3.itemcode= T0.itemcode and (T3.loginstanc +1)= T0.loginstanc ) >getdate()-30

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    For example, if you have an InfoObject with SID value 1 for actual value of A1 and it's deleted. However, there is an InfoCube that has SID value 1 for this InfoObject in a dimension table.
    To remove the values from the SID table for this InfoObject, your best bet is to use RSRV as stated before.

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    I assume automatic messaging is holding the wrong email address in memory.
    <Email Edited by Host>

    Hello, might check this...
    Mail>Window>Previous Recipients, highlight the ones you don't want & click the Remove from list button.

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    How and where in the program , i should create a file and how should i write System.out.println statements output to it .
    Pls help me with the code .
    //Start the main method
         public static void main(String[] args){
              if(!(args.length == 3 || args.length == 4))
                   System.out.println("Usage: java Load_data @baseyr @rateyr @caseID [@infile]");
              String baseYr = args[0];
              String rateYr = args[1];
              String param3 = args[2];
              System.out.println("The base year is :"+baseYr);
              System.out.println("The rate year is :"+rateYr);
              if(param3.compareToIgnoreCase("max") == 0)
                   System.out.println("The CaseID begins at :"+caseID);
              else if(param3.compareToIgnoreCase("one") == 0)
                   System.out.println("Warning : I am assuming the CaseID as 1");
              inFile = (args.length == 4) ? args[3] : "C\\UDS_YYYY.txt";     
            System.out.println("The Input file we are using is :"+inFile);
              goodOutFile = "C:/Documents and Settings/Desktop/Program/GOOD_LOAD.txt";
              badOutFile = "C:/Documents and Settings/Desktop/Program/BAD_LOAD.txt";
              inFormat = "C:/Documents and Settings/Desktop/Program/FORMAT.csv";
    //Here I call the Load_data method.
              new Load_data();
              System.out.println("The number of records written to good O/P FIle :" +goodRecord);
              System.out.println("The number of records written to bad O/P FIle :" +badRecord);

    1sai wrote:
    However, a better choice would be to use log4j which support rolling log files and more control over what output goes where in what format.
    Can U pls explain this ,or where i can learn abt this .
    Thank UTry clicking on the link BigDaddyLoveHandles provided you in the previous reply.
    Your hands must get tired with your hiney sitting on them all day, huh?

  • How to load XML audit trail into an oracle table

    I have a task to load XML sys audit information into a database table.
    Here is a sample audit.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Audit xmlns=""
    <Sql_Text>ALTER DATABASE OPEN</Sql_Text>
    <Sql_Text>SELECT name, value
    FROM gv$parameter
    WHERE name LIKE '%audit%'</Sql_Text>
    <Sql_Text>select count(*) from v$session</Sql_Text>
    <Sql_Text>select count(*) from v$session</Sql_Text>
    I am using the following code to load it:
    create or replace directory test_dir as '/dbms/oracle/work/sh82993'
    drop table xxrp_acct_header
    create table xxrp_acct_header (
    Audit_Type number,
    Sql_Text varchar2(100)
    acct_doc xmltype := xmltype( bfilename('TEST_DIR','dbmsdev_ora_720942_1.xml')
    , nls_charset_id('UTF-8') );
    insert into xxrp_acct_header (Audit_Type, Sql_Text)
    select *
    from xmltable(
    passing acct_doc
    columns Audit_Type path 'Audit_Type'
    , Sql_Text path 'Sql_Text'
    select * from xxrp_acct_header
    However I am having problems with the <Audit .... > tag.
    If a strip the rest following Audit I can get it working but if I leave the part:
    the loading will not work.
    Any ideas?
    All will be appreciated.

    odie_63 wrote:
    The XML has a default namespace, so you must declare it in XMLTable :
    SELECT *
    FROM XMLTable(
    XMLNamespaces(default ''),
    passing acct_doc
    columns Audit_Type number        path 'Audit_Type'
    , Sql_Text   varchar2(100) path 'Sql_Text'
    Hi ,
    Can you please tell how can I load the data in the column "Extended_Timestamp" , I defined the column with datatype "TIMESTAMP" in the table but its giving error 'ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string" .
    I also tried to add a column with datatype "TIMESTAMP(6) with time Zone" but still giving the same error. What shld be the datatype of the column which will store the corresponding data from extended_timestamp or do I need to format the insert statement , if yes then how ?

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    HI, how can i delete project from dtr?thanks

    Hi Lei,
    Please check the following links.Also the SAP Note 864515 explains how to delete a development component.
    How to delete Development Components in NetWeaver Java Development Infrastructure (JDI)

  • Deleting Obsolete Archiveslogs

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to delete my obsolete archiveslog but if i issue the command 'delete obsolete' it gives me the below error
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of delete command at 12/14/2009 09:31:17
    RMAN-06091: no channel allocated for maintenance (of an appropriate type)
    Kindly assist pls.

    hi user;
    Please follow below and see its helpful for your issue:
    Encountered RMAN-03002 and RMAN-06091 when Deleting Obsolete Backups [ID 567555.1]
    Also check:
    Re: RMAN-06091 error
    RMAN backups dissapeared...

  • Delete obsolete combinations in /SAPAPO/MC62 - how to use?

    Hello SAP-experts,
    We are using SAP APO Demand planning SAP SCM 7.0 with SP 15 for most of components.
    I have some questions related to the button "delete obsolete combinations" in TA /SAPAPO/MC62. We want to use option "list combinations without planning data" to reduce CVC's quantity. What I have read it checks for CVC's without any entries at key figures. It sounds useful, but it doesn't seem to work in our company for some reason.
    1. Where exactly does system check if there are key figures for the selected CVC's? In livecache directly? Or in an internal generated info cube for the planning area? Is it possible to view these key figures (on same base as done from system with option "list combinations without planning data") before using the deletion? Is there a report / table to do so? What's the best practise for this check (maybe on daily base)?
    2. I have (some) CVC's without any key figure filled (for my opinion...). At the moment I check this with an info cube used for daily backup (means I see always the data from last night and I know that noone changed data because of blocked planning access). But it isn't found with "list combinations without planning data". When displaying the data in this backup-cube all key figures are shown as zero (the one which are shown for deletion and in same way the cvc's which are not shown). In the key figure settings "differentiation between zero and initial value" is not marked... I think this is correct, but maybe I have a misunderstanding here... any ideas about this setting? I don't believe this setting is wrong, because it shows me some CVC's to be deleted, but some of them are not shown (the setting should work for all cvc's in same way...?).
    All ideas are most welcome, thank you all in advance!
    Best regards
    Harald Leissl

    Hello Ali,
    thank you for your reply!
    My plan was to use standard tool, because it's available since some releases. I don't prefer to implement own programming instead of using an existing tool (talking about the built ABAP tool, the idea with alert makro sounds good).
    Is the standard tool effective??? Good question. We talk about 2 steps.
    If the mentioned function "delete obsolete" would work like designed (maybe it does, but I don't understand how...) it would do 2 steps combined:
    - find out obsolete CVC's (your alert makro)
    - delete obsolete CVC's (your ABAP tool)
    Combining these 2 steps would be really effective, but it doesn't work for some reason. My estimation is that standard is not effective, because complete process of deletions of CVC's is very slow and causes sometimes performance trouble.
    But this is the reason why I search for a standard tool to run periodically (maybe each week) for a check of "old" CVC's. I think our problem of slow running deletions is caused by too many CVC's in an planning object structure (together with the fact that our CVC's have a lot of key figures / characteristics).
    To be honest my main task is to find the best possibility to delete a list of completely different CVC's (no unique selection possible). I tested a lot of things found in SCN (realignment, background deletion,...), but all the solutions have s lack in performance (at least in our system...).

  • How to delete and create the CCM MASTER CATALOG in Catalog Content?

    Hi All,
    Please provide the solution as we are in real trouble.
    We have to delete master catalog and upload it again. Deletion is done because the mapping and all are being corrupted. SAP has suggested to delete the catalog and again upload it and do all the mapping again related to supplier and procurement catalog
    In the link above I found information really useful, however according to the document the CCM MASTER CATALOG should be created automatically by the SAP Catalog Authoring Tool, this happens the first time that you are using the system.
    Catalog Creation
    You use this function to create catalogs in SAP Catalog Authoring Tool.
    You can create the following types of catalogs:
    Supplier catalogs
    Procurement catalogs
    Model service catalogs
    SAP Catalog Authoring Tool creates the master catalog, the SRM product catalog, SRM contract catalogs, and the contract catalog for service specifications automatically.
    When SAP Catalog Authoring Tool is used for the first time, you must open the Edit Catalogs application once, before you create any catalogs. Choosing Edit Catalogs triggers the creation of the master catalog. If you do not do this, SAP Catalog Authoring Tool outputs an error message when you try to create a catalog.
    We have already the Master Schema and we know how to map the CCM MASTER CATALOG to the supplier and procurement catalogs. The main problem is that we need to delete the CCM/MASTERCATALOG and created again.
    1. How delete the CCM/MASTERCATALOG?
    In a Test environment I have delete the CCM/MASTERCATALOG using the "Edit Catalogs" mode then choosing the catalog and confirm the deletion.
    Once this has been done, all the catalogs has been erased including the CCM/MASTERCATALOG, so now we have the system in blank. I am not sure if this is the correct way to delete the catalog or there is an easiest way where the Procurement and supplier catalogs don't disappear once the CCM/MASTERCATALOG is deleted.
    2. Once the CCM/MASTERCATAOG is deleted how to created again?
    According to the instructions the SAP Catalog Authoring Tool should created this automatically when is used for the first time, however how we can created the CCM/MASTERCATALOG again if the SAP Catalog Authoring Tool is not used for the fist time.
    Is there a way where the system can create the CCM/MASTERCATALOG for a second time?
    I follow the steps to create the CCM/MASTERCATALOG for the first time however I didn't get a positive result.
    Any help provided will be really appreciated.

    Generation of the /CCM/MASTER_CATALOG is automatic and does not require any additional effort from a catalog admin other than accessing the CDC (Edit Catalogs).
    If the catalog is not regenerated at this point it is likely that you then receive an error like 'Error reading catalogs, error reading Master Catalog' or something similar which would indicate that the previous deletion of the master from either table /CCM/D_CTLG or /CCM/D_CTLG_REQ was not successfully completed or that the update operation in table /CCM/D_UPD_STATE remained in update status and never for some reason completed (status 03).
    Deletion of the Master catalog should not cause the deletion of any other catalog, unless you have chosen 'delete all catalogs'! Choosing the Master and delete should result in only a deletion request for the master catalog, be aware however that all mapping records between Supplier -> Master -> Procurement catalogs will be destroyed and cannot be 'rejoined' but only rebuilt from scratch. It is also advisable after the Master deletion to chcek with report /CCM/CLEANUP_MAPPING which orphaned items and mapping records require cleanup as it is better to remove these before proceeding with the new mappings.

  • How to delete the Sites in SAP IS RETAIL

    hello ALL,
    can any one explain me how to delete the Sites in Sap Retail.
    thanks in advance

    Hello All,
    Delete the plant / Site complete details and put in one transport and do the import & export.
    Edited by: krishna cherry on Jul 26, 2010 3:28 PM

  • How to delete a user in SAP-CPS Version 7.0

    I created my users via UME ( User Management Engine of Java Application server). Unfortunately I used the wrong name convention, so I had to recreate all the users in UME. Afterwards I delete all wrong users in UME.
    Than I tried to login with my new user in SAP-CPS (users are normally created in SAP-CPS during first login) but I get the error message that I reached the maximum number of 10 users allowed in the basic version. No problem I thougt, I simply delete the wrong ones in SAP-CPS. But I do not know how to delete a user! I could not find any menu item or any describtion in the manualls how to delete an user in SAP-CPS.
    I remove the users from any Isolation group, I disabled all the users but still I could not find any way to delete them.
    Has any body a hint for mor.
    Kind regards
    Frank Morleo

    Hello Anton,
    deactivating the unused users made it possible to login with the new ones. 
    Thanks for your help.
    Now I have to find out how to clear the deactivated users from the list.

  • How to delete old logs in SAP BI, what is the best way to go?

    below are the issues we are facing,
    when executing infopackage job is not getting triggred into source system.
    for activation DSO data it is taking huge time. At the time of seqential read to RSREQDONE table.
    I think this is due to huge logs in the staandard tables.
    What could be the reson behind this.. and let me know how to delete old logs.

    just carry out RSRV for DSO PSA tables and see if there is inconsistency available there in the PSA table.
    see if the change log and PSA deletion is happening regularly..else schedule same in PC
    check with basis there are certain jobs which needs to run regularly at certain frequency..
    Thanks and regards

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