Seem to have lost all menue and toolbars - including my URL box

I was busy trying to delete some tool bars that I didn't want on my browser and in the process ended up deleting ALL my toolbars and menue bars somehow! I don't even have the URL box to type website addresses.
== User Agent ==
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.4; InfoPath.2)

'''Alt V, T, M'''
Do this key combination in a new blank tab.

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    - Try restoring from a backup that include the photos. See the restore topic of:
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    If those tabs aren't in History > Recently Closed Tabs or Windows then they are probably lost.
    You can try to search them in the History if you haven't bookmarked them.
    Using the "Show my windows and tabs from last time" setting is a more reliable way to restore session data.
    * Tools > Options > General > Startup: "When Firefox Starts": "Show my windows and tabs from last time"

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    restore from your backup.  IF you don't have a backup then your pics are gone.
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    <u>'''Can't see the Menu Bar'''</u> (File, Edit, View, History...Help)? Hold down the key ( key in OSX) and press the following letters in this exact order: V T M
    The Menu Bar should now be displayed permanently, unless you turn it off again (View > Toolbars). Turning the Menu Bar on and off is a new feature in version 3.6.
    <u>'''See other bars'''</u> under View > Toolbars. Clicking on one of them will place a check mark (display) or remove the check mark (not displayed).
    <u>'''To display the Status Bar'''</u>, View, then click Status bar to place a check mark (display) or remove the check mark (not displayed).
    <u>'''Full Screen mode'''</u>
    Also see:
    ''' [[Back and forward or other toolbar buttons are missing]]'''
    '''[[Navigation Toolbar items]]'''
    <u>'''''Other Issues''''': to correct security/stability issues</u>
    <u>'''Update Java'''</u>: your version 1.6.0_19; current version (<u>important security update 04-15-2010</u>)
    ''(Windows users: Do the manual update; very easy.)''
    See: '''[ Updating Java]'''
    Do the update with Firefox closed.

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    Is this the note you are referring to:
    Not sure if this can help you.
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    MacintosHD/Users/MYHOME/Library/Containers/ /ExternalRecords/
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    It's a Finder feature, related to Quick Look. You can hit the space bar in the file list to get a preview.
    If that doesn't work, you may have an issue witha  preference file or similar. I find rebuilding the launch databse works quite well resilving tis kind of thing, as does trashing Finder preferences

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    Many thanks.

    I have no idea how Apple would handle this. I would hope they would tell you to go into an Apple store and have someone there look at it and fix it. That would be very good advice. Trying to fix a problem like this over the phone would be really hard.
    Clearly, your system is no longer mounting your sparseimage file the way it should. The good part of this is that your files are still relatively safe inside that sparseimage. I would not try to turn filevault on or off again. That could be dangerous. Your goal now is backup.
    In the terminal, you can type "open /Users/.stuartcampbell/stuartcampbell.sparseimage" to mount that disk image as a new volume. Hopefully, you can log in as "stuart campbell" and do this. That would be really good. If you can, log in as "stuart campbell", open that disk image, and copy all the files you find into a new folder named "saved files" under the "/Users/Shared" folder. You want to get your files out of that sparseimage and into the real file system.
    Once you get your files out, you can try to turn filevault off again. My hunch is that FileVault is already off. I think your system has created a new home directory for you named "stuart campbell1" because the old one was corrupted. If this is so, you can safely copy all your files from the sparse image into this new account, overwriting anything you already have. (Just make real sure that your current home directory really is just blank data!!!). At this point, you should be running again, with your home directory being named "stuart campbell1".
    If all this is true, try the following. Rename that old "/Users/stuart campbell" folder to /Users/stuart campbell.old". You can run NetInfo, go into "Users", and change your home directory back to "stuart campbell". Then, before doing anything else, rename "stuart campbell1" back to "stuart campbell". Save your NetInfo changes, quit, logout, cross your fingers, and log back in.
    I realize this is very complicated and more than you really want to do. I don't see any way around it. It is very difficult to know exactly what state your system is in and exactly what is going to work and what won't. A trip to the Apple Store or a similar place might be a good idea. I say might because there is no guarantee they can fix it either. There are still way too many steps that say "If this works" and "try this".
    There are some key things to remember and do in any case. Try to open that disk image and get your files out.
    Don't fiddle with any account security settings until your files are out of there.
    Once your data is secure (or rather - in a safe place), you can feel free to fiddle with account settings and swap out those directories to get back to a good state. I can assure you that it will take a bit of fiddling and may not work at all. Just get your files out there and we can get you up to speed again after that.

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    I have an iPhone 4.  I unplugged my phone during an update and have lost all pictures, text messages and videos from the last year.  Is there any way to restore from a certain date to recover them?

    If you have a current backup you can restore your phone to that backup.

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    If you search these forums for Mac Mail problem you will find many many posts similar to yours and many many others about not being able to send or receive emails when it worked fine a few hours ago or yesterday.
    It is because the built in Mac Mail program is one of the Worst Email clients ever written and WILL, not can, Fail at any time.
    So if you want to not have any of these type problems in the future stop using Mac Mail and switch to some other, Any Other, Email client/program.
    I suggest Thunderbird as I have been using it on both Mac Lion and Mt Lion and on my Windows PC for over a year without any problems on either platform or OS version.

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    Is there any recourse?

    For iTunes Help
    Add artwork to songs and other items
    Music and video you buy from the iTunes Store comes with its own artwork. You can add your own artwork to songs and other items in your library.
    You can add many popular types of still image files, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and Photoshop. You must convert WAV files to another format before you can add artwork to them.
    Album artwork for the currently playing item appears to the left of the progress bar. To view album artwork at a larger size in a separate window, click the artwork.
    Add artwork to music and video
    Do any of the following:
    Add artwork to one item at a time:
    Select an item in your iTunes library and choose File > Get Info.
    Click Artwork and do one of the following:
    Click Add, select an image file, and click Open.
    Drag the art file to the artwork area.
    To add artwork to another item, click Next or Previous.
    Add the same artwork to multiple items: Select the items, choose File > Get Info, click Info, and drag an image file to the Artwork area.
    Retrieve album artwork for songs in your library from the iTunes Store: Control-click the songs and choose Get Album Artwork from the pop-up menu.

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