Scribble selection tool not seen

The scribble selection tool is not on my tool menu.  I have Photoshop Touch 1.7.5 and am using it on an Ipad mini.

Please give this thread a look:
Scribble select is missing

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    Hi rlxpress,
    The tool is there but you need to scroll down to get it. Tap the top of the toolbar and move your finger down slowly. As your finger moves over the tool icons, a tool tip will appear telling you the name of the tool. The Scribble Select tool is in the set below the Lasso tools. Here is a screenshot that may help you find it:
    Does that help?

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    Hi. Are you seeing this on a specific tutorial/step? Would be great if you can point me to that so I can reproduce. Thank, Guido
    Regarding the Scribble Select. Please have a look at the attached image

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    How about this?...
    With the selection tool/black arrow tool, you can select the object, change the color or opacity and move it...but can't un-group it.
    With the direct select tool/white arrow tool, when you try to select an individual shape to make slight changes to the path...the anchor points will show up as you mouse over them, but nothing shows when you click on the path.
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    I tried adding the ALT key, with no good result.

    Is it with this specific document o any pdf you work on?
    If it was earlier working fine for you, try repairing Acrobat  by going to 'Help' menu > Repair Acrobat.
    Also make sure you have updated it to the latest patch.

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      Could you be more specifc as to what you are doing here?
      You mention using selections tools, including the Quick Selection tool, but these tools only create selections, they do not extract the material you have selected. A selection is like highlighting text in a word processor, after you have highlighted the text you can copy/paste it or modify it, but simply highlighting it doesn't do anything. Same with selections, once you have created a selection with a tool like Quick Selection you can how copy/paste it to a new image or perform adjustments to just that area.
      I'm not sure what you mean by the "refine image tool", we don't have anything by that name. However, we do have a Refine Edge option that helps to make cleaner edges to your selection.

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    At this moment, I have tried : Reset the "Adobe Photoshop Settings File" (When you open Photoshop, push "option + command + shift" for Apple).
    Not ok.
    See here.

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    It's the Quick Selection Tool in Photoshop Elements 9 and I'm trying to get the background and make it another layer so I can even out the color of the background then bring down the transparency.  Not sure if that makes sense.  I'm new to this....  Sometimes the area it will grab can go ...not fast.. but not slow.  Sometimes it's like it's just messed up and literally takes 30 seconds to process each move.  I rebooted my computer and re opened it and it helped a little.  It's not clear what causes it when it messes up and when it doesn't.  Just frustrating.  It's probably user error because I'm so new at Photoshop.   Thanks for your input.   I really appreciate it.

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    View > Show Edges?
    Or Object > Unlock All
    You've provided no information. Therefore I'm just guessing.

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    That is normal and the correct icon, showing you are on the left plane. Is your item locked or on a locked layer, or in a mask? Watch the appearance paeltte to tell you what type of selection you have.
    Try drawing a new rectangle as a test to see what is working and what is not.
    With the Perspective Selection tool, the active planes in the perspective grid are indicated by the following pointers.
    Left Grid Plane
    Right Grid Plane
    Horizontal Grid Plane
    The keyboard shortcuts 1, 2, 3 switch you between planes

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    Sounds like you are missing the bounding box. Got to View>Show Bounding Box.

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    Please help.

    Your using the quick selection tool in add mode with a large brush size and who knows what other brush settings.  Try reducing the brush size and play with the other brush setting too. Look at the black dash outline your selection compared to the one on her forehead made using a smaller brush. However even with a 25% space 96 px brush I have no problem selecting the background. Try resetting your preferences.

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    Are you using Windows 7, if so, see InDesign tools and panels don't respond to mouse clicks (Windows 7/Vista)
    If not, what is the OS, and what language is the installation of ID?

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    I've tried locking and unlocking all objects, and opening previously working files, but all now have this same problem.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I've got a coursework deadline due next monday...
    Thanks in advance.

    Common accident.
    Precisely because it seems to be such a common accident (because B and H are too close to G on the keyboard) it's not a bad idea to redistribute your keyboard shortcuts. So if you think you are Grouping and accidentally hit Cmd+B or Cmd+H you won't get into trouble.
    I have redistributed a lot of mine. Things like Cmd+U for Ungroup (of course) and Cmd+Shift+G for Smart Guides, Cmd+L for Average (like it was in the old days) and that sort of thing. Keep more complex 3-key combinations for more seldom used commands and remember that a lot of commands are used so seldom that you go to the menu for them anyway.
    If you find some of the default keyboard shortcuts illogical or difficult to remember, just change them. It will make save you a lot of frustration in the long run. One sometimes wonders why so many of the commonly used keyboard commands were made more complicated in newer versions of Illie. Personally I can see no good reason for it.

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    Have you tried:
    View > Show edges

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