Scheduler Portlet errors

I keep getting this message when I run my Scheduler Portel:
An exception has occurred.
The name of the exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
Only my CreateEvent.jsp is working the rest give this error or someother...Any suggestions!!

I am also running into the same error but it occurs when I am trying just to display the Scheduler Portlet either from the Admin or on a page. May PDK (1.4)

Similar Messages

  • Scheduler portlet error on ViewEvent

    I finally got the portlet installed. Now when I click on an existing event to see the details, I get the following exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01410: invalid ROWID
    I verified that the ROWID that is in the html source does exist in the table. I looked at the fetchEventInfo method and saw the code that prepares
    the statement and than setString(1,p_rowid). It looks fine, assuming that the setString method on the statement adds the single quotes.
    Has anyone had this problem?
    Pushkala, are you still there?

    This is a known problem.
    CR109495 - A default locale must be configured on all machines running WebLogic Server
    If a default locale is not configured on a machine, and the user running WebLogic server also does not have a default locale configured, the getmessage JSP extension tag will throw this error: a variant cannot be provided without a country, and a country cannot be provided without a language
    Solaris, Linux.
    Make sure that a default locale is set on the machine(s) running WebLogic Server.
    To set default locale, edit the file /etc/default/init and add the following lines:
    You can type the command "locale -a" to view a list of locales available in Solaris.

  • Scheduler Portlet links don't function

    I installed the Scheduler Portlet and it displays Ok within Portal. When I click on a link though (i.e. "New Event"), the browser says "Error on Page" - I assume this is for the Javascript within the JSP.
    Anybody got the links to work for the Applet ?

    No you won't find answers in that forum (there's only about 4 questions). The only way I was able to get the links to work was to match up the physical subdirectory with the virtual directory in For me this was "schedulerportlet". Use this instead of OtnPortlet.
    I'm glad these Samples are a true reflection of how easy it is to develop portlets under Oracle Portal!
    BTW, I'm receiving ORA-600 errors when I try to create an event. Also, no matter what day I enter, the time for an event cannot be earlier than the current time.

  • Scheduler Portlet - Links won't work

    I installed the Scheduler Portlet and it displays Ok within Portal. When I click on a link though (i.e. "New Event"), the browser says "Error on Page" - I assume this is for the Javascript within the JSP.
    Anybody got the links to work for the Applet ?

    Check the alias set in ojsp.conf :
    Alias /OtnPortlet/ "d:\9iAS\Apache\Apache\htdocs\schedulerportlet/"
    The Alias OtnPortlet should point to the location of the jsp files. The link "New Event" opens CreateEvent.jsp in a new window.
    Hope this helps.

  • Scheduler Portlet

    Hello !
    I've installed Scheduler Portlet from the PDK Sample.
    Installation is allright... after replace deprecated class and
    method. Now i've an exception (outOfBoundArrayException) when i
    try to insert a new event.
    Do you know the way to find a new version from this portlet.

    Well, if I only knew that someone got this Scheduler Portlet to
    work properly from start to finish or not, without any error
    Then I'd be sure at least that it's my environment which causes
    the error...

  • Schedule line error ,urgent,urgent

    dea sap expert:
    I have schedule line error , please help
    I have part 9173191-04.
    There is schedule line as below
    10th Feb 72
    10th Feb 72
    17th Feb 172
    On 23th Feb , the stock is zero.
    Due to our factory want to GR early than 17th Feb.
    Material planner change lastest schedule date from 17th to 10th .
    After she change ,  schedule line as below
    10th Feb 72
    10th Feb 72
    10th Feb 172
    17th Feb 12
    On 23th Feb , the stock is 12 PC.
    Could you help to explain , why it generate another 12 PC .
    And make there are 12PC we will never be used it.
    Please help me on it .
    Thanks so much.
    Below is the material master information .
    MRP Type             P1     
    Reorder Point        0                    Planning time fence  10
    Planning cycle       Z05 (Friday )
    Lot size             SB
    Rounding value       72
    Procurement type     F                    Batch entry
    Special procurement                       Prod. stor. location AS03
    Quota arr. usage     3                    Default supply area
    Backflush            1                    Storage loc. for EP  XT06
    JIT delivery sched.                       Stock det. grp       REM
    In-house production  0   days             Planned Deliv. Time  0   days
    GR Processing Time   0   days             Planning calendar    Z05(Friday )
    SchedMargin key      LOC
    Safety Stock         0                    Service level (%)    97.0
    Min safety stock     0                    Coverage profile
    Safety time ind.     2                    Safety time/act.cov. 7  days
    STime period profile

    >Wish to know when & why does the schedule line Exist tab in sales order trigger.
    Schedule line is a place where you can define different delivery dates for a single line item.
    Let's say, you have one line item for quantity 1000. Now if your production department and planning department saying they can deliver it in a weekly basis.(Say 250 for each week)
    In that case you have 2 options.
    One is to create 4 separate line items instead of original line item with different delivery dates and relevant quantities.
    You can create delivery from VL01N or VL10C here for relevant line item.
    have 4 different schedule lines with delivery dates and relevant quantities
    You can do delivery from VL10E for this case for relevant schedule line.
    Same is happening when ATP is triggered, where system suggest different delivery dates as different schedule lines.
    So it's based on ATP or it can be your decision as well.
    >when I try to do the delivery I get an error u201CNo schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date u201D.
    This can happen for many reasons.
    1 - Because the "Selection Date" you have given in the VL01N screen is not equal or greater than the "delivery date" you have maintained in the schedule lines.
    Always make sure below rule.
    "Selection Date" of the VL01N > "delivery date" you have maintained in the schedule lines
    Therefore change the date in the "Selection Date"  of the VL01N to "delivery date" you have maintained in the schedule line or forward date and try.
    2 - You don't have confirmed stock.
    Check your schedule line tab for "Confirmed quantity" column, if you don't have a value there, this error comes. This happens when you haven't done ATP.
    Best regards,

  • Stock Transport Scheduling Agreement - error message: 'Stock in transit...

    Stock Transport Scheduling Agreement - error message: 'Stock in transit exceeded'
    Hi, I do have a question about transport scheduling agreements.
    I have created a stock transport scheduling agreement via ME37, doc. type LU for a stock material from issuing plant TT01 to receiving plant TH01. The material is maintained in both plants.
    After that,I maintain the delivery schedule via ME38 for a quantity for today. The quantity is available at issuing plant TT01, checked via MMBE.
    Then, I try to post the goods via MIGO. When I try to post the document, I get the following error message: "PL Stock in transit exceeded by 1,000 T% : 794 TH01 S1". Why do I get that? My target is to decreate the stock quantity in TT01 and to increase the stock quantity in TH01.
    Thanks, Peter

    This happens when you are issuing more on the schudle qty, Check you have anything on the transit receive it the try agin to process the issue.
    Hope it helps.

  • Labview RT 14.0 Scheduler Assert%3A __1276 Scheduler Assertion Error%3A 80000004

    We have a multithreaded CVI app (~20 threads) running on a PXIe-8135 (4 CPUs).   The application never gets done starting all the threads before blue-screening with the following error:
    Scheduler Asser: __1276
    Scheduler Assertion Error: 80000004
    Interrupt Disabled. Scheduler Enabled.  ....
    More details:
    Chassis 1 PXIe-1085:
        PXIe-8135 Controller
        PXI-6704 (7 of them), initialize properly, thread runs successfully until blue screen
        PXI-8431/8 (8 of these, total of 64 RS422 channels, about 40 being used currently for test), it is during the starting of these threads (one for each board) that it blue screens 
        PXIe-8374 (for using Chassis 2 as an extension of Chassis 1)
    Chassis 2 PXIe-1075:
        PXI-8370 (connected to PXIe-8374)
        PXI-6528 (1) threads run fine
        PXI-6529 (4) threads run fine
        NI-8234 (4) not used currently
    The scheduler error happens at different times, but always during the starting of the RS422 threads.  Can anybody give a hint as to why the Scheduler Assertion Error occurs, and particularly this specific error?

    I have a couple of questions for you.
    1) Has this application ever worked?
    2) Can you attempt to replicate this issue with less RS422 channels? Basically, is there a maximum number of RS422 channels where the error is received, or if you had only 1 channel being used, would the error still happen?
    3) Do you have another PXIe controller that you can try?
    4) Did anything change in your system that would have caused the error?
    Kevin S
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Service Contracts Billing Schedule Creation Error

    I have a requirement of creating service contracts from back-end for which I am using the oks_contracts_pub.create_contract_header, create_service_line, and create_bill_schedule. I am creating my contracts with active status and renewal type of EVN (Header level), FUL(Line Level). My contract is of type subscription. The contract header and line are creating fine but the Bill schedule API is throwing an UNEXPECTED ERROR. The billing schedules need to be created based on accounting rule which can be quarterly or monthly. I have included the bill schedule code (hard coded values) for review. Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Also the version I am working on is R12
    l_strm_level_tbl OKS_BILL_SCH.STREAMLVL_TBL;
    v_bill_qtrs NUMBER := 0;
    v_bill_mths NUMBER := 0;
    v_bill_days NUMBER := 0;
    v_net_amount NUMBER := 468;
    v_acct_rule_name VARCHAR2(50) := 'QUARTERLY';
    v_amt_per_day NUMBER;
    x_error_locator VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_start_date DATE := '04-MAY-2010';
    v_end_date DATE := '25-MAY-2010';
    x_return_status VARCHAr2(3);
    x_msg_count NUMBER;
    x_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_billing_sequence NUMBER;
    x_chr_id NUMBER := 17000;
    x_line_id NUMBER := 223248604345353294444923586786456728480;
    g_day_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'DAY';
    g_month_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'MTH';
    g_quarter_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'QTR';
    v_amt NUMBER;
    v_invoicing_rule_id NUMBER := -2;
    --Create Billing Schedule based on accounting rule
    v_bill_qtrs := 0;
    v_bill_days := 0;
    v_bill_mths := 0;
    SELECT NVL(v_net_amount, 0)/(v_end_date - v_start_date)
    INTO v_amt_per_day
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated amt per day ' || v_amt_per_day);
    IF v_acct_rule_name LIKE '%QUARTERLY%' THEN
    --Quarterly billing schedule
    v_end_date - ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, (FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)/3)*3))
    INTO v_bill_qtrs,
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the qtrs and days');
    IF v_bill_qtrs > 0 THEN
    SELECT (ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, (FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)/3)*3)) - v_start_date)*v_amt_per_day
    INTO v_amt
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated qtr amt');
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    -- l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_quarter_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt/v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt/v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for QTR');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for QTR');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Quarterly schedule creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    -- RETURN;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_bill_days > 0 THEN
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    dbms_output.put_line('sequence '||v_billing_sequence);
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_day_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_net_amount;--v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_net_amount;--v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for QTR days');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for QTR days ' || v_bill_days || ' ' || x_return_status);
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Day schedule, for quarterly accounting rule, creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    --Monthly billing schedule
    v_end_date - ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)))
    INTO v_bill_mths,
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the mths and days');
    IF v_bill_mths > 0 THEN
    SELECT (ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date,FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date))) - v_start_date)*v_amt_per_day
    INTO v_amt
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the mths amt');
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_month_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt/v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt/v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for MTHS');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for MTHS');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Monthly schedule creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_bill_days > 0 THEN
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_day_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for MTH days');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for MTH days');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Day schedule, for monthly accounting rule, creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Error ' || sqlerrm);

    Hi There,
    I have a similar requirement to create rental service contracts and create billing schedules.
    Can you please pass on your functional docs so that i can refer to them.

  • Portlet Errors at Initial Login

    We are receiving random portlet errors upon initial login. It simply says "Error" in the portlet title heading and the portlet contents are not displayed.
    Refreshing the web page corrects the problem, but you'd think that a fresh login wouldn't mean it was a caching problem, right? This is happening to all users from different workstations, and different portlets are affected at different times - but always at initial login....
    Any ideas? Thanks!

    Hi Katie,
    Are there any timeout logs in your provider log files? My guess is that the error is due to timeouts. You could try increasing the provider timeouts to a sizeable amount :)

  • KM Scheduler Task Error on SP16

    Hi All,
    I am trying to create a KM Scheduler Task. However while starting the task it gives me this error.
    [code]Configuration Error:  Failed to load task[/code]
    This is the error that is shown on the component Monitor under System Administration->Monitring->Knowledege Management->Component Monitor.
    If I click on the properties under this task it throws the following nullpointerexception
            at com.sapportals.wcm.service.scheduler.SchedulerEntry.getDescription(
            at com.sapportals.wcm.service.scheduler.crt.SchedulerEntryProxy.getDescription(
            at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.crt.CrtPropertyManager.getProperties(
            at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceImpl.internalGetProperties(
            at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceImpl.getProperties(
            at com.sapportals.wcm.control.edit.PropertiesControl.initialize(
            at com.sapportals.wdf.stack.Control.initializeImpl(
            at com.sapportals.wdf.stack.Pane.initialize(
            at com.sapportals.wdf.stack.PaneStack.initialize(
            at com.sapportals.wdf.stack.Pane.initialize(
            at com.sapportals.wdf.stack.PaneStack.initialize(
            at com.sapportals.wdf.stack.Pane.initialize(
            at com.sapportals.wdf.stack.PaneStack.initialize(
            at com.sapportals.wdf.WdfCompositeController.doInitialization(
            at com.sapportals.wdf.WdfCompositeController.buildComposition(
            at com.sapportals.htmlb.AbstractCompositeComponent.preRender(
            at com.sapportals.htmlb.Container.preRender(
            at com.sapportals.htmlb.Container.preRender(
            at com.sapportals.htmlb.Container.preRender(
            at com.sapportals.portal.htmlb.PrtContext.render(
            at com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.KMControllerDynPage.doOutput(
            at com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent.doContent(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    I am using the SP16 Developer studio to create the scheduler task. There is nothing in the scheduler task just a log message. Still this fails. Is this a bug or I am missing something here.
    I would really appreciate any help in this regards.

    just a guess - do you have your Description field filled in your CM configuration for task? From the trace it seems it could not read the property DESCRIPTION from the Cm configuration.
    Just check it...

  • Scheduling agreement error

    Hi experts,
    I am updating a scheduling agreement using IDOC with basic type DELFOR02 and message type DELINS. After posting an IDOC, I get an error message of "No batch input data for screen SAPMSSY3 0121" or "No batch input data for screen SAPMSSY3 0131". I don't know where it is coming. Any idea? Please help.

    Please go to transaction code WE19 - Test tool for IDoc processing, and clieck "Inbound Functional Module" at the top and first give Functional Module Name ( most probelly it will be "IDOC_INPUT_DELINS_START" or you can check functional Module name by cliecking "Standerd Indound" button from front screen) and after giving functional module name sellect option "In Forground" and then process it. By trying this way you may exactelly reach to the problem area and even if it dosent helps you then on the same screen sellect debug mode option and ask your ABAP Consultant to help you in this case.
    May be it will serve your purpose.

  • Scheduling Job Error in NWM 7.11

    Hi ,
    When i schedule job for a DO in SDOE_BG_JOB_MONITOR always it is getting cancelled.
    In job log it is showing the following error: "Control Framework : Fatel Error - GUI cannot be reached".
    Error text in ST22  "Exception Contion "CNTL_ERROR" raised"
    what could be the reason ?
    Server Details:
    SAP NW Mobile 7.11 EHP1 Level 002.
    Note : Same DO job is working in NWM 7.10 SP09.
    Kanagaraj .

    After the DOs are transported, is RFC destination created in 7.11 system to connect to Backend?
    RFC destination will not be transported as part of DO. After transporting, we have to create a RFC and set it to the Backend Adapter.
    The Error clearly says it is unable to connect.
    Please check this.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Scheduled report error - Error in File

    Crystal Reports Serve XI R2 SP4
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005
    Ihave a scheduled report that runs perfectly in most instances, however I am seeing the following eror message when a particular parameter is seected:
    Error in File D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\BWAQTSREP-1.reportjobserver\~tmp1d945a07834566a.rpt: Operation not yet implemented.
    Any ideas on what this means, and how to resolve?
    Edited by: Penny Braithwaite on Apr 3, 2009 11:51 AM

    Hi Ramesh,
    you have to Login into the SAP Service Marketplace at But you need a S-User to do so.
    You can request your S-User on the top right of the Website.

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