Script : checkbox/dropdown list conditioning

Hi all,
How can I create conditions depending on what has been checked in the boxes or chosen in a dropdown list (ticking this checkbox leads to this or that further window, etc. like it would be possible for buttons in a script) ?
For example, for a answer with two different checkboxes : "blue" and "gren" :
- if "blue" selected, when clicking on "Next", display a dialogue box related to blue cars
- if "green" selected, when clicking on "Next", display a dialogue box related to green cars
- if "green" AND "blue" selcted, when clicking on "Next", FIRST display a dialogue box related to blue cars and THEN display a dialogue box related to green cars
Thanks in advance,

The easiest method is to create all of the objects you might need and set their 'presence' property to 'hidden'. Then in JavaScript you can turn each object on (as per your own condition) by setting the proprerty to 'visible'. This will only work on the client if the form is rendered as a dynamic PDF form.
I've also heard of an advanced methodology that uses the 'proto' object to define the different objects that might be needed and then the 'use' property can be used to invoke the applicable objects as needed (see the Designer ES Scripting Reference for more info). Unfortunately I don't have any first-hand expertise on using this method.

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    Hi Guys,
    I need help.
    first step: I have a dropdown list if i click in dropdownlist "a" and put in numeric field a number bigger than 99 the, checkbox should be marked and  second step: a textfield1 should be visible.
    the first step works perfectly but the second doesnt work.
    this is my coding for the second step in event : change java script
    if ((DropDownList1.rawValue == "a") && (this.rawValue == 1))
    TextField1.presence = "visible";
    TextField1.presence = "hidden";
    does anybody have any idea why?

    I would put the following in the exit of the dropdown and the checkbox:
    (DropDownList1.rawValue == "a" && CheckBox1.rawValue == 1){
    = "visible";}
    = "hidden";}
    (the script is all over the shop, but should be OK in the form).
    Then in the exit event of the numeric field (after the changing of the checkbox value) you could call the checkbox exit event.
    Good luck,

  • Generate Comp based on dropdown list and checkbox selection?

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    It sounds like I need some sort of if then statement but I'm having a hard time putting the two together. See below what I have so far.
    There may be parts missing but I have it all working in a decibel pallate currently. I just don't have the functionality tied to a button yet.
    Any help would be much appreciated!!!
    (also I don't know how to format the extend script on here so apologies for that)
    // palette controls
    templateGen.VerticalCheckbox     = new Object();
    templateGen.HorizontalCheckbox    = new Object();
    // define values for the controls
    templateGen.comLookup            = new Object();
    templateGen.compLookup          = 'Template1';
    templateGen.compLookup          = 'Template2';
    templateGen.compLookup          = 'Template3';
    function templateGen_getHashValues(hash)
      var ary = new Array();
      for (k in hash) {
      return ary;
    // "composition" menu
       var panelGrp1 = templateGen.palette.add('Panel', undefined, 'Comp Templates');
      compGrp1 = panelGrp1.add('group', undefined, 'Templates List');
      compGrp2 = panelGrp1.add('group', undefined, 'Orientation');
      compGrp3 = panelGrp1.add('group', undefined, 'Generate');
      templateGen.compList                                             = compGrp1.add('dropdownlist', LIST_DIMENSIONS, templateGen_getHashValues(bapple.compLookup));
      templateGen.compList.helpTip                                = "Choose the type device template you want here. All comps are 60fps.";
      templateGen.compList.selection                             = 'Template1';  = darkColorBrush;
      templateGen.VerticalCheckbox                           = compGrp2.add('checkbox', undefined, 'Vertical');
    templateGen.VerticalCheckbox .value = true;
      templateGen.HorizontalCheckbox                          = compGrp2.add('checkbox', undefined, 'Horizontal');
      templateGen.HorizontalCheckbox .value = false;
    templateGen.generateBtn1      = compGrp3.add('button', undefined, 'Generate');
      //applyBtn.onClick =????;

    When I work with dropdowns I always like to attach the data they represent (like width and height of the comp in this case) directly to the items.
    I didn't execute the code to really check it, but it should work like this:
    // add templates to your dropdown and store the items in an array
    var templates = [];
    templates[0] = templateGen.compList.add('item','template1');
    templates[1] = templateGen.compList.add('item','template2');
    templates[2] = templateGen.compList.add('item','template3');
    // attach a width and height to each item
    templates[0].width= 1280;
    templates[0].height= 720;
    templates[1].width= 1024;
    templates[1].height= 768;
    templates[2].width= 1920;
    templates[2].height= 1080;
    // choose the item that should be selected by default
    templates[0].selected = true;
    applyBtn.onClick = function(){
            // read the width and height from the selected item
            var width = templateGen.compList.selection.width;
            var height =templateGen.compList.selection.height;
                  // swap width and height
                  var temp = width;
                  width = height;
                  height = temp;
            // now create your comp here with the given width and height

  • Conditional dropdown list in parameter form

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    My current query for the dropdown list is:
    SELECT 1 co11,' ALL - ALL' col2
    FROM dual
    SELECT person_seq_num col1, last_name||','||first_name col2
    FROM people
    ORDER BY 2 ascWhen the checkbox is checked, my query needs to be:
    SELECT 1 co11,' ALL - ALL' col2
    FROM dual
    SELECT person_seq_num col1, last_name||','||first_name col2
    FROM people
    WHERE person_current_flag='Y'
    ORDER BY 2 ascCan anyone help with this problem? Thanks in advance.

    you can use 2 parameters with LOVs. The first one for All People/Current People, the second for your people-parameter. How to get them dependent is described in Note 185951.1 SAMPLE - How to create a parameter LOV based on another parameter value?

  • Javascript needed - need checkbox to check automatically based on selected item from dropdown list

    I am building a fillable form.  In this form, I have created items in a dropdown list.  Based on the item picked from the dropdown list, I need a corresponding checkbox to be checked.  I am certain there is an easy javascript to resolve my current problem.  Please assist.
    For example: dropdown list field (SubSupplier1) -   Demolition                            export value 2
                                                                                    Rough Carpentry Labor       export value 4
                                                                                    Rough Carpentry Material    export value 3
    I need the corresponding checkbox (SalesTax1) to automatically be checked when Demolition (export value 2) or Rough Carpentry Material (export value 3) is selected.
    Thank you,

    Hi Jennifer,
    This should help you do what you need. Place it in the Custom Calculation property of the dropbox and select "commit selected value immediately" in the fields options:
    var drop = this.getField("SubSupplier1");
    var check = this.getField("SalesTax1");
    if ((drop.value == 2) || (drop.value == 3)){
    else {
    The code is asking if the export value of the field is either '2' or '3' and if so, check the box.
    Otherwise uncheck the box.
    If you don't want it to uncheck on other selections, remove the 'else' section of code.

  • Powershell Script Dropdown List Passes Argument to Expiration Date

    I am trying to configure this script so that the user has a choice to make.  If the user chooses "FTE", then the script proceeds to the next function.  If the user chooses "Contractor", he is then taken to the expiration date portion
    of the script.  How do I configure this script to flow in that manner?
    # Edit This item to change the DropDown Values
    [array]$DropDownArray = "FTE", "Contractor"
    # This Function Returns the Selected Value and Closes the Form
    function Return-DropDown {
    $Choice = $DropDown.SelectedItem.ToString()
    #Write-Host $Choice
     $MyChoice = $Choice
     #Write-Host $MyChoice
     $Script:Choice = $DropDown.SelectedItem.ToString()
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") |Out-Null
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") |Out-Null
    $Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $Form.width = 300
    $Form.height = 150
    $Form.Text = ”User Type”
    $DropDown = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
    $DropDown.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,10)
    $DropDown.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(130,30)
    $DropDown.DropDownStyle = "DropDownList" # This style of combobox will prevent blank
    # item selection.
    ForEach ($Item in $DropDownArray) {
    $DropDown.Items.Add($Item) | Out-Null # Added pipe to out-null to prevent index from
    # showing up in the console window.
    $DropDown.SelectedIndex = 0 # Select the first item by default
    $DropDownLabel = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $DropDownLabel.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,10)
    $DropDownLabel.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
    $DropDownLabel.Text = "Items"
    $Button = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $Button.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,50)
    $Button.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
    $Button.Text = "Select an Item"
    $Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null # out-null to prevent "OK" or "Cancel"
    # from appearing in the console window
    #Set the expiration date
    $ans=Read-Host 'What is the expiration date of this account? (mm-dd-yyyy)'
    HELP Read-Host -Full
    ##End of Script
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Here is an example of one way to do this in a form:
    [void][reflection.assembly]::Load("System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")
    [void][reflection.assembly]::Load("System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
    $form1 = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'
    $datetimepicker1 = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker'
    $radiobuttonFTE = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton'
    $radiobuttonContractor = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton'
    $buttonOK = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Button'
    $InitialFormWindowState = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState'
    #Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue
    $form1.WindowState = $InitialFormWindowState
    #Remove all event handlers from the controls
    catch [Exception]
    $form1.AcceptButton = $buttonOK
    $form1.ClientSize = '508, 262'
    $form1.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedDialog'
    $form1.MaximizeBox = $False
    $form1.MinimizeBox = $False
    $form1.Name = "form1"
    $form1.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
    $form1.Text = "Form"
    # datetimepicker1
    $datetimepicker1.Location = '160, 91'
    $datetimepicker1.Name = "datetimepicker1"
    $datetimepicker1.Size = '200, 20'
    $datetimepicker1.TabIndex = 3
    $datetimepicker1.Visible = $False
    # radiobuttonFTE
    $radiobuttonFTE.Location = '33, 57'
    $radiobuttonFTE.Name = "radiobuttonFTE"
    $radiobuttonFTE.Size = '104, 24'
    $radiobuttonFTE.TabIndex = 2
    $radiobuttonFTE.TabStop = $True
    $radiobuttonFTE.Text = "FTE"
    $radiobuttonFTE.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
    # radiobuttonContractor
    $radiobuttonContractor.Location = '33, 87'
    $radiobuttonContractor.Name = "radiobuttonContractor"
    $radiobuttonContractor.Size = '104, 24'
    $radiobuttonContractor.TabIndex = 1
    $radiobuttonContractor.TabStop = $True
    $radiobuttonContractor.Text = "Contractor"
    $radiobuttonContractor.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
    # buttonOK
    $buttonOK.Anchor = 'Bottom, Right'
    $buttonOK.DialogResult = 'OK'
    $buttonOK.Location = '421, 227'
    $buttonOK.Name = "buttonOK"
    $buttonOK.Size = '75, 23'
    $buttonOK.TabIndex = 0
    $buttonOK.Text = "OK"
    $buttonOK.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
    #endregion Generated Form Code
    #Save the initial state of the form
    $InitialFormWindowState = $form1.WindowState
    #Init the OnLoad event to correct the initial state of the form
    #Clean up the control events
    #Show the Form

  • SSRS report - A single selection dropdown list converted to text box

    Hello everyone,
    We created a single selection dropdown parameter (City parameter) on a report. The data in this parameter is populated using MDX query. Also, it is filtered based on selection of another single selection dropdown list (Country parameter) of a report.
    The problem is when there is no cities for the selected country the dropdown list is gets converted to free type text box and user can insert city data in it. Why SSRS is not keeping it as empty dropdown list with no data?
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    Thanks, Ankit Shah
    Inkey Solutions, India.
    Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professionals

    Hello Charlie,
    We developed a fresh report only with two parameters but still the dropdown control gets converted to text box in our case. We have two single selection parameters, Location and Customers. Based on selected Location the customer
    dropdown gets populated.
    Location Parameter Query
    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [Location].[Location Name].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS [Location].[Location Name].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME MEMBER
    [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS [Location].[Location Name].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL
    SELECT {[Measures].[ParameterCaption], [Measures].[ParameterValue], [Measures].[ParameterLevel]} ON COLUMNS , [Location].[Location Name].ALLMEMBERS ON ROWS FROM [Model]
    Customer Query
    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS
    [Customer].[Customer Name].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION
    MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS
    [Customer].[Customer Name].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME
    MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS [Customer].[Customer Name].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL
    SELECT {[Measures].[ParameterCaption], [Measures].[ParameterValue], [Measures].[ParameterLevel],[Measures].[Amt]} ON COLUMNS,
    nonempty([Customer].[Customer Name].ALLMEMBERS,[Measures].[Amt]) ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@LocationName, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Model])
    Regarding parameter settings on General tab for both the above parameters we did not select any of the following values, all these checkboxes are empty:
    Allow Blank Value ("") , Allow null value, Allow multiple values.
    I think it has something related to [Measures].[Amt] that we used in customer parameter. We are now trying to take other two parameters where we would be not using the [Measures].[Amt] to filter the data. Will update you soon.
    Thanks, Ankit Shah
    Inkey Solutions, India.
    Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professionals

  • Unable to embed External CSS file, dropdown list,filter panel and dimension filter are not working in SAP Design Studio Tool

    Hello Everyone,
    I am new to SAP Design Studio. I am working on creating dashboards and I am using Design Studio 1.2 version. Please suggest some solutions for the following issues. Thanks in Advance.
    1. External CSS file which is embeded using custom CSS option under "application component properties" is not working.
        * I kept the external CSS file inside repository-> my application folder.
    2. During runtime, getting javascript error while selecting '-' option from filter panel.
    3. Unable to select or type dimension name under "dimension filer component" properties.
    4. Getting runtime error for dropdown list, and I have inserted the following code under "onStartup" option of Application component properties.
    "DROPDOWN_1.setItems(DS_1.getMemberList("PRODUCTREF", MemberPresentation.INTERNAL_KEY, MemberDisplay.TEXT, 20));
    and dimension values are not populated in auto suggest."

    There should be an Error Log under View > Error Log that gives you more details of these errors.  Could you add that?  There is also a View > Script Problems log that provides more details as well.

  • How can I use more than 2 dependent dropdown lists

    I would like to create a form using three level of dépendent dropdown lists.
    Some examples exist with States dropdown list depending on a Country dropdown list. I would like to have a third level City depending on the choice made in the second list. Thanks for your help and sorry for my English

    I used the script from to create a two dependent drop-downs and then was able to extend this to three dependent drop-down lists. I have put an example up at
    Hope this helps,

  • Add element in dropdown list dynamically

    Hi All,
    I am facing a problem in adding item in a dropdown list dynamically.
    When i get dropdown list through IgetElementById get null.
    var list = document.getElementById("targetgroupname");
    here list comes as null. Now I've to fill this list. I am using below code -
    for(var j=0;j< com.length;j++){
    iist.options[j]= new Option(com[j],com[j]);
    But it is not working. My list is not getting filled with these values.
    I doubt due to var list -> null it does not allow to add element.
    But I am not getting any clue, how to initialize it.
    Please suggest, I am new to javascript.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Thanks for the reply, yes the select box has that id - targetgroupname.
    actually there are 2 dropdown lists, Based on the selection of first dropdown list another list shd be filled.
    So I've written a script at "onchange" of first dropdown list. It works fine when a value gets changed at first dropdown list.
    In some cases I've to display a preselected value at first list ( which comes from previous page as parameter), in that cases there will be no onchange on first list, so I've called the script function manually after creating the first list,like below :
    <SCRIPT> checkSource();</SCRIPT>
    and in this case it does not work & I get a null when i try to read the 2nd list.
    But I am not sure why it is happening.. may be it is not loaded /created on page when i am calling it.
    If yes, what shd I do ?
    Thanks for your time.

  • Dynamically populating a dropdown list in a pdf form from a datasource

    Is there a way to populate a dropdown list in a pdf form from a datasource, specifically from an Access database table or query, using LiveCycle Designer. I am easily able to do this using cfselect in Coldfusion, however, cannot seem to figure it out for pdf forms. I am aware of the Show Dynamic Properties option enabled in LiveCycle Designer, and then binding to a datasource. However, this seems limited as I am only able to select single columns from Access (currently using an Access database) tables, and a unable to select from queries like I do using cfselect in Coldfusion forms. Is this something that must be done with Java scripting? If so, is there any other way? I know nothing about scripting. Thanks

    There is a sample posted at
    It was created for Designer 7.0 but it should function the same in later versions of Designer.

  • [JS CS3] Can a dropdown list be made editable?

    I would like to have a dropdown list that is editable. The list I have is a list of existing xml tags. I have a script that creates new xml tags and I would like to include the now existing tag names and the ability to create new names.
    If a dropdown list cannot be made editable I can always create two fields, one a dropdown list, the other a textEditbox. But I'd like to just have one.

    Hmmmm...I thought I was using ScriptUI, but I now see in the ScriptUI Classes that there is an element called "ListItem" that appears to foot the bill. It appears that one can add to its drop down list.
    I'm not sure I want to rewrite what I have in "classical" just to eliminate an extra field. It is working fine now. Maybe next time I'll experiment with this.

  • Problem in mapping dropdown list  values with the queries

    I am building a simple applicaittion of currency conversion.
    The scenario :
    I have a input form with a dropdown list and a input field to enter the amount
    I have created the drop down list with the respective details
    Value   Desc
    1          dollarToeuro
    2          euroTodollar 
    when the user selects the first option in the drop down list and then enters the value and gives a submit -> the conversion takes place
    but evrytime i select the second option --> the application hangs..
    i have given a guard condition in the submit action for each if the query as LIKE(@option,"1") OR LIKE(@option,"2") for the respective queries.
    Please can someone tell me where i am going wrong???

    Hi ,
    what is the need of ur gaurd condition there?
    and try to run the model without that guard condition.

  • How to have a unique list of items for separate dropdown lists?

    Software: Acrobat X (10) pro on Windows
    I want to create a pdf form in which all dropdown lists are populated with the same list of items to choose from. If I use the same field name for all drop down lists, the item selected in one dropdown list is automatically selected in all lists. This is not what I want. I wish to be able to select a different item in each & single dropdown list. I could of course maintain separate item lists for each field (using separate field names) but what a waste of time!... especially as the field lists would then have to be updated separately. There's got to be a better way to do it.
    Any idea how this could be achieved? Thank you.

    Here's a sample script that first defines a list of items in an array and uses it to update a number of dropdowns, name dd1...dd10:
    // Populate an array with the list items
    var aItems = ["-- Select a state --", "Alaska", "Hawaii", "Washington", "Oregon", "Idaho", "Montana", "Wyoming", "Nevada", "Colorado", "Arizona", "New Mexico"];
    // Loop through the dropdowns...
    for (var i = 1; i < 11; i += 1) {
        // ...and set the list items
        getField("dd" + i).setItems(aItems);
    That's all there is to it. This can be run from the Mouse Up event of a temporary button that you create, the interactive JavaScript console (Ctrl+J), etc.
    More info on setItems:

  • I would like to create a dropdown list in a pdf form without entering each value manually.

    The data is huge and contains a a lot of  product code numbers. It is extracted from our SAP system and I would like to either use an xml or excel file to create the dropdown list in the pdf form.  I use Adobe Acrobat X.

    This can be done with a script. XML files are more complex but Excel files, converted to a plain-text format, can be imported and then used to set the items list of a drop-down using the setItems() method.

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