Select layer error

I get this error no matter what layer I am on, even the top one, (Could not use the move tool because the target channel is hidden.) Please help.

Open the channel pallet and make sure you have all the channels selected, and not as I have shown here, with the alpha channel selected and not visible.  That will give you the error.

Similar Messages

  • Could not complete the new 3D extrusion from selected layer command because the path is too complex.

    I was trying to do a photo of mine like in this video but its not working help needed. thanks.
    When I tried the 3D I got an error message that said (could not complete the new 3D extrusion from selected layer command because the path is too complex.) what does this mean and how can i fix it?

    There was a bug at one time where really simple paths (like a triangle, for example) could cause that error.
    Is your path really simple (I don't plan to go watch the video)?  If so, have you installed the latest update for Photoshop?  That bug may have been fixed already.
    If it's not that, it's possible that if your path is really complex and simply exceeding Photoshop's capability.

  • Transport layer error when refreshing

    I don't know if this is the right place to ask my question, so forgive me, if not.
    I'm facing a weird problem within excel (2007 and 2013) when I'm trying to refresh or filter data retrieved from a cube (Microsoft Analysis Server 10.0.4000.0). The message is: An error was encountered in the transport layer. The weird part of the problem is
    that it does not show up every time and not for every user. I can access the cube, I can read data from it, the problem appears when I try to add or remove fields, or when I try to refresh the pivot table. And not always!
    There are cases when I try to build up a new pivot table, and the message appears, when I already have selected a couple of fields as filter/row label/column label or value. In these cases sometimes I can skip the problem by deselecting one or more of the already
    selected fields, select a new field, then re-select the previously deselected fields.
    There are other cases when I have a saved pivot table, that can't be refreshed because of the transport layer error. However, the same file with the same user ca be refreshed on an another machine.
    I already have googled around, and I actually found a few forum entries with the same problem, but none of them was answered.
    To narrow down the problem I tried to exclude hardware level network problems, so saved a file, which couldn't be refreshed on my laptop, and I tried to refresh it on a PC. On the PC the refresh worked, so I moved
    my laptop next to this PC, and I connected the laptop to the network using the PC's network cable, and tried to refresh the file this way on the laptop. The refresh was not successful, so I even changed the IP address on the laptop to the IP that was set on
    the PC. I also stopped the antivirus (which actually is identical on the PC and laptop). This way I wanted to ensure, that there is nothing blocking the traffic between the server and the laptop. 
    I also tried to find out, if the problem is user related. So i tried to refresh the file, that couldn't be refreshed on my laptop on the previously mentioned PC with my user. The refresh worked. I also tried to refresh the same file on my laptop with the user
    originally used on the PC. The refresh did not work.
    Thank you!

    It seems a common error.
    There is a note that mentions the error, and was fixed since BI addons SP 8
    Note: 1267942 -  Custom macro not being executed on a workbook
    Download and test the latest version: bi710sp12_1200-10004472.exe
    This should fix the issue.
    FYI: SAPGUI 640 is not supported by SAP since 2008. If you are using this version, please download the SAPGUI 7.10 as well.
    Edward John

  • PDO Layer Error in change version PO

    We are in SRM7.0 , EC Scenario
    In SAP SRM system am experiencing a workflow issue , second level approver is not able to approve/receive the workitem of a changed PO. Moment 1st approver approve it and when requester try to open the PO (changed version) and navigate to Approval tab, the approval flow is missing and showing the error as
    PDO Layer Error
    An Exception has occured
    Every time we must restart the workflow due to which the approval needs to be done again from 1st approver.
    We have raised an OSS Message and following is the response from SAP
    " The second approver does not get a workitem because the workflow got the status error. The cause of this error is your BADI implementation ZCL_SRMWF_AGENT_PO_BUYER method
    /SAPSRM/IF_EX_WF_RESP_RESOLVER~GET_AREA_TO_ITEM_MAP. This method returns an initial table LT_AREA_TO_ITEM_MAP.
    parameter IV_PROCESS_GUID = change version guid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
    When i executed this method CREATE_DECISION_SETS (/SAPSRM/CL_WF_PROCESS_MGR_SBWF) with
    parameter IV_PROCESS_GUID = Changed version PO GUID , i got the following error
    Exception CX_BO_ABORT triggered
    Termination triggered in '' - Rollback required
    Can anyone please help !!
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Sarvanan,
    I am a functional consultant and completely unaware of this technical stuff. Since this is SRM BRF workflows, none of our workflow consultants also are able to help me out on this issue. So, if possible could you please let me your contact number to so that i can contact you directly on this issue.
    This is the issue which i am facing from last 7 months and none of the person is able to help me out. So, i kindly request you to please help me out on this issue.
    As requested following is the code for the process level class
    METHOD get_buyer_approvers.
      DATA :  ls_header TYPE  bbp_pds_po_header_d,
              lt_item TYPE TABLE OF  bbp_pds_po_item_d,
              lw_item TYPE  bbp_pds_po_item_d,
              lt_buyer  TYPE TABLE OF zgtm_buyer,
              lw_buyer  TYPE zgtm_buyer,
              lt_limit TYPE TABLE OF  bbp_pds_limit,
              lw_approver_item TYPE zgswf_item_buyer_map,
              lv_requester_mgr    TYPE uname,
              lv_requester        TYPE uname,
              lv_appr_reqd        TYPE c.
          i_guid   = iv_doc_guid
          e_header = ls_header
          e_item   = lt_item
          e_limit  = lt_limit.
      DELETE lt_item WHERE del_ind = 'X'.
      DELETE lt_limit WHERE del_ind = 'X'.
      CHECK lt_item IS NOT INITIAL.
      SELECT * FROM zgtm_buyer
               INTO TABLE lt_buyer
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_item
               WHERE bukrs = ls_header-co_code
               AND  matkl =  lt_item-category_id.
      LOOP AT lt_item INTO lw_item.
        CALL METHOD approval_level_required
            is_header   = ls_header
            is_item     = lw_item
            it_buyer    = lt_buyer
            it_limit    = lt_limit
            rv_reqd_ind = lv_appr_reqd.
        CHECK lv_appr_reqd IS NOT INITIAL.
        READ TABLE lt_buyer INTO lw_buyer
                            WITH KEY bukrs = ls_header-co_code
                                     matkl = lw_item-category_id.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          lw_approver_item-owner  = lw_buyer-bname.
          CLEAR lw_approver_item-owner.
        lw_approver_item-itm_no = lw_item-number_int.
        lw_approver_item-co_code = ls_header-co_code.
        lw_approver_item-matkl = lw_item-category_id.
        lw_approver_item-itm_guid = lw_item-guid.
        APPEND lw_approver_item TO rt_approver_item.
        CLEAR lw_approver_item.

  • I need to create an action or script to save the file with the name of the selected layer

    I need to create an action or script to save the file with the name of the selected layer (not including the hidden layers, but including those visible).
    How could modify the script: 'Layer Comps To Files.jsx' to get the result?
    Warning: I do not need to export all layers as files.
    Who can help me?
    THX in advance

    Versione in Italiano (Further down the English version)
    NB - Nella versione inglese ho messo tutte le immagini dei menu in italiano.
    Versione per Mac, ma credo sia identico per Windows.
    Spiego passo passo cosa ho fatto:
    - Ho creato un file esempio con tre Livelli, salvato sulla scrivania e ho chiuso il file.
    - Ho aperto il file e selezionato il Livello al centro per iniziare a registrare una azione che ho chiamato: Save with Name of Selected Layer
    - Nuova azione
    - Dare il nome e premere Registra
    Ora salva…
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Ancora una volta Menu --> Livello... --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Ordina --> Dietro
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci sotto
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci visibili
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello - Nascondi Livello
    - Menu --> Elimina --> Elimina livelli nascosti (press -Yes-)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... Inserisci questo: 'Move this to the trash' e premi ok
    - Menu --> File --> Script --> Esporta Livelli in File... (Nella finestra che si apre scegliere l’opzione che si desidera, ma togliere il prefisso del nome) e premere -Esegui-
    - Selezionare il pannello Storia cliccare su Elimina premendo -Si- ogni volta che si apre la finestra di dialogo (Ripetere 8 volte questa operazione sino ad arrivare nella storia alla condizione di partenza. Ho visto che è meglio di Ripristina -F12-)
    - Fermare la registrazione.
    A questo punto, mandando in esecuzione questa Azione, ho raggiunto parzialmente l’obiettivo perché i file così creati mantengono, purtroppo, dei prefissi numerici per evitare probabilmente la sovrascrizione di file (credo senza avviso) nel posto dove vengono creati.
    Per ottenere l’obiettivo occorre un nuovo passo ed a proposito di questo riferisco quanto segue:
    ATTENZIONE - L’operazione descritta qui di seguito deve essere fatta su di una copia del file, per cui:
    - Duplicare il file,
    - Spostare l’originale in altra cartella
    - Lavorare sul file duplicato.
    mi riferisco a questo...
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica è effettuata a proprio rischio e pericolo ed il sottoscritto non si assume alcuna responsabilità su quanto venga fatto soprattutto da mani inesperte.
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica sovrascrive qualsiasi file che abbia nome uguale al layer che viene selezionato più l’estensione del file naturalmente.
    Comunque la modifica è banalissima e a portata di chiunque.
    Procedere così:
    - Chiudere Photoshop
    - Aprire (nel percorso specificato dall’immagine) il file “Export Layers to Files.jsx” (Export Layers To Files.jsx con un editor di testo puro.
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1029)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4);
    fileNameBody += "_" + layerName;
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += layerName;
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1047-46)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4) + "s";
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "";
    - salvare e uscire.
    - riavviare Photoshop
    - provare l’azione registrata facendo attenzione che il nome del layer non sia identico al nome di un file già presente altrimenti questo verrà sovrascritto.
    Perché ho creato livelli che poi ho eliminato ecc.
    Semplice per evitare errori di esecuzione delle azioni nel caso di operazioni con livelli mancanti o altro.
    Semplice... no?
    English version
    Mac version, but I think it's the same for Windows.
    First of all, I'm translating the actions that I made using the Italian version of Photoshop, you look at the position of the menu that I have chosen to do the work with other languages.
    I explain step by step what I did:
    - I created a sample file with three layers, saved to the desktop and I closed the file.
    - I opened the file and select the layer at the center to start recording an action that I called: Save with Name of the Selected Layer
    - New action
    - Give the name and press Save ( I think it is so in English )
    Now save ...
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Once again Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - > Arrange (order) -> Behind
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Down
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Visible
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - Hide Layer
    - Menu - > Delete - > Delete hidden layers (press -Yes- )
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… Enter this: ' Move this to the trash ' and press ok
    - Menu -> File - > Scripts -> Export Layers To Files... (In the window that opens select the option you want, but take away the name prefix) and press - Run -
    - Select the History panel and click Delete (on menu opened) pressing -Yes- every time when open the dialog box (8 times Repeat this step until you get into the story to the starting condition. Not use Restore -F12-).
    - Stop recording.
    At this point, by executing this action, I have reached the goal partly because the files created in this way remain, unfortunately, the numerical prefixes to avoid possibly overwriting of files (I think without notice) in the place where they are created.
    To achieve the goal we need a new step and thinking about this as follows:
    WARNING - The operation described below should be made on a copy of the file, so :
    - Duplicate the file
    - Move the original folder to another
    - Work on the duplicate file.
    WARNING - This modification is performed at your own risk and the undersigned assumes no responsibility on what is done mostly by inexperienced hands.
    WARNING - This change will overwrite any files with the same name as the selected layer plus the file extension of course.
    However, the change is trivial and within reach of anyone.
    Proceed as follows:
    - Close Photoshop
    - Open (in the specified path from the image ) file " Export Layers to Files.jsx " (Export Layers To Files.jsx with a pure text editor.
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1029 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody = + "_" + zeroSuppress (i, 4 ) ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + layerName ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = layerName ;
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1047-46 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + zeroSuppress (i, 4) + "s" ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "";
    - Save and exit.
    - Restart Photoshop
    - Try the recorded Action, making sure that the layer name is not identical to the name of an existing file otherwise it will be overwritten.
    Why I created levels which I then deleted etc..
    Simple to avoid errors of execution of the actions in the case of transactions with missing levels and other.
    Simple ... is not it?
    Sorry for my bad English...
    Thanks in advance for any hint.
    --->>> Please think about this... Adobe <<<---

  • PDO Layer Error while approving a changed version of PO

    We are in SRM7.0 , EC Scenario , ECC 6.0
    In SAP SRM system am experiencing a workflow issue , second level approver is not able to approve/receive the workitem of a changed PO. Moment we try to open the PO (changed version) and navigate to Approval tab, the approval flow is missing and showing the error as
    PDO Layer Error
    An Exception has occured
    Every time we must restart the workflow due to which the approval needs to be done again from 1st approver.
    We have raised an OSS Message and following is the response from SAP
    " The second approver does not get an workitem because the workflow got the status error. The cause of this error is your BADI implementation
    parameter IV_PROCESS_GUID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
    When i executed this method CREATE_DECISION_SETS (/SAPSRM/CL_WF_PROCESS_MGR_SBWF) with
    parameter IV_PROCESS_GUID = Changed version PO GUID , i got the following error
    Exception CX_BO_ABORT triggered
    Termination triggered in '' - Rollback required
    Can anyone please help !!
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi ,
       can you please share your Badi code?

  • On closing Photoshop CC, I am getting an error message on screen that read's "Selective Palette error: no element found at line 1. Are you able to assist with this problem?

    Can anyone shed some light on this error message I am getting upon closing Photoshop CC
    I am getting an error message on screen that read's "Selective Palette error: no element found at line 1. Are you able to assist with this problem?

    Same issue here in WI and for me it was at 6:36p CST.
    I'm changed my password, removed iCloud from my phone ... tried 3G and WIFI with no luck. I also cannot check it on my Mac or iPad. I was able to get contacts and calenders back on my phone but no mail yet.
    Did the whole Apple support thing and apparently I'm part of the 1%
    EDIT: Question: are all of you former MobileMe users as well? Just wondering because I know there were going to be some changes as they completely move MobileMe over to iCloud and drop the "extra" services. I just can't remember if it was just a single cut off date or a series of dates. THAT email is stuck in my iCloud folders.

  • Printing java layer error stack in a custom module!--Experts, please reply!

    Hi to all OAF experts,
    We are in a process of making a fully customized module, which is integrated with OM and other modules, and takes the place of Quoting module. There is beasically a custom module which takes the place Quoting module in Apps in Order to cash cycle. Now in the final page of this module where we submit the quote, we need to through the entire Java layer error stack, similar to what is done in stanadard quoting module. There they use AOLMessageManager class for this purpose. But since quoting module is in JTT/JTF framework and our custom module is in OAF , we were looking for alternatives.
    I was going through oaf doc and i found a class called OAExceptionUtils, which contains a method called processAOLJErrorStack(ErrorStack)
    As per the documentation it says --"Returns an OAException representing the error stack populated by the Oracle Applications user session context AppsContext. ", that is exactly what we need. But , when i use this method, i get error stack as null! Any idea y this is happening? Any alternative how to get this done!

    Hi Mani,
    What is the source (technology source) of the error?
    This is OAF.In a way we have developed entire quoting module from scrath .I believe you would be embedding the Quoting (JTF) pages on to your custom OAF pages. This is similar to how it is implemented in the Standard Sales module.
    We are using same quoting APis to create quote. Our code only goes in JTF tech only while entering in and of configurator.Is your requirement to read the java error stack (JTF Code) from the standard quoting application (embedded in your custom OAF Page) in your Custom page's controller (OAF Code)?
    Yes, we can create quotes from quoting as well as from our custom table,the only difference is that if you create aquote from quoting, it does not updates our custom tables. We want to throw the same java error which quoting throws, while submitting a code in our oaf controller. It throws even Order management error messages!Any idea how we can go about this..!

  • Persistent Layer Error Message: ORA-01729 database link name expected

    I've done a series of loads from DB2 into Oracle, initially importing the database objects from DB2 and Oracle, then creating the mappings, deploying and executing. It all worked and I had no problems. For some reason now whenever I tried to import a new Database Object (table) from the DB2 I enter the password, test it and it successfully connects but then I get the error message on a popup box:
    SQL Exception
    Persistent Layer Error: SQL Exception
    Class Name: CacheMediator
    Method Name: getSQLResult
    Persistent Layer Error Message: ORA-01729 database link name expected
    If I create a new location for the same database it works and I can import new objects. The only difference I can think from the initial imports is that I’ve moved the repository from one server to another. Might be the case where some information got corrupted in the metadata.
    Has anyone seen this kind of problem before? Can you please help me out with this issue?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I found it.When I look at the db links there is something missing.When I correct it everything works fine.

  • DataExport problem-ODBC Layer Error: [21S01]-ORA-00947

    I have one planning application from which I want to transfer data to Oracle DB in the table "t". I have 11 dimension in the planning application, so I have created 12 columns in the table "t"(11 for dimension-members and 1 col for value) with the following script---
    create table t (
    a varchar2(100),
    b varchar2(100),
    c varchar2(100),
         d varchar2(100),
         e varchar2(100),
    f varchar2(100),
         g varchar2(100),
         h varchar2(100),
    i varchar2(100),
    j varchar2(100),
         k varchar2(100),
         l number)
    I have created a wire protocol dsn. But when I execute the following calcscript ---
    fix (jan,budget,fy08)
    DATAEXPORT "DSN" "xz" "t" "tstschma" "password" ;
    then it is showing error below---
    [Mon Jul 13 00:04:10 2009]Local/essdb/Plan1/admin/Info(1021000)
    Connection With SQL Database Server is Established
    [Mon Jul 13 00:04:10 2009]Local/essdb/Plan1/admin/Info(1012695)
    DataExport can not do batch insert to relational table. The ODBC driver and/or RDBMS doesn't support batch insert. Using record by record SQL export
    [Mon Jul 13 00:04:10 2009]Local/essdb/Plan1/admin/Info(1021013)
    ODBC Layer Error: [21S01] ==> [[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-00947: not enough values]
    [Mon Jul 13 00:04:10 2009]Local/essdb/Plan1/admin/Info(1021014)
    ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [947]
    [Mon Jul 13 00:04:10 2009]Local/essdb/Plan1/admin/Error(1012085)
    Unable to export data to SQL table [t]. Check the Essbase server log and the system console to determine the cause of the problem.
    [Mon Jul 13 00:04:10 2009]Local/essdb/Plan1/admin/Info(1021002)
    SQL Connection is Freed
    [Mon Jul 13 00:04:10 2009]Local/essdb/Plan1/admin/Warning(1080014)
    Transaction [ 0x920001( 0x4a5a097a.0x7918 ) ] aborted due to status [1012085].
    [Mon Jul 13 00:04:10 2009]Local/essdb/Plan1/admin/Info(1012579)
    Total Calc Elapsed Time for [] : [0.062] seconds
    [Mon Jul 13 00:04:10 2009]Local/essdb/Plan1/admin/Info(1013274)
    Calculation executed
    Please guide me if I am doing anything wrong...
    Thanks & Regards.

    It all depends on you dense dimension being used in your export, it will use a column for each member.
    For example if the dense dimension on the export was period and you were doing a level 0 export (level0 members of time are Jan:Dec)
    Then there would need to be a column for each dimension and 12 columns for each of the periods (Jan:Dec)
    The best way to work it out is to export to a file first in column format and you will see how the table needs to look.
    The columns have to exactly match the data being exported.
    Take a look at this post, it something you may experience as well :- Re: DATAEXPORT command- Periods in the columns when sparse

  • RMAN media manager layer error

    hi everybody ,
    i have 9i runs on SLES9 . ın our company we use EMC Networker (Legato) to do our backups. last two day ı got error message ;
    channel t1: starting piece 1 at 04-MAR-09
    released channel: t1
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on t1 channel at 03/04/2009 02:14:29
    ORA-19502: write error on file "DB_dOBASE_t680578323_u81k91j8j", blockno 6907393 (blocksize=512)
    ORA-27030: skgfwrt: sbtwrite2 returned error
    ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text:
    asdf_output_section1() failed
    xdr=0x0x3fa0100: bp=0x0x3fd3030: send_len=262144: type=12800: fhand=0x0x3fd30b0: wrapper=0x0x3fd30d0: directp=0x0x3fd30f0 (1:4:9)
    how can i resolve this error ? why did i take this error ? thanks....

    ORA-27030 skgfwrt: sbtwrite2 returned error
    sbtwrite2 returned an error. This happens while writing a backup file during a backup operation.
    This error is returned from the media management software which is linked with Oracle. There should be additional messages which explain the cause of the error. This error usually requires contacting the media management vendor.

  • ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text:

    Dear Concern,
    When I am restoring the oracle 9i database by brtools for SAP ECC 5.0 the following error message appeared. Mention that, this is second time restoration. First time restoration was successfull. After that one of us change some permission in differerent folders and files in the hp-ux server. Now we facing the following problem. Please help me...
    BR0449I Restore mode: ALL
    BR0419I Files will be restored from backup: bechtawc.fnr 2010-01-08 20.00.06
    BR0416I 100 files found to restore, total size 520901.781 MB
    BR0424I Files will not be decompressed
    BR0421I Restore device type: rman_util
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2010-01-19 16.19.21
    BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2010-01-19 16.19.23
    BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
    BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2010-01-19 16.19.23
    BR0554I Starting restore from full database backup using RMAN...
    BR0278E Command output of 'SHELL=/bin/sh /oracle/PRD/920_64/bin/rman nocatalog':
    Recovery Manager: Release - 64bit Production
    Copyright (c) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    RMAN> connect target /;
    connected to target database: PRD (DBID=1654880374)
    using target database controlfile instead of recovery catalog
    RMAN> *end-of-file*
    host command complete
    RMAN> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7> 8>
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03009: failure of allocate command on sbt_1 channel at 01/19/2010 16:19:24
    ORA-19554: error allocating device, device type: SBT_TAPE, device name:
    ORA-27000: skgfqsbi: failed to initialize storage subsystem (SBT) layer
    HP-UX Error: 8324: Unknown system error
    Additional information: 7110
    ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text:
       SBT error = 7110, errno = 8324, sbtinit: internal error - invalid argument(s)
    Recovery Manager complete.
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2010-01-19 16.19.24
    BR0279E Return code from 'SHELL=/bin/sh /oracle/PRD/920_64/bin/rman nocatalog': 1
    BR0536E RMAN call for database instance PRD failed
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2010-01-19 16.19.24
    BR0556E Restore from full database backup using RMAN failed
    Best Regards

    It is mentioned that I already have done a restoration and recovery first time. But when I tried to do the same job I mean restoration in second time for a specific requiremnt I am getting the above error.
    Our syestem info is:
    DB: Oracle 9i
    OS: HP-UX
    Storage: EMC storage
    Backup tools: Data protector 5.5
    Please help me.

  • "Selective palette Error..." upon quitting PS CC

    Am using PS CC 2014.2.2 Release.
    On quitting the software, I keep getting this box pop-up, stating ...
    Selective palette Error
    XML parsing error: "no element found" at line 1
    I have no idea what this is.
    How do i resolve this?
    Thank you.

    Platform: Mac or Win?
    Other details?
    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    A screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too,
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Odbc layer error 01004

    Using Essbase 7.0.1 I have several load rules calling SQL data I copied from one server to another.
    On the new server some rule files work fine but some dont .
    I am getting the following error message in the log file.
    ODBC Layer Error: 01004 ==> [[microsoft] [ODBC Sql server Driver]String data, right truncation]
    ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [0] Info (1021014)
    can anyone help me in solving this issue
    and where I have to make necessary changes....

    I always kind of work backwards on these sorts of issues until I can isolate where the problem is.
    1. Is it a view or a table you are trying to load from?
    2. Using Query Analyzer or the current SQL Server admin tool, can you query the same table/view that your load rule is trying to load data from?
    3. Can you still query it when you login as the same user that the load rule is running as?
    4. Is there some sort of "weird" data type in the view/table that might be tripping things up?
    5. If you omit that particular column from the load rule, does it start working again?
    6. Does it work if you use CAST or something similar in the SQL query or in the construction of the View itself, in order to make it a more "basic" data type?
    These are all probably different things I would try to see if I can isolate where the problem is. Good luck --
    [jasons hyperioni blog|]

  • ALV Filter Selection w/ error "WBS element 0000000000000000 does not exist"

    In a few ALV reports, we have WBS Element column showed in ALV list and WBS Element defined as type BSEG-PROJK, which has conversion routine ABPSP.
    When WBS Element is used for ALV list Filter, in Selection screen, error message "WBS element 0000000000000000 does not exist" is pop up as we hit Enter key or click on u201CSelection optionsu201D button with no value entered in Input fields.
    We get same error even after we enter an existing WBS Element in Low selection input field and hit Enter key.
    Itu2019s ok if we enter existing WBS Element value in both Low and High selection input fields.
    We know we have workaround by entering both Low and High input field, and we can fix ALV reports by using character based WBS Element, such as PRPS-POSKI.
    BUT, as users told me, they donu2019t have this problem before and it just happened. We checked the recent Transports and couldnu2019t see anything relevant.
    Could any of you let me know if you have any clue or if thereu2019s any other way to fix it besides changing report by report.
    Thank you.

    In a few ALV reports, we have WBS Element column showed in ALV list and WBS Element defined as type BSEG-PROJK, which has conversion routine ABPSP.
    When WBS Element is used for ALV list Filter, in Selection screen, error message "WBS element 0000000000000000 does not exist" is pop up as we hit Enter key or click on u201CSelection optionsu201D button with no value entered in Input fields.
    We get same error even after we enter an existing WBS Element in Low selection input field and hit Enter key.
    Itu2019s ok if we enter existing WBS Element value in both Low and High selection input fields.
    We know we have workaround by entering both Low and High input field, and we can fix ALV reports by using character based WBS Element, such as PRPS-POSKI.
    BUT, as users told me, they donu2019t have this problem before and it just happened. We checked the recent Transports and couldnu2019t see anything relevant.
    Could any of you let me know if you have any clue or if thereu2019s any other way to fix it besides changing report by report.
    Thank you.

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