Satellite A300 keeps turning on closing the lid

Hi all,
This is my first post here.
I have a Toshiba Satellite A300 laptop and every time i close the lid/screen the laptop turns it self on.
having narrowed it down to the media bar above the keyboard i found that if i turn off the laptop and then touch the media bar it turns on the laptop,
I have disconnected the ribbon cable and i can close the lid and everything is OK, as i thought it was the on/off switch at first.
any ideas?

> {quote:title=TomDexter wrote:}{quote}
> Hi
> Ive got Satellite U500 unit which supports the same multimedia buttons.
> The two of the buttons can be configured as mentioned by Joe
> But you can also disable the buttons in BIOS.
> In BIOS go to Advanced -> System Configuration -> Function Buttons (disable/enable)
> Now if you disable the Function buttons in BIOS, the notebook should not power up pressing the multimedia button
Having looked at the bios there is no System Configuration -> Function Buttons (disable/enable)
I have tried the Toshiba Button utility but that's not working as the drop box "Name" is empty.

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    Now when I am travelling for a quite long train period I would like to close the lid without deconnecting, and the same would be also nice for iTunes, I would like to be able to keep listening music while the lid is closed. How to have those activities on while the rest is sleeping?
    The same would be true for an iChat session running that depends on the existence of the internet connection.
    Is there any way to do that by setting properly some additional functions?
    Thanks for any help.

    There are programs available that'll allow you to prevent your laptop from sleeping when closing the lid. Not recommended though, since the cooling airflow is thus interrupted and the computer will therefore heat up the screen alongside other sensitive components.
    I'd suggest switching bluetooth and airport off, reducing the performance of the cpu (in "energy saver") and lowering the brightness of the display. This'll keep you running for up to three hours, provided you don't try to play dvd's, on a 15" PB. the 12"'s have been known to last a bit longer.
    Otherwise, get an iPod

  • HT204267 My Macbook Pro 13 refuses to turn on after i place it in sleep mode by closing the lid.

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    Hello Carlens J,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like your MacBook Pro does not wake from sleep, and shuts down when you try to wake it.
    Try these troubleshooting steps to remedy the situation, or if your Mac is currently not powering on:
    OS X: When your Mac doesn't sleep or wake - Apple Support
    Reset SMC
    The System Management Controller (SMC) is involved in managing power on your computer. Reset the SMC on your Mac if you are having difficulty sleeping or waking your computer.
    Reset NVRAM/PRAM
    Nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM)/Parameter RAM (PRAM) stores some power-related settings.Try resetting NVRAM/PRAM if you are having difficulty sleeping or waking your computer.
    Test with external devices disconnected
    Some external devices can prevent your computer from sleeping. Try disconnecting items other than your Apple keyboard or mouse from the built-in USB, Thunderbolt and Firewire ports on your Mac. If this resolves the issue, try reconnecting your external devices one at a time until you find the device preventing sleep or wake. Check the documentation that came with the device, or contact the device manufacturer for more information.
    Try Safe Mode
    Check to see if the issue still occurs when the computer is started in Safe Mode. If this resolves the issue, it could be related to a third party software item such as:
    a login item
    a startup item
    a third party kernel extension
    Best Regards,

  • Screen not turning off when closing the lid

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    Everything is working great with the bootcamp drivers except that when I close the lid the screen does not turn off. I don't want to turn off the notebook but only want the screen to turn off when the lid is down. I have looked a lot for a solution and am not able to find anything which can solve this problem.
    There is nothing in the power options that can be done. Bootcamp is supposed to recognize this by itself, but unfortunately it doesn't.
    Does anyone know a work around for this?
    Thank you

    That is correct. I have noticed the same thing. Windows 7 gives better battery life on MacBook Air then Mac OSX.
    I went to talk to a Genius about this, pretty useless, told me to wait for an update. It has been half a year but no update yet. This is the only problem with the Bootcamp drivers I have experienced. I have managed to live with it, but is still pretty annoying. I always once in a while think about finding a way to fix it, but there is nothing that can fix this problem. Unless someone at Apple sees and listens to what is going on in the online fourms and fix the problem.

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    Anyone that can help me with this issue?

    These are good news but could you please post a short instruction how you have solved this? I think it would be interesting for other users here in the forum!

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    OK It's exactly like the machine I'm on right now if it's a 14" one.
    The reed switch is in the display about 1/3 the way up on the right side as you're looking at it. The actuator magnet is to the right of the keyboard on a line with the lower edge of the delete key. Verify it's position with a piece of magnetic (ferrous) metal. I'm using the lever arm of a nail clipper. Now on mine if I cover that magnet with a piece of tin the iBook won't go to sleep if I close the lid. I'm using the lid insert of a Ball Mason jar and placing it tangent to the edge of the keyboard on the line of the lower edge of the delete key.
    Now if yours is like this and this solves your problem you can follow the instructions here:
    and remove the top case and pull that magnet out. Otherwise you could replace the reed switch. Don't attempt the upper case removal if you're not confident around those tiny connectors and screws. I damaged a power connector doing this on a 12" 500.
    Good Luck.

  • I don't think my MBP slept after closing the lid - it was hot when I woke up

    I just came back from an overseas trip and hooked my late 2013 13" MBP retina back up to the LG external monitor. When I went to bed I closed the lid. What I expected to happen was for it to stay awake for a certain number of minutes. Then the external monitor display would go black indicating it was asleep. But because an external monitor is connected it would wake up as needed for Carbon Copy Cloner at 3:30 am. But then go back to sleep.
    However my MBP seemed too warm when I just came downstairs. The body and lit were noticeably warm.
    Shouldn't it eventually sleep and not be fully awake in clamshell mode in this situation?

    And another Apple Care chat session. But I still can't figure out exactly what's going on, and we seem to be going in circles.
    Hello, Doug! How are you doing today?
    OK. And you?
    I’m doing really well, thanks for asking! How can I help you today?
    Well, I tried talking about this via chat support earlier, but was getting wrong information, so I thought I would try again and take a different approach to how I ask .
    I’m currently reading through the chat transcript to get a strong understanding of what you were going through.
    If you read over the chat you can see we digressed into a separate question about whether the "turn hard drive when possible" mattered to the internal SSD and he said it did and pointed me to a support page which said it did NOT and then he said, "there you have it! have all your questions been answered" but none were so I gave up.
    Basically it's just this. My MBP is connected to an external display. In the energy settings I have my MBP set to not sleep when the display sleeps so I don't lose some Terminal SSH connections when I'm working.
    But when I'm going to sleep I thought I would let it power nap and cool down.
    But I've noticed the MBP is warm in the morning. Also I noticed that open SSH sessions were not broken. So I think my MBP is not going to sleep.
    Perhaps the computer thinks it’s going into Clamshell mode since it’s connected to an external display via HDMI, correct?
    I did read in help that if you hold the power button down 1.5 seconds an option dialog will appear and from there I can select sleep. I did that, but this morning it is still warm and the connections were not broken.
    Let me look into this, I want to do everything I can to make sure you’re getting your questions answered this time.
    Yes, I believe you are correct. That it is just going into clamshell mode, and even though I manually selected sleep from the power button option it is ignoring that.
    It seems to immediately sleep though. Instead of timing out, the external display goes black, reports a loss of signal and then goes into its own power save mode. So it appears to go to sleep.Yet it is warm in the morning, and the open Terminal sessions, which I would normally expect to break, are not broken.
    Okay, so there’s still network communication going on, and you’re used to that terminating.
    It shouldn’t be possible, but that could be what’s going on here. This is an interesting one, and I can see how you’d expect your Mac to be a little cooler to the touch if it’s supposed to be sleeping.
    Okay, so there’s still network communication going on, and you’re used to that terminating.
    Let me check our resources on this. It may be a great opportunity to speak to a senior advisor as well.
    I just came back from a trip and during the trip there was no external monitor and I didn't experience this, even though the energy settings are the same.
    The network is my home wifi. On my trip, it was my friend's home wifi.
    So the external display is really the big variable here I think.
    Probably so.
    I could just power off the external display before I close the lid as my next test before I go to sleep next time. But I sort of wanted to know what was happening. Especially since I intentionally manually selected sleep.
    I’d like to check with a senior advisor if that’s okay with you.
    Yes, please do check.
    Also - another thing.
    I notice my keypad and hand rest - the whole top surface - has become noticeably COOLER since we began our chat. So I'm wondering if there is stuff in the display/lid itself which might be causing the warm temperature, rather than the body (which is what I would have expected with the display off). Or it is just able to "cool better" with the lid open?
    That’s another interesting observation. I think either way, the concern still remains whether or not the computer is actually going to sleep. The display of all things should not be producing excessive warmth.
    Do you hear any fan noise when you wake your Mac?
    Or right beforehand?
    Yes, you are correct about the main concern. I thought maybe there was something in the logs I might be able to check to see if it actually was asleep or not.
    I have never heard any fan noice from the MBP.
    Okay. I just wanted to make sure. My hands-on experience with a new Retina display is limited, I’m not sure what the fan actually sounds like compared to my traditional MacBook Pro. I’ll go ahead and consult with my senior advisor since our troubleshooting steps would indefinitely cause us to get disconnected.
    Thanks for your patience as check on this!
    I just found this terminal command to check on the last sleep time:
    pmset -g log | grep sleep | tail -n 1
    It does report that it went to sleep at 2:42 am which sounds right:
    8/2/14, 2:42:25 AM GMT+9 window has terminated.
    Unless that means sleep ENDED at that time.
    Interesting. I’m glad you found that. It’s a little beyond the level at which I know OS X, But I’ll have some answers soon enough.
    OK. Take your time.
    Thanks, Doug.
    I believe I found more information, though it still doesn't explain why the SSH connection didn't break.
    This command:
    pmset -g log|grep -e " Sleep " -e " Wake "
    will report all the sleep/awake occurrences.
    For the last few days it reports:
    7/30/14, 11:16:09 AM GMT Wake Wake from Standby [CDNVA] due to EC.LidOpen/Lid Open: Using BATT (Charge:99%)66 secs 7/30/14, 11:17:15 AM GMT Sleep Clamshell Sleep: Using BATT (Charge:99%) 10830 secs 7/30/14, 2:17:45 PM GMT+ Sleep Maintenance Sleep: Using BATT (Charge:97%) 11542 secs 7/30/14, 5:30:07 PM GMT+ Wake Wake from Standby [CDNVA] due to RTC/Alarm: Using BATT (Charge:96%) 41 secs 7/30/14, 5:30:48 PM GMT+ Sleep Clamshell Sleep: Using BATT (Charge:96%) 10823 secs 7/30/14, 8:31:11 PM GMT+ Sleep Maintenance Sleep: Using BATT (Charge:94%) 7/30/14, 9:29:02 PM GMT+ Wake Wake from Standby [CDNVA] due to EC.ACAttach/Lid Open: Using AC (Charge:94%) 8/2/14, 2:06:18 AM GMT+9 Sleep Software Sleep pid=78: Using AC (Charge:100%
    So (if you can look at that neatly, one line at a time, it shows it was in fact going into clamshell sleep until I manually put it into sleep.
    Then at 2:06 am it went into "software sleep".
    Then at 2:42 a it went into something called "maintenance sleep"
    at 3:30 am it was awakened by CCC (Carbon Copy Cloner) and did not go to sleep again after that.
    So maybe:
    1. The sleep is quietly keeping the SSH connections alive and,
    2. CCC is not properly putting the MBP back to sleep after doing its 3:30 am backup?
    Doug, I’m going to go ahead and transfer you over to a Senior Advisor now. They will discuss this with you further. Does that sound good?
    Yes, thank you.
    You are now being connected to another Advisor. Please standby.
    Okay, so your external display is not sleeping?
    It is sleeping.
    It times out in 15 minutes normally.
    After I close the MBP lid.
    Just like the energy settings say it should.
    And when I did the forced sleep via the power button the external display immediately went black and reported loss of signal and then went into power save mode.
    So I assumed it was asleep.
    Okay, so, the Mac is not sleeping or the Display?
    What I'm trying to find out is if the Mac is sleeping or not. The reason I was prompted to ask was because in the morning after I wake up I notice the MBP feels warm to the touch. I would expect it to feel cold if it was sleeping. Also, a terminal session with an SSH going did not get broken.
    Okay, I think I understand now. You are looking for answers about the sleep status of your Mac. I understand your expectation of a cold Mac, and I am here to help.
    Thanks. Did you notice my pmset command outputs near the end of my chat with the previous person?
    So, In Energy Saver, there is a setting to wake for network Activity.
    Yes. It is checked.
    However, when not connected to the monitor (like on my previous trip) that was not enough to keep an SSH session going.
    Okay, so this would explain to me why the Mac would be warm to the touch. If there is a SSH session active.
    Typically those shells would break when the lid was closed.
    Okay, with a Display attached, the system expects to operate in Clamshell mode when the lid is closed.
    This is all expected
    Which prompts two questions:
    (1) Even if I force it to sleep with the power button followed by selecting "sleep" from the options and
    (2) Even though the pmset output indicated it went to sleep and not into clamshell mode?
    I am not familiar with the pmset
    In computing, pmset is a command line utility to manipulate power management settings under the Darwin and Mac OS X operating systems. It can assign sleep settings, schedule sleep and wake times, and display power information.
    pmset indicated it went to sleep at 2:06 am. Anyway, as I reported above with the previous tech person.
    Okay, pmset is not supported by AppleCare, yes it is a Terminal command, but it is there for Developer use
    So... where are we left? That you think it was in clamshell mode even though I manually forced it into sleep mode and the logs indicate it went to sleep? I'm just still left not quite understanding what is happening.
    I guess I'll just try a test next time with the display powered off and see what happens. I need to go now. Thank you. I will end the chat for now.
    End Chat

  • MBP (13-inch, early 2011) goes into hibernation instead of safe sleep upon closing the lid (only when using battery power)

    MBP details
    13-inch MacBook Pro, early 2011 (model identifier: MacBookPro8,1)
    Running Yosemite, OS X 10.10.1 (however, problem started while using Mavericks)
    2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
    4 GB memory
    * the MBP goes into hibernation instead of sleep upon closing the lid on battery power (i.e.,  when AC adapter is NOT connected)
      -- problem does not occur when AC adapter is connected
    * putting the computer to sleep by other means does not induce the problem; these other means include:
      -- [i] option+command+Power,
      -- [ii] Apple Icon --> Sleep,
      -- [iii] in Terminal: pmset sleepnow
    * the battery is NOT getting drained at all; if I close the lid on 87%, the battery is still at about 87% when I get the MBP back up and running
    To be as clear as possible:
    (1) MBP is on and in use  (power source: battery); battery is at X%
    (2) the lid is then closed
    (3) the battery indicator light glows bright for about 10 seconds, then shuts off, and with it so does the MBP (all fans and sounds cease)
    (4) opening the lid and pressing any key on the keyboard does nothing (the computer is not sleeping)
    (5) to turn the MBP back on, I must hit the power button once; this brings up  and the gray screen and loading bar indicative of returning from hibernation
    (6) log in; battery is still at X%
    Attempted Solutions / Fixes
    There are Apple Discussions addressing similar MBP issues, many of which at least have work-arounds, if not full-blown solutions. However, I have tried many of the proposed work-arounds and solutions; nothing has solved my problem. Such attempted solutions include:
      * made sure EFI/SMC firmware was up to date
      * updated all software
      * logged in as a different user
      * booted in Safe Mode
      * reset the PRAM
      * repaired disk permissions using Disk Utility
      * repaired additional disk permissions in recovery mode (a la this advice)
      * ran the Apple Hardware Test multiple times (short test while plugged in, short test on battery, extended test while plugged in, extended test on battery)
      * booted from an external known-good OS on USB drive
      * reseated the RAM
      * used MemTest to test the RAM's health (it was good)
      * tested my battery's health with the app Battery Health (it is healthy!)
      * booted my computer with one stick of the MBP's original RAM at a time (figured "why not?")
      * booted my computer using other sticks of RAM
      * checked my power management settings using PMSET in the terminal (e.g., pmset -g); tried various hibernation modes (e.g., sudo pmset -a hibernationmode X, where X=0,1,3, etc)
      * searched/grepped through my power management logs and Console messages to look for googleable items (e.g., pmset -g log | grep WORD, where WORD=failure, sleep, etc);  still have not found help online
      * brought the MBP to a Mac Genius
    -- he ran some further tests, but found nothing;
    -- he re-installed my OS as a hopeful-hail-mary-just-maybe-last-ditch effort; the problem persisted!
    -- we both agreed that we had ruled out a software cause
    -- he offered me to leave my MBP to get fixed for a flat fee of $300.00 (which after a couple weeks of trying to figure this out is starting to sound more and more reasonable)
    Given that it is likely not a software issue, what hardware might it be? By booting from an OS on an external drive, I think I've ruled out a bad hard drive or hard drive cable. Also, given that inducing sleep in any way other than closing the MBP's lid does not cause the problem, it seems there might be a wire (or something) in the hinge section of the MBP that gets moved when the lid is closed possibly causing some kind of short circuit...or something.
    If someone with more experience interpreting Console messages, for example, can help, I'd be happy to provide some logs, or any additional information.
    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Ok, this is a crazy-simple, quasi-embarrassing fix, but I'll post it anyway just in case anyone is having a similar problem (for example, this guy: Changes to pmset being ignored).
    Some time around late last August / early September (2014) this issue began happening for me (specifically, issue = closing lid while on battery power induces hibernation / shut down instead of sleep --- independent of hibernation mode). Maybe it was when I upgraded to Yosemite (not sure what the exact date of that was). As detailed in my original post, I frantically tried everything I could think of... At that time, however, I had quite a few presentations and posters to create and present at meetings and conferences, so I held off fixing it for a couple of months and returned to it this past week, where I tried a few more things listed above, but again to no avail...
    This morning, I simply tried fudging around with all my power management settings again (via pmset in Terminal). The simplicity of the fix surprised me. But now that I understand it, I know it is likely the same fix for other threads I've read, such as the one above:
                                        (TLDR in bold)
    (1) Take note of your power management settings (Terminal:  pmset -g custom)
    (2) Is the "standby" flag set to 0? If so, set it to 1. Wa-la! Done.
    This fix is crazy and embarrassing b/c I was so close to it for so long. I tried changing my hibernation modes multiple times (sudo pmset -a hibernatemode X, where X=0,1,3,25,etc). I read about manipulating other PMSET settings that helped other people with newer MBPs, like "autopoweroff" and "autopoweroffdelay" --- settings that I do not have on the MBP early 2011 (check your settings: pmset -g cap). And most amazingly of all, I even messed with the "standbydelay" setting, trying to make it so long that my computer should never go into hibernation... Yet, from what I can tell by looking over my notes, I never simply set "standby" from 0 to 1.
    There are interesting questions that arise due to this fix. For example, why did this problem persist on clean installs of OS Yosemite? Is "standby" being set to 0 the Yosemite default? I'm not sure. If it is, then Kappy was right: this was normal behavior... It just wasn't always the normal least not for my MBP. Normal behavior (hibernatemode 3) used to be (and now is again) that the MBP goes into safe sleep, and then only after an allotted amount of time will it go into full-blown hibernation.
    NOTE: the "standby" and "standbydelay" PMSET settings are not available in some earlier MBP models (e.g., my brother has a 2010 and does not have these settings); so if you're having a similar problem with an earlier model, this fix might not be of any help to you.

  • Wireless mouse and Keyboard Issue after closing the lid - external display

    Can anyone give any insight. Recent purchase of a new Late 2008 15" MBP. I have connected it to an external 24" Apple monitor on my desk and use a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard on my desk top. I have configured the laptop to wake on bluetooth devices. So here is the problem: The laptop when the lid is up recognizes the bluetooth keyboard and mouse. I close the lid/screen. Laptop powers down... the after several seconds I move the mouse and the laptop comes alive... But after that there are no bluetooth devices attached. When I use the mouse, I get "connection lost" with a white figure of the mighty mouse on the screen. The wireless keyboard is not there and I have to open the lid and manually find the mouse and reconnect. The keyboard seems to work however....
    Apple..... any thoughts..... anyone?????

    Hi Stentdoc; I'm thinking, 'connection lost ~= sorta low AA batteries in the Mighty Mouse? (I would put in fresh AA batteries in the mouse and keyboard, to eliminate as an issue that the 'connection lost' is due to low batt voltage; that this is causing the failure to wake.) ... then, in System Preferences > Hardware > Energy Saver, settings for Power Adapter > Sleep, set to "never" for "Put the computer to sleep when it is inactive for ..." to eliminate that as a conflict when trying to wake with bluetooth from sleep induced by closing the lid ...
    Check your current "Sleep" setup (I left my MBP as "3")
    go to Utilities > Terminal
    After you launch Terminal, the first step is to determine which sleep mode your Mac is currently using. You can both view and change the sleep mode using the Unix program pmset. To see your current settings, type (or, copy and paste)
    pmset -g | grep hibernatemode
    press 'enter'
    You should see something like this:
    $ pmset -g | grep hibernatemode
    hibernatemode 3
    So your machine is using mode 3 ... thanks to the documentation for the handy Deep Sleep Dashboard widget, which puts your machine immediately into hibernation mode (so you don’t have to yank all the power sources to invoke it):
    * 0 - Old style sleep mode, with RAM powered on while sleeping, safe sleep disabled, and super-fast wake.
    * 1 - Hibernation mode, with RAM contents written to disk, system totally shut down while “sleeping,” and slower wake up, due to reading the contents of RAM off the hard drive.
    * 3 - The default mode on machines introduced since about fall 2005. RAM is powered on while sleeping, but RAM contents are also written to disk before sleeping. In the event of total power loss, the system enters hibernation mode automatically.
    also, I enabled this (to change back, input "lidwake 1":
    go to Utilities > Terminal
    type in sudo pmset lidwake 0 then "enter"
    it will ask for your password. type it in, that's it!
    Now, when your computer is sleeping with the lid closed, when you open the lid nothing happens until you press any key ... nice: keeps it off when accidentally opened, like in a backpack?
    WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
    or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
    typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.
    To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.

  • Qosmio G20-127: Screen blackout after closing the lid on Vista

    I have Qosmio G20-127 and I've recently installed Vista Ultimate Edition (32-bit). I managed to bring everything to its place (except the magic buttons, but the drivers are not out yet), but I have a problem that is seriously making me reconsider going back to XP MCE.
    When I close the lid of my computer the display naturally goes off, but when I open it up again it does not turn on, but it stays black. And I can't make it turn on again no matter what. I have to turn off the entire computer and that is quite impractical.
    Funny thing is that after restart for about 20-30 minutes I can open and close the lid normally, but after a little longer work on the computer the same problem occurs.
    The problem persists even after I turned off every action remotely connected to closing the lid.
    Does anyone have any solution?

    Hi J,
    thanks for your help but my BIOS update won't install. I get the message "[Error] BIOS Update is not supported OS. Unsupported OS or service pack is installed."
    About the powersaver, I didn't install additional powersaver program as I was told it would conflict with Vista's Mobility Center (FranciscoJr's Guide to installing Vista), but all the options regarding closing lid are turned off (Do nothing option).
    There are two more new things I observed and might be indicative of the problem, but I don't know what to make of it.
    1. When I close the lid I hear 'disconnected device sound'
    2. And the screen sometimes comes back if the s-video cable (leading to my tv) is plugged out (usually it was always in coz I use Q20 as a media center as well)
    Of course that made me think that it might be a problem in Graphic Card, but I've installed the most recent driver.
    So now I'm pretty much clueless as what to do.

  • L655D stopped working after I closed the lid

    Usually, when I close the lid, the laptop just goes to sleep.  This time, I closed the lid, left for 20 minutes, came back, opened the lid, and saw a black screen.  The computer did not respond to the touchpad, power button or keyboard until I pressed and held down the power button until the computer shut down.
    Ever since then, I can't get the computer to turn on properly.  I've already tried (numerous times) removing the AC power cord and battery, holding down the power button for more than a minute, reconnect one or more power sources (battery and power cord), etc.
    Hitting F2 doesn't work.  I don't even see a faint image of anything on the screen, so it's not a backlight issue.  I even created a USB and a DVD boot and that did not work.
    Each time I turn on the computer, this happens:
    1. One of the blue LED lights (possibly the power) comes on.
    2. The cooling fan comes on.
    3. The CD/DVD multidrive whirls for about a second if the drive is empty.  When a Windows 7 boot disc is in the drive, the computer tries to read the disk (whirls and pauses) for many seconds and then finally stops.
    PLEASE help.  Thanks.

    OK.  After almost 10 years of buying Toshiba laptops (3), I am going back to Dell.  Just ordered one from
    I don't want to deal with problems with AC adapters and jacks, the computer not starting up, etc., anymore.  Life's too short.

  • Should I put my computer in sleep mode instead of just closing the lid?

    I want to ensure that I am not increasing the liklihood of malfunction my simply closing the lid.

    Both ways are acceptable.  Read your user manual that came w/your computer regarding "sleep."

  • My problem started when system preferences was unresponsive and would not force quit.  I tryed to restart and got the grey screen, but it never restarted.  I closed the lid and now the screen is blank.  Has anyone had a similar problem after Lion?

    My problem started when system preferences was unresponsive and would not force quit.  I tryed to restart and got the grey screen, but it never restarted.  I closed the lid and now the screen is blank.  Has anyone had a similar problem after Lion installation?

    No, as I have yet to be convinced on Lion.
    Did a permissions repair help from the install DVD?

  • Is it okay to closed the lid after using Macbook Pro even the it is hot?

    Hi. I'm using MBP early 2011 I5 and I noticed the temperature getting high and palm rest is getting hot/warm when I'm playing games. Is this normal? temperature around 80 degree celsius accoringding to istat.
    Also, after using the MBP, ofcourse the palm rest is hot/warm. Is it okay to close the lid after using it?

    My practice has been to let the MBP cool a few minutes before closing the lid, so it's trapping less heat. I doubt this has much saving effect on the logic board components, but my MBP is old enough to have a glossyplastic display cover. It would look ugly if it started to warp.

  • Equium A60-692 won't restart after closing the lid

    Most annoying, the only thing I can do is hold the power button to switch off &switch back on again. Is there some combination of keys i should be pressing to bring her back form the brink after closing the lid, or is this a fault?

    Usually when the memory size changes, the system can recover.
    Remove the battery and AC Adapter, then remove one of the Memory Modules, and power up.

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