Scripting Bridge and iTunes

I'm trying to add a playlist to iTunes via some Obj-C code. (Yeah I know AppleScript would be simpler, but part of this is for me to learn coding with Cocoa.) I'm not new to coding, just the Mac flavor of it, and I suspect I'm missing something simple. Anyway, the procedure in question (from a button's click handler):
iTunesApplication *iTApp;
SBElementArray *thePlaylists;
NSDictionary *newPlaylistProps;
iTunesPlaylist *newPlaylist;
iTApp = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
if ([iTApp isRunning]) {
thePlaylists = [(iTunesSource*)[[iTApp sources] objectAtIndex:0] playlists];
newPlaylistProps = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"foobar" forKey:@"name"];
newPlaylist = (iTunesPlaylist*)[[[iTApp classForScriptingClass:@"playlist"] alloc] initWithProperties:newPlaylistProps];
[thePlaylists addObject:newPlaylist];
I've got iTunes.h created and #imported like the ADC guide showed. The code above works fine until the addObject call, at which point I get an Apple event error -10014. This seems to mean I sent in a list when the handler wanted a single object. I thought newPlaylist counted as just an object.
Also regarding populating the thePlaylists var - I've resorted to grabbing the first source solely to simplify things. Until I hit this wall, I was iterating the sources to find the library one.
Any help would be appreciated - thanks!

Short answer: Scripting Bridge's design is flawed. See the 'jumpstart me with the scripting bridge' thread over on AppleScript-implementors for an explanation of this particular defect:
Your options are:
1. Work around Scripting Bridge's brokenness by sending your own 'make' Apple event via -[SBObject sendEvent:id:parameters:]. (Or even via AEBuildAppleEvent or NSAppleEventDescriptor and AESendMessage if you're particularly masochistic.) You'll need to know the raw AE codes for the 'make' command to do this; e.g. Script Editor can save an application's dictionary to .sdef (XML) file, or ASDictionary [1] can export it in a more readable plain text format.
2. Use AppleScript via NSAppleScript. Somewhat defeats the purpose of the exercise, but AppleScript knows how to speak Apple events properly so at least you know it'll work.
3. Use a third-party bridge that speaks Apple events the same way as AppleScript does. For ObjC, use objc-appscript [2]:
ITApplication *itunes = [[ITApplication alloc] initWithName: @""];
NSDictionary *properties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"my playlist" forKey:[ASConstant name]];
ITMakeCommand *cmd = [[[itunes make] new_: [ITConstant playlist]]
withProperties: properties];
ITReference *playlist = [cmd send];
[itunes release];

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  • Scripting Bridge for iTunes

    I'm trying to do something simple and efficient with scripting bridge and iTunes, which is to display the number of the track currently playing in the playlist (aka "get index of current track"), so here's my try:
    // initialization
    iTunes = \[ SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@"" \] ;
    // repeat this on a timer
    iTunesTrack* currentTrack = \[ iTunes currentTrack \] ;
    iTunesPlaylist* currentPlaylist = \[ iTunes currentPlaylist \] ;
    SBElementArray* currentTracks = \[ currentPlaylist tracks \] ;
    NSInteger index = \[ currentTracks indexOfObject: currentTrack \] ;
    but this doesn't work because currentTracks and currentTrack are references that haven't been evaluated (and indexOf doesn't persuade them to evaluate). This can be fixed by:
    NSInteger index = \[ \[ currentTracks get \] indexOfObject: \[ currentTrack get \] \] ; // leaks mem!
    and while the index is now correct, this leaks memory (about 1K bytes per call - alot more after some time!). Am I doing something wrong? Does Scripting Bridge have a memory leak? Is there a better way to get this index, or am I stuck going back to AppleScript (I promised myself I'd quit if it got messy). Thx, -L.

    Thanks again for your collective guidance - per your advice, I've tried allocating and releasing an autorelease pool every get/loop. In fact, I've tried many variations of draining and releasing pools, as well as variable assignments and releases. No change in the memory leak.
    I'm starting to suspect that the leak is lower-level than anything Objective-C is doing, but please correct me!
    I've distilled the problem into just a few lines of code inserted into the generic Cocoa app template generated by Xcode. Please take a look below and see how one might change it to not leak memory - Activity Monitor says it ticks up .01MB (about 10K) in RSS memory usage every few seconds.
    Thanks for your continued guidance, -Lance.
    // generated a skeletal Cocoa app (just removed generic copyright comments, added startTrackWatcher)
    // generate iTunes.h with sdef /Applications/ | sdp -fh --basename iTunes
    // and add ScriptingBridge framework to project
    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    void startTrackWatcher() ; // added these two lines
    startTrackWatcher() ; // for watching mem leak
    return NSApplicationMain(argc, (const char **) argv);
    // added lines below for startTrackWatcher
    #import <ScriptingBridge/ScriptingBridge.h>
    #import "iTunes.h"
    @interface Status : NSObject {
    NSTimer* timer ;
    iTunesApplication* iTunes ;
    - (void)doit:(NSTimer*)timer;
    - (Status*)initWithTime:(int)time;
    @implementation Status
    - (void)doit:(NSTimer*)t
    // NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[ NSAutoreleasePool alloc ] init ] ;
    iTunesTrack* currentTrack = [ iTunes currentTrack ] ;
    iTunesPlaylist* currentPlaylist = [ iTunes currentPlaylist ] ;
    SBElementArray* currentTracks = [ currentPlaylist tracks ] ;
    // NSInteger index = [ currentTracks indexOfObject: currentTrack ] ; // wrong because items aren't evaluated
    NSInteger index = [ [ currentTracks get ] indexOfObject: [ currentTrack get ] ] ; // leaks memory (check Activity monitor)!
    printf( "%d
    ", index ) ;
    // [ pool drain ] ;
    // [ pool release ] ;
    - (Status*)initWithTime:(int)time {
    /NSAutoreleasePool pool =*/ [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:time
    repeats:YES] ;
    iTunes = [ SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@"" ] ;
    return self ;
    void startTrackWatcher() {
    [[ Status alloc ] initWithTime:0.1 ] ;

  • Scripting Bridge and Powerpoint, how to make new slide?

    I know how to make a new slide in an active presentation in Powerpoint. It works like this:
    tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
    set newSlideC to make new slide at before slide 2 of active presentation ¬
    with properties {layout:slide layout media clip and text}
    end tell
    (I stole this snippet from
    Now I would like to do the same via Scripting Bridge in my Cocoa app.
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    (which I created with this command:
    sdef /Applications/Microsoft\ Office\ 2008/Microsoft\ | sdp -fh --basename Powerpoint
    According to Script Editor's dictionary of Powerpoint, the "make" command is in the 'Standard Suite'.
    But I have no idea how to find it's defintion, let alone how to use it from my Cocoa application.
    Could somebody please give a hint to me?
    Since I'm not (yet) subscribed to the applescript-users mailing list, I am taking the liberty to post my question here.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Best regards,

    You need to alloc and init to make an object instance in Scripting Bridge.
    See the following documents.
    Scripting Bridge Programming Guide for Cocoa ridgeConcepts/
    Scripting Bridge Framework Reference ce/ScriptingBridgeFramework/
    Some sample codes
    As for your example, code would be something like this.
    Just for showing the outline, hopefully.
    PowerPointApplication *powerpoint = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
    [powerpoint activate];
    PowerPointSlide *s = [[[powerpoint classForScriptingClass:@"slide"] alloc]
    [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
    @"slideLayoutMediaClipAndText", @"layout",
    [[powerpoint.activePresentation slides] insertObject:s atArrangedObjectIndex:0];
    Good luck,
    Message was edited by: Hiroto (fixed typo)

  • Scripting Bridge & iTunes?

    Hi, has anyone gotten very far into using Scripting Bridge on Leopard with Python and iTunes? I tried, but got stuck pretty fast. I'm trying to iterate over tracks and (among other things) find out what their file names are.
    from ScriptingBridge import *
    itunes = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("")
    lib = itunes.sources()[0].playlists()[0]
    tracks = lib.tracks()
    print tracks[0].location
    This works up until the last line, but then complains "AttributeError: 'ITunesTrack' object has no attribute 'location'". So I thought I would try to ask for a list of "file tracks" instead of "tracks", because that's how appscript seems to work, but no luck.
    from ScriptingBridge import *
    itunes = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("")
    lib = itunes.sources()[0].playlists()[0]
    tracks = lib.file_tracks()
    print tracks[0].location
    produces "AttributeError: 'ITunesPlaylist' object has no attribute 'file_tracks'". And then, although I really want to embrace Scripting Bridge, I thought I'd try a last resort and go back to using appscript (that's what I used on Tiger). But that doesn't seem to work on Leopard... while retrieving the list of tracks, it works for a while and then says
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/appscript-0.17.2-py2.5-macosx-10.5-i386.egg/apps
    cript/", line 372, in _call_
    if e.number in [-600, -609] and self.AS_appdata.path: # event was sent to a local app
    for which we no longer have a valid address (i.e. the application has quit since this aem.
    Application object was made).
    AttributeError: AppData instance has no attribute 'path'
    even though iTunes hasn't quit. Any suggestions? I know I could read & write XML, but I want this to work while is running. This seems like it ought to be a really basic task, but I'm out of ideas. Thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by: dormouse310

    The problem here is that Scripting Bridge is just a bit too arrogant and nit-picky for its own (or its users') good.
    i.e. Unlike appscript, which carefully mimics the way that AppleScript works in order to ensure maximum compatibility with existing applications - all of which have for the last 14 years been designed and tested against AppleScript - Scripting Bridge tries to impose its own particular ideas of how application scripting should operate. The result is that applications which work fine with AppleScript but don't precisely behave in the way that Scripting Bridge thinks they should behave can end up being partially or even completely inaccessible to Scripting Bridge users (at least not without resorting to klunky low-level workarounds).
    (Incidentally, I did caution Apple a year ago about the compatibility problems that the Scripting Bridge-style approach would cause - I made some of the same mistakes myself in early versions of appscript - but unfortunately they went ahead and did it anyway.)
    In this case, it's Scripting Bridge's insistence on enforcing the object model structure defined in iTunes' dictionary that's causing the problem, since iTunes' dictionary is rather inconsistent in declaring the types of elements each class supports. For example, if you look up the 'playlist' class's definition, you'll see that it forgets to list 'file track' as an element. This doesn't bother AppleScript (or appscript), but it trips up the rather less tolerant Scripting Bridge, as you can see here:
    from ScriptingBridge import *
    itunes = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("")
    lib = itunes.sources()[0].playlists()[0]
    filetracks = lib.fileTracks() # this line raises an AttributeError: 'ITunesPlaylist' object has no attribute 'fileTracks'
    print filetracks[0].location()
    Not that this excuses the iTunes developers for their sloppy documentation, mind (and you should definitely file a bug report on it), but it isn't much consolation to users who just want to do things that they know worked fine in AppleScript or appscript.
    Anyway, it is possible to work around this particular limitation in Scripting Bridge by resorting to raw AE codes; in this case:
    import struct
    from ScriptingBridge import *
    itunes = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("")
    lib = itunes.sources()[0].playlists()[0]
    filetracks = lib.elementArrayWithCode_(struct.unpack('>L', 'cFlT')[0]) # filetracks = lib.fileTracks()
    print filetracks[0].location()
    To obtain the raw codes, use ASDictionary's plain text export option, Smile's 'copy translate' feature, Script Debugger's advanced dictionary viewer, or save the dictionary as an sdef file in Script Editor. And don't forget to take account of endianness issues when converting four-char-code strings to ints as shown above.
    As for the error you're getting with appscript:
    Appscript identifies local applications by their process numbers, so if you quit and relaunch an application after you've created an 'app' object for it and then use that app object to send the application another command, appscript will deliberately raise an error (-609) to tell you the process number used by that app object is no longer valid. (Note: you should actually get a CommandError, not AttributeError, here - the error message you're actually seeing is caused by a bug in 0.17.2's error handling/reporting code that's since been fixed - but the general explanation still holds.)
    In your case, however, it sounds as if iTunes is running throughout, so that isn't what's causing appscript to error. I suspect the actual cause is a timeout error; unfortunately this gets wrongly reported in appscript as error -609 instead of -1712 (timeout error) as it should be. Obviously, getting the wrong error message when an error occurs is rather confusing for users, and fixing this problem is on my TODO list for the next release, although I've yet to figure out why the Apple Event Manager should be giving appscript the wrong error number in the first place. In the meantime, you should be able to confirm that it's a timeout error by running the equivalent command in AppleScript within a 60 second timeout block (which is, IIRC, the default timeout used by appscript 0.17.2).
    As to why it can take so long to get file tracks in iTunes - I'm not an iTunes guru, but you could try asking on the AppleScript-users mailing list to see if anyone there has any suggestions. As for avoiding timeout errors in the first place, you can increase the timeout delay for your appscript command via its 'timeout' argument (this is equivalent to AS's 'with timeout' block, except that it only affects the command it's used in) - see ch.11 of the appscript manual for details.
    (p.s. If you've any questions or problems with Python appscript, best place to post them is the PythonMac-SIG mailing list at, or mail me directly if you prefer.)

  • Button for iTunes scripts and iTunes Plug-Ins is gone in 7.3.x

    In iTunes 7.3.x I am missing the upper button for iTunes scripts and ITunes Plug-Ins for the little add on programs like iTunes-BPM and iTunes-Lame.
    Does anybody know a trick how I get this button to show up again?
    I am talking about this button:

    No idea why it's not working. Never seen this problem before.
    Only thing I can think of is make sure the name of the Scripts folder is spelled correctly (not an extra space) /usr/library/iTunes/Scripts/.
    Post over here -> AppleScripts for iTunes (Mac)

  • Why has EZ Vinyl/Tape converter stopped working with Itunes?  I have used for several years, but now recent 11.0.4 Itunes has a problem with "Script conflict", and EZ has a brain-****.  Conversion goes into Itunes Playlist-not song/artist/album listing li

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    It's every software company's answer to everything - upgrade to the latest version.
    And for good reason, the bugs they know about get fixed, while introducing new ones. Not on purpose, of course, it just happens.

  • KeyNotes and Apple script / scripting Bridge

    Sorry I am a recently started development in Mac OS, so may be this question is very simple for you guys
    actually I am looking to manage Keynote application automatically from Mac Server application, I know apple script is available for lot of functionalities available in keynote but i want that all these things happend without showing anything on GUI , like i want to do all the automation on background without effecting the running GUI of keynote
    if anybody can have idea how to do it in Apple script or using ScriptingBridge, I will really appriciate your help and support

    depending on what you want to do, this may or may not be possible (most likely not).  Applescript works by scripting other applications: some applications are set up do do background tasks, some applications are duplicated by osax or unix utilities that operate invisibly, but most often applescript has to open a document in the application and work on it through the application. 
    scripting bridge is for cocoa developers: it allows cocoa apps to script other apps.  it's not really useful for you unless you want to develop specialized software.
    more details would be helpful.

  • Scripting Bridge: how to set current iTunes playlist

    I know how to get the current iTunes playlist using Scripting Bridge, but how do I set the current playlist?

    This is the answer:
    1. Dig into iTunesApplication's "sources" to find iTunesSource "Library"
    2. Dig into iTunesSource "Library" to find iTunesPlaylist "Party Shuffle"
    3. Do a reveal.

  • How to use AS's "make new" command in Scripting Bridge?

    Anybody know how to rewrite this line of Applescript in Cocoa using the Scripting Bridge?
    tell application "iTunes" to make new playlist with properties {name:"Some Name"}
    I'd hate to have to embed AS into my app just for this thing.
    Is there maybe some page in the documentation on Applescript object allocation in Scripting Bridge that I'm missing?
    Thanks in advance.

    If you have the Time Capsule setup in Bridge Mode as you indicate, the ethernet ports are all equal and they will behave just like a normal ethernet "switch".
    If you've double checked to make sure that you have a good ethernet cable and you don't have a connection at the WAN port, but do on the other LAN ports, unfortunately the WAN port is defective.

  • Problem Running App with Scripting Bridge on MAC OS X TIger

    I have an application which link with Scripting Bridge Frame work, use XCODE 3.0 and SDK 10.5. I use Scripting Bridge, to control some functionality of ITune from Objective-C. This Application run fine on Leopard and behave as expected. When I Run this application on Tiger this does not load.
    Considering that scripting Bridge was first released om Leopard.
    Can my Above Application Run on Tiger. If not how do I interface ITune from Objective-C, on both Tiger and Leopard? IS there update which suppose to fix this?

    webdevcda wrote:
    Considering that scripting Bridge was first released om Leopard.
    Can my Above Application Run on Tiger.
    If not how do I interface ITune from Objective-C, on both Tiger and Leopard? IS there update which suppose to fix this?
    There will be no update for old products like Tiger. What there is is all you will ever get. For Tiger, you will have to dig into sending Apple Events to iTunes manually. Or it might be easier to define your Apple Scripts as string resources in your application an execute them via a system() call.

  • Compiling code generated for Scripting Bridge

    I have generated code for iTunes on MAC OS X leopard, I added the generated header file in my project, and imported (#import "Itunes.h") in my implementation file of Objective 'C'. I also linked my project with Scripting Bridge. (/System/Library/Frameworks/ScriptingBridge.framework.)
    But when I build my project I get following error,
    "error ScriptingBridge/ScriptingBridge.h no such file or directory".
    MY project link with other framework, cocoa, AppKit, WebKit fine, and it has been working fine as a web kit plug-in.
    I am new to MAC and Objective 'C' programming, could some one help solve this problem.
    Sample Code from I Tunes.h
    #import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
    #import <ScriptingBridge/ScriptingBridge.h>
    @class ITunesPrintSettings, ITunesApplication, ITunesItem, ITunesArtwork, ITunesEncoder, ITunesEQPreset, ITunesPlaylist, ITunesAudioCDPlaylist, ITunesDevicePlaylist, ITunesLibraryPlaylist, ITunesRadioTunerPlaylist, ITunesSource, ITunesTrack, ITunesAudioCDTrack, ITunesDeviceTrack, ITunesFileTrack, ITunesSharedTrack, ITunesURLTrack, ITunesUserPlaylist, ITunesFolderPlaylist, ITunesVisual, ITunesWindow, ITunesBrowserWindow, ITunesEQWindow, ITunesPlaylistWindow;
    typedef enum {
    ITunesEKndTrackListing = 'kTrk' /* a basic listing of tracks within a playlist */,
    ITunesEKndAlbumListing = 'kAlb' /* a listing of a playlist grouped by album */,
    ITunesEKndCdInsert = 'kCDi' /* a printout of the playlist for jewel case inserts */
    } ITunesEKnd;
    typedef enum {
    ITunesEnumStandard = 'lwst' /* Standard PostScript error handling */,
    ITunesEnumDetailed = 'lwdt' /* print a detailed report of PostScript errors */
    } ITunesEnum;

    Could you provide some more details on the entity bean? Like, part of ejb-jar,the implementation code?
    Does your bean use any field by name 'dirty'?
    There was some discussion on a similar problem here -
    Hope this helps,
    OTN Team @IDC

  • This new "Scripting Bridge"

    I've been reading up about this beat, but I was wondering how you implement it after you do something like;
    NSString * currentTrackName = [[iTunes currentTrack] name];
    Or is that the declaration and implementation in one?

    So If I was to slap more code on top to make it look like this, would that work?
    iTunesApplication *iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
    NSString * currentTrackName = [[iTunes currentTrack] name];
    I'm really unsure of what I need to put in my header file. This is what I have;
    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    #import <ScriptingBridge/SBApplication.h>
    @interface songGrab : SBApplication {
    IBOutlet id display;
    - (void) currentTrack;
    I've imported the Scripting Bridge class and added SBApplication like that page showed. songGrab is the name of my class.
    What would I do in the instance if I wanted to use the 'delay' handler? What does that belong to?

  • Apple TV and iTunes not able to see each other

    I think I have found a bug in either iTunes or Apple TV. My network configuration is a bit complicated so I will describe it first.
    Cable modem into my house hitting a Linksys WRT330N router at a central box in my laundry room. From there my house is hard wired to different rooms of the house. One goes to my office where I have a Apple Extreme N airport, connected to my PowerMac and my iTunes library. Again out of the central point in the laundry room again hard wired I have a wire going to my living room, where I have another Apple Extreme N airport, this is where my Apple TV is hard wired too. I have all the latest firmware and software installed on all my devices. Also both Airport Extreme's are setup using bridge mode and letting the Linksys serve the IP addresses for my network.
    Now to the problem. I can not explain when or why but my Apple TV and iTunes are not able to see each other after about 48 hours. I have tried all kinds of troubleshooting steps including changing my connection from being hard wired to wireless connecting directly to the Airport Extreme my iTunes computer is connected too. I know my network connection is good as I can see trailers and pull up video's from uTube.
    The only way to get them to see each other again is to do a factory reset of my Apple TV. After I do this they can both see each other again. But again after about 48 hours they lose the ability to see each other. I have taken these steps twice now to fix the problem
    I just finished reseting my Apple TV and am going to watch it to see when it stops working the next time.
    All of these problems started the other day when I introduced a new Apple Extreme N router in my my network. The airport Extreme seem to be working fine with my PS3 and XBox 360 that is also connected to it. So I don't think it's the router that is causing the problem.
    If I had to guess I would say something in the Apple TV is locking up. Although I have tried power cycling the Apple TV which does not fix the problem. I'm going through 3 routers to get between the Apple TV and the iTunes library somehow it appears the Apple TV is losing it way.
    I welcome any help as I don't want to have to keep factory resetting my Apple TV to keep it working.

    Fascinating just reading about your setup. I have a WRT350N and have noticed that it will drop its speed, sometimes down to 1Mbps. It seems to do so at about the same time every day, but usually comes back to speed in about 5 minutes. In my experience, the Apple TV will disconnect if the speed falls this low. Try monitoring the Linksys with Netstumbler, Vistumbler, or just in the Windows Network utility.
    Check the "lease obtained" and "lease expired" times for your router to see if that is when the network fails. I've just finished reading an angry thread over at the Linksys forum about the WRT330N where someone mentioned that the router wasn't renewing its lease.
    "I cannot set it run off automatic DHCP from the WRT330N, the router will not assign it an IP every time the lease expires, causing me to have to manually set an IP on the Print server. That's annoying. Having the router drop IP's to individual machines after 12-48 hours...very annoying." .id=67412
    If that is the problem, then I would consider setting up a Static IP address for your Apple TV. You can do that through the user interface -> Settings -> Network -> Configure ... (Quite intuitive as you only have change IP address and the subsequent details remain the same.)
    My router assigns IP Addresses in the ranges of ->149. The idea here is to choose an address outside of that range but is not greater than (and should not end in the number 1). You shouldn't have to change the linksys router as long as 50 clients are assigned in that range. You'll have to figure that out by accessing your router webpage at browser address -> the default password is "admin" (without the quotes).
    Good luck.

  • I the cloud and itunes match. Some songs have the "waiting" icon next to them but are unable to upload and instead of determing them ineligible itunes continues to try to upload that song and never gets to the rest of the list.

    I have  icloud and itunes match and most of my songs have been uploaded to the cloud. Some songs still have the "waiting" icon next to them and when I turn itunes match on they neither upload nor are they determined ineligible. My computer will literally spin its wheels for hours trying to upload the same song. Additionally, I uploaded an audiobook disc on my computer and 3 of the 11 tracks are still waiting to be uploaded???

    The exclamation mark happens if the file is no longer where iTunes expects to find it. Possible causes are that you or some third party tool has moved, renamed or deleted the file, or that the drive it lives on has had a change of drive letter. It is also possible that iTunes has changed from expecting the files to be in the pre-iTunes 9 layout to post-iTunes 9 layout,or vice-versa, and so is looking in slightly the wrong place.
    Select a track with an exclamation mark, use Ctrl-I to get info, then cancel when asked to try to locate the track. Look on the summary tab for the location that iTunes thinks the file should be. Now take a look around your hard drive(s). Hopefully you can locate the track in question. If a section of your library has simply been moved, or a drive letter has changed, it should be possible to reverse the actions.
    Alternatively, as long as you can find a location holding the missing files, then you should be able to use my FindTracks script to reconnect them to iTunes .
    If the missing files just can't be found then, assuming you are in region where you are permitted multiple downloads of your audio purchases, delete the current enties and download again from your purchased history.

  • I had to reinstall CS4 and now have error messages when opening bridge and photoshop

    The error message is "The specified module could not be found. C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Version Cue CS4\Client\4.0.1\Version Cue.DLL

    I tried what you suggested and it did not help.  whenever I try to open either photoshop or bridge, I get a message saying that there was a problem loading scripts the last time that Bridge was open and do I want to try loading them again?  If I click yes, I get that same error message that I reported in my original question and photoshop/bridge will immediately close.  If I click no, photoshop and bridge will open but it will not let me open a raw format document.  It seems like Adobe Camera Raw is not being recognized.   One of the updates I downloaded was an update to Adobe Camera Raw so the functionality is there, it just can't be accessed.  do you think I should try to uninstall and re-install Photoshop again?
    Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 19:48:31 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: I had to reinstall CS4 and now have error messages when opening bridge and photoshop
        Re: I had to reinstall CS4 and now have error messages when opening bridge and photoshop
        created by Arpit Kapoor in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    Go To Help->Updates and install the latest update. It should work.
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         Start a new discussion in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up by email or at Adobe Forums
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  • How to generate barcode in coldfusion 10?

    Hi! Can someone teach or refer to any link to generate barcode in coldfusion 10? I did try in cf8 and it works but not in cf10. Please help


    Hi, I would like to build j2ee system, using an IDE. I have downloaded evaluation version of SUN STUDIO ONE SE which has no ejb facility. But documentation says after creating package in Local System when you click all you will session bean. But I co