I don't understand!!!
I insert images in JLayeredPane, I move this images, BUT when i press a button (invoke ActioListener) the images become in initial position!!!
HELP ME!!!!!!!

Don't clutter the forum by posting the [url]
same question three times.Why did you change your userid from this [url]
posting. If you are not the same person then
you are both working on the same assignment and
should get together to solve your problem.
When I replied to the above posting I tried to
explain what the problem was. If you didn't
understand the explanation they ask a follow up
question. Creating a new posting does not allow for
continuity of the problem. New people reading this
posting don't know what has already been suggested.
Maybe myself or someone else will explain it better.
I also asked you to:
a) post a "small" example showing your problem. 200
lines of code is not small.
b) use the code tags when posting code. You couldn't
even manage to do that.
Have you read the code from the Swing tutorial on
ents/layeredpane.html]Using Layered Panes for
an example of this type of behaviour?
A bit off topic but I have to say I truly admire your patience.

Similar Messages

  • HELP!!! save position of the components!!!

    I have a JLayeredPane where I insert some images. I move this images. BUT when I press a button (that invoke a ActionListener) all the images return at initial position!!!
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*; //per StyledDocument
    import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    public class mio implements ActionListener,MouseMotionListener,MouseListener{
    JTextArea statusInfo; //info da passare a PROGRAMMA TODO
    JTextArea PASpar; // PARAMETRI X TODO
    JTextArea PASimage; //IMMAGINI X TODO
    Color whitex = new Color(255,255,255);
    Color bluex = new Color(100,105,170);
    Color bluexx = new Color(100,150,170);
    Color redx = new Color(255,0,0);
    JFrame frame; //contiene tutto
    JFrame frameP;
    JMenuBar menu;
    JMenu fileMenu;
    JMenuItem nuovo;
    JMenuItem apriimgf;
    JMenuItem aprimosf;
    JMenuItem salva;
    JMenuItem stampa;
    JMenuItem esci;
    JMenu modMenu;
    JMenuItem annulla;
    JMenu helpMenu;
    JMenuItem help;
    JPanel panel; //contiene oggetti entro menu
    JPanel panel2;
    JPanel panel3; //xbottoni
    JLayeredPane pane;
    JTextArea spiega;
    JTextArea dico2;
    JLayeredPane panelpane; //dove carico img
    JButton apriimg;
    JButton chiudi;
    JButton aprimos;
    JButton ok;
    JButton mosaica;
    JButton superR;
    JButton salvab;
    JButton migliora;
    JButton nuovob;
    int _dragFromX = 0;    // pressed this far inside ball's
    int _dragFromY = 0;
    boolean _canDrag  = false;
    int i;
    int px;
    int py;
    int mousex;
    int mousey;
    int rifno;//x img d riferimento
    int scelta; //1 = immagini 2=mosaico
    int Nimg; // NUMERO IMG KE INSERISCO <= 12
    JLabel image;
    ImageIcon icon;
    int ximg, yimg; //posizione img in panel
    int xgrid,ygrid; //griglia panel
    int[] ximgs,yimgs; //x,y img
    JLabel[] images;
    int hicon,wicon; //h w img
    int[] wimgs,himgs;
    int muovi; //img da muovere nell'array
         public final static int ONE_SECOND = 500; ////
         private JProgressBar progressBar;
         private javax.swing.Timer timer;
         private JButton startButton;
         private LongTask task;
         private JTextArea taskOutput;
    static private String newline = "\n";
    // =================== MAIN
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
    //creating and showing this application's GUI.
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    mio m = new mio();
    /*public static void main(String argv[]){
         mio m = new mio();
    // ================ COSTRUTTORE
    public mio(){
         rifno = 0;//no img d rif
         Nimg = 0;
         frame = new JFrame("interfaccia");
         PASpar = new JTextArea();
         PASimage = new JTextArea();
         menu = new JMenuBar();
         // ********* Menu file *********
         fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
         nuovo = new JMenuItem("Nuovo");
         apriimgf = new JMenuItem("Apri immagini");
    KeyEvent.VK_1, ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); //alt+1
         aprimosf = new JMenuItem("Apri mosaico");
    salva = new JMenuItem("Salva");
         esci = new JMenuItem("Esci");
         //********* Menu Modifica ***********
         modMenu = new JMenu("Modifica");
         annulla = new JMenuItem("Annulla");
         // ********* Help Menu *************
         helpMenu = new JMenu("HELP");
         help = new JMenuItem("Help");
         // ActionListener x ogni voce d menu
         frame.setJMenuBar(menu);//in frame menu
         panel=new JPanel(new BorderLayout(2,2));
         spiega = new JTextArea(" 1. Aprire TUTTE le immagini da mosaicare"+ newline +" Oppure il mosaico da migliorare"+newline,3,40);
         panelpane = new JLayeredPane();
         panelpane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(900,550));
         panelpane.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,4)); //max 12 img e occupano tutto subito
         xgrid = 225;
         ygrid =183;
         ximg = 0;
         yimg = 0;
         images = new JLabel[12];//immagini
         ximgs = new int[12];
         yimgs = new int[12];
         wimgs = new int[12];
         himgs = new int[12];
         panel3= new JPanel();
         panel3.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel3, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
         chiudi = new JButton("Chiudi applicazione");
         // ******* 1 FRAME
         apriimg = new JButton("Apri immagine");
         aprimos = new JButton("Apri mosaico");
         ok = new JButton("Prosegui");
         ok.setEnabled(false); //disabilito
         //****** 2 frame
         mosaica = new JButton(" Mosaica ");
         superR = new JButton("Super-Risoluzione");
         // ********* 3 frame
         salvab = new JButton(" Salva mosaico ");
         migliora = new JButton(" Migliora mosaico ");
         nuovob = new JButton(" Nuovo progetto ");
         statusInfo = new JTextArea(3,40);
         JScrollPane scrollArea = new JScrollPane(statusInfo);
         panel.add((spiega), BorderLayout.NORTH);
         panel.add((panelpane), BorderLayout.CENTER);
         panel.add((panel3), BorderLayout.EAST);
         panel.add((scrollArea), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         panel3.add(salvab);//3 frame
         panel3.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL));
         panel3.add(mosaica); // 2 frame
         panel3.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL));
         panel3.add(superR); // 2 frame
         panel3.add(nuovob); // 3 frame
         panel3.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL));
         frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    }// chiude costruttore
    // ================ metti mosaico
         public void mettiMosaico(){
              ImageIcon img1 = new ImageIcon("mosaico.jpg");
              Image imgesize1 = resize2Icon("mosaico.jpg"); // resize
              img1 = new ImageIcon(imgesize1);
              JLabel image1 = new JLabel(img1);
    // ================= RESIZE MOSAICO
         public Image resize2Icon(String image){
         Image img;
              Image inImage = new ImageIcon(image).getImage();
              int maxDim = 500;
              double scale = (double) maxDim / (double) inImage.getHeight(null);
              if (inImage.getWidth(null) > inImage.getHeight(null))
                   scale = (double) maxDim / (double) inImage.getWidth(null);
              // Determine size of new image.
              //One of them
              // should equal maxDim.
              int scaledW = (int) (scale * inImage.getWidth(null));
              int scaledH = (int) (scale * inImage.getHeight(null));
              System.out.println(">> "
                   + inImage.getSource().getClass()
                   + " aspect ratio = "
                   + scaledW + " , " + scaledH);
              img = inImage.getScaledInstance(scaledW , scaledH, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
         return img;
    // ================= RESIZE IMAGES
    public Image resizeIcon(String image){
         Image img;
              Image inImage = new ImageIcon(image).getImage();
              int maxDim = 180;
              double scale = (double) maxDim / (double) inImage.getHeight(null);
              if (inImage.getWidth(null) > inImage.getHeight(null))
                   scale = (double) maxDim / (double) inImage.getWidth(null);
              // Determine size of new image.
              //One of them
              // should equal maxDim.
              int scaledW = (int) (scale * inImage.getWidth(null));
              int scaledH = (int) (scale * inImage.getHeight(null));
              System.out.println(">> "
                   + inImage.getSource().getClass()
                   + " aspect ratio = "
                   + scaledW + " , " + scaledH);
              img = inImage.getScaledInstance(scaledW , scaledH, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
              return img;
    // ================== img RIFERIMENTO
         public void imgRif(){
              frameP.setVisible(false);//tolgo frame
              spiega.setText (" Con il mouse indicare l'immagine di riferimento"+newline);
         }//fine imgRif
    // ================== BARRA PROGRESS
         public void barraP(){
              final JFrame framePb = new JFrame("ELABORAZIONE in corso");
              statusInfo.append(" Elaborazione in corso... "+newline);
              JPanel panelPb=new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
              panelPb.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,100));
         task = new LongTask();
              progressBar = new JProgressBar(0, task.getLengthOfTask());
         //Create a timer.
         timer = new javax.swing.Timer(ONE_SECOND, new ActionListener() {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
              String s = task.getMessage();
              if (task.isDone()) {
                             statusInfo.append(" Eseguita elaborazione "+newline);
                             spiega.setText (" 4. Migliora, Salva, Nuovo progetto o Esci"+newline);
                   framePb.setCursor(null); //turn off the wait cursor
                             //inserisco mosaico creato
              framePb.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    // ===================================================================================== EVENTI
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         Object source = e.getSource(); //chi ha invocato evento
    // ====================================================================================== NUOVO
         if((source == nuovo)||(source == nuovob)){
              mio m = new mio();
    // ====================================================================================== HELP
         if(source == help){
              final JFrame framePh = new JFrame(" - H E L P - ");
              JTextArea help=new JTextArea(" Help per utente! "+newline,5,40);
              JButton escih = new JButton(" Esci ");
              escih.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ //quando premo esci
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                             framePh.setVisible(false); // SQUALLIDO! esci meglio!
    // ======================================================================================== APRI
         if((source == apriimgf) || (source == apriimg)){ //apri + img
              scelta=1; //immagini
              Image imgresize;
              JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
              fileChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new ImageFilter());//filtro
              fileChooser.setAccessory(new ImagePreview(fileChooser));//anteprima
              fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("."));
         int status = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null);
              if (status == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
         File selectedFiles[] = fileChooser.getSelectedFiles();
                   if (selectedFiles.length>12){
                        System.out.println("selezionati piu' di 12 img");
                   if (Nimg>12){
                        System.out.println("Ho piu' di 12 img");
                   //int imgora = Nimg + selectedFiles.length; //immagini totali caricate fin'ora
                   int imgPrima = Nimg; //img prima di inserire le selezionate
                   int imgIns = selectedFiles.length; //immagini inserite ora.
              for (int im=0,n=selectedFiles.length; im<n; im++) {
                        icon = new ImageIcon(selectedFiles[im].getAbsolutePath());
                        statusInfo.append(" Inserito: " + selectedFiles[im].getName() + newline);
                        int hicon = icon.getIconHeight();
                        int wicon = icon.getIconWidth();
                        if ((hicon>183)||(wicon>225)){
                             imgresize = resizeIcon(selectedFiles[im].getAbsolutePath()); // resize
                             icon = new ImageIcon(imgresize);
                        if (ximg>675){
                             if (yimg>366){
                                  System.out.println(" TROPPE IMG!!! ");
                        image = new JLabel(icon);
                        //aggiorno dati IMMAGINI
                        images[im+imgPrima] = image;
                        himgs[im+imgPrima] = hicon;
                        wimgs[im+imgPrima] = wicon;
                        panelpane.add(images[im+imgPrima], new Integer(0),12-(im+imgPrima)); //ULTIMA SOPRA
                        ximg = ximg + xgrid;
                        Nimg=Nimg+1; //n img totale
                        ok.setEnabled(true); //abilito
                        aprimos.setEnabled(false); //abilito
                        spiega.setText (" 2.Con il mouse spostare le immagini creando un 'mosaico'"+newline);
    // ============================================================================= apri mosaico
         if((source == aprimos)||(source == aprimosf)){
              System.out.println("Apri mosaico");
              scelta=2; //mosaico
              JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
              fileChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new ImageFilter());//filtro
              fileChooser.setAccessory(new ImagePreview(fileChooser));//anteprima
              fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("."));
         int status = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null);
         if (status == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
         File selectedFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
                   icon = new ImageIcon(selectedFile.getAbsolutePath());
                        int hicon = icon.getIconHeight();
                        int wicon = icon.getIconWidth();
                        image = new JLabel(icon);
                        panelpane.add(image,new Integer(1),1);//dopo sopra
                        ok.setEnabled(true); //abilito
                        apriimg.setEnabled(false); //abilito
                        aprimos.setEnabled(false); //abilito
                        spiega.setText (" 2. Proseguire"+newline);
    // =============================================================================== SALVA
         if(source == salva){
              try {
              FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ("info.doc"); //doc.ser
              ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream (fos);
              String infoo = statusInfo.getText(); // NON E' GIUSTO!!!
              statusInfo.append(" Salvato il progetto in: info.doc"+newline);
              } catch (IOException e1) {
                   statusInfo.setText (" Unable to save");
                   e1.printStackTrace(); //scrivo eccezione
    // =============================================================================== PROSEGUI
         if(source == ok){
              if (scelta==1){
                   panelpane.revalidate ();
                   spiega.setText (" 3. Scegliere Mosaicatura o Super-Risoluzione"+newline);
                   panelpane.revalidate ();
                   spiega.setText (" 3. Eseguire Mosaicatura"+newline);
    // ================================================================================= ESCI
         if((source == esci)||(source==chiudi)){
    // =================================================================================== ANNULLA
         if(source == annulla){
    // ======================================================================================== MOSAICA
         if(source == mosaica){
              frameP = new JFrame("Parametri di Mosaicatura");
              JPanel panelP=new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,0));
              panelP.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,500));
              JPanel panelP0 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); //avvia
              JPanel panelP1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());//parametri
              //panelP1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panelP1, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              JPanel panelP2=new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
              //**************** panel 1 : PARAMETRI
              JTextArea dico3 = new JTextArea(" Parametri di miscelazione",10,40);
              JRadioButton primo = new JRadioButton("First frame");
              JRadioButton secondo = new JRadioButton("Last frame");
              JRadioButton terzo = new JRadioButton("Average");
              JRadioButton quarto = new JRadioButton("Median");
              JRadioButton quinto = new JRadioButton("Feathering");
              final ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); //raggruppo x fare esclusione
              // ******** panel 0 : avvia
              JTextArea dico = new JTextArea(" Se si vuole avviare la mosaicatura premere 'Avvia'" newline" in tal caso se non sono stati settati parametri verranno utilizzati quelli di default",10,40);
              JButton ok1 = new JButton("Avvia");
              ok1.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ //quando premo ok ...
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String command = group.getSelection().getActionCommand();
                   statusInfo.append(" Parametri di mosaicatura, miscelazione: "+command + newline);
                        frameP.setVisible(false); // SQUALLIDO! esci meglio!
              // ******** panel 2 : IMG RIFERIMENTO
              dico2 = new JTextArea(" Per impostare l'immagine di riferimento" newline " premere 'Imposta' e selezionare l'immagine "+newline,10,40);
              JButton imposta = new JButton("Imposta");
              imposta.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ //quando premo ok ...
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String command = group.getSelection().getActionCommand();
              JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); //a schedario
              tabbedPane.addTab("Avvia Mosaicatura", null, panelP0, null);
              tabbedPane.addTab("Parametri", null, panelP1, null);
              tabbedPane.addTab("Img Riferimento", null, panelP2, null);
    // ========================================================================== super risoluzione
         if(source == superR){
              final JFrame frameP = new JFrame("Parametri di Super-risoluzione");
              JPanel panelP = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,0));
              panelP.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,500));
              JPanel panelP0 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); //avvia
              JPanel panelP1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());//parametri
              //**************** panel 1 : PARAMETRI
              JTextArea dico3 = new JTextArea(" Parametri di super-risoluzione",10,40);
              JRadioButton primo = new JRadioButton("Nearest");
              JRadioButton secondo = new JRadioButton("Weighted");
              final ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); //raggruppo x fare esclusione
              // ******** panel 0 : avvia
              JTextArea dico = new JTextArea(" Se si vuole avviare la super-risoluzione premere 'Avvia'" newline" in tal caso se non sono stati settati parametri verranno utilizzati quelli di default",10,40);
              JButton ok1 = new JButton("Avvia");
              ok1.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ //quando premo ok ...
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String command = group.getSelection().getActionCommand();
                   statusInfo.append(" Parametri super-risoluzione: "+command + newline);
                        frameP.setVisible(false); // SQUALLIDO! esci meglio!
              JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); //a schedario
              tabbedPane.addTab(" Avvia super-risoluzione", null, panelP0, null);
              tabbedPane.addTab(" Parametri", null, panelP1, null);
    // ===================================================== Mouse Event
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
         mousex = e.getX(); // Save the x coord of the click
    mousey = e.getY(); // Save the y coord of the click
         for (int m=0; m<Nimg; m++){
              Point p = images[m].getLocation(); //posizione img[m] in panel
              px = (int)p.getX();
              py = (int)p.getY();
              if (mousex >= px && mousex <= (px+images[muovi].getWidth())
    && mousey >= py && mousey <= (py+images[muovi].getHeight())) {//se mouse dentro img
                   _canDrag = true;
              _dragFromX = mousex-px;  // how far from left
              _dragFromY = mousey-py;  // how far from top
                   muovi = m; //setto immagine da muovere!!!!
                   if (rifno==0){panelpane.moveToFront(images[muovi]);}//davanti img ke muovo
                   //se =1 nn mi muove img
         }//chiudo FOR
         if (rifno==1){
              statusInfo.append(" Immagine di riferimento: "+ muovi + newline);
              dico2.append(" Immagine di riferimento impostata :"+muovi + newline);
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
         if (_canDrag) {   // True only if button was pressed inside ball.
    //--- Ball pos from mouse and original click displacement
    int ballX = e.getX() - dragFromX;
    int ballY = e.getY() - dragFromY;
    //--- Don't move the ball off the screen sides
    ballX = Math.max(ballX, 0);
    ballX = Math.min(ballX, panelpane.getWidth() - images[muovi].getWidth());
    //--- Don't move the ball off top or bottom
    ballY = Math.max(ballY, 0);
    ballY = Math.min(ballY, panelpane.getHeight() - images[muovi].getHeight());
         Point p = images[muovi].getLocationOnScreen();
         int px = (int)p.getX();
         int py = (int)p.getY();
    //panelpane.repaint(); // Repaint because position changed.
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
         _canDrag = false;
         }//end mouseExited
    public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e) {} // ignore these events
    public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
    } // ignore these events
    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}
    }// chiude classe

    please reuse the threads you've already started on this topic
    and also, use the [url]formatting tags when posting code.
    keep in mind, this is an awful lot of code, and few will have the time to read through all of it, so if at all possible, make a smaller example case for your problem when you can so that we don't have to try to sort through hundreds of lines of code to find what you want to do.

  • Please save us from the Community Help threads

    In the Illustrator forum we are getting some silly threads that no one know what to do about. It seems to be posted by Community Help with an article that the first post seems to be a question about, but it is all completely unintelligible to us, the natives, and the supposed first poster seems to have no clue of being transferred.
    So far, we have two threads:
    Please spare us, we have enough to do with providing real community help.
    For some (or no) reason I was unable to post a reply in the other thread,

    Jacob Bugge wrote:
    What I see is someone who has asked the simple, straightforward question, "What are the best practices for creating web graphics?", then the natives going on to discuss anything but the best practices for creating web graphics.
    Has something changed since it was posted?  Did it get edited?
    Frankly - and I'm sorry to be blunt - if I had asked that particular question then been redirected to a discussion of wonga-wonga birds, dirt track minds, snow, and other nonsense, I'd just turn away quite disappointed with the quality of the help.  And, to make matters worse, the entire blob of noise is now tied to the Adobe Help page for Illustrator.
    I see that Steve just a little while ago posted the very pertinent comment:  "Mods might need to delete the off topic posts, so that the help files only have relevant info."
    Was there something wrong with assuming Anup Rav genuinely wanted more information and/or was just commenting on the extreme terseness of that page and either:
    A) Addressing the question directly?
    B) Just not saying anything so that someone else could address it?
    Even the following would have been more helpful...
    C) This help topic certainly does seem a bit light on information.

  • I paid for adobe to convert a PDF to word -- now I can't save PDFs to my computer -- and I'm saving to the cloud -- HELP

    I'm so depressed -- what happened to the old days when you could actually get a person in support and not have to join a forum -?
    I purchased adobe acrobat to convert a PDF to a word document - that's all I wanted --
    Now every damn PDF I receive or try to open can only be saved in the adobe cloud -- which I have no interest in -- and not on my computer --
    How can I resolve this situation --
    I can't seem to find "settings" or "support" --
    Yes, I'm over 50 -- and I struggle with this maddening technology -- nothing is simple or straightforward --
    I scanned a document, emailed it to myself and would like to name it and save it to my computer -- used to be a 3 minute process -- now its 30 minutes (of valuable, but wasted time later) -- and here I am -- seeking help from no one in particular!  The anonymous "forum" --

    No -- I installed adobe acrobat -- and now, whether I'm signed in or not -- the little disc/save icon is whited out and it can no longer be selected -- when I open a PDF I can only save it to the cloud
    I am a physician, and a lot of what I look at is protected health information --- I can't be saving it in the cloud!!!  I have to find a way to disable this feature -- and restore my ability to save to my hard drive ONLY --
    Thanks -- but if you can tell me those things, I'll be grateful
    tried to attach screen shot to show you, but it was too big .......

  • I am running a laptop with windows 7 on it and trying to use the save as feature in Photoshop CS6 and won't let me save as anything. Please help?

    I am running a laptop with windows 7 and am trying to use the save as feature in Photoshop CS6 and it wont let me save as anything. Can someone please help me with this?

    A screenshot of your Photoshop work area showing the open file you want to save as, the Layers panel open, and the Save as... dialog open might give us a clue as to what is going on.
    To take a screenshot and save it as a file
    For Windows 7, Printscreen, open a New File in Photoshop, Ctrl v to paste, then save as jpeg (the other trick was for windows 8)
    Use the Camera icon on your reply to upload it.
    Also File > Save for Web is a good workaround if you just need a jpeg, png, or gif.

  • Help please! "Could not save as *** because the file...."

    I'm getting this error message when I try to save my files and it is happening often enough that it bothers me. This is very sudden - within the last week or two. I have Photoshop CS5, using Windows 7. I get the error message "Could not save as *** because the file is already in use or was left open by another application."
    I haven't done anything new to my computer or installed anything new, I've been using CS5 successfully since this summer when I first installed it on this brand new computer. Not sure why it's doing this now.
    When it happens, it does leave a .tmp file behind with each instance. I saved one this time just in case it's needed to determine the problem - normally I just delete it and try again. When I try multiple times, it eventually saves. But when I'm a professional photographer and have 100's of images to save, I just can't deal with this problem. Can anyone help? I'd be grateful!

    Are you saying you've disabled Spyware Doctor and it now works?  I'd toss that software out in a heartbeat if so.  Anti-malware software that interferes with your normal operation of your computer is not something to be accepted!
    Microsoft's Windows Defender is a decent substitute.  I also personally prefer Avast Pro antivirus.  Both are unobtrusive.

  • I am unable to install itunes. I get the pop-up asking if I want to save or cancel the iTunes64 file. I click save... and then nothing happens. Help!

    I am unable to install itunes. I get the pop-up asking if I want to save or cancel the iTunes64 file. I click save... and then nothing happens. Help!

    I'd first try downloading an installer from the Apple website using a different web browser:
    If you use Firefox instead of IE for the download (or vice versa), do you get a working installer?

  • I am on a job application wedsite powered by SuccessFactors. I have completed the application but cannot get back down to the bottom of the page for me to save and send the apllication. Please help. It took a long time to complete.

    I have been to the bottom of the application site where you can hit either save and return later or apply. but now it stops before the end of the application and won't let me move any further down the webpage.

    Samaia wrote:
    Recently switched to Mac and I was a IBM keyboard shortcut maniac I love them.
    So far I haven't been able to get my Cmd+Down or Cmd+Up working as described (e.g. move cursor to end or beginning of document) when using Word 2008.
    So . . . I updated to Word 2011 - and it still isn't working . . . please tell me there is another short key that I haven't found yet. The Cmd+Down and/or Cmd+Up only take me up or down a paragraph and Fn+Up or Down seem to be the equivalent of clicking the scroll bar up and/or down one page worth.
    Is it difficult to trigger the menu item entitled "Keyboard Shortcuts" in the Pages Help menu ?
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 22 mars 2011 19:38:46

  • How do you have the help file .chm hold its window position when the user resizes the help window.

    One of my customers is complaining that the help contents will scroll out of view when the window is resized.  Is there a way to anchor the position while the window is resized?

    My CHM is a help file for an application. The application uses F1 to open specific topics for help.  Therefore the help file needs to be visible but not cover the application to much. The Content in this situation is text however the help project contains Images, tables, text, etc. 
    If the user searches for the word "audio" in the search and it takes them to a section or sub topic that is half way down in the Topic, they would like that section or subtopic to stay in the same place as they resize the help window.  Using Bookmarks if the topic is large enough clicking the search link will place the results in the top left of the doc view window, however this is not necessarily the top of the topic. 
    Im not sure how else to explain what the user is seeing, sorry.
    Please explain "Also whether it remains consistent depends on whether an absolute or percentage value has been added to it."

  • MS office word (2011) will not save files on the hard disk. It will save on USB drives.  Help!

    I have installed MS Office 2011 on our iMac and Macbook Air.  The program works as expected on the Macbook Air.  However, on the iMac, neither Word nor Excel will save files to the internal hard drive.  Both save files to a USB memory stick.  The error message I receive is:
    This is not a valid file name.
    Try one or more of the following:
    * Chech the path to make sure it was typed correctly.
    * Select a file from the list of files or folders.
    I expect it is something with the file saving options, but haven't been able to sort it out.
    Help please.

    Found the answer with the help of Microsoft Office for Mac telephone support.....
    The name of the Mac Hard drive started with "\"
    Microsoft office can't cope with that.
    Renamed the hard drive without the back-slash and it works fine.

  • Hi! I was using Microsoft Word. And it said that there server was offline when I went to save it. The program  crashed, and  I have lost my report! Help!!!

    Hi! I was using Microsoft Word. And it said that the server was offline when I went to save it. The program  crashed, and  I have lost my report! Help!!!
    I was thinking there has to be a recovery file on the computer somewhere! Right?

    Versions of Word on Windows make a backup file with the extension .abk, if that has been enabled in their options, I do not know whether the Mac versions do, or whether you enabled it but try using Spotlight to search for .abk or just abk.
    Where were you trying to save? a network server drive?

  • Photos in my from my iPhone have same numbering as photos from my dig camera.  They all go into iPhoto fine but when I backup to my ext hard drive it will only save one with the name IMG 1002 and I have two separate images both with that name.  Help?

    Photos in my from my iPhone have the same numbering as photos from my digital camera.  They all go into iPhoto fine but when I backup to my ext hard drive it will only save one with the name IMG 1002 and I have two separate images both with that name.  How do I get them all to save on my ext hard drive and hope do I prevent this numbering overlap in the future?  I'm really hoping I don't have to go through and manually rename every single picture.  Thanks.

    How are you backing up the photos?  The best way is to backup the library itself as that will preserve your organizational efforts as well as all metadata like keywords, titles, faces, places, books, etc.
    You can use a backup application that does incremental backups.  Thus only the first backup is a full one and subsequent backups just copy those files that are new or changed. I use Synk Pro.  The lower cost version, Synk, will do the same job.  Other similar apps can be found at  
    OR: upload your camera to a folder on the Desktop. There you can rename the files to something that is more informative than just the file name.  I use the date (international format) along with a brief desc: 2007-1-20-adian1stbday-001.jpg.  File renaming apps can also be found at  Also you can give the folder an informatve name which will become the Event name when you import the folder of photos into iPhoto.

  • HELP - how do you save pictures through the recovery mode?

    How do you save pictures through the recovery mode.  I have the black screen with cursor and despite trying all the tips noted here nothing seems to fix the issue.  These have included using Utility disk to re-install OS-X, repairing the disks.  Also tried the holding shift on start up and entering username and password.  Also tried internet recovery and then repair and re-install.  Nothing works!
    Happy to restore from a back up, but I have been rubbish and not backed up for a long time.  Also happy to delete and re-install completely but don't want to loose pics.
    Please let me know any suggestions!!

    bemsley wrote:
    Is it possible to attach an external drive and copy across files through the utility function?
    That requires that you can boot the MBP. 
    Or to boot the mac using the time machine back up?
    You can try using startup manager:
    But you still need a working volume where you can install the backed up data.
    The good news is that since you have a Time machine backup, you can transfer that data to another Mac or clone:

  • How do I take movies and save them on the iPad?

    How do I take movies and save them on the iPad?
    Thank you for your help.

    Tank you Jim for responding: "(swipe Video to the selected position - don't just touch it)."
    (I can't believe this!) I open camera. tap video: nothing. Swipe video button (where to?) nothing.
    Reading videos at a glance in the iPad user guide gives me nothing. I know I must be missing something. 
    Thank you for your help.

  • Subcontracting PO - Batch number to be made mandatory for the components

    Hi All,
    I have a situation in Subcontracting PO. The components which are sent to vendor need to be updated with Batch number. Is there any User Exit  / Configuration available, which can provide a error message to the user when ever he tries to save the PO without the batch number entered for the components.
    SAP allows to save the SC-PO, if the batch numbers are not entered for the components which are batch managed. I have checked the PO Fields in Customizing, which has control of the Batch number for the header material in the material data tab & not for the components which will be available after the BOM icon is clicked.
    Appreciate if you experts provide a solution / work around for the above scenario, as the client is a pharma client & they need to exactly match the batch which has been sent out for making Finished product with the Sub contracting vendor.
    Thanks for your help & awaiting your reply at the earliest.
    Sathya Padmanabhan

    you shoudl definitively check out SAP best Practices for Pharmaceuticals, which can be foubnd in the helpportal:
    Go to the Business Information area....there are some subcontracting scenarios....

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