Saving Progress when updating applications (apps)

I have a few applications that have had updates available and when I update them on the iPhone, I lose all the progress. This is very frustrating for games like Texas Hold'em and I don't even want to think about losing everything in Asphalt 4.
Is there a way on the 3G (I have heard of a way to do it on the older versions) to save the "user" file or something so it can get applied back after updating in order to keep all the user progress in that app?

If all your apps and other content are on your computer's iTunes (File > Transfer Purchases) then the update process should do a backup for you (you can make sure that you have an up-to-date backup by right-clicking the iPad 'device' on the left-hand side of iTunes and selecting Back Up), and it should then restore the iPad to that backup after it's updated the iOS. For the restore to work you will need your apps on your computer's iTunes (which the Transfer Purchases should ensure) - the backup itself doesn't contain the actual apps, just their content and settings, so for the restore to work it needs access to the apps.
All my content and settings were copied back to my backup by the update process.
If the update doesn't do the restore for you (which it should), you can always do the restore via iTunes.

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    Updating your Apps is different from the Support Communities and use different passwords. Your best bet is to start with the support links here: If one of those suggestions doesn't work, then hit the "Contact Support" link from the list to the left for additional options.

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    Please let me comment more since no attachment can be uploaded. Following are key steps I do:
    1) Build selection screen of two select options with this:
      lr_range = lr_selopt->create_range_table( i_typename = 'CRMT_PROCESS_TYPE' ).
        i_id                       = 'ACT_PROCTYPE'
        it_result                  = lr_range
        i_description              = 'Transaction Type'
      lr_range = lr_selopt->create_range_table( i_typename = 'CRMT_ACTIVITY_CATEGORY' ).
        i_id                          = 'ACT_CAT'
        it_result                     = lr_range
        i_value_help_structure_field  = 'CATEGORY'
    2) At method WDDOMODIFYVIEW, I update the description for example:
      lr_range = lr_selopt->create_range_table( i_typename = 'CRMT_PROCESS_TYPE' ).
        i_id                       = 'ACT_PROCTYPE'
        it_result                  = lr_range
        i_description              = 'New Transaction Type'
    Then, if I click the sign button before select option and choose a sign, it gets dump.
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    Anytime you delete an app in iOS, the data associated with in on the device will also be deleted. Unless, you have it stored in a Cloud service or backed up to another device such as a computer with iTunes AND you are syncing only manually. For use with Pages, you might wish to consider iCloud since it automatically integrates with Pages if you have it turned on on the iPad.

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    I've seen this happen for myself and my partner's iPhone too. I came to the same conclusion - the apps I'd "purchased" (even free apps are classified as purchased in iTunes) on my iPhone got pushed to my partner's phone when she connected it to the same iTunes instance.
    Apple suggest a few different methods for managing two iPhones on one machine here:
    In general, they suggest keeping the iTunes libraries separate. There's also a link to another article which explains about sharing music between more than one library.

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    If this is on an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch then try logging out of your account on it by tapping on the id in Settings > Store (Settings > iTunes & App Stores on iOS 6) and then log back in and see if that 'refreshes' the account on it.

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    The apps were purchased with that iTunes account.
    If you select an app, then right click - get info, it will show which account it was purchased with.

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