Save Large Value example & FCKeditor

I have been trying to use code from example application 'Save Large Value' with FCKeditor. It doesn't work for me.
So how make that code to work with FCKeditor text area?
Your suggestions are really appreciated.

Carl, thanks!
I have been trying to use fckEditor API. At first I modified doSubmit because in my page this function should be called at the end of clob_SubmitReturn.
I added three lines. But in spite of the fix the next page that is retrieved after submit returns an error 'Value param too long'
function doSubmit(r){
var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('P1001_SOURCE') ;
$x('P1001_SOURCE').value = '';
document.wwv_flow.p_request.value = r;
Any ideas, suggestions?

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    I made an little application with 3 fields fckeditor. I tried to do the workaround "Save Large Value" with these 3 fields in the same page.
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    workspace : listecd
    username : guest
    password : gu4est
    Homepage :
    InSum Solutions' blog :

    Hi Carl,
    In my application, I have two field FCKeditor. If I check the response of my http request in Firebug I see :
    Expecting p_company or wwv_flow_company cookie to contain security group id of application owner.
    <table summary=""><tr><td></td> <td>Error</td>
    <td>ERR-7621 Could not determine workspace for application (:) on application accept.
    </td></tr> <tr><td>OK</td> <td>
    Firebug show me this error but when I execute my page I have the right value. Why ?
    I have 3 problems with the integration of the FCKeditor :
    1 - Sometime when I load the data in the 2 fields, it doesn't save the value if it's more than 32k.
    2 - Sometime when I save the data I received this message :
    Bad Request
    Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
    mod_plsql:/pls/otn/wwv_flow.accept HTTP-400 Value param too long. Lenght is 73045. Upper limit is 32512.
    3 - When I catch the result of my AJAX with this string :
    $x('P2_COL1').value = p.responseText; This doesn't work well.
    I would like to use these strings :
    var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('P2_COL1') ;
    But I can't use them in my clob_GetReturn function because the FCKeditor is not implemented at this time. Where I can make this change ?
    Homepage :
    InSum Solutions' blog :

  • Save Large Value code example

    I am trying to import the above example into my APEX online workspace, the file is upload ok and the install application portion of the import completes.
    The import supporting objects however hangs....
    Is anyone else encountering this problem?
    When i log back into the APEX workspace the application is visible but i can't seem to find the apex_save_large.js file in the shared components???
    when i click on the save value or retrieve values in the sample form nothing happens....

    I'll look into the install issues, I've never seen it but I'll look again.
    the $a() functions are included in the apex_save_large.js and will be included in the standard js files in a future version.
    $x() is the new format of html_GetElement() so if your in a 2.0 instance just add
    function $x(pNd){return html_GetElement(pNd);}
    ver 2.2 should be fine.
    Is this by design? If so, what are the reasons that it appears there instead of in the static files area.Developer Error and when I get my hands on that lazy guy he's gonna hear about it :)
    When I have a second I'll fix it and get a new version uploaded to the code examples page.
    I added a link to the js file here
    (hint for digging files out of workspace images adding this real quick to a page &lt;a href="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#filename.js">filename.js&lt;/a>)

  • Save large objects

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    l_code clob := empty_clob;
    if(APEX_COLLECTION.COLLECTION_EXISTS(p_collection_name => 'CLOB_CONTENT'))then
    dbms_lob.createtemporary( l_code, false, dbms_lob.SESSION );
    SELECT blackboard into l_code FROM tab_function where function_id = :P148_FUNCTION_ID;
    l_clob_source2 clob;
    offset int:=1;
    l_clob_source2 := dbms_lob.substr(l_code,4000,offset);
    exit when offset + 4000 >= nvl(dbms_lob.getlength (l_code),0);
    offset := offset + 4000;
    end loop;
    end if;
    htmldb_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;
    l_code clob := empty_clob;
    dbms_lob.createtemporary( l_code, false, dbms_lob.SESSION );
    for i in 1..wwv_flow.g_f01.count loop
    end loop;
         apex_collection.create_or_truncate_collection(p_collection_name => 'CLOB_CONTENT');
         apex_collection.add_member(p_collection_name => 'CLOB_CONTENT',p_clob001 => l_code);
         htmldb_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;
    who can help me?

    You need to create a directory object to import this file:
    Try this:
    NAME VARCHAR2(20),
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE load_file_to_my_table (p_file_name IN MY_IMAGE_TABLE.NAME%TYPE) AS
    v_bfile BFILE;
    v_blob BLOB;
    INSERT INTO MY_IMAGE_TABLE (id, name, image)
    VALUES (1, p_file_name, empty_blob())
    RETURN doc INTO v_blob;
    v_bfile := BFILENAME('IMAGES', p_file_name);
    Dbms_Lob.Fileopen(v_bfile, Dbms_Lob.File_Readonly);
    Dbms_Lob.Loadfromfile(v_blob, v_bfile, Dbms_Lob.Getlength(v_bfile));
    execute load_file_to_my_table('myfhoto.jpg');

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    Below is my code as it is right now, for the methods setValue and getValue.
    public void setValue(String value) throws InvalidValueException {
         //… stores the given value in the memory area assigned to the variable
                   bytes = value.getBytes();
                   int i,j,k;
                   int l=0;//might be wrong?
                   int ad=address-(address%4);
                             reg.setByte(i, bytes[i]);
                   else if((address%4)+bytes.length-1>=4){
                                  reg.setByte(i, bytes);
                                  reg.setByte(j, bytes[j+l]);
                                  reg.setByte(k, bytes[k+l]);
                        throw new InvalidValueException("The value passed is not valid.");
         /** Gets the current value of the variable.
         @return current value converted to String
         public String getValue() {
              //… returns the current value stored in the corresponding memory area
              //… value is converted to String
              bytes=new byte[this.getType().getSize()];
              int i,j,k;
              int l=0;//might be wrong?
              int ad=address-(address%4);
                        bytes[i] = reg.readByte(i);
              else if((address%4)+bytes.length-1>=4){
                             bytes[i] = reg.readByte(i);
                             bytes[j+l] = reg.readByte(j);
                             bytes[k+l] = reg.readByte(k);
              return bytes.toString();

    You can certainly put it into a byte array and then construct a new String from that byte array. Just calling toString doesn't mean you'll automatically get a meaningful string out of it. Arrays do not override the toString method, so the use the one inherited from object.
    Look at String's constructors.

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    try {
                   File inputFile = new File("Lt.txt");
                   File outputFile = new File("outagain.txt");
    FileReader in = new FileReader("Lt.txt");
    FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile);
    int c;
              c =;
                   } catch (IOException ex) {

    Thank you. I execute the program below. I can now retrive the data from the Lt.txt. But the value is limited to 3 digits. For example, the content of my file is 777888.
    When I run the program, I only get 777. How can I retrive the whole exact number?               
                   class Test {     
                   public static void main(String args[]) {          
                   try {               
                   File inputFile = new File("Lt.txt");               
                   File outputFile = new File("outagain.txt");                    
                   FileReader in = new FileReader("Lt.txt");               
                   FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile);               
                   char[] tmp = new char[3];               
                   int cnt =;                              
                   System.out.print("\nRead: ");               
                   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {                    
                   System.out.print(tmp);               }               
                   System.out.println(" ");               
                   in.close();          }
                   catch (IOException ex) {               
                   System.out.println("IOException:"+ex.toString());          }     }}

  • How to save a value in form jsp?

    hi all,
    i have a dropdown list in my struts web app,
    i am having a form in which a bean is instatiated(bean has 2 properties "name" and "code").
    i am using like this in the jsp:
    <td><html:select property="item.code">
                             <logic:iterate id="itemType"
                                  <option value='<bean:write name="ItemType" property="code"/>'><bean:write
                                       name="ItemType" property="name" /></option>                              
    each "itemType" has "code" and "name".
    when the user clicks on the item name on the dropdown item beans "code" is i need to populate "name" aswell at the sametime using hidden property.
    i want to save tha value of name in the jsp to use it later to populate "name" in my form using hidden property?
    do anyone have idea how to save the value in jsp?
    regards and thanks in advance

    Thank you. I execute the program below. I can now retrive the data from the Lt.txt. But the value is limited to 3 digits. For example, the content of my file is 777888.
    When I run the program, I only get 777. How can I retrive the whole exact number?               
                   class Test {     
                   public static void main(String args[]) {          
                   try {               
                   File inputFile = new File("Lt.txt");               
                   File outputFile = new File("outagain.txt");                    
                   FileReader in = new FileReader("Lt.txt");               
                   FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile);               
                   char[] tmp = new char[3];               
                   int cnt =;                              
                   System.out.print("\nRead: ");               
                   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {                    
                   System.out.print(tmp);               }               
                   System.out.println(" ");               
                   in.close();          }
                   catch (IOException ex) {               
                   System.out.println("IOException:"+ex.toString());          }     }}

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    Thanks a mil....

    Please look into
    /Developer/Examples/Dashboard/Goodbye World/3-Saving Preferences directory for a comple example.
    Otherwise, wait until the following book is published :-))

  • How to select the larger value of column?

    I would like a cell value (here E8) to be for example: (max $E$1:E7) + B8. Where all previous E column values were find the same calculation except for E1 that is a simple number and not a calculation? It does not work. It give the result for E1 + B8. The larger value should be E7. So the correct result should be E7 + B8 but if there is no value in E7 I want it to choose the larger number of the E column so far. Does some one can help me?

    Hi Frederic,
    If I understand "Where all previous E column values were find the same calculation except for E1", you want each cell, starting at E2 to contain this formula.
    E2: =MAX($E$1:E1)+B2          E8: =MAX($E$1:E7)+B8
    If that's the case, then "there is no value in E7" would never occur, and, unless the value of Bn were negative, the maximum value in column E would always be the one immediately above the formula.
    In that case, this simpler formula would produce the same result:
    E2: =E1 + B2                        E8: =E7 + B8

  • How to save a value ?

    Hello. I am making a program in Labview....and my problem is for example:at the end of a cicle i need to save the result that has been calculated in the i can use it later in other cicle calculations....
    my question is how can i save that value in a variable (or register)  ? 

    Sorry i said cicles instead of loops. I understand that the value is in the wire that conect to other things outside the loop...i just canot save/store it in some 'variable' so i can use it later...i will try a shif register  
    thanks again for your anwsers

  • Rendering large values on the LinearAxis(Y)

    Hi all,
    In our app, theres a problem when we send out very large value as the max value for Y axis for a ColumnChart.
    LinearAxis is being used for y axis and when page loads, timeout occurs  and nothing is dsiplayed
    (some error in AxisRenderer)
    So the question is
    1. Can i get around this by writing a custom label function. If so How (i have seen some common examples..but thats
    for a limited and where max is small)
    2. Is there any bug related to this
    Please advice

    Hi Mike,
    More info on what your chart is reporting an what it it reading from its source chart is probably what it will take to give you an actual solution. Cmd-shift-4 will turn your cusor into a crosshairs you can drag a selection that is saved to your desktop as a screenshot.
    But here is this anyway.
    So this is my step by step. Sorry I wasn't clearer. I have a table where I am reading the left hand column for my Y axis. 4 other columns for a bar graph.
    In the reference sheet I select the table and add a header column before my first (the one being used for Y values). On my Mac the change shows up right away in my graph. This worked for me also in iOS.
    More directly, on my Mac, I can select the chart, double tap on the y axis label and edit directly. I can also edit the legend directly like this.
    My X axis is simple numbers- it is reporting the frequency a entry shows up. The main control I have here is how many steps to show from 0 to 24 (the largest result), it must be a number as that is all it gets from my source table.

  • How I can save the value of a variable in a database?

    how I can save the value of a variable in a database? I need to keep the # of times you press click animation. to know how many times it has been seen.
    I connect to msql database, using php, javascript, ajax and jquery, but not how to save the variable counter clicks from adobe edge Animate
    appreciate your help so I can connect to the database from adobe edge animate.
    thank you very much
    Luis Felipe Garcia
    [email protected]

    Hi, all-
    This isn't an Animate-specific issue, but I thought I'd take a stab at it anyway.  As with anything else on the web, you need to have a server script to handle incoming data, so it's all back end work.  Your page will need to call that script and provide parameters to that script that it can read.
    The easiest way I can think of to do this (and this is all highly theoretical, so please make sure it's secure before you implement it) is to create a 1px div that has visibility off.  Whenever you click, you can load your URL in that div, which then increments your counter on your db.
    Hope that helps inspire some interesting solutions!

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    If your table has a Header and your Legend text is in the header, it will be picked up by the table.

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    I think that Adobe reader supports file sharing.
    Connect the iPad to your computer and launch iTunes. Select the iPad on the left side under "devices". Click on the Apps Tab in the window on the right. Scroll down to the File Sharing Apps list under the main apps list. Click on Adobe Reader. Drag the documents into the file sharing window on the right or select them using the "add" button.
    Launch the Adobe reader app and the files should be in there.

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