ScriptingBridge with mail - how to add NSImage to content?

I want to create method for "share to mail" ability. It should work like NSSharingService when you choose mail from the list. I have NSImage and I want to create empty mail message only with image in content. I have code:
    MailApplication *mail = [SBApplication
    MailOutgoingMessage *emailMessage =
    [[[mail classForScriptingClass:@"outgoing message"] alloc]
     [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
      @"this is my subject", @"subject",
      @"this is my content", @"content",
    [[mail outgoingMessages] addObject: emailMessage];
    emailMessage.visible = YES;
    NSString *attachmentFilePath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:"<my provided file path>"];
    if ( [attachmentFilePath length] > 0 ) {
        MailAttachment *theAttachment = [[[mail
                                           classForScriptingClass:@"attachment"] alloc]
                                         [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                          attachmentFilePath, @"fileName",
        [[emailMessage.content attachments] addObject: theAttachment];
    [emailMessage visible];
And earlier I have created NSImage (NSOpenGLView->glReadPixels->NSBitmapImageRep->NSImage). And now I want to add that NSImage as image in mail's message's content to get result like that:
What should I do?

I figured out. I had to write NSImage to temporary file, then add that file as attachment. Writing to temporary file is done like usually writing to file, just need to get temp directory. And it can be done like that:
          NSString *_temporary_directory = NSTemporaryDirectory();

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    WPQ2FormCtx.ItemContentTypeId will give the content type ID of the item in each of the forms newform.aspx, ediform.aspx and displayform.aspx. You can also use WPQ2FormCtx.ItemContentTypeName, if you want to compare name instead of Id. Here is a JQuery
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        if(WPQ2FormCtx.ItemContentTypeId == '0x010400C36D463A4788AD4AAF5F85C02DA29F8E') {
    Note that this script assumes the JQuery is already referenced in the site. You can place above code in Script Editor web part in each of the forms. 
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    *** Created service: -677524827 - oracle.jpub.runtime.dbws.DbwsProxy$ServiceProxy@562bd0c4 ***
    ServiceProxy.get(-677524827) = oracle.jpub.runtime.dbws.DbwsProxy$ServiceProxy@562bd0c4
    getOperationInfo return NULL: port={}BasicHttpBinding_Service, operation={}GetLov
    setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.soap.http.soapaction.use, true)
    setProperty(, DefaultUser)
    setProperty(, MySecretPassword)
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    Attribute 0: xmlns,
    Attribute 0: xmlns,
    dbwsproxy.element.node.child.0: 1, null d4p1,
    Attribute 0: xmlns:d4p1, i,
    Attribute 1: xmlns:i,
    dbwsproxy.add.soap.element.namespace: d4p1,
    Attribute 0: xmlns:d4p1,
    dbwsproxy.add.soap.element.namespace: i,
    Attribute 1: xmlns:i,
    dbwsproxy.element.node.child.0: 1, null d4p1,
    dbwsproxy.text.node.child.0: 3, E01306
    dbwsproxy.element.node.child.1: 1, null d4p1,
    dbwsproxy.text.node.child.0: 3, ENG
    dbwsproxy.element.node.child.2: 1, null d4p1,
    dbwsproxy.text.node.child.0: 3, tesr
    <GetLOV xmlns="">
    <request xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    13.05.2010 14:17:28 infoAboutToInvokeCallForEndpoint
    INFO: Trying to connect to URL: https://x.y.z/WS/ Service.svc
    13.05.2010 14:17:30 _sendImpl
    FINE: StreamingSender.request:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><env:Body><GetLOV xmlns=""><request xmlns:i="" xmlns:d4p1=""><d4p1:AgentCode>AGENT</d4p1:AgentCode><d4p1:Language>ENG</d4p1:Language><d4p1:ProcessName>test</d4p1:ProcessName></request></GetLOV></env:Body></env:Envelope>
    13.05.2010 14:17:30 _sendImpl
    FINE: StreamingSender.response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s:Body><s:Fault><faultcode xmlns:a="">a:InternalServiceFault</faultcode><faultstring xml:lang="et-EE">The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the &lt;serviceDebug&gt; configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.</faultstring></s:Fault></s:Body></s:Envelope>
    Exception in thread "Root Thread" javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.
         at oracle.jpub.runtime.dbws.DbwsProxy$CallProxy.invokeProxy(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.jpub.runtime.dbws.DbwsProxy$CallProxy.access$2600(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.jpub.runtime.dbws.DbwsProxy.invokeProxy(Unknown Source)

    HTTP is HTPP... mostly.
    In other words, the application protocol is stand and specified in RFC2616 (
    The exception is specific proprietary extensions.. like for example Microsoft's NTLM authentication handshake.
    The UTL_HTTP interface supports the protocol pretty well as per the protocol's specification. So using it to interact with a a web service should not be a major issue. The protocol is standard (e.g. POST command is used to supply the payload to the web service). The only real issue is formatting the payload for that as per what the web service expect. And that has nothing to do with HTTP itself - or UTL_HTTP. It is simply the delivering mechanism.
    Getting that mechanism to work is fairly easy and should not pose a problem. Instead I suggest you focus on exactly how the HTTP payload needs to look like. Does that web service expects any specific name-values in the header? What does it expect in the body? Etc.

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    Thanks that worked! Although I will have to re-create my child pages and re-link my style sheets and scripts.  But that will not be too difficult as I have not yet added any content to them and is a very small price to pay for the answer to my bigger problem.  What is a bit quirky is that I did try to create a test .php template but when I saved it, DW did not automatically add the .php to the end after .dwt. but rather just named it test.php. I didn't think to just rename it since I had read that it would add it automatically so I thought I was doing something wrong.
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    Add Button to ALV Toolbar with REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY
    How to add button to ALV toolbar using REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY?
    In the program which calls ALV using REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY,
    I have to add a new button.
    I saw the demo program BCALV_GRID_08, which is written using ABAP-Controls.
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    Could you help me to implement the same logic using REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY parameters.
    you should copy the 'STANDARD' GUI status from program SAPLKKBL using transaction SE90 >Programming SubObjects> Gui Status.
    Execute this transaction to get to next screen. select status using checkbox. click on GUI Status --> Copy.
    Enter your Z program name and the name you what for this status - you can keep it as 'STANDARD' to be simple.
    Then you can edit the new status to add or delete buttons. This will also bring in the standard SAP ALV functionality such as sorting/subtotaling etc...
    When you call 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' make sure you pass it the new status name.
    an example of one of mine:
    call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
    i_callback_program = 'ZSDBOLST_REPORT'
    i_callback_pf_status_set = 'STANDARD' <----
    i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
    i_structure_name = 'I_BOLACT'
    i_grid_title = 'BOL Action Report'(031)
    is_layout = gs_layout
    it_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat[]
    i_save = 'A'
    is_variant = v_variant
    t_outtab = i_bolact
    program_error = 1
    others = 2.
    I just tried the same procedure ,but my entire application toolbar disappeared and a lock icon appears next to the application toolbar in my copied pf-status.
    Could you advice what might have gone wrong ?
    As identified with the FM's help you can do the following.
    1). Using SE80 (I think) you can copy a GUI status from one program to another. It mentions which one in the FM's help.
    2). Create a form named like so:
    FORM set_pf_status USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
    ENDFORM. "Set_pf_status
    In the above case the GUI status copied was named ZSTANDARD and adjusted accordingly, adding and removing the desired buttons. A button was added called '%DELETE'.
    3). Create the following report:
    Form User_command
    Notes: Called by FM REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY
           Detects whether the icon/button for
           'Return Tag Deletion' has been pressed. If it has then
           detect whether any rows have been highlighted and then
           set the delete flag.
    FORM user_command USING r_ucomm     LIKE sy-ucomm
                            rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    DATA: li_count TYPE I.
    IF r_ucomm EQ '%DELETE'.
      LOOP AT %g00 WHERE mark EQ 'X'.
        ADD 1 TO li_count.
      IF li_count GT 0.
        gc_delete_flag = 'X'.
        r_ucomm = '&F03'. "Back arraow
        MESSAGE W000 WITH 'Please highlight the rows to be deleted!'.
    ENDFORM.  "User_command
    As I've added an extra button to indicate which records should be deleted I need to identify a form to be called to process when this button is chosen.
    Then when you call the ALV function you to specify the following extra details:
        call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
             exporting  i_callback_program = gc_repid
                        I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
                        I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND  = 'USER_COMMAND'
                        i_grid_title       = lc_grid_title
                        is_layout          = lc_layout
                        it_fieldcat        = gt_fieldcat
                        it_sort            = sort
                        i_save             = l_save
                        is_reprep_id       = l_bbs_id
                        is_variant         = l_variant
             tables     t_outtab           = %g00
             exceptions program_error      = 1
                        others             = 2.
    The parameters in capitals are the extra ones that need to be added.
    That should be it!
    Make you sure that you also read the help against the ALV function.
    Please chk the below link which is in PDF format
    And also please chk the link
    Reward if useful.

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    I'll never use Apple's mail program again. If you are using it. watch out. You could be losing emails and not have a clue that it's happening

    Describe how Apple has anything to do with your problem. You're ranting and randomly blaming them for a problem, without a shred of evidence. Mail send mail perfectly fine, whether or not it gets delivered is out of your control once that's done, and Apple isn't involved.
    And what about this recent update to Mail that Yahoo! (and you) are blaming for this problem? If you had a clue, you'd know there has been no update to Mail for several years. As if that wasn't enough evidence of their not being a problem with Mail, how do you account for the millions of users who have no such problems? Luck? No, it's because there is no problem with Mail.
    Before you start randomly blaming parties for things that haven't happened or aren't in control of the supposed issue, know what you're talking about. It's obvious you haven't a clue about this.

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    How to link an 'Exchange Lab' email account or make sure my existing hotmail account is still linked properly?
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    Unless Hotmail is required under EU law to provide their full service free of charge, you'd have to have a paid Hotmail account to be able to send and receive email with Mail.
    As for the Exchange Labs, that's something your university is doing, so you'd need to call their student computing helpdesk for the settings to enter in Mail to setup your account for that. You can't link these two accounts, but you can have Mail send and receive messages through both accounts individually, assuming you meet the requirements and have them setup properly. It's not hard, you just need to get the necessary info from your university IT department, as well as have POP access to your Hotmail account, which they do charge for in the U.S.

  • My ISP tells me I need to I need to change the port to send/receive e-mails, but I can't remember my Mail password to add an account. How can I proceed without the password?

    My ISP tells me I need to change the port to send/receive mail, as the current port is going to be disabled for security reasons. But I can't remember my Mail password to add an account. How can I add an account when I don't remember my password? It's been several years.

    your email password is with your ISP so they can help. but if it is saved in the email app you can just change the ports in the preferneces without a password.

Maybe you are looking for