Sap scripts - push start

Hi experts...Can someone give me a push start on SAP Scripts and Forms with simple examples and simple guidelines on how i go about creating them.

Hi experts...Can someone give me a push start on SAP Scripts and Forms with simple examples and simple guidelines on how i go about creating them.

Similar Messages

  • SAP Script - Getting Started

    Hi all,
    Pls help me in developing an SAP Script form from the scratch.

    1. Take transaction SE71. Give a name starting with Y or Z.
    2. Create a window
    3. Create a praragraph
    3. Create page windows
    4. Attach window to page window
    5. Write the code in the window text element
    6. Activate form
    Create a print program. Use the function modules OPEN_FORM, WRITE_FROM and CLOSE_FORM to call the SAPScript created.
    Please look at the following site for more info.

  • FJS-00012 ERROR while executing script in start SAP system

    Hi experts,
    I am getting error in the Oracle preload actions while installing the SAP 4.7 using the ORacle
    FJS-00012  Error when executing script in start SAP system(post processing)
    My comp configuration is as follows:
    160 gb hard disk
    RAM 1GB
    OS: win 2003 server enterprise edition
    oracle 8.1.7
    During the Database Load (post processing) section of the
    installation, i get an error and the installation fails.
    I am giving all the logs here including the trace log and the
    Sapview.log file ans sapinst.
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20070511002459
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/620/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#5 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: version R6.20/V1.2
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: job completed
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20070511002500
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20070511070423
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/620/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#5 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: version R6.20/V1.2
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe -dbcodepage 1100 -i C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/SAPVIEW.cmd -l C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/SAPVIEW.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: Got ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracle\ora81 from environment
    DbSl Trace: Client NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPESA's password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as /@ESA on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Attaching to DB Server ESA (con_hdl=0,svchp=002BD418,svrhp=002BD224)
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=002BD418,srvhp=002BD224,usrhp=00304E94)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1403 when accessing table SAPUSER
    DbSl Trace: Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=002BD418,usrhp=00304E94)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Try to connect with default password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as SAPESA/<pwd>@ESA on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=002BD418,srvhp=002BD224,usrhp=00304E94)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Database NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Database instance esa is running on MALTI with ORACLE version since 20070511
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/A_CONDF4 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VDASFEV created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_AOMIL created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_AOPAC created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_AOPAE created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_AOPAI created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_AOPAR created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_AOTD1 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_AOTD2 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_AOTDD created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_AOTYP created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_ASPAR created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/VD_CONDL created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/V_AODD02 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/V_DD03 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/V_DD03X created
    (DB) INFO: /SDF/SMODICOMP created
    (DB) INFO: /SDF/SMODIDEVC created
    (DB) INFO: /SDF/UMOD_COMP created
    (DB) INFO: ACEPSOIT_UPD created
    (DB) INFO: ADJV_TRANS_DIF created
    (DB) INFO: AFFWV0 created
    (DB) INFO: AFKO_LAUFN created
    (DB) INFO: AFSPLIT created
    (DB) INFO: AFVCP created
    (DB) INFO: ALM_ME_T003O_IS created
    (DB) INFO: ALM_ME_T350I created
    (DB) INFO: ALM_ME_TQ80_T created
    (DB) INFO: ANEKPV created
    (DB) INFO: APOUPD created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_DEVC created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_DIAL created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_DOMA created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_DTEL created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_ENQU created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_FUGR created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_FUGRG created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_FUNC created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_INDX created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_MCOB created
    (DB) INFO: APPL_MENU created
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    (CREATE VIEW "APPL_MODS" ( "NAME" , "TYP" , "MEMBER" , "DEVCLASS"  ) AS SELECT T0001."NAME", T0001."TYP", T0001."MEMBER", T0002."DEVCLASS" FROM "MODSAP" T0001, "MODSAPA" T0002 WHERE T0001."NAME" = T0002."NAME" AND T0002."MIGRATED" <> 'X')
    DbSlExecute: rc = 103
      (SQL error 942)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    DbSl Trace: Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=002BD418,usrhp=00304E94)
    DbSl Trace: Detaching from DB Server (con_hdl=0,svchp=002BD418,srvhp=002BD224)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    D:\usr\sap\ESA\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20070511070433
    INFO 2007-05-10 23:59:05
    Processing of host operation t_HostInfo_SHARED succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-10 23:59:16
    The 'saploc' share exists at directory 'D:\usr\sap'. Choosing drive D: as SAP System drive.
    INFO 2007-05-10 23:59:21
    Copying file E:/KERNEL/NT/COMMON/OraVolatileDatabaseParameters.xml to: OraVolatileDatabaseParameters.xml.
    INFO 2007-05-10 23:59:21
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\OraVolatileDatabaseParameters.xml.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:52
    Copying file E:/db1/EXPORT1/DB/ORA/DBSIZE.XML to: DBSIZE.XML.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:52
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\DBSIZE.XML.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:52
    Copying file system node E:\db1\EXPORT1/DB/ORA/DBSIZE.XML with type NODE to DBSIZE.XML succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:52
    Processing of all file system node operations of table tORA_filecopy succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:52
    Copying file E:/db1/EXPORT1/DB/DDLORA.TPL to: DDLORA.TPL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:52
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\DDLORA.TPL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:52
    Copying file system node E:\db1\EXPORT1/DB/DDLORA.TPL with type NODE to DDLORA.TPL succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:52
    Processing of all file system node operations of table tORA_filecopy succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:57
    Moving file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/DDLORA.TPL to: orig_ddl_ora_tmp.tpl.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:57
    Moving file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/changed_ddl_ora_tmp.tpl to: DDLORA.TPL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:01:57
    Removing file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/orig_ddl_ora_tmp.tpl.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:03:00
    Package table created
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.70 for Oracle
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    SAP Web Application Server
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Request common parameters of SAP System
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Create operating system accounts
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Copying file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/keydb.xml to: C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/keydb.1.xml.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\keydb.1.xml.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Copying file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/OraVolatileDatabaseParameters.xml to: C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/OraVolatileDatabaseParameters.1.xml.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\OraVolatileDatabaseParameters.1.xml.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\DBSIZE.1.XML.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Changing account ACCOUNTID=S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-1004 ACCOUNTNAME=malti\SAP_LocalAdmin ACCOUNTTYPE=GROUP DESCRIPTION=SAP Local Administration Group MEMBERSHIPSEPARATOR=, OPMODE=CREATE  succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Changing account ACCOUNTID=S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-1005 ACCOUNTNAME=malti\SAP_ESA_LocalAdmin ACCOUNTTYPE=GROUP DESCRIPTION=SAP Local Administration Group MEMBERSHIPSEPARATOR=, OPMODE=CREATE  succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Changing account ACCOUNTID=S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-1006 ACCOUNTNAME=malti\SAP_ESA_GlobalAdmin ACCOUNTTYPE=GROUP DESCRIPTION=SAP Global Administration Group MEMBERSHIPSEPARATOR=, OPMODE=CREATE  succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Changing account ACCOUNTID=S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-1007 ACCOUNTNAME=ORA_ESA_DBA ACCOUNTTYPE=GROUP CONDITION=YES DESCRIPTION=Database Operator Group MEMBERSHIPSEPARATOR=, OPMODE=CREATE  succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Changing account ACCOUNTID=S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-1008 ACCOUNTNAME=ORA_ESA_OPER ACCOUNTTYPE=GROUP CONDITION=YES DESCRIPTION=Database Administration Group MEMBERSHIPSEPARATOR=, OPMODE=CREATE  succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:15
    Processing of all account operations of table t_SAPComponent_Accounts_Accounts_SHARED succeeded (operation CREATE).
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:18
    Changing account ACCOUNTID=S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-1009 ACCOUNTNAME=malti\esaadm ACCOUNTTYPE=USER DESCRIPTION=SAP System Administrator MEMBERSHIP=malti\SAP_ESA_GlobalAdmin,malti\Users,Administrators,ORA_ESA_DBA,ORA_ESA_OPER,malti\SAP_LocalAdmin,malti\SAP_ESA_LocalAdmin MEMBERSHIPSEPARATOR=, OPMODE=CREATE USERPASSWORD=*...  succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:18
    Changing account ACCOUNTID=S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-1010 ACCOUNTNAME=malti\SAPServiceESA ACCOUNTTYPE=USER CONDITION=YES DESCRIPTION=SAP System Service Administrator MEMBERSHIP=malti\SAP_ESA_GlobalAdmin,Administrators,ORA_ESA_DBA,ORA_ESA_OPER,malti\SAP_LocalAdmin,malti\SAP_ESA_LocalAdmin MEMBERSHIPSEPARATOR=, OPMODE=CREATE USERPASSWORD=*...  succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:18
    Processing of all account operations of table t_SAPComponent_Accounts_Accounts_SHARED succeeded (operation CREATE).
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:18
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:18
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:18
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:04:19
    Request operating system user information
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:20
    Successfully added privileges 'SeTcbPrivilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege' to account 'S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-500' on host 'malti'!
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:20
    Successfully added privileges 'SeTcbPrivilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege' to account 'S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-500' on host 'malti'!
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:20
    Successfully added privileges 'SeTcbPrivilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege' to account 'S-1-5-21-1488183395-3813774055-1856681103-500' on host 'malti'!
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:20
    Evaluating all 'tNT_RegistryEntries' table rows succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:21
    Creating or updating all NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:04:22
    Creating or updating all NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata6\esa_16 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata1\esa620_1.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata1\esa620_1 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata2\esa620_2.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata2\esa620_2 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata3\esa620_3.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata3\esa620_3 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata4\esa620_4.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata4\esa620_4 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata4\esa620_5.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata4\esa620_5 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata5\esa620_6.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata5\esa620_6 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata5\esa620_7.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata5\esa620_7 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata6\esa620_8.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata6\esa620_8 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata6\esa620_9.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata6\esa620_9 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata6\esausr_1.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata6\esausr_1 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata2\roll_1.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata2\roll_1 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata3\temp_1.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata3\temp_1 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating directory D:\oracle\ESA\sapdata1\system_1.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Creating file system node D:\oracle\ESA/sapdata1\system_1 with type DIRECTORY succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:39
    Processing of all file system node operations of table tORA_SapdataNodes succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:40
    Processing of all file system node operations of table tORA_DatabaseServerNodes succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:40
    Processing of all file system node operations of table tORA_SapdataNodes succeeded.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:41
    Creating file D:\oracle\ora81\database\initESA.ora.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:42
    Creating file D:\oracle\ora81\database\
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:43
    Copying file E:/KERNEL/NT/COMMON/INSTALL/INITSID.DBA to: D:\oracle\ora81/database/initESA.dba.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:43
    Creating file D:\oracle\ora81\database\initESA.dba.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:44
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:45
    Moving file D:/oracle/ora81/database/initESA.ora to: orig_init_ora_tmp.txt.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:45
    Moving file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/changed_init_ora_tmp.txt to: D:\oracle\ora81\database\initESA.ora.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:45
    Removing file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/orig_init_ora_tmp.txt.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:46
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\oradim.log.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:51
    See 'D:\oracle\ora81/bin/oradim -new -sid ESA -STARTMODE auto' output in 'C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\oradim.log'.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:51
    'D:\oracle\ora81/bin/oradim -new -sid ESA -STARTMODE auto' returned with '0'.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:52
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:05:57
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:06:02
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:06:27
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:06:29
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:06:51
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:06:54
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:07:21
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:07:24
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:07:27
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:07:29
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:07:31
    Moving file D:/oracle/ora81/database/initESA.ora to: orig_init_ora_tmp.txt.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:07:31
    Moving file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/changed_init_ora_tmp.txt to: D:\oracle\ora81\database\initESA.ora.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:07:31
    Removing file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/orig_init_ora_tmp.txt.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:07:32
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:07:34
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:08:09
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:08:12
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:08:48
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:08:50
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:09:26
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:09:29
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:10:04
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:10:06
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:10:42
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:10:44
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:11:20
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:11:22
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:11:57
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:12:00
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:12:35
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:12:37
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:13:13
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:13:15
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:13:51
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:13:53
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:14:29
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:14:31
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:15:09
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:15:11
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:15:48
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:15:50
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:16:26
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:16:28
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:17:04
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:17:07
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:17:43
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:17:45
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:18:22
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:18:24
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:19:01
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:19:03
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:19:39
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:19:42
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:20:21
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:20:24
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:21:02
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:21:05
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:21:43
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:21:45
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:22:24
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:22:27
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:23:06
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:23:08
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:23:47
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:23:50
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:23:54
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:23:56
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:12
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:15
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:41
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:43
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:46
    Moving file D:/oracle/ora81/database/initESA.ora to: orig_init_ora_tmp.txt.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:46
    Moving file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/changed_init_ora_tmp.txt to: D:\oracle\ora81\database\initESA.ora.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:46
    Removing file C:/SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/orig_init_ora_tmp.txt.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:46
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\lsnrctl.log.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:47
    See 'D:\oracle\ora81/bin/lsnrctl stat' output in 'C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\lsnrctl.log'.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:47
    'D:\oracle\ora81/bin/lsnrctl stat' returned with '3'.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:47
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\lsnrctl.log.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:48
    See 'D:\oracle\ora81/bin/lsnrctl start' output in 'C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\lsnrctl.log'.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:48
    'D:\oracle\ora81/bin/lsnrctl start' returned with '0'.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:49
    Copying file E:/KERNEL/NT/COMMON/INSTALL/ORADBUSR.SQL to: ./oradbusr.sql.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:49
    Creating file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL\oradbusr.sql.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:49
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:52
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    PHASE 2007-05-11 00:24:54
    Database Load
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:56
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:57
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:57
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:58
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:58
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:24:59
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:25:00
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:25:00
    Task files created
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:25:00
    Command files created
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:25:01
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:25:01
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 00:25:01
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    ERROR 2007-05-11 02:18:03
    MSC-01015  Process finished with error(s), check log file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/SAPAPPL1.log
    INFO 2007-05-11 02:18:03
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    ERROR 2007-05-11 02:44:07
    MSC-01015  Process finished with error(s), check log file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/SAPSSEX2.log
    INFO 2007-05-11 02:44:07
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 03:55:07
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 04:25:07
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 04:42:08
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 04:47:08
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 04:55:22
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 04:57:22
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 04:59:22
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 05:01:22
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 05:03:22
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 05:04:23
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 05:05:23
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    INFO 2007-05-11 07:04:33
    Changed working directory to C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL.
    ERROR 2007-05-11 07:04:33
    MSC-01015  Process finished with error(s), check log file C:\SAPinst ORACLE KERNEL/SAPVIEW.log
    ERROR 2007-05-11 07:04:33
    FJS-00012  Error when executing script.

    no space left on devices...
    ==> "<b>MOS-01109 Needed space on mountpoint F:/ is 5.248e07 KB, but got only 4.26433e07 KB.</b>"
    and others...
    -> provide more space and restart
    GreetZ, AH

  • ABAP SAP script unable to see push buttons

    Dear friends,
      I am new to ABAP and I am trying to create SAP script layout, but I created new form, I did not see Pages, Windows and Page Windows push buttons.
    I could not figure out why I am unable see those windows? Please, can somebody help?  I don't see even on first page where I can create new Form name.  
    I really appreciated  your help.

    In script go to SETTING---> there select  PC EDITOR check box , uncheck graphic editor.
    U will get it.

  • List of SAP Script

    Hi Friedns,
        In Smartforms we can see the list of smartforms starting with Z
    Similarly........How To see List of SAP SCRIPT........
    I m not finding in SE71...............
    is there any other transaction...or table.........

    It's there in SE71.  Click the dropdown next to the form name, this will give you the hierarchy seach.  From here you can switch to the alphabetic search by choosing Find -> Technical search function from the menu or ctrl+F10.  The push button is the one that looks like a scroll of paper.

  • SAP Script : Control Commands for printing Label (barcode) by Zebra Printer

    I would like to know the control commands in sap script for Zebra Printer. The purpose of task is to print a field in barcode format in Right Bottom of the label.
    The sample code is placed below. Kindly have a look at it. The problem now i am facing is, the barcode for Customer PO is printing on the wrong place (Left Bottom, the text & barcode are overwriting). Can anyone suggest a possible way or can any one send the document for Barcode commands in SAP Script for Zebra Printer.
    Sample script code:
    Initialization and reset Barcode
    Barcode setup
    Set label home position
    FO385,025A0R,40,50FDPN: &VBAP-MATNR&FS
    FO385,1710A0R,40,50FDRtns: &zsntsc-contr&FS
    FO345,025A0R,40,50FDService Order# &AUFK-AUFNR&FS
    FO345,725A0R,40,50FDSerial# &EQUI-SERNR&FS
    FO345,1710A0R,40,50FDRepair Order# &VBAP-VBELN&FS
    FO138,1710A0R,40,35FDCustomer PO# &VBKD-BSTKD&FS
    FO98,025A0R,40,50FDWrnty: &W_WARRANTY&FS
    FO98,605A0R,40,50FDRoute: &W_ROUTE&FS
    FO58,025A0R,40,35FDShip-to-name: &W_NAME1&FS
    FO58,1325A0R,40,35FDMinor Group/Nr: &TVM5T-BEZEI&FS
    FO58,1325A0R,40,35FDMinor Group/Nr: &TVM5T-BEZEI&FS
    FO18,885A0R,40,35FDReported By: &QMEL-QMNAM&FS
    Thanks in Advance,

    A barcode solution consists of the following:
    - a barcode printer
    - a barcode reader
    - a mobile data collection application/program
    A barcode label is a special symbology to represent human readable information such as a material number or batch number
    in machine readable format.
    There are different symbologies for different applications and different industries. Luckily, you need not worry to much about that as the logistics supply chain has mostly standardized on 3 of 9 and 128 barcode symbologies - which all barcode readers support and which SAP support natively in it's printing protocols.
    You can print barcodes from SAP by modifying an existing output form.
    Behind every output form is a print program that collects all the data and then pass it to the form. The form contains the layout as well as the font, line and paragraph formats. These forms are designed using SAPScript (a very easy but frustratingly simplistic form format language) or SmartForms that is more of a graphical form design tool. 
    Barcodes are nothing more than a font definition and is part of the style sheet associated with a particular SAPScript form. The most important aspect is to place a parameter in the line of the form that points to the data element that you want to represent as barcode on the form, i.e. material number. Next you need to set the font for that parameter value to one of the supported barcode symbologies.
    The next part of the equation can be a bit tricky as you will need to get a printer to print that barcode font. Regular laser printers does not normally print barcode fonts, only specialized industrial printers that is specifically designed to support that protocol and that uses specialized label media and heat transfer (resin) ribbon to create the sharp image required for barcodes.
    Not to fear though, there are two ways to get around this:
    - You can have your IT department do some research - 
    most laser printers can accept a font cartridge/dimm chip (similar to computer memory), called a BarDIMM that will allow a laser printer to support the printing of barcodes.
    - Secondly, you can buy software that you can upload in your SAP print Server that will convert the barcode symbology as an image that will print on a regular laser printer. I found that this option results in less sharper barcodes. This option is really if you need to convert a large quantity of printers (>10) to support barcodes. 
    - Thirdly, you can buy a third party software like Barcode.dll and install on your frontend PC connected to the laser printer.
    Now you have a barcode printed - what next?
    Well there are two options, depending on your business requirements:
    - You can use an existing SAP transaction on a regular workstation and get a barcode wedge reader to hook up between the keyboard and the PC. These wedge readers comes in a wand or scanner format. There are even wireless wedge scanners available that allows you to roam a few yards from the workstation to scan a label. This approach is mostly used where you want to prevent human errors in typing in long material, batch or serial numbers in receiving or issuing of material. The problem is that it's just replacing the keyboard input and you are basically locked down in one location and have to bring all the material to that location to process.
    - Another solution is to use SAPConsole transactions
    or write your own ABAP Dialog programs that will fit onto a barcode enabled wireless handheld terminal and that will follow the business logic as executed on the shop floor. 
    These programs are highly complex exercises in industrial engineering and ergonomics because of the limited screen sizes and limited ability to accept keyboard input. The user is instructed step-by-step and only scan and push F-keys to interact with the SAP system. Scan, scan, beep, beep, enter - highly automated.

  • What is the diff b/w Sap Scripts and Smart Forms

          Whats the diff b/w SAP Scripts and Smart Forms..
             I need the internal explanation for both Smart Forms and SAP Scripts mean when we execute what happens whether Print Program r Forms starts execution 1st  and SIMILARLY FOR SMARTFORMS WHETHER FM'S  R FORMS.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Difference with SMARTFORMS vs. SapScript(SE71)
    The Following are the differences :-
    a) Multiple page formats are possible in smartforms which is not the case in SAPScripts
    b) It is possible to have a smartform without a main window .
    c) Labels cannot be created in smartforms.
    d) Routines can be written in smartforms tool.
    e) Smartforms generates a function module when activated.
    f) Unlike sapscripts (RSTXSCRP), you cannot upload/download Smartform to your local harddisk.
    It was said that it was provided in CRM 3.0 version, but not available in R/3. You can download smartforms into Local PC in a XML format. In the same way you can upload this XML format into Smartform. From the smartform editor itself you can call download option, if you are working in CRM 3.0 environment.
    In R3 also, you can download into XML format. However, it's not sure about uploading. Refer to the program 'SF_XSF_DEMO'.
    In 4.7 Enterprise, other have seen this utlity which is completey missing in 4.6c. There is functionality to downlaod a complete form or only a particular node. (Utilities -> Download form). It will create a XML file and save it in the hard disk.
    For others, if you want to download/upload the Smartforms source, you will need the help from the Basis people. What you can do is to create a Transport and then FTP down to your local harddisk. When you need the Smartform source in another system, you have FTP up the Smartforms file back to the SAP server. Finally, the Basis team, will tp it into your system.
    g) The protect and endprotect command in sapscript doesn't work with smartforms. For example on a invoice: First data of position no 80. is printed on page one, other data of position no 80 is printed on page 2. And there's nothing you can do about it. Actually, there is something you can do about it. By using a folder node and checking the 'protect' checkbox, everything in that folder will be page protected.
    check out this link:
    Reward points if helpful.

  • SAP Scripting Languages on the SDN Day - Amsterdam

    I would like to give a short summary of what happened on the SDN Day in Amsterdam, the 17-th Oct. 2006.
    After the breakfast Craig Cmehil gave us a welcome to the event and presented the schedule. We started with a power networking session: Four 20-minute Sessions with Six SDNers per Table. As I was sitting at the Scripting Languages table, I would like to share some impressions of the atmosphere there. We talked much about the emmerging SAP Scripting Tool and how much value it will bring to all scripting projects that plan to utilize SAP backend systems. We discussed Gregor Wolf's contest and he was so kind to inform us that his test system is also available inside the SAP corporate network, so all SAP employees now can participate too. Gregor works for Siteco Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH and the award they offer for the contest is a Siteco Vistosa task light. More information about the contest can be found at [original link is broken] [original link is broken] Another key discussion was held with Björn Schotte, the chief editor of PHP Magazine, Germany, presenting also his company Mayflower Gmbh. He shared some visions on business applications of PHP and stated that PHP is definitely enterprise ready.
    Then after a very short pause we started the SDN breakout sessions (3-5 in parallel). I visited the sessions of Gregor Wolf, André Labahn, Björn Schotte and after this I cooperated for the breakout session of Frank Mittag.
    Session 1:
    Connecting Typo3 to R/3 Enterprise via Web Services with Gregor Wolf from Siteco Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH
    Siteco Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH currently implements a customer service centre into it's Typo3 based website. Typo3 is an Open Source Web Content Management system based on the Scripting Language PHP. The application will allow Siteco's customers to directly check price & availability of products from the backend R/3 Enterprise system, quotations, orders and delivery status. The backend connectivity uses Web Services utilise the PEAR SOAP Package.
    Session 2:
    SAP supports Scripting Languages with Andre Labahn from SAP.
    This session will provide you with more insights on how SAP is supporting scripting languages.
    Session 3:
    Scripting Languages PHP and Enterprise Software with Björn Schotte (Chief Editor from PHP Magazine).
    This session showed us a brief history of PHP and PHP in Germany. Some enterprise applications of PHP were discussed. Björn Schotte was the opinion that PHP is definitely enterprise ready and he proved it with an example of a system that his company has created for Siemens.
    Session 4:
    Scripting Languages Tool with Frank Mittag and Vasil Bachvarov (me) from SAP
    SAP will provide a open source tool to the scripting development community that is supporting the access to SAP Backend Systems via RFC/BAPIs and Webservices. See the concept and demo of the tool and discuss this with SAP Development.
    There was a pretty interesting discussion about the tool. Since the time for the last session shrinked with some minutes we had to be very quick, but Frank Mittag did a great job and succeeded to explain the basic concept of the SAP Scripting Tool and show it in action for the tough time constraint.
    There were a lot of questions from the audience but it was already 18:30 and we stopped at this point. There would be a second chance for questions on thursday when Frank had the opportunity to make a more complete and comprehensive walk-through of the project.
    Then we gathered in the meeting hall and Shai Agassi held a speech and made a summary of the event.
    The evening finished in the BoomChicago theater where everybody received a delicious meal, drinks and a great amount of fun with the ChicagoBoom comic crew.
    I would like to thank all people that made this event come true! See you soon in Bangalore.
    Best Regards,
    Vasil Bachvarov
    SAP AG

    I'm be there in Amsterdam as well.  In fact I am leaving the US on Sunday and arriving early Monday morning in Amsterdam. 
    I was planning to do a little site seeing on Monday Afternoon.  If anyone else is arriving a bit early as well, they are welcome to join me.  It is always more fun to site see in groups.  My email address is public in my SDN business card (also not too difficult to figure out ) if anyone is interested in meeting up.

  • How to change a Code Page in SAP SCRIPT ?

    I have a specific requirement, would need your help :
    There is a <u><b>CODE PAGE</b></u> which is getting assigned to the <u><b>SAP SCRIPT FORM</b></u>. <i><b>For E.g : 1100 is generally used for SAP SCRIPTS.</b></i>
    I would like to know if there is a possibility to change the <u><b>Code Page</b></u> based on certain conditions ??
    Also i would like to know how and where is a <u><b>CODE PAGE and SAP SCRIPT FORM linked.</b></u>
    I have analysed that a <b>default code page</b> can be set in the <b>SAP LOG ON PAD</b> but not able to find the issues mentioned above.
    Kindly help me out with your valuable suggestions and solutions.

    MDMP means Multi Display Multi Processing. See the note system for details. The problem of MDMP is that the different languages use different codepages and not all characteres can be displayed in every codepage.
    A solution would be a unicode conversion of the system. In unicode there is only one internal codepage, which contains all special characters of the individual languages. However the migration needs several hours of down time and unicode systems need more memory and disk space. I can't tell you a percentage for that. You need at least R/3 4.7 for unicode.
    In non-unicode system I believe you can't change the codepage inside a SAPscript document directly. I would have to end form processing an start a new form. To change the language you can try the ABAP-command SET LOCALE. Also see the language parameter in START_FORM.
    If that doesn't work I would try using RFC-Connections. Make RFC-Connections in your system which contain the system it self as target system, but with the desired language filled in. You do not need to provide a user or password, that would be taken form the logged on user.
    Inside your printing program you put the real printing into a function module. Your report then can call the function via RFC using a connection in the correct logon language.

  • Issue in New Page Display in a SAP Script

    Hi All
             I have applied a line count logic in my SAP script, such that if lines are more than 32, Sub Total is displayed on this page(Sub Total needs 4 lines to display) and from next page,another heading starts. (Total around 39 lines can be displayed  in one page)
    Sub Total Text contains 2 lines of text, and 2 blank lines after it (Total 4 lines)
    Now, if number of lines is around 36, Sub Total, doesnt fully display in this page and the 2 blank lines gets passed to the next page. And I am also firing a new page from my code. As a result, the 2nd page comes fully blank and the data is now being displayed at the 3rd page. How can I prevent the 2nd page from coming blank ??
    I am using Function Module 'CONTROL_FORM' (or WRITE_FORM) to fire a new page.
    I do not want to apply a line count logic for this as this wont be fool proof !!
    I hope I have made the issue clear. Kindly help !!

    otherwise u can do one thing: U call the PERFORM in the SCRIPT FORM passing the &PAGE&(Contains the current Page No) value to it. take a loal variable and pass the PAGE value to the local variable and check for every line whether both &PAGE& & local varaiable are same, if not then set the FLAG value to 'X' (it means the new page has triggered).
    In Script:
    /:  lv_tabix = lv_tabix + 1.
    /: PERFORM new_page_flag IN PROGRAM ZXXXXX
    /: USING &PAGE&
    /: USING &lv_tabix&
    In ZXXXXX Program:
    FORM new_page_flag USING int_tab STRUCTURE itcsy
                                CHANING out_tab STRUCTURE itcsy.
    data : lv_page TYPE i,
             lv1_tabix TYPE i.
    READ TABLE int_tab WITH KEY name = 'LV_TABIX'.
    IF sy-subrc EQ '0'.
      lv1_tabix = int_tab-value.
      clear : int_tab.
    IF lv1_tabix EQ '1'.
      lv_page = '1'.
    READ TABLE int_tab WITH KEY name = 'PAGE'.
    IF lv1_tabix GT '1'.
      IF lv_page NE  int_tab-value.
        READ TABLE out_tab WITH KEY name = 'FLAG'.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           out_tab-value = 'X'.
           MODIFY out_tab.
           clear : out_tab.
    IF sy-subrc EQ '0'.
      lv_page = int_tab-value.
    Hope it helps!!

  • Text getting overwritten in first page of SAP Script

    Hi All,
    My Requirement:
    1. I have a SAP Script which has a main window which prints the internal table data
    2. I have created a instance of Mainwindow to display watermark.
    3. Now, everything seems to be fine while displaying the watermark/foreground text.
    Problem is:
    4. If the data exceeds 15 records(i.e, end of the main page), 16th record starts printing from the top of the main window again.
    5. This continues till the end of the 30th record(i.e., it is Overwriting all the first 15 records) and the 31st records is getting printed in the 2nd page.
    6. FYI, I have maintained the header in such a way that 2nd Page should be triggered after the first.
    7. Also, I have called the windows in the correct order
    What could be the problem? Is it because, I have created an instance of main window to display the text. If that is the case, how to resolve this ??? Any thoughts on this would be highly appreciated

    Hello Richa,
    I tried creating a variable window and inserted a Watermark on it.The thing is, Watermark is not getting displayed.I tried both the ways calling the watermark before displaying the text and after displaying the text.
    Hello Ravi,
    See to display the watermark, I created an instance of mainwindow by using
    So, this main window which is an instance of the actual main window will have the same co-ordinates.
    I think, this has got nothing to do with that. But, there is something that is missing out here.
    Hello Rajani,
    I tried using Protect and End Protect. But, it didnot work
    Hello Sarves,
    I tried creating a variable window exactly the size of the main window and then placed the variable window back of the main window. But, I am not able to see the watermark in the preview.
    If I am missing something, please let me know.
    Thanks in advance........

  • How to print Barcode in te SAP SCRIPTS?

    Hi All,
    Can anyone of you let me know how to print the Barcode in the SAP SCRIPT? This is the first time I'm working on the Barcode. I've to print many fields data into one barcode. Like PO number, Material Number, Plant, Company code..etc..
    Best Regards,
    Venkatesh Eddala.

    Hello Venkat,
    Creating Bar code:
    -->From trans code - SPAD -> Full Administration -> Click on Device Type -> Double click the device for which you wish to create the print control -> Click on Print Control tab ->Click on change mode -> Click the plus sign to add a row or prefix say SBP99 (Prefix must start with SBP) -> save you changes , it will ask for request -> create request and save
    --> when you go to SE73 if you enter SBP00 for you device it will add the newly created Prefix
    -->Create a character format C1.Assign a barcode to the character format.Check the check box for the barcode.
    -->The place where you are using the field value use like this
    <C1> &itab-field& </C1>.
    You will get the field value in the form of barcode.
    Which barcode printer are you using ? Can you download this file and see.
    It will give an idea about barcode commands.
    SAP Barcodes
    -->Barcode solution consists of the following:
    barcode printer
    barcode reader
    mobile data collection application/program
    A barcode label is a special symbology to represent human readable information such as a material number or batch number
    in machine readable format.
    There are different symbologies for different applications and different industries. Luckily, you need not worry to much about that as the logistics supply chain has mostly standardized on 3 of 9 and 128 barcode symbologies - which all barcode readers support and which SAP support natively in it's printing protocols.
    You can print barcodes from SAP by modifying an existing output form.
    Behind every output form is a print program that collects all the data and then pass it to the form. The form contains the layout as well as the font, line and paragraph formats. These forms are designed using SAPScript (a very easy but frustratingly simplistic form format language) or SmartForms that is more of a graphical form design tool.
    Barcodes are nothing more than a font definition and is part of the style sheet associated with a particular SAPScript form. The most important aspect is to place a parameter in the line of the form that points to the data element that you want to represent as barcode on the form, i.e. material number. Next you need to set the font for that parameter value to one of the supported barcode symbologies.
    for your reference check the below links:
    for smart, please check the below link:
    See the below program forbarcode in sapscript for your reference:
    DATA: BAR_CODE1(16) VALUE `ABC01230123A01'
    If the barcode is the first element on the page, the following Write
    statement is needed (otherwise you get a date in the first print
    Turn on the barcode font, print the data, and switch back to the
    printer's default font. Be sure to use NO-GAP to avoid unwanted
    characters or CR/LF.
    Add a Write statement to prevent insertion of CR/LF into the barcode.
    Sample SAPSCRIPT
    Variable BAR_CODE1 contains the barcode data, including asterisks.
    The & is needed to avoid unwanted spaces or CR/LF characters
    /E LINE
    = &BAR_CODE1&
    Venkat - Please reward points for previous therad if you feel good answer ...

  • Vertical line issue in SAP Script main window

    Hi All,
    I want to draw a vertical line in my main window in SAP Script output.
    But problem is in main window i am printing some texts at the beggining then i am printing line items.
    So this is not fixed line (box). It may increase/decrease based on text available before line items.
    How can i manage this prining vertival line as i don't know height, top of this line!
    Thanks in advance.

    Hai Deep,
    Use Elements as suggested by Kodarapu.
    Now goto Paragraph Formats create a format for Item lines.
    Name Paragraph Format as 'IL' Now click on the Push Button "Tabs" on bottom Right.
    now in "Tab Position" enter the spacing that you need for your item dispaly
    Number     Tab position       Alignment
    1               6.00   CH          LEFT
    2               25.00  CH         LEFT
    3               54.00  CH         LEFT
    The above example is for 3 items
    Now in your Script Windows-> Main
    do the following.
    /E           ITEM_LINE_A
    IL           &EKPO-EBELP&,,&EKPO-EMATN&,,,,&EKPO-TXZ01&
    Hope it SOlves your Issue.

  • How can create a table in sap script?

    How to create a table in the sap script.i Have to use table in the main window with 11  rows and 3 columns. can any one send sample code. Any ideas?¿
    THKS 4all.

    Try and check on the below logic....
    1. write -
    2. write headings with '|' at start and end as well as the field separator.
    3. write -
    4. similar to step two write the data with pipe separators.
    5. write -

  • Font color  and font effects in sap scripts

    I want to change the color of font(usually it is black).I want in some other color other than black.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Priya,
    I know it's quite a long time that you started this discussion.
    But if you still want to know the answer, please go through my blog on how to do color printing in SAP scripts.
    White Paper on 'Color Printing in SAP Scripts'
    Sireesha Ch

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