Scanner, nextInt() -- what if somebody enters a string?

How can i detect if the user enters a string? When somebody enters a string it causes some errors.
my code.
int iVar = input.nextInt();
if (iVar == 1)
          System.out.println("option 1");
else if (iVar == 2)
          System.out.println("option 2");
else if (iVar == 3)
          System.out.println("option 3");
else if (iVar == 4)
          System.out.println("option 4");
else // any integer
}if i entered a string, it causes an error
Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException
at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(
at compro1_nested_if_else_statement.main(
How will i detect that? for numbers (int) it is working fine.

something like this has worked for me:
        System.out.print("Please enter a number: ");
        while (!input.hasNextInt())
            System.out.println("Please enter only Integer input");
        int iVar = input.nextInt();

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    input :
    23 54 64 34 23 VV
    If this is the input, than i want my program to know that there is a VV in it.
    Hopefully you understand what I mean.

    So, here's some more to the program.
    First of all, I introduced accessor specifiers, public, private. There's another one, protected - and a 'hidden' one, package private. You may want to read about accessors. Find info in the Java tutorial, especially
    Now, I also generalized the amount of tokens expected from the user. You are now free of the restriction that the user must enter exactly four tokens. You'll also see an if condition that aborts the demo() method if no value has been entered. All this is a better programming practice, because it makes your program more robust against unexpected input. Robustness is an important criterion in programming.
    I leave you with the improved version. Keep learning, and don't hesitate to ask further question! Thanks for dropping by.
    --------------------- New version -------------------------
    package p3;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Testfile
        Scanner scanner;
        String  data;
        String  lettercode;
        int     newvalue;
        int     sum;
        public static void main (String [] args)
            new Testfile ().demo ();
        private void demo ()
            int nTokens         = 0;
            int iTokenChoice    = 0;
            // Get data from user
            System.out.println ("enter your data");
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner (;
            String entireInput = scanner.nextLine ();
            // Extract tokens. Last token must be one of three possibilities,
            // "AA", "BB" or "CC"
            String [] tokens = entireInput.split (" ");
            nTokens          = tokens.length;
            if (nTokens >= 1)
                iTokenChoice     = nTokens - 1;
                String letterCode = tokens [3];
                if ("AA".equals (letterCode))
                    programA (tokens);
                else if ("BB".equals (letterCode))
                    programB (tokens);
                    programC (tokens);
        private void programA (String [] tokens)
            sum = GetSum (tokens);
            System.out.println ("The sum calculated by programA is " + sum);
        private void programB (String [] tokens)
        private void programC (String [] tokens)
        private int GetSum (String [] tokens)
            int     iToken      = 0;
            int     nTokens     = 0;
            String  temp        = null;
            int     ti          = 0;
            int     ret         = 0;
            nTokens = tokens.length - 1;
            ret     = 0;
            if (nTokens >= 1)
                for (iToken = 0; iToken < nTokens; iToken ++)
                    temp    = tokens [iToken];
                    ti      = Integer.parseInt (temp);
                    ret     = ret + ti;
            return ret;
    }Here's the output from a few example sessions:
    Run 1. Just hit ENTER
    enter your data
    Run 2.: Entered no value, then AA
    enter your data
    The sum calculated by programA is 0
    Run 3.: Entered 1 value, then AA
    enter your data
    1 AA
    The sum calculated by programA is 1
    Run 4.: Entered 2 values, then AA
    enter your data
    1 34 AA
    The sum calculated by programA is 35
    While with the old version I got a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, if I entered not enough values or programC would have always executed if I entered too many values:
    enter your data
    1 2 AA
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
         at p3.Testfile.demo(
         at p3.Testfile.main(
    Now a question for you to think about:
    In the GetSum method I wrote the statement:
    nTokens = tokens.length - 1;What would happen if I had written:
    nTokens = tokens.length;Try and test!

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    Best regards,

    I'm just finished with your first reply - checked out 'POPUP_TO_SEARCH_VALUE' - and you already gave a second option - marvellous !
    Will try the other one out right now.
    You are right, the parameters that reference to the DDIC made me wonder and decide against this FM when I searched through all the available popups some time ago.
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    the popup is quite good. It does indeed deliver a 'case preserved' string. What I don't like is the checkbox and the fact, that the confimation button is labeled 'search' rather than just the 'ICON_OK'. I should mention at this point that I reuse the popup in other scenarios where the string is not used for a search but to name certain objects. Again an all uppercase string (or all lowercase string as well) is unwanted.
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    Like you've presented it, nothing.  There is no difference and neither is the "better option".

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    Prabhakant Patil

    Functionally, they are the same. From a coding standpoint, the Empty String Constant is unambiguous.
    It is empty and will always be; good for initialization. Also, because you can not type a value into and Empty String Constant, someone would need to conciously replace it to set a 'default' value that is something other than NULL.
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    Spoke with Express lane, and issue was escalated.  Kudos to the support guys that handled this one (Brian and Yi).  Went through everything in detail and took all the crash dumps off the iphones and ipads to send to engineering.
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    Also, Outlook iCloud connector has just been updated to ver 1.0.1 so i installed that on their recommendation.
    BOTTOM LINE workaround:
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    2. Delete contacts in iCloud
    3. Delete accounts on IOS devices
    4. Recreate accounts on IOS devices.
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    There's example code in "The Button" download from in the file "".
    Putting the query directly into ABOUT() also works if you don't need to clean up end-user input.

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    18112012010.jpg ‏436 KB

    Hi there TD777,
    What that Facebook field is referring to is the address for your contacts? i.e. a couple of years back, Facebook gave users the option of setting their own username rather than just being a number. Previously, someone would be Now someone could set their own username i.e. The Facebook field is asking you for that: bobthegeekygecko.
    P.s. if you visit any of the examples I just posted, they are not real, so they are de-identified.
    Hope this helps.

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    I assume that you haven't tried the following steps..if you have and still get an error, give us the SQL statement error that is coming up. If I misunderstood your requirement, could you elaborate.
    I assume that when the user logs in you get the account number automatically.
    You could define the VO to have the following where condition 'WHERE ACCOUNT=:1'.
    Then you set the account id from the user using setWhereClauseParams(0,accountid) and call executeQuery. This would limit the result to that user.
    This will work in addition to any other search fields that might have been used in the query.
    For e.g with just the account id the sql that will be fired is
    Select attribute1, attribute2....from Tablexxx where account = :1
    Any other user search criteria given in the page will result in a ssql query like the following
    select * from (Select attribute1, attribute2 ...from Tablexx where accoount = :1) where newattribute like `%xx`
    Hope this helps. Let us know if you still have issues.
    Thank you,

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    I´ll check the messages. Elements 4.0.
    9 dec 2014 kl. 18.44 skrev Jeff A Wright:
    I have an I-mac with Max OS X vers. 10.6.8. Have tried to install both an old Photoshop 7.0 and an Photoshop Elements but it does not work. 7.0 I bought many years ago end the Elements came with a Canon scanner. What to do? Regards Peter Lindgren
    created by Jeff A Wright in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    Peter Lindgren do you receive any specific error messages when you attempt to install Photoshop 7 or Photoshop Elements?  What version of Photoshop Elements are you installing?
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    Your only recourse is to force it into DFU mode:
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    can you please give me an idea how can i solve this?
    Thank You

    I'm not totally sure if I understand your question, but it seems to me that you have two pieces of data - SOG and FOG. This data will be written to your Excel file in the same location each time. Are you writing FOG and SOG from the same VI? If so, why not use a shift register to keep order? Another option is to insert a time stamp next to the SOG or FOG data and then view the time stamp to know the order. Or, you could write the data to a simple text file. Keep appending the data. When you want to know the order, just open the text file and you will have the insertion sequence there. Good luck.

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    Hey Duddy1888,
    Thanks for the question. Try changing your payment information to “None”. If you are unable to select “None” as a payment option, see the following resource:
    Why can’t I select None when I edit my payment information?
    Using an existing iTunes Store or App Store account
    If you have an unpaid balance or payment due, you can't select None as your payment type. To see which order you need to pay for, view your purchase history. When you sign in to the store, you may see a message that there was a billing issue with your last order. Click the Billing Info button to see the order.
    After you pay for the order, you can change your payment information to None.
    Additional Information:
    iTunes Store: My credit card's security code or zip code does not match my bank's records
    iTunes Store & Mac App Store: About payment card authorization holds
    Matt M.

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    Anyone know what's going on?

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    The only back up I do have set up is for my iPhoto album to back up to my Lacie external hard drive...that's all.

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