Screen is blank/black on startup and remains like that.

Hi, I have an eMac that worked great until today. I took it to my sons house and when we started it up the screen remained blank.

Hello, I unplugged my computer. Took out the ram to see what kind I needed to order. I wanted to add more. When I put it back in and turned it on I get a blank screen or it has an orange line up and down in the middle of the screen. I changed the ram, I pushed the reset button, I did the Command, Option, P, and R and it reset it and I heard the start up sound the second time. I can log in even I cant see the screen and I pushed play on the keyboard and I can listen to my music. But I have nothing on the screen. Thanks

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    Try going into Recovery mode -- holding down Command and R keys on startup, and using Disk Utility there to Verify and Repair the startup disk. Also repair disk permissions.
    If nothing improves, try a PRAM reset and SMC reset.

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    Since itunes 2.0.4 has been downloaded my ipod doesn't synchronize properly/ at all. The LED screen shows çopying 1 or 2 from 101' and itt will remain like that.
    It looks like sync but nothing is happening. The sync doesn't stop by itself. Is there anybody to solve this problem? In previous versions never a problem.

    I have exactly the same issues with my new 80G iPOD. I have found that when connecting to my PC, the iPOD does not start iTUNES 7. This can be resolved by stopping the iPOD Service in Computer Management, connecting the iPOD and then starting it again. Then when you start iTUNES it finds the iPOD. -
    Seems like a stupid long-winded way to do things, but at least you can get some stuff on to your iPOD.
    As far as using Restore goes - I just get the restoring iPOD message you described, which it blatantly isn't :((
    DELL   Windows XP Pro  

  • Last night I did an update and now when I turn on my macbook it just goes to the white screen with the apple and stays like that.

    Last night I did an update and now when I turn on my macbook it just goes to the white screen with the apple and stays like that. How do I fix this issue?

    Take each of these steps that you haven't already tried. Stop when the problem is resolved.
    To restart an unresponsive computer, press and hold the power button for a few seconds until the power shuts off, then release, wait a few more seconds, and press it again briefly.
    Step 1
    The first step in dealing with a startup failure is to secure the data. If you want to preserve the contents of the startup drive, and you don't already have at least one current backup, you must try to back up now, before you do anything else. It may or may not be possible. If you don't care about the data that has changed since the last backup, you can skip this step.
    There are several ways to back up a Mac that is unable to start. You need an external hard drive to hold the backup data.
    a. Start up from the Recovery partition, or from a local Time Machine backup volume (option key at startup.) When the OS X Utilities screen appears, launch Disk Utility and follow the instructions in this support article, under “Instructions for backing up to an external hard disk via Disk Utility.” The article refers to starting up from a DVD, but the procedure in Recovery mode is the same. You don't need a DVD if you're running OS X 10.7 or later.
    b. If Step 1a fails because of disk errors, and no other Mac is available, then you may be able to salvage some of your files by copying them in the Finder. If you already have an external drive with OS X installed, start up from it. Otherwise, if you have Internet access, follow the instructions on this page to prepare the external drive and install OS X on it. You'll use the Recovery installer, rather than downloading it from the App Store.
    c. If you have access to a working Mac, and both it and the non-working Mac have FireWire or Thunderbolt ports, start the non-working Mac in target disk mode. Use the working Mac to copy the data to another drive. This technique won't work with USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
    d. If the internal drive of the non-working Mac is user-replaceable, remove it and mount it in an external enclosure or drive dock. Use another Mac to copy the data.
    Step 2
    If the startup process stops at a blank gray screen with no Apple logo or spinning "daisy wheel," then the startup volume may be full. If you had previously seen warnings of low disk space, this is almost certainly the case. You might be able to start up in safe mode even though you can't start up normally. Otherwise, start up from an external drive, or else use the technique in Step 1b, 1c, or 1d to mount the internal drive and delete some files. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of available space on the startup volume (as shown in the Finder Info window) for normal operation.
    Step 3
    Sometimes a startup failure can be resolved by resetting the NVRAM.
    Step 4
    If a desktop Mac hangs at a plain gray screen with a movable cursor, the keyboard may not be recognized. Press and hold the button on the side of an Apple wireless keyboard to make it discoverable. If need be, replace or recharge the batteries. If you're using a USB keyboard connected to a hub, connect it to a built-in port.
    Step 5
    If there's a built-in optical drive, a disc may be stuck in it. Follow these instructions to eject it.
    Step 6
    Press and hold the power button until the power shuts off. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed to start up, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Use a different keyboard and/or mouse, if those devices are wired. If you can start up now, one of the devices you disconnected, or a combination of them, is causing the problem. Finding out which one is a process of elimination.
    Step 7
    If you've started from an external storage device, make sure that the internal startup volume is selected in the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences.
    Start up in safe mode. Note: If FileVault is enabled in OS X 10.9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Post for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know the login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    When you start up in safe mode, it's normal to see a dark gray progress bar on a light gray background. If the progress bar gets stuck for more than a few minutes, or if the system shuts down automatically while the progress bar is displayed, the startup volume is corrupt and the drive is probably malfunctioning. In that case, go to Step 11. If you ever have another problem with the drive, replace it immediately.
    If you can start and log in in safe mode, empty the Trash, and then open the Finder Info window on the startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name.) Check that you have at least 9 GB of available space, as shown in the window. If you don't, copy as many files as necessary to another volume (not another folder on the same volume) and delete the originals. Deletion isn't complete until you empty the Trash again. Do this until the available space is more than 9 GB. Then restart as usual (i.e., not in safe mode.)
    If the startup process hangs again, the problem is likely caused by a third-party system modification that you installed. Post for further instructions.
    Step 8
    Launch Disk Utility in Recovery mode (see Step 1.) Select the startup volume, then run Repair Disk. If any problems are found, repeat until clear. If Disk Utility reports that the volume can't be repaired, the drive has malfunctioned and should be replaced. You might choose to tolerate one such malfunction in the life of the drive. In that case, erase the volume and restore from a backup. If the same thing ever happens again, replace the drive immediately.
    This is one of the rare situations in which you should also run Repair Permissions, ignoring the false warnings it may produce. Look for the line "Permissions repair complete" at the end of the output. Then restart as usual.
    Step 9
    If the startup device is an aftermarket SSD, it may need a firmware update and/or a forced "garbage collection." Instructions for doing this with a Crucial-branded SSD were posted here. Some of those instructions may apply to other brands of SSD, but you should check with the vendor's tech support.  
    Step 10
    Reinstall the OS. If the Mac was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you’ll need the Apple ID and password you used to upgrade.
    Step 11
    Do as in Step 9, but this time erase the startup volume in Disk Utility before installing. The system should automatically restart into the Setup Assistant. Follow the prompts to transfer the data from a Time Machine or other backup.
    Step 12
    This step applies only to models that have a logic-board ("PRAM") battery: all Mac Pro's and some others (not current models.) Both desktop and portable Macs used to have such a battery. The logic-board battery, if there is one, is separate from the main battery of a portable. A dead logic-board battery can cause a startup failure. Typically the failure will be preceded by loss of the settings for the startup disk and system clock. See the user manual for replacement instructions. You may have to take the machine to a service provider to have the battery replaced.
    Step 13
    If you get this far, you're probably dealing with a hardware fault. Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider.

  • TS1368 when i try to access the itunes store to buy music, it loads at the top and says connecting to itunes store..then it loads all the way and goes to a blank page. it loads and seems like it is will work, but then goes to a blank page. Why is it doing

    when i try to access the itunes store to buy music, it loads at the top and says connecting to itunes store..then it loads all the way and goes to a blank page. it loads and seems like it is will work, but then goes to a blank page. Why is it doing this?

    Hello katyhale,
    I found a couple of articles that might help with the issue you are experiencing with the iTunes Store.
    If you are getting a white screen when accessing the iTunes Store and using a Windows computer, I recommend reviewing this article:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    If you are still not able to access the store, I recommend the following article:
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • Got an error message that said "start up disk full". On reboot, only got a blue screen. Can move mouse around and shutdown but that is it. Firewired it to another mac and cleaned off about 2 gigs of space. Still on reboot only getting blue screen. ???

    Got an error message that said "start up disk full". On reboot, only got a blue screen. Can move mouse around and shutdown but that is it. Firewired it to another mac and cleaned off about 2 gigs of space. Still on reboot only getting blue screen. ???

    Startup in Safe Mode.

  • My macbook wont start the screen turn blue and stay like that for hrs. It only work when i use safe mode, i try to use disk utilities to fix it but the disk utilities keep saying error and a bunch of other stuff. I dont the cds the comp came with, help.

    my macbook wont start the screen turn blue and stay like that for hrs. It only work when i use safe mode, i try to use disk utilities to fix it but the disk utilities keep saying error and a bunch of other stuff. I dont the cds the comp came with, help. i've tried the command s command p command v but nothing i've tried to the safe mode then a quick restart but nothing
    disk utility give me this:
    Process:         Disk Utility [371]
    Path:            /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility
    Version:         11.5.2 (298.4)
    Build Info:      DiskUtility-2980400~60
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [86]
    Date/Time:       2013-11-05 03:29:41.247 -0500
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          9522 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           29
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  981 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   25
    Anonymous UUID:                      F6B8E263-76C8-4C7D-AA58-48134BF4BA78
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000020
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    Thread 0 Crashed:  Dispatch queue:
    0   libobjc.A.dylib                         0x0000000100c62fbc _read_images + 312
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                         0x0000000100c79721 map_images_nolock + 1266
    2   libobjc.A.dylib                         0x0000000100c62761 map_images + 115
    3   dyld                                    0x00007fff5fc039c5 dyld::notifyBatchPartial(dyld_image_states, bool, char const* (*)(dyld_image_states, unsigned int, dyld_image_info const*)) + 853
    4   dyld                                    0x00007fff5fc0c849 ImageLoader::link(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, bool, bool, ImageLoader::RPathChain const&) + 201
    5   dyld                                    0x00007fff5fc04d54 dyld::link(ImageLoader*, bool, ImageLoader::RPathChain const&) + 118
    6   dyld                                    0x00007fff5fc08f7c dlopen + 490
    7   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x0000000100a14e40 dlopen + 61
    8                0x0000000100d78ef7 _CFBundleDlfcnLoadBundle + 231
    9                0x0000000100d77e97 _CFBundleLoadExecutableAndReturnError + 1191
    10                    0x0000000101008355 _NSBundleLoadCode + 638
    11                    0x0000000101007c78 -[NSBundle loadAndReturnError:] + 742
    12                    0x000000010101960c -[NSBundle principalClass] + 38
    13           0x0000000100082080 -[DUModuleManager(_private) findDUModules:] + 405
    14           0x0000000100081ed9 -[DUModuleManager orderedModuleListOfModules] + 40
    15                   0x0000000100006082 0x100000000 + 24706
    16                   0x0000000100005f59 0x100000000 + 24409
    17                        0x0000000101444625 -[NSWindowController _windowDidLoad] + 538
    18                        0x00000001013e1f77 -[NSWindowController window] + 112
    19                        0x00000001015f61d9 -[NSWindowController showWindow:] + 47
    20                        0x00000001015c7c5c -[NSDocument showWindows] + 98
    21                        0x00000001015c64bb -[NSDocumentController openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay:error:] + 340
    22                        0x00000001014f7b44 -[NSDocumentController(NSInternal) _openUntitled] + 111
    23                        0x00000001014f79ab -[NSApplication _doOpenUntitled] + 257
    24                        0x00000001014f733b -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpen:] + 185
    25                        0x00000001014f6fd9 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 77
    26                    0x0000000100ffd0d6 -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 360
    27                    0x0000000100ffcf06 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 114
    28                            0x0000000104d7332b aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned int, unsigned char*) + 162
    29                            0x0000000104d73224 dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) + 32
    30                            0x0000000104d7312b aeProcessAppleEvent + 210
    31                     0x00000001028a0619 AEProcessAppleEvent + 48
    32                        0x00000001013fc095 _DPSNextEvent + 1191
    33                        0x00000001013fb801 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155
    34                        0x00000001013c168f -[NSApplication run] + 395
    35                        0x00000001013ba3b0 NSApplicationMain + 364
    36                   0x0000000100002009 0x100000000 + 8201
    37                   0x0000000100001db8 0x100000000 + 7608
    Thread 1:  Dispatch queue:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x0000000100a27c0a kevent + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x0000000100a29add _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 154
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x0000000100a297b4 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185
    3   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x0000000100a292de _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252
    4   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x0000000100a28c08 _pthread_wqthread + 353
    5   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x0000000100a28aa5 start_wqthread + 13

    Reset the PRAM
    Reinstall the operating system from the dvd (you will not loose your data)

  • I used utilities to source my 10.6 snow leopard install disc to my main hardrive, and now when I turn on my computer the apple with the spinning wheel stays on the screen and stuck like that. How do I fix it Help please. I already tried all the commands

    I used utilities to source my 10.6 snow leopard install disc to my main hardrive, and now when I turn on my computer the apple with the spinning wheel stays on the screen and stuck like that. How do I fix it Help please. I already tried all the commands such as Command R, Holding down the Option key, C and holding down shift at the start up but nothing happens.
    initialy All I was trying to do was downgrade 10.7 to 10.6 .

    You have to consider the possibility the hard drive may be dying.    If your data isn't backed up, try one of the tools below:
    Once you are sure your data is backed up, we can examine other possibilities.  In the meantime call AppleCare for your original installation DVDs.  You may need them.

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    iMac G5 (iSight) with 10.4.11:  Screen always dimmed. Starts at full bright and a second later dimms and stays like that forever.  Brightness controls work normally under this circunstance.  Please help !!!
    Please don't tell me to adjust anything on the preferences, since I have tried all.  I think it may be anoter kind of problem, maybe hardware related or anything.
    I ran the Hardware repair DVD and everything was ok, but when the imac restarted the screen was very lit again, but when it went sleep, when it went awake again the screen got dimmed again.  Because of that I think that the problem could be software related, but who knows.  Excuse my english.

    I can't see another possible answer - the longer your machine is up, the more the power supply is stressed, it protects itself by dimming the screen to lower the draw on it.

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    Suddenly my Nikon Coolpix will not upload on to my 09 iphoto it takes for ever then it just shows blank squares no pics and a message that states it cannot read the JPEG files. Can anyone help me, please. I have never had this problem before.

    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?
    You could also try reformat the Card with your camera

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    You buy one and only one download.
    As it should have been transferred to your computer when you synced, you can contact itunes support and ask for an exception.

  • I've a "bug" with the apps downloading. This one stops at the end and stays like that infinite. The app doesn't appears normally on the homescreen. Someone can fix this?

    I've a "bug" with the apps downloading. This one stops at the end and stays like that infinite. The app doesn't appears normally on the homescreen. The app is on the home screen, and its downloading is blocked at its end, without showing the app like it should when it's finished downloadung. Does someone can help me and fix this please?

    Hi Tom
    Thanks for replying!
    I had heard that these switches didn't stack unless everything was identical.
    I only tried it at all out of pure desperation.
    I've applied and tested every version 3 firmware in standalone mode via a console cable and xmodem.
    They either never come up properly receiving decompression errors and reboot constantly in a loop.
    Occasionally they stall / jam and stay there displaying the same error with no rebooting.
    And twice out of 80-100 times I got it to boot to the username and password screen in standalone mode.
    But as soon as I made a change it crashed and started the rebooting cycle again.

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    How can I get apple to email me things like updates and stuff like that on email?

    You can't.

  • I updated my iphone 5 and now it is telling me to be able to work i had to connect it to itunes and itunes it telling me that i have to restore my iphone.  what can i do? i dont want to lose all my pictures and stuff like that.

    I updated my iphone 5 and now it is telling me to be able to work i had to connect it to itunes and itunes it telling me that i have to restore my iphone.  what can i do? i dont want to lose all my pictures and stuff like that.

    Something went wrong with the update, this can and does happen with every version of iOS.
    There is nothing wrong with the update.
    Simply restore the device via iTunes on the computer.
    If iTunes is stating it will take hours to update, that indicates an extremely slow Internet connection and is likely the reason the OTA update failed.

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