Search JTree for a node

Hi everyone,
Lets say I have a JTree such as:
Now is there a method which given the name of a node, eg. Child1_1 can go and get that node? By get i mean i have the above tree then i say:
currentNode = Child1_1;
I know there are methods that can do this if the node has been selected but in my case it has to be done without the node being selected.
Hope i've made it clear!

There is no such built-in method because it all depends on what kind of node you use. The String (name) representing a node is really a rendering thing.
Assuming you're using a DefaultTreeModel with DefaultMutableTreeNodes :public static TreeNode findNode(JTree aTree, Object aUserObject) {
     if (aTree == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passed tree is null");
     if (aUserObject == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passed user object is null");
     DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)aTree.getModel().getRoot();
     return findNodeImpl(node, aUserObject);
private static DefaultMutableTreeNode findNodeImpl(DefaultMutableTreeNode aNode, Object aUserObject) {
     if (aNode.getUserObject().equals(aUserObject)) return aNode;
     int childCount = aNode.getChildCount();
     for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
          DefaultMutableTreeNode child = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)aNode.getChildAt(i);
          DefaultMutableTreeNode result = findNodeImpl(child, aUserObject);
          if (result != null) return result;
     return null;

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    one more thing i will like to add here is in BW 7.3 you get a new security admin feature that allows you to make mass changes to authorizations instead of one-by-one. This can be done by cut-and-paste in a worklist, hierarchy nodes, and you can also add users to multiple analysis authorizations.
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    From the JTree.setRowHeight documentation:
    "Sets the height of each cell, in pixels. If the specified value is less than or equal to zero the current cell renderer is queried for each row's height."
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    Did you read the section on [url]Customizing a Tree's Display?
    And did you follow the link on renderers?

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    ----> orange
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    To search for a node in a JTree, you may use the breadthFirstEnumeration() method of the DefaultMutableTreeNode and then iterate through that enumeration until the desired node is found or the node is not found.
    You need to have a reference to the Root of the tree as a DefaultMutableTreeNode where the seacrh will begin.
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    DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(.....);
    java.util.Enumeration enum = root.breadthFirstEnumeration();
    DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) enum.nextElement();
    //you have found the node in the tree
    //you can get the parent using the getParent on this node as well
    //if you want the search path as well
    //if you reach here, the desired node is not in the tree
    mail me in case of problem : [email protected]

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    I think I won't be able to use this way. What do you say?
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    SID     VARBL     VALUE     LANGU     VTEXT
    ADS     $WERKS     1     T     Werk 0001
    ADS     $WERKS     11     T     OZYAS  GIDA URETIM YERI
    ADS     $WERKS     5501     T     BOYA GEBZE FABRİKASI
    ADS     $WERKS     5502     T     BOYA CIGLI FABRİKASI
    AGT     $WERKS     2301     T     KAMLI DAMIZLIK
    AGT     $WERKS     9601     T     PANAR DENIZ URETIM YERI
    ADS     $VKORG     22     T     AA KİMYASALLAR
    ADS     $VKORG     8001     T     İINSAAT BOYALARI
    AGT     $VKORG     6500     T     DAMk St.Org
    AGT     $VKORG     5400     T     PANAR St.Org.
    I wish I'm clear enough..
    I will be gald if someone answers me as soon as possible...
    Thanks İn advance..

    Your ques is how to refer to a DDIC search help to refer to selection screen parameter ?
    Am I right ?
    If Yes, then in the interface IF_WD_SELECT_OPTIONS
    etc which may help you to link your create DDIC Search help to selection screen params.
    this is just a clue from my side. I haven't tried it myself.
    You can go to the where used list of this method and find some sample implementations which use these params.
    Hope this helps.
    Manas Dua

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    For the Ship-to party field (in item detail )  on webui when i do a F4 help i get the pop up with various search criteria and  for the field Role the default value is "Ship-to party".  which is visible. we need to change this default value to Prospect which is available in drop down.
    The attribute is STRUCT.ROLE  and view BP_HEAD_SEARCH/SearchHelp . The method GET_DQUERY_VALUEHELPS  from the context node class is called to fill the value help for this attribute, but i dont understand how the ship-to party is filled as default. There is no code in this method to default the value.
    The generic GET_V_S_STRUCT method also does not default the Ship-to party on this field.
    I want to understand how this Ship-to party is filled by default and how can i change this to prospect..
    Many Thanks,

    We had a same requirement of defaulting Sales org and division in search criteria for a specific value.
    this can be doen by redefining "DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT" method in IMPL class for the respective view.
    See the code:
    METHOD do_prepare_output.
    **    iv_first_time = ABAP_FALSE
        lr_qs TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_dquery_service.
    * Get current query object
      lr_qs ?= me->typed_context->search->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
      IF iv_first_time = abap_true.
        lr_qs->clear_selection_param_values( ).
        lr_qs->delete_empty_selection_params( ).
    *   if l_sales_orgs is initial.
        CALL METHOD lr_qs->insert_selection_param
            iv_index     = '1'
            iv_attr_name = 'SALES_ORG'
            iv_sign      = ' '
            iv_option    = 'EQ'
            iv_low       = 'O 50000514'.
    *   endif.
    *   if l_dist_chan is initial.
        CALL METHOD lr_qs->insert_selection_param
            iv_index     = '2'
            iv_attr_name = 'DISTR_CHAN'
            iv_sign      = ' '
            iv_option    = 'EQ'
            iv_low       = '01'.
    * endif.
    Hope this will help..
    THanks & Regards,

  • Freely Programmed search help - Accessing Alternative node

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to use Freely Programmed search help for calling a custom WD component on pressing of F4 of an input field.
    I have done everything required and the component is being called properly as well.
    The issue here is that i need to pass two values to the the custom WD component on F4. As suggested in one of the threads I used F4_CONTEXT_ELEMENT to get the reference of the source context node and attributes. But the problem is that this gives reference to only that node which has the input field with F4 help (which is being used to call the custom component). The values which i need to pass are present in some other node.
    Can you please suggest a way of accessing the other node to retrieve and use the values in the custom component called?
    Edited by: Ritvik Prasad on Mar 31, 2010 5:16 AM

    Hi Manas,
    Thanks for the suggestion. I had thought about it too. But the problem that i faced was that no event is triggered/Method called on pressing of F4 on that input field (its internally handled in the framework). In that case what should be the method/event where i should copy the values from the other node to the new attributes created so that it reflects in the Custom component?.
    If you could just elaborate on that it would be really helpful.
    Hi Chris,
    Thanks a lot for this. That actually sounds like fun. I tried looking for options to do that. Although i can get to the node from the element using "GET_NODE" but there I could not find the method "GET_PARENT_ELEMENT" to get the parent element (context as you said). Is there any other method which could possibly return the parent element which i could eventually use to get to the other node.
    It would be great if you could help out with this.
    Thanks ,

  • Change search help for each line of a web dynpro table

    Hi all i have got the following code to dynamically change the search help of a single field on a web dynpro app and was just wondering if anyone could show me the code for implementing it onto a table so that the same field on each row has a different search help assigned to it!
    CALL METHOD node_info->set_attribute_value_help
    name = 'DEPT'
    value_help_mode = '121'
    value_help = 'PREMN'.

    it is possible to have different search help for same table column for different context elements i.e. table lines. the way to acheive this is by using cell variants in table column.
    Steps to follow:
    1. In your table column insert cell variant. Depending upon number of variations for search help, insert that number of cell variants in table column
    2. Enter the value of variant key property of each cell variant for ex. 01 for first cell variant and 02 for second cell variant
    3. Insert cell editor for each of cell variant. for ex. if you have 2 different search helps for single column then insert two cell variant in table column and for each cell variant insert cell editor, let say input field in this case
    4. Bind the value property of each input field to different context attribute of the node. for ex: you have table with two columns i.e. Dynamic and fldate
    .  First column is Dynamic. It will have two cell variants and each cell variant have cell editor of type input field  i.e. depending upon the value of second column i.e. fldate, the search help of first column will be decided.
    5.  Create context node from structure "SFLIGHT" and select 3 components from structure i.e. Carrid, connid, fldate. Add another context attribute to same context node i.e. selected_cell_variant of type string
    6. Bind each of context attribute carrid and coonid to value property of cell editor i.e. input field of cell vairaints from column Dynamic
    7. Bind value property of cell editor i.e. input field of fldate column to context attribute fldate
    8.. Bind selectedCellVariant property of table column Dynamic to context attribute selected_cell_variant
    9. Now, Write method at the wddoinit of view to fill up the context node from table sflight table
    10.  Write event handler for event OnEnter of cell editor from table column FLDATE. in this event handler depnding upon the date set the value of context attribute "selected_cell_variant" to 01 or 02
    DATA lv_date TYPE S_DATE.
      ASSERT CONDITION context_element IS NOT INITIAL. " context_element is default paramter for event handler
          name  = 'FLDATE'    " NAME
          value = lv_date    " DATA
      IF lv_date > '20101016'.
            value =  '01'   " Attribute Value
            name  = 'SELECTED_CELL_VARIANT'     " Web Dynpro: Name of Context Element
            value =  '02'   " Attribute Value
            name  = 'SELECTED_CELL_VARIANT'     " Web Dynpro: Name of Context Element
    11. Depending upon the value of selectedCellVariant the corresponding search help will show up in table column. So change the value of column fldate for each table row and see how search help gets changed.
    Edited by: Rahul Yadav on Oct 17, 2010 12:09 AM

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