Schema level tiggers

hi all,
is it possible to write a schema level trigger with DCL and DDL commands in it.
Actually in my database there are more than one (X & Y)schemas with differnt privelages.
if i create a table in ' X'schema,i have to create a synonym for the same table for the other schema 'Y' and i want to grant select privelage for that table for 'Y' .my verison is 10204
create or replace
TRIGGER bcs_trigger
after  create ON X.SCHEMA
Cursor table_cur is
Select object_id, object_name, object_type, owner
where to_date(created,'DD/MM/YYYY')= to_date(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY');
  type TABLE_collect is table of table_cur %rowtype;
v_msg varchar2(1000) := 'SYNONYM HAS BEEN CREATED';
V_error varchar2(1000) := 'ALREADY EXIST';
open table_cur;
          fetch table_cur bulk collect into TACOLL;
           exit when table_cur %notfound;
           end loop;
           close table_cur;
for i in 1.. TACOLL.count
execute immediate 'create synonym '||TACOLL(i).OBJECT_NAME||' for '||TACOLL(i).OBJECT_NAME;
execute immediate 'grant select on '||TACOLL(i).OBJECT_NAME||' to Y ';
dbms_output.put_line ('v_msg');
end if;
end loop;
end ;

Hi Suresh.
Welcome to OTN Forums!
I think this help you
    (SELECT object_id,
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create or replace synonym '||OBJ.OBJECT_NAME||' for '||OBJ.OBJECT_NAME;
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'grant select on '||OBJ.OBJECT_NAME||' to Y ';
        dbms_output.put_line (V_MSG|| ' : ' ||OBJ_OBJECT_NAME);
      END IF;
  END ;

Similar Messages

  • How to add new tables in Streams for Schema level replication ( )

    I am in process of setting up Oracle Streams schema level replication on version I am able to setup replication for one table properly. Now I want to add 10 more new tables for schema level replication. Few questions regarding this
    1. If I create new tables in source, shall I have to create tables in target database manually or I have to do export STREAMS_INSTANTIATION=Y
    2. Can you tell me metalink note id to read more on this topic ?
    thanks & regards

    The same capture and apply process can be used to replicate other tables. Following steps should suffice your need:
    Say table NEW is the new table to be added with owner SANTU
    downstr_cap is the capture process which is already running
    downstr_apply is the apply process which is already there
    1. Now stop the apply process
    2. Stop the capture process
    3. Add the new table in the capture process using +ve rule
    table_name      => 'SANTU.NEW',
    streams_type    => 'capture',
    streams_name    => 'downstr_cap',
    queue_name      => 'strmadmin.DOWNSTREAM_Q',
    include_dml     => true,
    include_ddl     => true,
    source_database =>  ' Name of the source database ',
    inclusion_rule  => true
    4. Take export of the new table with "OBJECT_CONSISTENT=Y" option
    5. Import the table at destination with "STREAMS_INSTANTIATION=Y' option
    6. Start the apply process
    7. Start the capture process

  • SQL Trace for schema level

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    SQL> EXEC DBMS_SESSION.set_sql_trace(sql_trace => TRUE);
    SQL> EXEC DBMS_SESSION.set_sql_trace(sql_trace => FALSE);
    SQL> EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.set_sql_trace_in_session(sid=>123, serial#=>1234, sql_trace=>TRUE);
    SQL> EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.set_sql_trace_in_session(sid=>123, serial#=>1234, sql_trace=>FALSE);
    I want to get trace file for schema, can anyone suggest how do I get trace file at schema level.
    Thanks for help

    Using instance-level tracing by setting the init.ora/spfile... parameter SQL_TRACE=TRUE, all processes against the instance will create their own trace files. This particular method of tracing should be used with care since it creates a great deal of overhead against the system. In addition, the default value for this parameter is FALSE.


    Can anybody guide me how to generate an AWR (automatic workload repository) report at schema level? Actually I have created one user name xyz and imported some 1000 objects (tables, views etc) .
    I have little doubt here , when we create one user ,is schema for that user will it create automatically …..if its true then I need to generate one AWR report for that user or schema

    I don't think this is possible: AWR only works at database/instance level and not at schema level.

  • What level suplemental logging requires to setup Streams at Schema level

    Working on setting-up streams from 10g to 11g db @ schema level. And the session is hanging with statement "ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA" while running following command - generated using DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.MAINTAIN_SCHEMAS.
    schema_name => '"DPX1"',
    streams_type => 'CAPTURE',
    streams_name => '"CAPTURE_DPX1"',
    queue_name => '"STRMADMIN"."CAPTURE_QUEUE"',
    include_dml => TRUE,
    include_ddl => TRUE,
    include_tagged_lcr => TRUE,
    source_database => 'DPX1DB',
    inclusion_rule => TRUE,
    and_condition => get_compatible);
    The generated script also setting each table with table-level logging "'ALTER TABLE "DPX1"."DEPT" ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA (PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, UNIQUE INDEX) COLUMNS'".
    So my question is: Is Database level supplemental logging required to setup schema-level replication? If answer is no then why the following script is invoking "ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA" command.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi sri dhar,
    From what I found, the "ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA" is required for the first capture you create in a database. Once it has been run, you'll see V$DATABASE with the column SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_MIN set to YES. It requires a strong level of locking - for example, you cannot run this alter database while an index rebuild is running (maybe an rebuild online?)
    I know it is called implicitly by DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.add_table_rules for the first rule created.
    So, you can just run the statement once in a maintenance window and you'll be all set.
    Minimal Supplemental Logging -
    NOT to be confused with database level supplemental log group.
    Hope this helps,

  • Schema level and table level supplemental logging

    I'm setting up bi- directional DML replication between two oracle databases. I have enabled supplemental logging database level by running this command-
    SQL>alter database add supplemental log data (primary key) columns;
    Database altered.
    -My question is should I enable supplemental logging table level also(for DML replication only)? should I run the below command also?
    GGSCI (db1) 1> DBLOGIN USERID ggs_admin, PASSWORD ggs_admin
    Successfully logged into database.
    GGSCI (db1) 2> ADD TRANDATA schema.<table-name>
    what is the deference between schema level and table level supplemental logging?

    For Oracle, ADD TRANDATA by default enables table-level supplemental logging. The supplemental log group includes one of the following sets of columns, in the listed order of priority, depending on what is defined on the table:
    1. Primary key
    2. First unique key alphanumerically with no virtual columns, no UDTs, no functionbased
    columns, and no nullable columns
    3. First unique key alphanumerically with no virtual columns, no UDTs, or no functionbased
    columns, but can include nullable columns
    4. If none of the preceding key types exist (even though there might be other types of keys
    defined on the table) Oracle GoldenGate constructs a pseudo key of all columns that
    the database allows to be used in a unique key, excluding virtual columns, UDTs,
    function-based columns, and any columns that are explicitly excluded from the Oracle
    GoldenGate configuration.
    The command issues an ALTER TABLE command with an ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA clause that
    is appropriate for the type of unique constraint (or lack of one) that is defined for the table.
    When to use ADD TRANDATA for an Oracle source database
    Use ADD TRANDATA only if you are not using the Oracle GoldenGate DDL replication feature.
    If you are using the Oracle GoldenGate DDL replication feature, use the ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command to log the required supplemental data. It is possible to use ADD
    TRANDATA when DDL support is enabled, but only if you can guarantee one of the following:
    ● You can stop DML activity on any and all tables before users or applications perform DDL on them.
    ● You cannot stop DML activity before the DDL occurs, but you can guarantee that:
    ❍ There is no possibility that users or applications will issue DDL that adds new tables whose names satisfy an explicit or wildcarded specification in a TABLE or MAP
    ❍ There is no possibility that users or applications will issue DDL that changes the key definitions of any tables that are already in the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
    ADD SCHEMATRANDATA ensures replication continuity should DML ever occur on an object for which DDL has just been performed.
    You can use ADD TRANDATA even when using ADD SCHEMATRANDATA if you need to use the COLS option to log any non-key columns, such as those needed for FILTER statements and KEYCOLS clauses in the TABLE and MAP parameters.
    Additional requirements when using ADD TRANDATA
    Besides table-level logging, minimal supplemental logging must be enabled at the database level in order for Oracle GoldenGate to process updates to primary keys and
    chained rows. This must be done through the database interface, not through Oracle GoldenGate. You can enable minimal supplemental logging by issuing the following DDL
    SQL> alter database add supplemental log data;
    To verify that supplemental logging is enabled at the database level, issue the following statement:
    The output of the query must be YES or IMPLICIT. LOG_DATA_MIN must be explicitly set, because it is not enabled automatically when other LOG_DATA options are set.
    If you required more details refer Oracle® GoldenGate Windows and UNIX Reference Guide 11g Release 2 (

  • How to exclude tables from Schema level replication

    Hi All,
    I am currently trying to setup Oracle Streams (Oracle on RHEL5) to replicate a schema from one instance to another.
    The basic schema level replication is working well, and copying DDL and DML changes without any problems. However there are a couple of tables that I need to exclude from the stream, due to incompatible datatypes.
    Does anybody have any ideas or notes on how I could achieve this?? I have been reading the Oracle documentation and find it difficult to follow and confusing, and I have not found any examples in the internet.
    Thanks heaps.

    When you use SCHEMA level rules for capture and need to skip the replication of a few tables, you create rules in the negative rule set for the table.
    Here is an example of creating table rules in the negative rule set for the capture process.
    table_name => 'schema.table_to_be_skipped',
    streams_type => 'CAPTURE',
    streams_name => 'your_capture_name',
    queue_name => 'strmadmin.capture_queue_name',
    include_dml => true,
    include_ddl => true,
    inclusion_rule => false
    table_name parameter identifies the fully qualified table name (schema.table)
    streams_name identifies the capture process for which the rules are to be added
    queue_name specifies the name of the queue associated with the capture process.
    Inclusion_rule=> false indicates that the create rules are to be placed in the negative rule set (ie, skip this table)
    include_dml=> true indicates DML changes for the table (ie, skip DML changes for this table)
    include_ddl=> true indicates DDL changes for the table (ie, skip DDL changes for this table)

  • Ask about DML Handler for Streams at the Schema level ?

    Hi all !
    I use Oracle version 10.2.0.
    I have two DB is A (at machine A, and it used as source database) and B (at machine B - destination database). Some changes from A will apply to B.
    At B, I installed oracle client to use EMC (Enterprise Manager Console) tool to generate some script, and use them to configure Streams environment, I configured Streams at the Schema level (DML and DDL) => I successed ! But I have two problems is:
    + I write a DML Handler, called "emp_dml_handler" and want set it to EMP table only. So, I must DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ADD_TABLE_RULES ? (I configured: DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ADD_SCHEMA_RULES) such as:
    schema_name => '"HOSE"',
    streams_type => 'APPLY',
    streams_name => 'STRMADMIN_BOSCHOSE_REGRES',
    queue_name => 'apply_dest_hose',
    include_dml => true,
    include_ddl => true,
    source_database => 'DEVELOP.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM');
    and after:
    emp_rule_name_dml VARCHAR2(50);
    emp_rule_name_ddl VARCHAR2(50);
    table_name => 'HOSE.EMP,
    streams_type => 'APPLY',
    streams_name => 'STRMADMIN_BOSCHOSE_REGRES',
    queue_name => 'apply_dest_hose',
    include_dml => true,
    include_ddl => true,
    dml_rule_name => emp_rule_name_dml,
    ddl_rule_name => emp_rule_name_ddl);
    rule_name => emp_rule_name_dml,
    destination_queue_name => 'apply_dest_hose');
    object_name => 'HOSE.EMP',
    object_type => 'TABLE',
    operation_name => 'UPDATE',
    error_handler => false,
    user_procedure => 'strmadmin.emp_dml_handler',
    apply_database_link => NULL,
    apply_name => NULL);
    ... similar for INSERT and DELETE...
    I think that I only configure streams at the schema level and exclude EMP table, am i right ?
    + At the source, EMP table have a primary key. And I configured:
    ==> So, at the destination, have some works that I must configure the substitute key for EMP table ?
    Have some ideas for my problems ?
    Edited by: changemylife on Sep 24, 2009 10:45 PM

    If you want to discard emp from schema rule, then just add a negative rule, either on capture or apply.
    What is the purpose of :
    rule_name => emp_rule_name_dml,
    destination_queue_name => 'apply_dest_hose');sound like you are enqueunig into 'apply_dest_hose' all the rows for this table that comes from ... 'apply_dest_hose'
    Next you declare a DML_HANDLER that is attached to nobody :
    object_name => 'HOSE.EMP',
    object_type => 'TABLE',
    operation_name => 'UPDATE',
    error_handler => false,
    user_procedure => 'strmadmin.emp_dml_handler',
    apply_database_link => NULL,
    apply_name => NULL);           <----- nobody rules the world!
    END;the sequence of evaluation is normally :
    APPLY_PROCESS (reader)
              | -->  RULE SET
                          | --> RULE .....
                          | --> RULE
                                     | --> evaluate OK then --> exist DML_HANDLER  --> YES --> call DML_HANDLER --> on LCR.execute call coordinator
                                                                                            | NO
                                                                                       Implicit apply (give LCR to coordinator which dispatch to one apply server)    
                                                      Since your dml_handler is attached to null apply process it will never be called by anybody and your LCR for table emp will be implicit applied by its apply process.

  • Dml_Handler at the Schema Level?

    I'm using 11g R2 and doing a one-way streams replication within the same database. I've got a subset of tables within the same schema setup now for capture and I'm using dml_handlers on apply. The handlers are specified on each table with a package that takes each trapped LCR and writes its data out to a different table than the one that the LCR got captured from. This was done for a bolt-on reporting issue that popped up. This is all working great. Streams rocks!
    Here's my next issue. I want to expand/morph the above approach in the following way. I want to do my capture at the schema level for all tables and also run just one dml_handler to take all LCRs for the specified schema and write them out as XML into a clob column. I've got the XML portion working and I pretty much know how I can get the streams part going as well, using a dml_handler-per-table approach similar to what I did above. What I would like to know is whether there's a way to avoid having to setup a dml_hander for each insert, update, and delete LCR on every table within the specified schema.
    Instead of doing this....
    object_name => 'schema.table_a',
    object_type => 'TABLE',
    operation_name => 'INSERT',
    error_handler => false,
    user_procedure => 'package.procedure',
    apply_database_link => NULL,
    apply_name => 'apply_name');
    object_name => 'schema.table_a',
    object_type => 'TABLE',
    operation_name => 'UPDATE',
    error_handler => false,
    user_procedure => 'package.procedure',
    apply_database_link => NULL,
    apply_name => 'apply_name');
    object_name => 'schema.table_a',
    object_type => 'TABLE',
    operation_name => 'DELETE',
    error_handler => false,
    user_procedure => 'package.procedure',
    apply_database_link => NULL,
    apply_name => 'apply_name');
    Once for each table in the schema
    I'd like to be able to do the following:
    schema_name => 'schema', ---This line is totally made up by me. The real argument is object_name
    object_type => 'TABLE',
    operation_name => 'ALL', ---This line is also totally made up by me. The real allowed options are Insert, Update, and Delete.
    error_handler => false,
    user_procedure => 'package.procedure',
    apply_database_link => NULL,
    apply_name => 'apply_name');
    Is there a way to do this? I don't see a procedure in dbms_apply_adm to accomplish it, or I just missed it. I could also do this within a loop using dynamic SQL but I'm hoping I won't have to.
    Thanks for any help!

    SCHEMA level is not possible with this procedure.
    However, you can set the operation_name to 'DEFAULT' - which indicates all operations (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/LOB_UPDATE)

  • Schema Level Problem !

    {color:#000080}I have successfully configured the schema level replication, but some issues are front of me to struck me.
    So, I am going to explain my scenario as following.{color}
    {color:#000080}1: Site1 having oracle 10g DB and having two schema level processes: Capture and Propagate
    2: Site2 having oracle 10g DB and having two schema level processes: Capture and Propagate
    3: Central_DB having oracle10g DB and having two APPLY processes one for site1 and second for site2.{color}
    {color:#000080}I have a plan to connect the total 18 branches to our Central_DB in future.
    From all sites to Central_DB we will configure the Schema Level Replication using streams.(All sites have same schema)(DML + DDL)
    But From Central_DB to all sites we will configure Table Level Rule-Based replication.(Only DML's){color}
    {color:#000080}My Questions are:{color}
    {color:#000080}1: Please recommend me that it's a good model or not ?
    2: When site1 doing DML or DDL changes locally then changes are captured by capture process and
    After that changes are propagated from source queue(Site1) to destination queue(CEntral_DB) and
    Applied by apply process of Central_DB.
         &gt; If site1 doing changes and at the same time Central_DB goes shutdown and
    restart again then changes are applied from site1 to Central_DB.(Normal Working)
         &gt; If site1 doing changes and at the same time Central_DB goes shutdown and
    site1 doing more changes locally, after few minutes site1 also goes shutdown , Now site1 and Central_DB both are down.
         &gt; After one day when both machines are upped and running, but propagation process
         contains some connection errors and no further changes are replicated, even status of processes are enabled.{color}
    {color:#ff0000}ERROR: {color}
    {color:#ff0000}     ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exis {color}
    {color:#000080}Please assist me to troubleshoot this problem why no further changes are replicated?{color}
    Fazi {color}

    That would be if an IP or DNS lookup (depending on what is specified as HOST in the tnsnames entry) is failing.
    Possibly, the lookups before the servers went down were via DNS and now the DNS is no longer available (it has gone down ?). OR that someone has recreated a hosts file and the earlier entry for the target host is missing.

  • Schema level with particular partition tables

    Hi All,
    I need to export all objects ie. schema level option but I need to export the particular partition of a table..
    ie. i need EXCLUDE particular partition data for schema level back up.
    Kindly suggest me how to archive the above..
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Sami on Jul 6, 2012 4:41 PM

    Hi All,
    I have used the following option to export schema level with partition tables
    Log file
    . . exported "YYYYY."."TXN_JOURNAL":"TRX_JOURN_PART3"       1.801 GB 6650371 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."EVENT_JOURNAL"                       1.533 GB 15930785 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."LOAN_ACCOUNT$AUD"                    1.287 GB 6339368 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"GL_ACCT_HIST_PART6"  1.212 GB 5860272 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"GL_ACCT_HIST_PART5"  1.102 GB 5363721 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"DEP_ACCT_HIST3"  1.055 GB 5530280 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"GL_ACCT_HIST_PART4"  929.4 MB 4513889 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DP_ACCT_INTEREST_HISTORY"            925.0 MB 7002553 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"GL_ACCT_HIST_PART2"  909.8 MB 4441940 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"GL_ACCT_HIST_PART3"  768.3 MB 3786671 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."ACCOUNT$AUD"                         709.8 MB 4348526 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."EVENT_CHARGE_JOURNAL"                663.9 MB 5303756 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DP_ACCT_CYCLE_STAT_HIST"             655.4 MB 4389715 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DP_ACCT_PERIOD_CYCLE_STAT_HIST"      569.1 MB 3733176 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DP_ACCT_CHARGE_CYCLE_STAT_HIST"      535.4 MB 3712447 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"GL_ACCT_HIST_PART7"  473.3 MB 2238240 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."WF_WORK_ITEM_HISTORY"                474.4 MB 1887956 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."OFFLINE_OUTBOUND_TXN_LOG"            478.4 MB   32803 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."OPERATIONAL_SERVICE_ERROR_LOG"       291.8 MB   55333 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."TXN_JOURNAL":"TRX_JOURN_PART1"       350.3 MB 1352267 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_STAT"                313.6 MB  414942 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."CORRESPONDENCE_QUEUE_BK"             295.6 MB 1816383 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."EXT_TXN_JOURNAL"                     255.6 MB 1234290 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."PERSONAL_CUSTOMER$AUD"               244.7 MB 1018705 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_STAT"                     228.3 MB  873915 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."TXN_JOURNAL":"TRX_JOURN_PART2"       228.8 MB  855180 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"DEP_ACCT_HIST1"  210.5 MB 1119932 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."USER_ROLE_ALERT"                     180.9 MB 3059052 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."CUSTOMER$AUD"                        172.7 MB 1005897 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"DEP_ACCT_HIST2"  162.3 MB  837967 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_SUMMARY"             160.7 MB  414942 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."CUSTOMER_IMAGE_HISTORY"              142.0 MB   10085 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."SYSUSER$AUD"                         137.9 MB  986069 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."TXN_BATCH_ITEM$AUD"                  143.9 MB  893961 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."ALERT"                               130.8 MB  652573 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."EXT_DP_ACCOUNT_SUMMARY"              132.3 MB  336115 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_HISTORY":"GL_ACCT_HIST_PART1"  132.7 MB  681899 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_INTEREST"            113.0 MB  835126 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."EXT_DP_ACCOUNT_INTEREST"             112.3 MB  625117 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_SUMMARY"                  103.5 MB  873885 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DP_ACCT_INTEREST_TIER_HISTORY"       102.4 MB 1413589 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_MONTHLY_STAT"             98.52 MB  852631 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_QUARTERLY_STAT"           98.45 MB  852630 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."GL_ACCOUNT_YEARLY_STAT"              98.47 MB  852630 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."LN_ACCT_REPMNT_EVENT"                91.53 MB  902496 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."WF_WORK_ITEM_CHKLST_RESP"            83.03 MB  538855 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT$AUD"                 79.53 MB  450801 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."ACCOUNT_CHEQUE_INVENTORY"            73.38 MB  910879 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."EXT_DP_ACCOUNT_INTEREST_TIER"        71.44 MB  670870 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."PENDING_TXN_JOURNAL"                 44.14 MB    9578 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."CUSTOMER"                            67.22 MB  405785 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."TXN_BATCH_ITEM"                      66.98 MB  458442 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."ACCOUNT"                             58.82 MB  443064 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."ACCOUNT_CYCLIC_CHARGE"               56.00 MB  405963 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."EXT_CUSTOMER"                        57.16 MB  321364 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."EXT_LN_ACCT_REPMNT_EVENT"            61.50 MB  437790 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."ORGANISATION_CUSTOMER$AUD"           49.84 MB  241014 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."OFFLINE_ASYNCH_QUEUE"                52.14 MB    3562 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."OPERATIONAL_SVCE_MAN_RUN_HIST"       47.91 MB  766864 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_INTEREST_TIER"       46.44 MB  670938 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."LN_ACCT_PERIOD_CYCLE_STAT_HIST"      42.09 MB  260703 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."ADDRESS"                             41.39 MB  411753 rows
    . . exported "YYYYY."."EXT_ACCOUNT_RELATIONSHIP"            41.98 MB  305353 rowsEXCLUDE option is not working for partition tables.. But its working fine for other tables
    the above part is working fine..
    EXCLUDE=TABLE:"IN('GL_ACCOUNT_HISTORY:GL_ACCT_HIST_PART5','GL_ACCOUNT_HISTORY:GL_ACCT_HIST_PART6')the above exclude option is not working.. data's from the table are exported into the dump..
    Thanks & Regards

  • Schema Level DML

    I have about 200 tables, and each table has two columns : ( table_name_ID, local_id ).
    example :
    COST ( cost_id, local_id )
    RATES ( rates_id, local_id )
    SALARY ( salary_id, local_id )
    I want the column local_id to be set to same value as table_id. ( local_id = cost_id for COST table; local_id = SALARY_ID in SALARY table etc.)
    The code for trigger on these table will be generic and can be automtically generated.
    But we are talking about 200 tables - means huge amount of testing with existing triggers on all these tables.
    Is there any simpler method.
    BTW - I purused following thread, and it talks about using AUDITING.
    Re: Schema level Database triggers
    But I wonder how AUDITING can be used in place of trigger to modify data ?

    If you are running 11g, you could also replace the "local_id" physical columns with virtual ones (below). Not very pretty, but way cheaper than triggers.
    SQL> CREATE TABLE COST ( cost_id  number
      2                    , local_id number generated always as (cost_id+0) )
      3  /
    Table created
    SQL> insert into cost (cost_id) values (1);
    1 row inserted
    SQL> select * from cost;
             1          1

  • Schema level replication.

    What kind of changes will be captured if we are having schema level replication?
    Will it capture the changesonly related to tables or it will capture the changes to other objects like procedure, function, triggers etc also?

    It replicates everything concerned to a ddl and dml change.
    It even replicates the capture,propagate and apply procceses if running on the source database..........:-)

  • Schema level trigger

    Please clarify me with respect to after logon trigger (defined at the schema level). So i wanna monitor how many times a user logs on / off. When i specify the ON SCHEMA , the trigger fires for the specific user. If i specify ON DATABASE the trigger fires for all users. But what's the difference?! Because when a user logs on, he logs on on a "schema", so no matter which user logs on, the ON SCHEMA trigger always fires.
    User A logs on, ON SCHEMA trigger fires.
    User B logs on, ON SCHEMA trigger fires.
    If i specify ON DATABASE, the trigger also fires, because the user logs on.
    So, what's the difference?

    Roger22 wrote:
    so , can anyone answer?You misunderstand "schema", triggers and docs are a bit misleading. When you create, for example, AFTER LOGON trigger you can specidy:
    ON DATABASEwhich means trigger will fire for every user who logs in. Or you can specify:
    ON schema_name.SCHEMAwhich means trigger will fire only when user schema_name logs in. Below is example:
    SQL> connect scott
    Enter password: *****
    SQL> create or replace
      2  trigger after_logon_db
      3  after logon
      4  on database
      5  begin
      6  raise_application_error(-20900,'Logion is not allowd.');
      7  end;
      8  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> connect u1/u1
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-20900: Logion is not allowd.
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
    SQL> connect u2/u2
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-20900: Logion is not allowd.
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    SQL> connect scott
    Enter password: *****
    SQL> drop trigger after_logon_db
      2  /
    Trigger dropped.
    SQL> create or replace
      2  trigger after_logon_u1
      3  after logon
      4  on u1.schema
      5  begin
      6  raise_application_error(-20900,'Logion is not allowd.');
      7  end;
      8  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> connect u1/u1
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-20900: Logion is not allowd.
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
    SQL> connect u2/u2
    SQL> As you can see, ON DATABASE trigger fired for both users U1 & U2. Trigger ON U1.SCHEMA fired for user U1 only. I hope it answers your question.

  • Creating DDL at schema level

    Is there a way to create DDL for all objects at the schema level from OEM?

    With DBMS_METADATA you can retrieve complete database object definitions (metadata) from the dictionary by specifying:
    The type of object, for example, tables, indexes, or procedures
    Optional selection criteria, such as owner or name
    Parse items (attributes of the returned objects that are to be parsed and returned separately).
    Optional transformations on the output. By default the output is represented in XML, but callers can specify transformations (into SQL DDL, for example), which are implemented by XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) stylesheets stored in the database or externally.
    DBMS_METADATA provides the following retrieval interfaces:
    For programmatic use: OPEN, SET_FILTER, SET_COUNT, GET_QUERY, SET_PARSE_ITEM, ADD_TRANSFORM, SET_TRANSFORM_PARAM, FETCH_xxx and CLOSE retrieve multiple objects.
    For use in SQL queries and for browsing: GET_XML and GET_DDL return metadata for a single named object. The GET_DEPENDENT_XML, GET_DEPENDENT_DDL, GET_GRANTED_XML, and GET_GRANTED_DDL interfaces return metadata for one or more dependent or granted objects.
    This chapter discusses the following topics:
    Summary of DBMS_METADATA Subprograms
    Joel P�rez

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