SD/MMC reader doesn't ''exist''! on Compaq 515

I don't really know how to express my angry on this forum, I'm tired of extremely bad HP's site usability, is just a mess to find solutions for my product, there are BUTTONS EVERYWHERE, contact hp here, contact here,  and the best of all is that redirects you to a different solutions page that you have no idea, after all, nothing for what I'm trying to find...
My SD/MMC on my recently bought  notebook Compaq 515 VX366LA doesn't appear anywhere on Windows 7, neither on driver manager, no driver, no controller, no sign of nothing, my question is, WHY THE HECK TheY PUT AN sd mmc card reader slot on a NOTEBOOK IF IT WON'T WORK?
I wanted a note with bluetooth so I could easily transfer my files from office, but I liked this notebook (which doesn't have btooth) because I noticed on HP's official product page that it "comes" with expansion features: Secure Digital (SD) MultiMediaCard (MMC) so I thought I could use sd memory cards, but after all, having trying hours with different adapters it has just made me desperate about this. I also read this 'Using and Troubleshooting Memory Card Readers' (I don't remember how I get there, I think via google) and tried all but steps but nothing.. 
I installed and tried with several drivers that also doesn't belong to my 515, (RICOH, Texas Instrument, etc) but nothing. I have to say, it is just SHAME from you, I spent money on this note because I thought would be useful, but after all, HP Support Assistant is worst... 
This is the end, I know nobody won't read this stuff and less HP, which should be shame on them, I'm very angry and stressed I was close to hit the lcd screen. 
Bad, bad, bad, I think HP should retire Compaq from their menu.

Not sure if this applies to your particular case, but look in Control Panel, Folder Options and unselect "Hide empty drives'.Or similiar wording, I'm not on my Win 7 laptop at the moment to check exact phrase.
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    Maracles, is this still an issue?
    Ed Price, SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

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    Your first statement explains the second statement. To use the German iTunes Store, you need to prove that you're a resident of Germany (that is required by the content owners who will not allow cross-border sales) and the only way Apple can provide such a verification is by requiring that you enter in either a German credit card or a German-purchased iTunes prepaid card. Since I presume the former is not a possibility, you'll need to do the latter if you wish to purchase content from the iTunes Store. Again, this is not Apple's choice but is forced on them by the content owners as a requirement for Apple being allowed to sell the content. The EU is working on regulations that would force the content owners to allow access pan-EU, but that's still in the works.
    You do not need an iTunes Store account to activate and run your iPad, though; at least, I didn't need one for either of my two iPads. If you only want to set up an account so you can get free iPad apps, take a look here:
    Read the steps carefully as the order in which you follow them is apparently critical. This seems to come and go, or only apply to App Stores in specific countries, so you may not see the option for "None" when asked for a payment type.
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    As stated in the terms of use to which we all agreed, this isn't a complaint forum, it's a technical support forum. You don't have to be full of "happy joy sparkles", but posts that are nothing but complaints may indeed be removed. If you want to complain to Apple, use the feedback pages.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

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    Hello mushysun,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    If you did not sign out of your Apple ID on your iPhone before creating a new one, then you will need to sign back in with your previous Apple ID and then sign out.  If you do not remember your password and do not have access to the email account, then you can reset your password by using the security questions.
    If you forgot your Apple ID password - Apple Support
    Have a great weekend,
    Alex H.

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    Machine #1:
    XP Pro
    Was IE7, now latest FF
    No antivirus
    Firewall – Windows Firewall, Downloaded AVG free trial ver., but not installed
    Machine #2:
    XP Pro
    Again, No AV… had Kaspersky… but uninstalled it
    Windows Firewall
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    It's not the AppleScript that's failing, but more likely the shell script.
    It's likely that AppleScript is calling the file just fine, but is failing because it can't find a file. That error gets passed back to AppleScript, and AppleScript reports it to you as the user.
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    #! perl
    will work when called from your shell, but may fail when called from do shell script if the $PATH isn't configured.
    The solution? Look at the and make sure you're using absolute paths where necessary - at the very least it'll need a full path for /usr/bin/perl, but maybe also other files referenced by the script.

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    This worked...found on a prior discussion:
    Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from the following page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page)...
    From the link above (near the top of the page)....Under 'download locations'   click on 'download@majorgeeks'
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    Restart your computer.
    Re-download Itunes (latest version form Itunes website) and install.  It worked!

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    I m getting the error 'Source Directory doesn't exist' in sender file adapter.
    The source file directory doesn't exist in XI Server. Its in a different system.
    gone through other sdn t hreads.
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    1. either to mount the Source Directory on the XI Server.
    2. Install a FTP server and use FTP protocol.
    My doubt is that, could nt we give necessary access rights to the XIAFUSER whihc will access the Source Directory?
    Wont it be sufficient?

    Hi Aarthi,
    If you are using system other than XI, then you have to use FTP server
    else check you have proper authorization of read/write to the source directory...
    and check the name of it as well, as it is case sensetive and you have provided the proper details of server.
    check these blog as well...
    Edited by: Sachin Dhingra on Mar 24, 2009 12:16 PM

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    BPC 7.5 SP3, MS SQL 2005
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    Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ItemNotFoundException: The "Dimension" with "ID" = PROFITCENTER doesn't exist in the collection.
    The ProfitCenter dimension is one of the application's dimensions.
    I can process the ProfitCenter dimension and process this application as part of the dimension processing and it is successful.
    I can optimize this application and it is successful.
    The application appears to be working properly.
    I can open the cube in SQL Server Analysis Services and I can see the ProfitCenter dimension and browse its members.  I can open the application cube and browse it.
    I checked the profitcenter dimension member table and compared it to the fact tables and all the facts are base level members that are not calculated members.
    Has anyone seen this error?  Is this just a spurious message I can ignore or is there something really wrong?

    We were able to solve this issue today.  We turned off Insight and reprocessed the application.  The error did not appear.  I hope this works for you too.

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    your link gave me a good starting place...
    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchSe rvices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -R -all -domain local -domain system -domain user
    this seemed to do the trick... I would have never have solved this without your suggestion.

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    Help! I can't acces my apple id. It keeps saying my apple id doesn't exist. What do I do?

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