Scripting with "Expect"

I have just started working with "Expect" with hopes of automating password changes. I wanted to know if anyone has any Expect scripts of their own that they could share that would doing something like the following:
1) ssh to remote server A as user jdoe, change the password for jdoe
2) As jdoe, sudo to userB, change userB's password
I want to run an expect script that will do the above from cron so that the script will go out and change both passwords prior to their expiration. Password aging is as follows on the servers:
HISTSIZE=10 (remembers last 10 passwords, so they cannot be reused)
I think the mkpasswd utility that comes with Expect could be used, but I could use a good example if someone has one to share.
Thanks for any help !!

I have an update on this that I would like to post in hopes of helping others that may be using Expect to automate password changes. I need some help with the looping if anyone has any suggestions. Here is what I have comeup with so far:
1) The shell script for calling the Expect Script is posted below. Basically, the script will read the old password and new password from pass.old and It gets a list of servers, usernames, and sudo accounts from the file servusers which is in the format of:
servername | username | sudo acct
The script then calls the expect script passing.exp and passes information to it required to login, change the password, sudo to a user, and change it's password too. My problem is, the script is not looping. It will read in the first server | user | sudo account from the file and go out and make the change, but when it exits from the first server, it does not move onto the second server in the file which contains a different username and sudo account.
OLDPASS=$(cat ${MYDIR}/pass.old)
set -x
for LINE in $(grep -v "^#" ${MYDIR}/servusers);
SERVER="$(echo "${LINE}" | awk -F\| '{print $1}')"
LOGINUSER="$(echo "${LINE}" | awk -F\| '{print $2}')"
SUDOACCT="$(echo "${LINE}" | awk -F\| '{print $3}')"
2) Below is the passing.exp Expect script that the Shell script above is calling:
#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f -d
# Script Usage: ./passing.exp user sudoacct host oldpass newpass
set force_conservative 0 ;# set to 1 to force conservative mode even if
;# script wasn't run conservatively originally
if {$force_conservative} {
set send_slow {1 .1}
proc send {ignore arg} {
sleep .1
exp_send -s -- $arg
set progname [lrange [split "$argv0" "/"] end end]
if {$argc < 5} {
send_error "$progname: usage: $progname user sudoacct host oldpass newpass\n"
exit 2
set user [lindex $argv 0]
set sudoacct [lindex $argv 1]
set host [lindex $argv 2]
set oldpass [lindex $argv 3]
set newpass [lindex $argv 4]
set timeout -1
spawn $env(SHELL)
match_max 100000
send -- "ssh $user@$host\r"
expect -exact "ssh $user@$host\r
$user@$host's password: "
send -- "$oldpass\r"
expect -exact "\r
\$ "
send -- "passwd $user\r"
expect "assword:"
send -- "$oldpass\r"
expect "assword:"
send -- "$newpass\r"
expect "assword:"
send -- "$newpass\r"
expect -exact "\r
passwd: password successfully changed for $user\r
\$ "
#### SUDO SECTION ####
send -- "sudo su - $sudoacct\r"
expect -exact "sudo su - $sudoacct\r
send -- "$newpass\r"
expect -exact "\r
\$ "
send -- "passwd $sudoacct\r" # Change the password for the sudo account
expect "assword:"
send -- "$oldpass\r"
expect "assword:"
send -- "$newpass\r"
expect "assword:"
send -- "$newpass\r"
expect -exact "\r
passwd: password successfully changed for $sudoacct\r
\$ "
send -- "exit\r"
# expect -exact "exit\r
# \$ "
send -- "exit\r"
expect -exact "exit\r
Connection to $host closed.\r
\$ "
expect eof
Any help on the looping part would be appreciated.

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    set http_proxy_user=
    set http_proxy_pass=
    Then run teacup install expect
    The plink tool from the PuTTY download is also needed. It can be obtained from
    The sample that follows assumes that the data files, script and plink.exe executable all reside in the same directory.
    A sample Tcl script follows that reads a file of devices and a file of commands. It will run the list of commands against each device in the device file. It has some basic error checking, but should best be considered a ‘beta’ version. You could do more complex interactions in the Tcl script by adding exp_send and expect command statements. In short, if you can type it you could script it!
    Change directory to where your script, plink.exe  and data is stored and run with  tclsh <script_name>
    # Comment lines are allowed if they start with a hash mark
    # <IP_Addr> <userid> <password> <ssh|telnet> <timeout_in_secs>
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn    <userid>    <password>  ssh         <timeout_in_secs>
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn    <userid>    <password>  telnet      30
    # term length 0 needed or else IOS will wait for an enter to be pressed at the  --More-- prompts
    term length 0
    show run
    # Run batch commands against one or more devices
    package require Expect
    exp_log_user 0
    set exp_internal 0
    set exp::nt_debug 0
    set prompt "(#\s*$|>\s*$)"
    set env(TERM) dumb
    set file_channel  [open "devices.list" r]
    set DEVICES      [read $file_channel]
    close $file_channel
    set file_channel  [open "commands.list" r]
    set COMMANDS      [read $file_channel]
    close $file_channel
    set command_entries [split $COMMANDS "\n"]
    set device_entries  [split $DEVICES "\n"]
    proc timedout {{msg {none}}} {
          send_user "Timed out (reason: $msg)\n"
          if {[info exists ::expect_out]} { parray ::expect_out }
          exit 1
    foreach device_entry $device_entries {
          if {[string length $device_entry] == 0 || [regexp {[ \t]*#} $device_entry]} { continue }
          set device  [lindex $device_entry 0]
          set user    [lindex $device_entry 1]
          set pass    [lindex $device_entry 2]
          set mode    [lindex $device_entry 3]
          set wait    [lindex $device_entry 4]
          set serial  [lindex $device_entry 5]
          # puts "Device=$device"
          # puts "User=$user"
          # puts "Mode=$mode"
          # puts "Wait=$wait"
          set timeout $wait
          # Spawning the Session
          # If you are logging on to the remote machine using "ssh", "slogin" or "rlogin", the information
          # gets processed in a slightly different manner. With any of these methods, it is necessary to
          # include an additional -l option to specify a username.
          # Next, the $spawn_id variable is captured, storing information about this spawn session in
          # memory for future reference.
          # If you are logging in via Telnet, the final code block in this section is required to pass the
          # username to Telnet. If the login is completed before the script times out, the exp_send command
          # passes the username.
          switch -exact $mode {
                "telnet" { set pid [spawn plink -telnet -l $user $device] }
                "ssh"   { set pid [spawn plink -ssh -l $user -pw $pass $device] }
                "serial" { set pid [spawn plink -serial $serial -l $user -pw $pass $device] }
          set id $spawn_id
          if {$mode == "telnet"} {
                expect -i $id timeout {
                timedout "in user login"
                } eof {
                timedout "spawn failed with eof on login"
                } -re "(login|Username):.*" {
                exp_send -i $id -- "$user\r"
          # Handling Errors
          # The error-handling section of the script is a while loop that anticipates a number of problems
          # that could occur during login. This section is not exhaustive. For example, you could also add
          # provisions for invalid usernames and passwords.
          # If the login is not completed during the allotted time frame, which is set from the devices.list file
          # and specified with expect -i $id timeout, the program displays an appropriate error message.
          # The remainder of this loop makes use of the exp_send command to allow for other scenarios, such
          # as the user typing "yes" when prompted to proceed with the connection, entering a password, or
          # resetting the terminal mode.
          set logged_in 0
          while {!$logged_in} {
                expect -i $id timeout {
                timedout "in while loop"
                } eof {
                timedout "spawn failed with eof"
                } "Store key in cache? (y/n)" {
                exp_send -i $id -- "y\r"
                } -re "\[Pp\]assword:.*" {
                exp_send -i $id -- "$pass\r"
                } "TERM = (*) " {
                exp_send -i $id -- "$env(TERM)\r"
                } -re $prompt {
                set logged_in 1
          foreach command $command_entries {
                if {[string length $command] == 0 || [regexp {[ \t]*#} $command]} { continue }
                # Sending the Request
                # If the login is successful, the code in the if statement below is used to send the "cmd" request
                # to display files and directories. After the request is sent with exp_send, the resulting output
                # is captured in the dir variable, which is set on the fourth line of the code shown below.
                if {$logged_in} {
                      exp_send -i $id -- "$command\r"
                      expect -i $id timeout {timedout "on prompt"} -re $prompt
                      puts "$expect_out(buffer)"
                # Closing the Spawned Session
                # The exp_close command ends the session spawned earlier. Just to be sure that session
                # does indeed close, the exp_wait command causes the script to continue running until a result is
                # obtained from the system processes. If the system hangs, it is likely because exp_close was not
                # able to close the spawned process, and you may need to kill it manually.
          catch { exp_close -i $id }
          exp_wait -i $id
          set logged_in 0
    *** End of Document ***

    Your friend will have to save the templates as CS6, which he can do.

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    Yes, PowerShell is great, since you can quick change your code without compilation.
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    Ideally we should not run the ecatts in the production system as this would hamper the system environment or change systems.
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    sArgs = "-i " & Chr(34) & "'C:\Program Files\Dura Supreme\OrderEntry\RunOrdReports.rss'" & Chr(34) & _
    " -s 'http://walnut/reportserver' -v 'DuraOrderNum=" & _
    Chr(34) & sOrdDuraID & Chr(34) & "' -e Exec2005 -t"
    ShellEx Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\Dura Supreme\OrderEntry\rs.exe" & Chr(34), EShellShowConstants.essSW_SHOWNORMAL, sArgs
    Jim M.

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    The path for rs.exe includes spaces, you should set it in hyphen, as you already did for file "RunOrdReports.rss" in variable "sArgs2
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    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    Hi Thoa,
    This is a general DB question. Try posting your question to that forum:
    General Database Discussions
    Thanks, Mark

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    an real measurement on startup.
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    Can I fill "DeviceParam1V" with content of a variable?
    I could use a input channel connected with a formula-block for it. (The
    formula-block can read a variable.) But this way is uncomfortable an
    don't work for input blocks.
    Martin Bohm
    [email protected]

    Because the DAC Script is executed in its own runtime environment you cannot use the DIAdem variables as in a normal VBS or a SUD.
    Still, there are ways to exchange information.
    First of all by an extra channel as Input (you named it)
    Secondly, there are several variables you can use. Have a look at the Script DAC block. There are two fields called Parameter1 and Parameter2. And each signal you configure has a parameter of its own.
    Prior to starting the scheme, you can use a script to change the value of those parameters:
    Call DACObjOpen("Script-in1")
      VBSSignalParam(1) = "abc"
    Call DACObjClose("Script-in1")
    Is changing the parameter of the first signal that is configured.
    Call DACObjOpen("Script-in1")
      VBSParameter1 = "1st device parameter"
      VBSParameter2 = "2nd device parameter"
    Call DACObjClose("Script-in1")
    is changing the global device parameters.
    On the side of the Script DAC driver VBS you cann use the paramP funtion to access the signal parameter that corresponds to the actual channel (as referenced by ChannelnumberP)
    ' SFD_ReadChannel
    ' Zweck               : Lesen eines Wertes für den Kanal "ChannelNumberP"
    ' ChannelNumberP      | Kanalnummer aus dem Block-Dialog
    ' ParamP              | Vom Anwender definierte Variable aus dem Block-Dialog
    ' DataP               | Variable zur Rückgabe des neuen Kanalwertes. Diese
    '                     | Variable sollte zumindest auf einen gültigen Wert
    '                     | initialisiert werden.
    ' ErrorP              | Variable zur Rückgabe einer Fehlermeldung. Wird diese
    '                     | Variable gesetzt, stoppt DIAdem die Messung
    Sub SFD_ReadChannel( ChannelNumberP, ParamP, DataP, ErrorP )
    End Sub
    To acces the device Parameters, use the init function:
    ' SFD_Init
    ' Zweck               : Diese Prozedur wird während des Messungsstarts aufgerufen
    ' DeviceParam1V       | Erster Parameter, der vom Anwender im DAC-Block
    '                     | eingegeben werden kann
    ' DeviceParam2V       | Zweiter Parameter, der vom Anwender im DAC-Block
    '                     | eingegeben werden kann
    ' ErrorP              | Variable zur Rückgabe einer Fehlermeldung. Wird diese
    '                     | Variable gesetzt, stoppt DIAdem die Messung
    Sub SFD_Init( DeviceParam1V, DeviceParam2V, ErrorP )
    End Sub
    Ingo Schumacher
    Systems Engineer Sound&VibrationNational Instruments Germany

  • Execution of Coded UI scripts with least possible test execution time in Windows7 Operating system using Visual Studio Test Agent 2010 without VS2010 installed

    Hi All,
    We are trying to execute coded UI scripts without Visual Studio installed. We are using “Visual Studio Test Agent 2010” for executing coded UI scripts without VS2010 in Windows 7, it is working fine. Also we verified executing the same script with VS2010
    Premium, it works fine as well.
    Here the challenge we are facing is with the Test execution time.
    When we run the coded UI script with IE11-Windows 7 OS-Visual Studio 2010 Premium it takes
    3min 36sec to complete the execution whereas with IE11-Windows 7 OS-Visual Studio Test Agent 2010  it takes
    6min 40sec for the same script to execute (which is almost double the time it takes while executing using VS2010).
    My question is what may be the reason for this difference? and how we can reduce the test execution time when running from Test Agent 2010?
    Kindly let us know what is the best practice to execute the coded UI scripts with least test execution time in Windows 7 Operating system using Visual Studio Test Agent 2010 without VS2010
    Looking forward for your positive response.
    Thanks in advance..!!

    Tina-Shi, Thanks for the information.
    As you mentioned, we tried to execute the coded UI test using Mstest.exe in command on VS2010 Premium and checked on the execution
    time, there was a slight difference.
    Please find below execution time.
    Using Mstest.exe in command on VS2010 Premium/Win7 – 3.47 minutes
    Using VS2010 Premium/Win7 – 3.53 minutes
    Using Test Agent/Win7 – 7.3 minutes
    Also, I closed all the other processes in Task manager before starting up the execution.
    Still , I am facing the same Issue. Could you please suggest any other way to reduce the scripting time of coded UI script execution
    through Test agent 2010.
    Looking forward for your earliest response.

  • SQL script with a prompt functionality.

    Hello experts,
    I tried searching this on the net but was unsucessful...
    Bascially I need to update an sql script with a prompt functionality..Basically I would like a user prompt that would enter 'Yes or No' to compile invalid objects using utlrp.
    If Yes, it should compile it
    If No it should exit out...
    Can anyone please help.. Need to do this today.
    Edited by: user568296 on Oct 2, 2009 8:18 AM

    As someone suggested, you're probably better off doing this at the OS level.
    SQL*Plus does not have any good mechanism for conditional branching. One trick you can do in SQL*Plus is to run one script from another by saying <tt>@@filename</tt>. By using a substitution variable (which can be defined based on the results of a query) in place of a literal filename, you can make this dynamic.
    For example, the following script runs either
    recompile.sql or
    based on the answer to a prompt:
    ACCEPT     recompile_now      PROMPT        'Do you want to recompile objects now?  '
    COLUMN     next_script_col        NEW_VAL next_script
    SELECT     CASE     
              WHEN  UPPER ('&recompile_now') LIKE 'Y%'
              THEN  'recompile'
              ELSE  'goodbye'
         END     AS next_script_col
    FROM     dual;
    @@&next_script<tt>@@filename</tt> assumes filename.sql is on the same directory as the calling script. You could also give a full path name using only one @-sign:

  • Remote Execution of a script with Get-Child Item cannot find path

    I have been tackling this problem for a few days now and I just can't find the answer.
    I want to execute scripts remotely in parallel so that each of remote machine will run the script with their own resources.
    Below is just the simple script in the local machine server1
    $Folder = \\server1\folder\subfolder
    GCI $folder
    It works fine it I call that through my client with this I am using in my client
    invoke-command -computername server -scriptblock {powershell.exe C:\filepath\script.ps1}
    But if I change the script inside to look at another machine server 2 and do
    $folder = \\server2\folder\subfolder
    It generates an error that it cannot find that path when trying to call GCI remotely. Note that it still works if the script is run locally.
    I did some research and I see about the double-hop using credssp but I just can't get it to work.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Each system that you're remoting into (or calling Invoke-Command against) will need to have the WSManCredSSP server role enabled. You can do this through group policy, or you can do it on a per-machine basis. Here's what you would run on a computer if you
    want to only enable it on certain computers (you should be able to run this remotely):
    Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server
    The system that you're running everything from will be the CredSSP client. You'll need to run this from it:
    Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer *
    You'll need to change the '' to your domain name (or, you could simply put a * for the delegate computer, just be aware that this will allow your computer to pass credentials along to any computer when you tell a cmdlet to use CredSSP authentication).
    Now, to use Invoke-Command, do this:
    $cred = Get-Credential
    Invoke-Command -computername -scriptblock {"Commands go here"} -Authentication CredSSP -Credential $cred
    Notice that the -ComputerName parameter is using a fully qualified domain name. If your -DelegateComputer parameter above used a domain name, you'll have to have the FQDN here.
    Let me know if that works for you. If you want more information, you can check out the Enable-WSManCredSSP and Disable-WSManCredSSP help topics.
    Hi Rohn,
    I tried doing your instruction but it gives me this error
    Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot process the request because the server name cannot be resolved. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
    After enabling the client and server with the wsmancredssp
    Here is the command I executed that produced the error
    invoke-command -computername server01.domain01 -scriptblock {get-process} -authentication credssp -credential $cred.
    Thank you very much for all the help.

  • What is the best way to run a powershell script with parameters in the Task Scheduler?

    Want to run the following from a scheduled task in the Task Scheduler on a server.  What is the best approach?
    .\pscript.ps1 -csvfile "\\Srv1\Share\File.txt"
    Thanks for your help! SdeDot

    To run a powershell script with parameters in the Task Scheduler:
    Program: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
    Add argument (optional): -Command "& c:\scripts\test.ps1 -par1 2 -par2 3"
    Hope the below two articles be helpful for you:
    Schedule PowerShell Scripts that Require Input Values
    How to Schedule a PowerShell Script
    Yan Li
    Regards, Yan Li

  • I have a bare minimum script with the following line (also had the line echo Hello World, but removed for simplicity).

    I have a bare minimum script with the following line (also had the line echo Hello World, but removed for simplicity).
    #!/bin/sh  <-- only line of code currently in the file
    when I try to run, I get the following error.  Likewise if the line is #!/bin/bash, but /bin/bash is then the bad interpreter.
    -bash: ./ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted
    I'm running from a terminal window.
    Any helpful hints for resolution?  Thank you in advance.

    I did some more searching and found the answer here:
    I obtained TextWrangler and recreated the file.
    Thank you for your input.

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    Anybody have a good refrence.
    Please Share.

    Sorry for misspell in thread heading.

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    I have a Sony car stereo with the Xplod adapter that allows me to hook up my iPod to my stereo and control it from there. After the recent update to OS 4.0 this no longer works. Now when I plug it in; the iPod stops playing sound through it's speaker

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    Hi, I have couple of questions to all OTL gurus.. 1. Can a custom LOV be defaulted with some value which can also be overwritten by the user action? 2.Can a package choice list be hidden and still be executed as it is a mandatory parameter for eg:Hou

  • Home Hub 3.0B Management interface unresponsive.

    This month (2 weeks ago) I upgraded to Infinity 2 and got a new Home Hub 3.0 Type B. I was able to get it all working as I wanted to - home network using (because of conflicts with vpning into work which already routes 192.168./16 and 1

  • Web sites

    when opening web sites they do not display correctly and I am asked to continually confirm that I accept sites authenticity. How do I delete this program?

  • How do you open  the pallet/styles/ box or any other if it gets closed

    my nephew has closed my pallet/styles box which i have never closed and have no clue how to reopen it. as my nephew is 4yrs old he wasn't of much help either. i can find nothing anywhere in photoshop CS2 version that allows me to reopen that or any o