Scripting Java Applets in IE 6.0

Does anyone know if it's possible to script applets (talk back and forth between javascript and an applet) using IE 6.0 or later??

I didn't know about that one.
Where to get this package? I couldn't find it. All I found at that horrible banner website of was the documentation:
I was trying something else (maybe somewhat quick and dirty) and am able to call Java Applet methods (functions) from Javascript and have the Applet reply (return) a value. It's quite straightforeward, so I didn't add comments in the coding.
Here is my HTML/Javascript coding:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
obj = null;
function init(){
obj = (document.all)? document.all.myApplet: document.applets.myApplet;
function set(s){
alert( "Applet replies: "+ obj.set(s) );
</HEAD><BODY onLoad="init();">
<APPLET NAME="myApplet" CODE='Javascript2Java.class' WIDTH='200' HEIGHT='50'></APPLET>
Hi | Hey | ...
Here is my Java coding:
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.TextField;
import java.lang.String;
public class Javascript2Java extends Applet{
private TextField Info;
public void init(){
Info = new TextField("", 20);
public String set(String s){
return s+" to u too.";
public void paint(Graphics g){

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    In my website i used html form to get the input from user. the user press the button the value are passed into java applet. The result will display in applet.
    my HTML coding for calling applet is
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
    var info = navigator.userAgent; var ns = false;
    var ie = (info.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 && info.indexOf("Win") > 0 && info.indexOf("Windows 3.1") < 0);
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
    if (_ie == true) document.writeln('<Center><OBJECT classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" width="360" height="350" codebase=" ion=1,1,2,0"><NOEMBED><XMP>');
    else if (_ns == true) document.writeln('<EMBED type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.2" java_CODE = "suddhi.class" name=SuddhiPanchang width="360" height="350" pluginspage=""> <NOEMBED><XMP>');
    <APPLET mayscript="true" CODE = "suddhi.class" width="450" height="200" name=SuddhiPanchang ></XMP>
    <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = "suddhi.class" >
    java script code
    function calculate()
    var day1 = floor(document.forms[0].Day1.value);
    var mon1 = floor(document.forms[0].Month1.selectedIndex) +1;
    var year1 = floor(document.forms[0].Year1.value);
    var day2 = floor(document.forms[0].Day2.value);
    var mon2 = floor(document.forms[0].Month2.selectedIndex) +1;
    var year2 = floor(document.forms[0].Year2.value);
    var tzone = abs(floor(document.forms[0].ZoneHour.value));
    tzone += floor(document.forms[0].ZoneMin.value)/60;
    if(Math.floor(document.forms[0].ZoneHour.value)<0.0) tzone *= -1;
    i have error in the above line
    'document.SuddhiPanchang' is null or not an object
    url: http:\\\panch\msuddhi.htm check this
    please help me

    You need to access it as document.formname.objectname

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    I don't know about differences, but one of their main similarities is that each of them has a page in Wikipedia.
    [Java applet|]
    There. That should give you enough information.

  • Unix script call from java applet

    In perl you can use the system command to call a unix command like mv or ls. How do run a unix command from a java applet?

    normaly java applets are not allowed to execute any code. But there is a possibility to ask the user to be allowed to..
    in Netscpae you can use the following:
    then somewhere in the class...
    PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege( "UniversalExecAccess" );
    then the user can press 'grant' or 'deni'. If he pressed grant, you can do the following:
    Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "command" );
    //where command is what ever command you like to execute
    hope that helps.

  • Some Java applets do not work after silent installation, solved by toggling "Enable Java content in the browser" - Why?

    We have about 1,800 workstations running Windows 7 (both 32-bit and 64-bit) running various versions of the Java JRE from 6 update 32 through 7 update 51.  Most are on 6 update 45.  We would like to standardize on Java 7 update 51 (32-bit) and get everyone updated to that version for security reasons.
    For the past two weeks, we have been having trouble with our installation pre-pilot.  What we are seeing is that our procedure successfully closes any open Internet Explorer windows and Java-related processes, uninstalls all old versions of the Java JRE, and then claims to have successfully installed Java 7 update 51.  The Java Control panel works.  We can even take Internet Explorer to Verify Java Version or Java Tester - What Version of Java Are You Running? and confirm that the Java applets on those sites are loading (though the latter only works after adding the site to the exceptions site list); however, when testers try to access our Kronos Workforce Central 6.3.10 system, the Java applets used by that system do not load.
    We have tried the following things, none of which worked:
    Clear Internet Explorer browser cache and cookies.
    Clear the local Java cache.
    Reboot the computer.
    Reset Internet Explorer settings, including personal settings.
    The one thing which does work is going into the Java Control Panel, going to the Security tab, unchecking "Enable Java content in the browser", pressing Apply, pressing OK on the pop-up window, checking the "Enable Java content in the browser" box again, pressing OK, pressing OK on the pop-up window, and then restarting Internet Explorer.  It is only after this point that all Java applets, including the ones used by Kronos Workforce Central 6.3.10, work.
    What I need to know is how I can automate the procedure of reinitializing the "Enable Java content in the browser" checkbox after installation or am I doing something wrong or missing a step in the automated installation that is causing this to happen?
    We are using Microsoft SCCM 2007 R3 to accomplish this upgrade, and everything is being run on the client machine using the SYSTEM account.  First, the PowerShell script "javaclean.ps1" is run, with part of the command-line process changing the PowerShell script execution policy to Bypass.  This script handles the closing of Java-dependent applications and Java processes and uninstalls old Java versions.
    #Find all Java products excluding the auto updater which actually gets uninstalled when the main install is removed.
    write-host "Searching for all installed Java versions" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    [array]$javas=Get-WmiObject -query "select * from win32_Product where (Name like 'Java %' or Name like 'Java(TM)%' or Name like 'J2SE%') and Name <> 'Java Auto Updater'"
    if ($javas.count -gt 0)
        write-host "Java is already Installed" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        #Get all the Java processes and kill them. If java is running and the processes aren't killed then this script will invoke a sudden reboot.
        [array]$processes=Get-Process -Name "Java*" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "iexplore" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "firefox" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "chrome" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "jqs" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "jusched" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "jp2launcher" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        if ($processes.Count -gt 0)
            foreach ($myprocess in $processes)
        #Loop through the installed Java products.
        foreach($java in $javas){
            write-host "Uninstalling "$ -ForegroundColor Yellow
    After this script is complete, SCCM calls a the VBS script "install.vbs" to perform the actual installation of Java JRE 7 update 51.
    '* Script: Install JRE 7 routine
    '* Date:   3/14/14
    '* Author: [REDACTED]
    '* Rev:    1.0
    '* Notes: 
    '/// Common
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    ' Get system architecture
    Dim colSys : Set colSys = GetObject("WinMGMTS://").ExecQuery("SELECT AddressWidth FROM Win32_Processor",, 48)
    Dim objSys
    For Each objSys In colSys
        If objSys.AddressWidth = 64 Then bolIs64Bit = True
    ' Get operating system
    Dim colOS : Set colOS = GetObject("WinMGMTS://").ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,48)
    Dim objOS
    For Each objOS In colOS
        If Left(objOS.caption, 20) = "Microsoft Windows 8 " Then
            bolIsWin8 = True
            WScript.Echo "win8"
        End If
        If Left(objOS.caption, 22) = "Microsoft Windows 8.1 " Then
            bolIsWin81 = True
            WScript.Echo "win81"
        End    If
    ' Set 32 bit program files directory
    If bolIs64Bit = True Then
        strPFILES = "Program Files (x86)"
        strSYSDIR = "SysWOW64"
        Else strPFILES = "Program Files"
        strSYSDIR = "System32"
    End If       
    ' Set windows directory
    strWIN = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%")
    ' Set the current directory
    strCurrentDir = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
    ' Set computer name
    strCompName = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%computername%")
    '/// Main script
        '/// Install via .msi & capture exit code
        'intExitCode = objWshShell.Run("msiexec.exe /i """ & strCurrentDir & "\package.msi""" & " TRANSFORMS=""" & strCurrentDir & _
        '    "\transform.mst"" ALLUSERS=1 Reboot=ReallySuppress /qn", 8, True)
        '****RUN COMMANDS HERE****
        ' Create folder structure if it doesn't exist already   
        strFullPath = "c:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment" '
        ' How many levels are there in the path?
        nLevel = 0
        strParentPath = strFullPath
        Do Until strParentPath = ""
            strParentPath = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(strParentPath)
            nLevel = nLevel + 1
        For iLevel = 1 To nLevel
            ' Figure out path for directory at level iLevel
            strParentPath = strFullPath
            For j = 1 To nLevel - iLevel
                strParentPath = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(strParentPath)
        ' Does this directory exist? If not, create it.
            If objFSO.FolderExists(strParentPath) = False Then
                Set newFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strParentPath)
            End If
        ' Kill running processes
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM javaw.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM java.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM jqs.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM jusched.exe", 8, True
        ' Copy deployment files
        objFSO.CopyFile strCurrentDir & "\deployment.config", "c:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\", True
        objFSO.CopyFile strCurrentDir & "\", "c:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\", True
        ' Disable UAC
    '    If bolIsWin8 Or bolIsWin81 = True Then
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v PromptOnSecureDesktop /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f", 8, True
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f", 8, True
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f", 8, True
    '    End If
        ' Install application
        intExitCode = objWshShell.Run("msiexec.exe /i """ & strCurrentDir & "\jre1.7.0_51.msi"" IEXPLORER=1 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 WEB_JAVA=1 ALLUSERS=1 Reboot=ReallySuppress /qn", 8, True)
        ' Enable UAC
    '    If bolIsWin8 Or bolIsWin81 = True Then
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v PromptOnSecureDesktop /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f", 8, True
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f", 8, True
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 5 /f", 8, True
    '    End If   
        '/// Install via .exe on network
        'objWshShell.Run """" & strCurrentDir & "\Setup.exe"" -s -sms -f1""" & strCurrentDir & _
        '    "\setup.iss"" -f2""" & strWIN & "\Temp\Install-app.txt""", 8, True
        ' Need to turn off the open file security warning first
        Set objEnv = objWshShell.Environment("PROCESS")
        objEnv("SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS") = 1
    '    intExitCode = objWshShell.Run("""" & strCurrentDir & "\jre-7u45-windows-i586.exe"" /s /v""/norestart " & _
    '        "TRANSFORMS=""" & strCurrentDir & "\Tribe-jre7.mst""""", 8, True)
    '    WScript.Quit(intExitCode)
        '****RUN COMMANDS HERE****
        ' Then turn it back on
    '/// Additional functions
    Help on this issue would be much appreciated!

    It turns out that this is actually a problem with Kronos Workforce Central.  We had the "" setting in that application set to "clsid:CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA", which is the Java CLSID for Java 6.  After updating this value to "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" (the Java universal CLSID), this problem did not occur upon the automatic upgrade of Java.
    We have both Java 6 and Java 7 in our environment, and did during our Kronos implementation, so I don't know why we were using the Java 6 CLSID in the first place.
    Case closed!

  • Java applets won't load, have latest version of java installed, have removed all old versions from the hard drive, java console not working in firefox, any suggestions please ?

    java applets will not load,
    i have run the java test page & i have the latest version installed.
    have removed all old versions of java from my hard drive & restarted the computer.
    i have checked that java is enabled in the plug-ins and it is with version se 6 u22, also something called java development toolkit np runtime script plug-in library for java (tm) deploy.
    if i click on java console in tolls nothing happens

    You might want to look in your control panel for 'Java' icon. It should give you an option to enable java plugin into your browser. Let me know if you still face the issue.

  • Java applets won't run on Safari???

    I have reinstalled Java twice, and it still won't run any Java applets. It just sits there with the cup logo and the arrow on either side. It works fine on Firefox but not Safari. Help?

    I'm piggy backing on this thread because I too have had problems with Java and Safari
    Java runs fine for me in Firefox, however.
    I went to a federal website
    that uses java and received this message
    " Java applet unable to load
    To use this service, you must either install a recent version of the Sun JVM or enable "Scripting of Java applets" if it has been disabled."
    so i looked for an update and have downloaded and installed release 6, (at least, it said that it was installed, but have never been able to figure out where)
    when I check Java preferences, the choices are J2SE 1.4.2 or J2SE 5, and when I've switched to 1.4.2 I still have no luck.
    When i run firefox, i get the java console opening, but it doesn't open with safari, and I can't find the option for this to turn on in safari
    i have restarted both safari and my computer and no luck. I have repaired permissions and no changes have taken place.
    Any more suggestions?
    (thank you, by the way)

  • Java Applets font rendering with no AA

    So I've exhausted all possibilities on my end here and have no idea how to get anti aliasing to work with java applets. I've followed all of the suggestions from the wiki entry for the subject here: … ment_Fonts
    I've attached a screenshot of a few browsers and the appletviewer running a script from a book I am following at the moment. It's consistent, but it's an itch I haven't been able to scratch. OCD at it's finest here. It doesn't halt production or anything, but it bugs me.
    Thanks for any help offered!
    Moderator Edit:  Redacted in-line picture and converted it to a url link
    Last edited by ewaller (2011-12-01 04:13:44)

    The picture in your original post was well beyond the size permitted by our policy.  If you would like to include a thumbnail picture, go ahead and edit that post with image tags that point to the thumbnail inside the url tags.  Have the url tags point at the big picture.  That way your readers can see the thumbnail and click through it to see the full image.

  • Baseball TV Java Applet

    Hi. I'm new to java but not new to programming in general. I have a few web sites under my belt but now I want to add something to my site just for fun and I want to do it with a java applet type program. My question today is very preliminary but I like long answers. How best to go about what I will try to explain. I want to create a program that shows a baseball diamond in the middle and an area for the Home players and an area for the Visitors. These area will hold small images of baseball players. I want the website visitor to be able to watch a baseball game on TV and place the players around the diamond to keep up with the game. I want buttons for the pitcher that the user can click on for every pitch thrown (strike, foul, ball, etc...). I do not see in any tutorials that I have found as to how to save the game stats. I want to set the game up in advance and register the names of each opposing teams. When the website visitor hovers over a player I want the players name, number, position to show up on the screen somewhere. I am ready to do a lot of programming to make this look simple to the user. Should the baseball player team names be kept in an XML file? My applet will not involve any animation. It will be a simple click and drag platform so I don't think it will seam slow in anyway to the user. Also when I get the thing working for one visitor I want to make it work for a group of visitors. One visitor will take care of one player's position in the game. Each thing that happens to a hitter is recorded. I will have small hot spots on the field so the web visitor can easily click something like "stole 2nd base" or "hit a home run" or "Struck Out". Most of you get what I'm saying. I tend to overstate my case every time. I will be going through the tutorials and learning systems form this (Sun Developer Network) web site to get a handle on this project. I might best be served if someone could point me in the right direction for learning.
    Thanks, Golite.

    srinivas rao wrote:
    > Hi All,
    > I have 2 questions.
    > 1. I want call Java Script alert in my web dynpro applicattion. And how to call in WDA ??
    > 2. Is there any possibility of JAVA APPLET for e.g STOCK TICKER or MARQUEE in WDA ??
    > Thanks in Advance.
    > Srinivas.
    1.  There is no direct access to JavaScript in WD.  The Client implementation is abstracted for several reasons - not the least of which is that your WD application can run in the browser, in the Flex Client and in the NetWeaver Business Client.  Therefore JavaScript is not always the runtime.  If you want to "throw an alert" in WD you should use the message object or produce a dialog popup.
    2.  There is no method for customers/partners to directly integrate Java Applets.  SAP does use some Java Applets within our UI elements.  The current answer if you want to do such a thing is to use the NetWeaver Portal and have two separate iViews on one Page. One iView can be in WD and the other in JSP/JSF/BSP which would allow such integration.  Very soon we will have Flash Islands however that allows the integration of Flash/Flex Components in WD and would allow customers and and partners more freedom to integrate "islands of rich functionality" directly in WD.  Next year we will extend this framework to also offer support for Microsoft Silverlight Islands.

  • At what percent e-tester can identify java applet objects. Plz see message.

    Me new to this group.
    I am here to find out whether e-tester can test java applet or not.
    I am testing a web application which is completely Java applet base.
    Envirnment used jdk1.1.8 and Jre1.4.
    I have been trying to identify applet object used in our application.
    problem i faced:
    when i set java option in option seting for both Microsoft applet and sun system applet. where my system having jdk1.1.8 and jre1.4.
    Recording on above envirnment I am able to record my application but i can not play that. On this case I marked Abbot script generated.
    when uninstall jdk and jre.
    I am able to record and play my application still some step. But I am not able to customize it.
    this application also uses StarTree a hyporbolic tree API from
    "Business Object" now bought by SAP (this api used inside applet
    Is any one work on e-tester to automate in and out of an application which is built in java applet.
    Can some one help me to figure out where I am doing wrong.
    Before this I worked on e-tester year back to automate one of our application and still we are doing our regression on that.
    Expecting some help

    When you say customize, are you referring to parameters? They is handled differently with applets. I believe there is documentation on this.

  • Java-applet counter

    Hi there,
    I've created a java-applet that can be widely used so I encourage people to include the java applet into other sites by means of the <applet code="blah.class" codebase=""></applet>I'm wondering however if it would be possible to keep statistics of how many times the applet is loaded. I created a free Nedstat subscription and here's some html code:
    <!-- Begin Nedstat Basic code -->
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="">
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" >
      nedstatbasic("FPZ43f3d3d287Df", 0);
    // -->
    <a target="_blank" href=""><img
    border="0" width="18" height="18"
    alt="Nedstat Basic - Free web site statistics
    Personal homepage website counter"></a><br>
    <a target="_blank" href="">Free counter</a>
    <!-- End Nedstat Basic code -->I'm guessing that the javascript here "does the counting". Is there any possibility to include this javascript in the java applet, and how could it be done?
    Thank you very much,
    happy holidays

    cool i found another solution :-)

  • Java Applet to Access ASP Info in Proxy server Environment

    I Have a Java Applet on a Web server outside and when I access the
    applet in my corporate office which has a ProxyServer I get "UnKnownHost Exception".
    I did used the "System.getProperties" methods giving the Proxy information and can pass through the Proxy Server.But that is not what I want,The Applet should get through
    the Proxy server and get the response from the ASP without using the "System.getProperties".
    Thanks in Advance

    If you are using the Microsoft VM, and your applet is signed, you can use MS security to query the registry for the proxy server info.
    For example:; key = new,
      "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings",;
    String proxyServer = key.getStringValue("ProxyServer");However, if your client is using the Java plugin, this will not work. The Java Plugin loads the proxy server information based on the browser preferences, but I haven't figured out how to retrieve that proxy information from the Plugin itself. Sometimes the system property is null, even if the browser (MSIE) is configured to use an auto-configuration script/url for the proxy server configuration. I can see in the Java Console that the plugin knows the auto-config url.
    Even if is not null, I don't know how to call the javascript function at that URL from within the applet to get the proxy server host name and port.
    Does anyone know how to get the proxy information from the plugin?

  • Html form - java applet

    Hi friends
    I have an html form with an editable textfield on it. Next to it is an Java Applet with an Button on it. If you klick the button, a Popup aperars where the textfield can be modified. There is also an OK Button on this Popup. If you klick the Button, I want that the value of my string will be plased into the html form.
    If anyone knows how that works. Please help me.
    thanks kendiman

    Sweet, I was wondering how to do that.
    So if one was to design a menu using java, the external Java Script can access the public variables within the applets?
    So if we had
    public class applet extends Applet {
       public int test;
       public applet() {
          test = 6;
    }then the javascript command
    would return a 6?
    Do I have this correctly?
    Dale M

  • Creating Java applet

    I have to create a Java applet, but I don't know how. It should display a simulation of running rabbit in 10 circles, explaining the For cycle in a programming language C. I tried to make it in NetBeans, but I couldn't. Can anubody please help me? Any hint, useful site or line of code... I would be very grateful.

    mneskovic wrote:
    I'm sorry. I'm just in deadline,.. For the record. Not our fault, not our problem, and mentioning deadlines does not encourage people to help. I lose my nerves easy... In that case, I strongly suggest you re-read all your posts before sending them off. If they have a hint of 'lost nerves' they are likely to irritate the very people who might otherwise help you. I think you can guess that is not conducive to getting a good, timely, technical solution.
    ..OK, let's deal with the problem.
    I was looking for the solution of posted problem on the Internet and found that I should sign in my applet. Since I work in NetBeans, I enabled Web start because it looked like the fastest way to do it. .. That statement reads like nonsense to me. Perhaps NetBeans has some automagic script that presumes a JWS application needs to be digitally signed and does that for each build. If that is the case, I just found another reason to dislike it.
    ..My applet has database connection (connection to MySQL database - applet has text field and input from it is recorded in database) which works just fine in Applet Viewer. .. Are you launching the AppletViewer using NetBeans?
    ..When I enabled Web Start, I finally could see applet in Web page, but now I don't have database connection, there is no recording in database when I make input from text field...Are you looking for exceptions in the Java Console?
    The post you made earlier shows no sign of adding the Jar containing the DB driver to the archive attribute of the applet element. That is the most logical reason why the applet would not be able to connect to the DB.
    Note that I am still pretty unimpressed by your efforts to get help with this. I linked to an earlier thread where I asked you questions and you then abandoned the thread. You can partly restore my motivation to help by copy/pasting those questions to this thread and answering the questions.
    These problems will not be sorted by some 'magic line of code'. You need to understand what is happening. I see no sign you are gaining that understanding.

  • Java applet (internet access)

    I am trying to access internet through wifi on Blackberry Curve 9300 phone. I am behind my college LAN. I get this message:
    Cisco Clean Access Java Applet web client could not be launched. The
    reasons for this might include:
    Java plug-in not installed in your browser
    Java applet is disabled in your browser's security settings
    I get stuck at this point. I have enabled all java scripts etc. on my
    browser. Clicking on "download and install java plug-in from here", i
    come back to the same page.
    How could this problem be fixed?

    Hello vipuls,
    I would suggest contacting your tech department at your school verify what the Cisco Clean Access web client requirements are to connect.
    Thank you.
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  • HT1212 how to close apps if your phone is locked because you forgot the password

    I need to close "find my iphone" in order to restore my phone. I don't know how to close this app

  • Menus, Tabs and Tree Views I need some help

    heya, I am quite new here! I was searching desperately on a solution on how to fix my code. I need to do a menu in Java and bellow two boxes, one in which I will display a static tree structure (on the left side of the window) and one where I have so

  • Bbm picture wont update- HELP !

    okay so heres the problem, my bbm display picture will not update, it only updates on my profile but not to the rest of my contacts. my friends cannot see this update of the picture, they see the picture i had a while ago before this happend. i am ju

  • SDHC extreme or SDXC card work in Portege R600

    Does the R600 support the sandisk "extreme 30 MB" or the SDXC card? I ask because they seem to the only ones with 64Gb capacity. I need the maximum additional capacity possible TIA/gary

  • Locale: ä,ö,ü

    hello! i have a little problem with the locale settings. i use the en_US.UTF8 locale. all is working perfect - console and programs. i can use ä,ö,ü. but my eterm terminal shows me "???" instead of "äöü". a "ls" command shows me questions marks, but