Script to edit conf files: suggestions & comment sought

I have this script to edit conf files in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. It works fine:
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
for f in $dir/* ; do
case $file in
*conf | config | *.cfg | *rc) $EDITOR "$f" ;;
It has already been pointed out that this could easily be achieved in Bash 4 with:
shopt -s extglob failglob
$EDITOR ~/.config/$1/@(conf|config|*.cfg|*rc)
The shortcoming with my script is that it only handles files correctly placed in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, and as many apps litter thier conf files about the shop, I wanted to try something that dealt with those cases. Hence this.
dirs=($HOME/.$1* $HOME/.$1/ $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$1/)
search=$(find "${dirs[@]}" -type f \( -name "*.conf" -o -name "conf" -o -name \
"config" -o -name "*rc" -o -name "*.cfg" \) 2>/dev/null )
for f in $search; do
$EDITOR "$f"
...which again works, but seems pretty ugly.
I'd appreciate any comments on approaches to the same problem that achieve the result in a more efficient and portable way.
Last edited by jasonwryan (2011-10-18 02:53:06)

Instead of:
search=$(find "${dirs[@]}" -type f \( -name "*.conf" -o -name "conf" -o -name \
"config" -o -name "*rc" -o -name "*.cfg" \) 2>/dev/null )
You should either read the results into an array and act on the array, or launch the editor straight from find via exec.
Using an array:
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a files < \
<(find "${dirs[@]}" -type f \( -name "*.conf" -o -name "conf" -o -name "config" -o -name "*rc" -o -name "*.cfg" \) 2>/dev/null
(( ${#files[*]} )) && "$EDITOR" "${files[@]}"
Usind only find:
find "${dirs[@]}" -type f \( -name "*.conf" -o -name "conf" -o -name "config" -o -name "*rc" -o -name "*.cfg" \) -exec "$EDITOR" {} +
I prefer the second method -- its right to the point and isn't shell specific. It is, however, somewhat GNU find specific.

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    sync_spawn_exec @scripts_dir/
    sync_spawn_exec @scripts_dir/ @data_home/uzbl/session-cookies.txt
    # Set the "home" page.
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    # vim: set fdm=syntax:
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    Well, this is a mess I have done here. Hope there is a simple answer to this.
    Thanks in advance.-

    You can do this with a single sed command:
    sed -i 's/^#set proxy_url/set proxy_url/;
    t end;
    s/^set proxy_url/#set proxy_url/;
    : end' config_file
    This edits the file in-place (-i) and first tries to replace the commented with the uncommented line. If that suceeds, sed jumps to the "end" label. If not, it tries to replace the uncommented with the commented line. Thus you don't have to include any logic about the current state: if the first substitution succeeds, the line was obviously commented, if not, it was uncommented, and the second substitution should succeed.
    Note that my knowledge of sed is very limited. There might be a simpler way to do this.
    EDIT: For the sake of example, here's how to do the same in bash using regular expressions. Note how this script needs to use a temporary file to simulate in-place editing, how it needs to process the file line by line manually, etc. All things that sed does out of the box...
    echo -n "" > "$tmp"
    while read line; do
    if [[ "$line" =~ ^#set\ proxy ]]; then
    echo "${line/\#/}" >> "$tmp"
    elif [[ "$line" =~ ^set\ proxy ]]; then
    echo "#$line" >> "$tmp"
    echo "$line" >> "$tmp"
    done < test.conf
    mv test.conf.tmp test.conf
    To answer your original question, the line
    if [[ "$line" =~ ^#set\ proxy ]]; then
    reads: if the line begins with a "#", followed by "set proxy", then...
    Last edited by hbekel (2011-03-20 10:40:16)

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    Hi me148me,
    Can you check out the following post and see if it helps?

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    bzzzz Arch is for competent Linux users - not knowing how to edit a file suggests that you do not fall into this category. If you wish to persevere and use Arch as a learning tool, then you need to be aware that you will be required to do most of the work yourself.
    See the wiki: … se_Arch.3F

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    Last edited by perbh (2010-01-12 15:43:42)

    apollokk wrote:
    OK, it's a good idea, but there's no point on doing that.
    You might want to read the entire thread - specifically, this bit:
    perbh wrote:*sigh* because - when people are asked to show their conf-files - you have to scroll down ad-infinitum to get to the juicy bits , those that really count. And all-to-often you look at the entries and miss out on the leading '#' - that's why! Using the above will give you only the 'valied' entries. But hey - you are free to ignore it!
    The point is to cut down the amount of clutter in posts. It's an excellent idea.

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    This should be much faster and direct....
    Source = "C:\temp" 
    Destination "C:\newTemp"
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")     
    Set arrFiles = objFSO.GetFolder(Source).Files  
    For Each file In arrFiles  
        If InStr(LCase(, ".zip.") > 0 Then 
            arrFilename = Split(lcase(, ".zip.")  
            newname = arrFilename(0) & ".zip" 
            WScript.Echo & " -> " & newname  
            objFSO.CopyFile file.path, Destination & "\" & newname
        End If 

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    Sorry, are you sure that you have typed the correct password for the admin (after sudo -s)?
    hostname:sites_disabled pyro$ sudo -s
    bash-3.2# pwd
    bash-3.2# ls -lha
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x   5 root  wheel   170B Jan  3 14:56 .
    drwxr-xr-x  34 root  wheel   1.1K May  2 11:57 ..
    -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   697B Jan  3 10:36 0000_default_default.conf
    -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   697B Jan  3 10:36 default_default.conf
    -r--r--r--   1 root  wheel   697B Jan  3 10:36 default_default.conf.default
    bash-3.2# chmod 644 default_default.conf.default
    bash-3.2# ls -lha
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x   5 root  wheel   170B Jan  3 14:56 .
    drwxr-xr-x  34 root  wheel   1.1K May  2 11:57 ..
    -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   697B Jan  3 10:36 0000_default_default.conf
    -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   697B Jan  3 10:36 default_default.conf
    -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   697B Jan  3 10:36 default_default.conf.default
    bash-3.2# chmod 444 default_default.conf.default
    bash-3.2# ls -lha
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x   5 root  wheel   170B Jan  3 14:56 .
    drwxr-xr-x  34 root  wheel   1.1K May  2 11:57 ..
    -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   697B Jan  3 10:36 0000_default_default.conf
    -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   697B Jan  3 10:36 default_default.conf
    -r--r--r--   1 root  wheel   697B Jan  3 10:36 default_default.conf.default

  • Easy Switch between xorg.conf files enable disable tvout

    This is my first post on this forum, so i'am not sure were to put my post, but i think here is the best place
    Easy Switch between xorg.conf files, and enable/disable startup applications. Script does this:
    detect which xorg.conf file is used and then depending on which one is used do 1 or 2:
    1. copy tvout.conf to xorg.conf and disable all startup applications + enable one or more startup application(s) defined in the script startupappsoff
    2. copy xorg.conf.backup to xorg.conf and enable all startup applications + disable one or more startup application(s) defined in the script startupappson
    I thought it would be nice to share the script i created for an easy switch between two xorg.conf files. Myself preferred to switch between two xorg files for personal need.
    Beside only switching between two xorg.conf files i would like to enable/disable some startup apps, therefor i created the scripts startupappsoff and startupappson.
    If you want to use these scripts, look in this code for comments, and custimize at the points A. to I. Further read the comments on top of each script.
    If something is not clear or is not correct, your free to ask!
    have fun!
    The script to be run to switch:
    #summary: This programm switches xorg.conf file with an other and back. Also it calls the programms startupappsoff and startupappson.
    #in order to get this as a command, copy this program to: /usr/bin/
    #to execute without password, add: <username> ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tvout (replace <username> with your own)
    #A. this script needs to recorgnize the different xorg.conf files you want to use. So put on top of your xorg.conf files in the first line: #tvout or #original
    var1=$(head -1 /etc/X11/xorg.conf)
    if [ $var1 == "#original" ]
    #B. put here the path to your own custimized xorg.conf
    sudo cp /mnt/data1/Arch\ Files/xorg.conf.tvout /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    zenity --info --text 'tv-out enabled, to switch press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE'
    #C. put here the path to startupappsoff and change username
    su rob /mnt/data1/Arch\ Files/startupappsoff
    if [ $var1 == "#tvout" ]
    #D. put here the path to your backuped xorg.conf or second custimized xorg.conf
    sudo cp /mnt/data1/Arch\ Files/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    zenity --info --text 'tft-out enabled, to switch press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE'
    #E. put here the path to startupappson and change username
    su rob /mnt/data1/Arch\ Files/startupappson
    #this programm turns startup programms off and turns only the startup programms defined here on
    for file in $(ls ~/.config/autostart/);
    #switch all startup apps off
    #G. change rob to your own username
    sed -i 's/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false/g' /home/rob/.config/autostart/$file
    #H. switch only these startup apps on, change rob to your own username
    sed -i 's/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true/g' /home/rob/.config/autostart/appchk.desktop
    sed -i 's/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true/g' /home/rob/.config/autostart/yakuake.desktop
    #this script turns all startup programms of, and only turns on the startup programms defined here:
    for file in $(ls ~/.config/autostart/);
    #switch all startup apps on
    #I. change rob to your own username
    sed -i 's/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true/g' /home/rob/.config/autostart/$file
    #J. switch only these startup apps off, change rob to your own username
    sed -i 's/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false/g' /home/rob/.config/autostart/xbmc.desktop
    Last edited by Rob (2010-11-24 14:10:58)

    Many thanks, I am actually using your script minus the app changing script - to change my xorg from my dual screen display to a single screen display and my s-video tvout.
    Now I need to tune my xorg to work, but I am trying to add the <username> ALL=NOPASSWD for the script to work without password but I do not know where to add the line and the format of the line?
    Again many thanks for your script,
    looking forward for your reply,

  • Photoshop Elements won't create a file, edit a file or save a file...

    Hello all,
    I just bought an Epson 600 scanner which came with a copy of Photoshop Elements (v7, but that's another question for another day).  Was working fine for awhile (a few weeks) but now I'm unable to edit any files.  This is on an Intel Mac Pro running Windows 7 (natively, not in VMWare) with 8 cores and 8 GB of RAM and terabytes of free disk space.
    Here's a sample sequence of events:
    1) Launch PE
         - Get selection screen for organize, Edit, Create, Share.
    2) Select Edit
         - Launches editing workspace normally
    3) Click File->Open
         - Get the file browser window with thumbnails (standard windows stuff)
    4) Click a TIF file (or a JPG file) and click Open
         - File browser window closes and I'm taken back to the editing view but there's no picture.  No sign that it did anything (all the menus that are greyed out when the editing screen is empty are still grey etc - including the File Save menu option)
    5) Try to drag a file into the editing workbench from windows explorer (either a TIF file or a JPG)
         - Same behavior - switches back to the workbench, but everything is still greyed out and the file isn't there.
    6) Try to create a new file
    7) Click File->New
         - New file dialog pops up asking me to name and size it
    8) Give it a random name and leave it at the default 6x4x300dpi and click OK
         - New file dialog goes away and returns me to the editing canvas, but it's still blank and all the menus remain greyed out
    I get the exact same behavior if I try "Open As" or "Open recently edited files" etc
    I AM running Symantec anti-virus and I've noticed some people mentioning that that can cause issues for Adobe, but turning it off really isn't an option.  So if there's some rule I need to set up to allow some background process to talk, that's fine but I can't just disable it to use PE.
    Is there any debugging log kept somewhere?  (I suppose I could check this site more thoroughly for that info)
    Any help or suggestions would be most welcome!

    Try resetting the PSE preferences by
       1. Close Elements.
       2. Launch the Photoshop Elements Welcome Screen and hold down ctrl + alt + shift as you click Edit.
       3. Continue to hold the keys until you see a message box asking if you want to delete Photoshop Elements settings file; click Yes. Elements will open with default preferences.
    try and let me know your comments.

  • Viewing comments by default; finding files with comments

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    Also, I have a folder of PDFs that have been indexed with catalog. Only a few of the files have comments. Is there any way to construct a search for "any PDF with a comment"?  What I've been doing is using the user ID that Acrobat automatically places in edits, but that won't help for long, as the number of people doing comments will increase, and some future documents will have those IDs in regular text.

    1) your suggestion will not work for the issue I'm describing: if I have both Raw and Jpeg files of the same image on my SD card, the iPad sort of lumps these together, so when I view the contents of my SD card it shows as one image/file, and if I select it and download it, it brings over both the Raw and Jpeg versions of the image, which is what I am trying to avoid and why I started the tread in the first place.
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    I then added the code LogLevel trace8 to my config file, with the understanding that I would see more "verbose" messages in my error log. Afterr restarting my servers, I reloaded my web page, then checked the log - nothing changed. That is, the log is recording my activity, but it doesn't display "verbose" messages.
    Someone who was helping me on an Apache forum came to thte conclusion that my httpd.conf fiile isn't being used. So I typed httpd.conf into Apple's finder and, sure enough, I found half a dozen files with that name. I couldn't determine which is the right one, so I modifed all of them and restarted my serverrs again. There's STILL no change in my URL's, and my log is still recording generic messages.
    Does anyone have any idea how I can solve this problem? First, am I correct in understanding that there must be at least ONE active httpd.conf files in order for my sites to function? If so, then I know there must be an invisible httpd.conf file somewhere on my MacBook that I need to locate.
    Also, is it possible for error messages to be written to more than one Apache log at a time? It's just so strange that the error log in my Applications > MAMP folder is keeping tabs on the web pages I visit when the httpd.conf file in the same folder is apparently doing nothing.
    Thanks for any tips.

    MAMP is not Apple software and is well outside the normal 'consumer' stuff they deal with in Apple stores, I therefore don't think a Genius would be either will or able to investigate this. However I can provide the following information and maybe others who have used MAMP can provide more.
    /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is the file used on a standard OS X Mac
    /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/httpd_server_app.conf is the equivalent file used on a Mac server if you have installed Apple's
    I have seen conflicting comments suggesting the location for the equivalent file for MAMP is -
    ~/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/httpd.conf
    The following might be helpful

  • Firewire module install with rpm not updating "/etc/grub.conf" file

    Thank you in advance! I am trying to setup Oracle10g RAC on RedHat Enterprise Linux ES 4.0. As a part of that process, I am trying to install the shared disk (Firewire) module on the node using 'rpm' as follows:
    rpm -ivh --force oracle-firewire-modules-2.6.9.EL-1286-1.i686.rpm
    It is getting installed perfectly. However, I am expecting with "-ivc" option, it is supposed to update "/etc/grub.conf" file. But it is not updating this file. Therefore reboot could NOT load this module and can not proceed further. Any help on this is really appreciated!
    Thanks again,

    karol's link did the deed!  I had gone to the page that shows the most up to date mirrors and used that for the install. But when I used the link that karol gave it not only gave me the same URL as I used earlier to install, it gave me some additional suffixes that didn't appear on the page that provided the updated links. When I added /$repo/os/$arch, pacman took off and started burning rubber. So many thanks!
    Now I can go ahead and install reflector, which is the first thing I try and do when I get an Arch install up and running. Thanks again.
    After seeing karol's script in post#4, I see that the /$repo/os//4arch was showing up there also. I didn't see anything like that when I copied the link to install.
    Last edited by pottzie (2012-03-14 02:42:28)

  • Ntp.conf file?

    I have been notified by my internet-provider that I need to close an open NTP-service which allows my Mac to be used in potential DDOS attacks. They ask me to close down the NTP-service by editing/inserting two lines in the ntp.conf file. How do I locate the ntp.conf file and how do I edit the file?

    Thanks for your reply, John.
    My ISP is asking me to insert these two lines in the file:
    restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
    restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
    And they are referring to this: tml
    They are also asking me close/block port 123 with udp as protocol in my firewall.
    Do you have any further comments?
    I appreciate your feedback.

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