SCCM Reporting Permissions

I have a question concerning Reporting Services and SCCM 2012 SP1. I have working on configuring role based permissions. In this infrastructure, builtin\administrators includes far too many folks.  I am working to throttle access to SCCM.  When
I access 'Security' on the Report Website, BUILTN\Administrators have Full Control to all reports.   They do not have permissions in SCCM.  I have create a SCCMAdmins group that includes the SCCM Full Administrator Users (and
the SCCM server). 
After some research and testing, SCCM permissions for Reporting are controlled from with SCCM Application itself and will be overwritten if changed at the website itself. I cannot figure out where this specific (builtin\administrators)permissions are
within SCCM or perhaps SQL(?-which does not have builtin\administrators assigned either).  An Administrator on a server should not necessarily be an Administrator of an application. :).  I am not sure where to look or how to change this permission
and would appreciate any help and insight you may have to offer.  Thanks so much.

Unfortunately,  I cannot change the current Admin model only do my best to help them secure SCCM as it should be.  I was looking to direct some of these 'Admin' users to the website for reports and avoid some console installs.  I
am just looking to lockdown to prevent potential issues. 
 I would be interested in knowing what you edited.  Even if it  is just for understanding how SCCM is assessing the permissions for this group. That would be great.  Thanks for your work and digging on this with me.  I really appreciate
I undid it as it breaks CM12 and I didn't want to work out all the details, since IMO it will take hours to do this. 
What I would do, is the following.
If nothing has happened, then remove domain admin for the Local Administrator group. Then I would grant only the CM12 full admin to Local Administrator group. After take I would grant DA access to the reporting user group only.
If you can't remove DA from local administrator group then I wouldn't worry about it at all. Anything that you can put in place to prevent them, they can undo anyways so what is the point of trying to lock it down. Just because... then why solve the problem
and remove everyone from DA.
Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
Old Blog site | Twitter:

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    Yes it can be done and please run the query which i have shared in the thread
    I again pasted the query for you below..
    SYS.Name0 AS [Server Name], CASE WHEN UCS.Status = '2' THEN 'Applicable' WHEN UCS.Status = '3' THEN 'Installed' ELSE '' END AS 'Patch Status',
    UI.BulletinID AS [Bulletin ID], UI.ArticleID AS [Article ID], UI.Title
    FROM         v_R_System AS SYS LEFT OUTER JOIN
    AS UCS ON SYS.ResourceID = UCS.ResourceID INNER JOIN
                          v_UpdateInfo AS UI ON UCS.CI_ID
    = UI.CI_ID
    WHERE     (UCS.Status IN ('2', '3')) AND (SYS.Name0 IN (SELECT DISTINCT v_FullCollectionMembership.Name
    FROM v_FullCollectionMembership INNER JOIN
         v_R_System ON v_R_System.ResourceID = v_FullCollectionMembership.ResourceID AND v_R_System.Active0 = 1 AND
    IN ('XXX00000')))
    Kamala kannan.c| Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” or Vote as Helpful if its helpful for you. |Disclaimer: This posting is provided with no warranties and confers no rights

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    Good you have added the class. Please use the following link for the detailed information about Win32_Battery:
    Last Full Charge should guide your decision on replacement.
    Following link will help you as well:

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    You problem is here.
    join v_R_User USR on USR.ResourceID
    = CS.ResourceID
    USR.ResourceID != CS.ResourceID, you need to map the username to the user logon to the PC. By using the user’s department information you will
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    = CS.UserName0

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    PC002 02/02/2011 Never run
    PC002 Never run Never run
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    I wonder, what is the use of this report. I think, you can try to create a custom report with the help of two links given below?  (Beginners Guide to Writing SCCM Reports) ()Creating Custom Reports By Using Configuration Manager 2007 SQL Views)
    Anoop C Nair - Twitter @anoopmannur
    MY BLOG:
    SCCM Professionals
    This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties/guarantees and confers no rights.

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    I see that you have posted this exact question in another forum for CM12, however this is an CM07 forum.  
    Are you CM07 or CM12?
    If you are CM12, use my answer here.
    If you are CM07, this is NOT a simple how exactly do you detect that a computer is a VM? You can guess by looking at the manufacturer name but it is only a guess.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

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    Also, we have an alias within SQL in this format "SQ01.fqn/CM01" when SQL already has a "CM01" alias. This seems to be a problem too.
    Any input appreciated.
    Ben JohnsonWY

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    Admin Console on ABC01, it all started working.
    Ben JohnsonWY

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    a.Hardware_ID0 as [MAC Address],
    a.Netbios_Name0 as [System Name],
    b.serialnumber0 as [System S/No]
    FROM v_r_system a,
    v_gs_pc_bios b
    WHERE a.ResourceID = b.ResourceID
    This gets all the information required but it is for our whole estate and like i said I need to get it for a collection or IP subnet.  Can someone please help?

    How about below Report query: which gives you mac address and hostname list:
          v_R_System.Netbios_Name0, SYS.User_Name0,
        v_R_System, v_R_System SYS, v_RA_System_MACaddresses,
        and v_fullcollectionmembership.resourceid=v_ra_system_macaddresses.resourceid
        and SYS.resourceid=v_r_system.resourceid

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    Many thanks

    Yes, I know this is an old post, I’m trying to clean them up, Did you figure this out, if so how?
    This information is not collected by default and therefore you will need to collect it first before you can report on it.

  • SCCM report data are missing inside report since Update SCCM 2012 to R2 Cu1

    Hi All,
    I encountered an issue regarding certains SCCM reports after migrating to SCCM R2 CU1.
    After this upgrade, I've already encountered some issues on differents reports .. reports where we need to select a collection or patches or computers from a drop list (all theses drop list were empty).
    I resolved these issues by adding the "read" security permission in the security role dedicated to our Support Team. (Read permission is now applied on Collections, Packages ect...)
    This sort of report works well now.
    But this same Team show me another issue where I did not find any resolution.
    In the categorie called "Hardware - General", we have a report named "Computer information for a specific computer" where, as you know, we normally could find some informations regarding a computer.
    In fact, the only informations which are visible through this report are the NetbiosName,Username, Domain User & computer and IP adress.
    All others informations are not displayed.
    If I use this report with a user who has admin rights in SCCM (which is not the fact with my support team of course) ...all informations are displayed normally.
    It seems that it looks like the first read rights issue that I encountered at the beginning, but I did not find where could be the cause of this issue
    Does anyone has already seen this sort of issue ?

    In CM12R2 RBA is now enabled for report. So this tell me that you have NOT grant the support team access to the data and therefore this is normal.
    There is a quick fix for this see Brian post.

  • Export SCCM Report to CSV

    I am trying to create a Macro based Excel file that would contain a Macro, when executed would download a SCCM Report into a CSV file. At the moment I have to manually go to the webpage, wait for the report to be created and then click on a "Export
    to a file" button then choose a location and save. All is fine but I wanted to have some kind of automation. Since the webpage is created using SSRS reporting I cannot use standard HTML call out procedures like in these YouTube videos:
    Excel VBA Pull Data From A Website
    Get web page data into Excel using VBA
    I have tried these VBA lines:
    Sub Get_SCCM()
    Dim IE As New InternetExplorer
    IE.Visible = True
    IE.navigate ""
    Loop Until IE.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
    Set TextBox = IE.document.getElementsByName("q")
    TextBox.Item(0).Value = "OK"
    End Sub
    This Macro executes without any problems and you can see that the "OK" has been input into the Google searchbox. But When I tried this code:
    Sub Get_SCCM()
    Dim IE As New InternetExplorer
    IE.Visible = True
    IE.navigate "http://<Server_Name>/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2f<Reports_Name>%2fInfrastructure%2f<Name>%2f<Report_File_Name>"
    Loop Until IE.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
    End Sub
    I receive an error:
    Run-time error '-2147417848 (80010108)'
    Automation error
    The object invoked has disconnected from its clients
    Even does not work when trying to add extra lines like IE.document etc.
    Any suggestions on how to export a CSV file with the report from SCCM webpage using VBA in Excel.

    SSRS reports can be automatically sent to a file.  Ask your admin how to configure a custom scheduled report.   The report can go to disk or beemailed on the scheduled.

  • SCCM report to find total number of actual patches installed by update deployment on all the machines (present in target collection)

    Hi Guys,
    I am looking for a sccm report which should provide total number of actual patches installed by us on all the machines (present in target collection). For couple of updates after sync it shows installed already on some machines.
    CName  |  Total Patches  |  Already Installed  | Installation triggered by Deployment   |  Collection ID
    AW001      (123)               (2)                         (17)                                                    CL00001
    AW002      (123)               (1)                        
    (21)                                                    CL00001
    AW003      (123)               (1)                        
    (26)                                                   CL00001
    I am specially looking for 'Installation triggered by Deployment ' number
    I would appriciate very much your the help.

    Hi Chandan,
    You could try to create your custom report based on Software Updates Status views.
    Software Updates Views in Configuration Manager
    Best Regards,

  • Report Permissions

    Report Permissions
    RequestCenter 2006.0.8
    We need to setup certain groups or individuals with permissions for their reports only. Is anyone doing this? I reviewed some of the documentation but still having problems adding users. Do you use groups in RequestCenter, Cognos or both?

    You have to create roles (or groups) and assign people to them in RequestCenter, then manipulate which reports are accessible to those roles in Cognos by overriding permissions inherited from the parent. For example, say I create a role called "Financial Reports" in RequestCenter, grant it to some people, and give it a capability to run RequestCenter reports. That role would allow the grantees access to all RequestCenter reports.  I then, in Cognos, need to search for the reports in question, and remove

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