Screen glitches in Elements 7 on Win 8 computer

I recently installed Elements 7 on my new Win 8 computer.  I also downloaded a 7.03 patch from Adobe site.  When the program is launched, and then sitting idle, the mouse pointer jumps around on the screen, and the "working" blue circle appears also.  This happens constantly and consistently about every second.  I do not have this happen with any other program.
I was having similar issues with Elements and Win 7, and XP, and Win 98 for that matter.  Any insights appreciated!

Certainly not normal behavior for the application on it's own. Likely there is some sort of conflict, either with other software (possibly running hidden in the background) or with device drivers.
Two things:
1) Try running your system with all non-critical software disabled from the background (use msconfig to shut down all startup items and non-Microsoft process).
2) Make sure all device drivers are up to date, especially display (video card) and mouse. Visit the device's manufacturers web site to download, do not rely on Windows to automatically install these.

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    Reset SMC.
    Choose the method for:
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    Hi c,
    You may want to follow this thread:
    And look over to the right of this where it says "More Like This" >>>>>

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    What fonts did you install?
    Fonts known to cause problems:
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    If you have them, delete them!
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    opera preferences (if found)
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