Screen recorder apps scam?

I recently downloaded several screenrecorders and what I found was that they are essentially all the same, like in they all seem to use the same code. Most of them are made either by Yuchen, David Pete or Brad Bertram.
Sound recording through the computer doesn't work at all and some bought apps are worse than the free ones
Like Screen Recorder Tool works fine (except for the computer audio) but Video Flow costing 7,99 euros is crap and guess what: Both are from the same developer! (David Pete)
So, is this some sort of scam or something?

You should have read the apps' descriptions and user ratings. All sales on the App Store are final.

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    Launch QuickTime Player (it’s in your Applications folder). Now select New Screen Recording from the File menu, or type control-command-N. A small screen recording window will appear, like so:
    Click the little triangle on the right side of the window to adjust microphone and mouse click options. When ready, click the record button in the center of the window. Click and drag a section of the screen to record part of the screen or just click to record the entire screen. Once you do that, click to start recording. Click the stop button that appears in the menu bar to stop recording.

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    Hi Elindo586,
    You can check out our Product named as Adobe Audition CC-2014.
    It is a great software for Audio recording, editing purposes.
    To know more about it, click this link:
    I hope this helps.
    P.S. when using the adobe forums, please mark helpful/correct responses of Staff or helper, if there are any.
    Srishti A

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    Contact your local Xperia Care
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

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    Depends on which app you are using and what form of audio you want to record. E.g., QT X can record audio via the line in or built-in microphone option but not the system audio. On the other hand, an application like Snapz Pro X can record microphone and/or the Mac system audio.
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