Select on table with 1800 rows is slow

I have a table with 1800 rows. Each entry has a geometry position and a geometry polygon around the position. I am using the polygon to detect which (other) entries are near the current entry.
In the following testdata and the subsequent query, i am filtering on 625 (of 1865) rows, and then using the .STContains-method to finding other rows (the testdata is fully found by this query, in the live database the values are not so regular as in the testdata.
The query take 6500 ms. In the live database, only 800 records are (yet) in the table, and it takes 2200 ms. 
from SlowQueryTable
inner join dbo.SlowQueryTable as SlowQueryTableSeen
on SlowQueryTable.[box].STContains(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) = 1
where SlowQueryTable.userId = 2
(The query in the live system is even more complex, but this is main part of it and even simplified as it is just takes too long).
This script generates test data and runs the query:
-- The number table is just needed to generate test data
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[numbers](
[number] [int] NOT NULL
declare @t table (number int)
insert into @t select 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9
insert into numbers
select * from
t1.number + t2.number*10 + t3.number*100 + t4.number*1000 as x
@t as t1,
@t as t2,
@t as t3,
@t as t4
) as t1
order by x
-- this is the table which has the slow query. The Columns [userId], [position] and [box] are the relevant ones
CREATE TABLE [dbo].SlowQueryTable(
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[userId] [int] NOT NULL,
[position] [geometry] NOT NULL,
[box] [geometry] NULL,
constraint SlowQueryTable_primary primary key clustered (id)
create nonclustered index SlowQueryTable_UserIdKey on [dbo].SlowQueryTable(userId);
--insert testdata: three users with each 625 entries. Each entry per user has its unique position, and a rectangle (box) around it.
-- In the database in question, the positions are a bit more random, often tens of entries have the same position. The slow query is nevertheless visible with these testdata
declare @range int;
set @range = 5;
INSERT INTO [dbo].SlowQueryTable (userId,position,box)
geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT (' + convert(varchar(15), X) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y) + ')',0),
geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON ((' + convert(varchar(15), X - @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y - @range) + ', '
+ convert(varchar(15), X + @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y - @range) + ', '
+ convert(varchar(15), X + @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y + @range) + ', '
+ convert(varchar(15), X - @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y + @range) + ','
+ convert(varchar(15), X - @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y - @range) + '))', 0)
from (
(numberX.number * 40) + 4520 as X
,(numberY.number * 40) + 4520 as Y
from numbers as numberX
cross apply numbers as numberY
where numberX.number < (1000 / 40)
and numberY.number < (1000 / 40)) as positions
cross apply numbers as users
where users.number < 3
CREATE SPATIAL INDEX [SlowQueryTable_position]
ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable([position])
BOUNDING_BOX = ( 4500, 4500, 5500, 5500 ),
ALTER INDEX [SlowQueryTable_position] ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable
ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable(box)
WITH ( BOUNDING_BOX = ( 4500, 4500, 5500, 5500 ) ,
ALTER INDEX [SlowQueryTable_box] ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable
-- this is finally the query. it takes about 6500 ms
into #t1
from SlowQueryTable
inner join dbo.SlowQueryTable as SlowQueryTableSeen
on SlowQueryTable.[box].STContains(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) = 1
--on SlowQueryTable.position.STDistance(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) < 5
where SlowQueryTable.userId = 2
drop table #t1
drop table SlowQueryTable
drop table numbers
Using an explicit index hint does do the job, but then the query gets slow if i change the where clause:
into #t1
from SlowQueryTable
with (index([SlowQueryTable_box]))
inner join dbo.SlowQueryTable as SlowQueryTableSeen
on SlowQueryTable.[box].STContains(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) = 1
where SlowQueryTable.userId = 2
leads to 600ms, and changing the where clause
where = 100
slows it again down to 1200ms.  Filtering on ID get massively slowed down when using index hint on the spatial index.
Since the table in the live system will grow to 10000+ rows, and the query is called often by users, I badly need a more efficient query.
Do I have to create a different queries for each use-case, some with index hints and some without?

I've run your example and can confirm your results. There's a couple of things that I noticed though.
After looking at query plans, it's not a matter of "with spatial index" vs. "without spatial index". You have two spatial indexes, one on each column (position and box). When you don't hint the "box" spatial index, the query
uses the "position" spatial index. Because of what they are indexing (points vs. polygons), the "box" spatial index requires a lot more IO. With some (non-spatial) predicates, the "box" spatial index gives better performance,
with others the "position" one does. I've yet to figure out exactly why (short on time, I might get back to it in future), but you can examine query plans and use the spatial index diagnostic procs (e.g. sp_help_spatial_geometry_index_xml ) in
addition to the diagnostics you're running to see why and if you can find a better performing plan/index.
Bear this in mind. Given a choice of multiple spatial indexes, the SQL Server query optimizer is not able to choose (for the most part, IO etc. aside), which one is best. Also, there is usually only one choice of spatial query plan shape, in general. If
your query is more complex than the one in your example, you might benefit by breaking it in two: one query to filter out all the rows and predicates that don't use a spatial index and one query that uses the spatial index on the subset. I've had good
luck with this other situations with complex queries involving spatial predicates. This method may not be applicable to a spatial query as simple as the one in your example, however.
Hope this helps, Bob 

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    Thanks for the reply.
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    return "Y".equals(getDisplayOnWeb()) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
    public void setDisplayOnWebBoolean(Boolean value) {
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      NUM NAME                                                                                   TYPE VALUE 
      478 db_block_buffers                                                                          3 0     
      482 db_block_checksum                                                                         2 TYPICAL
      484 db_block_size                                                                             3 8192  
      682 db_file_multiblock_read_count                                                             3 128   
      942 db_block_checking                                                                         2 FALSE 
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    What's wrong with creating millions of rows ?
    Here's a cut and paste from a windows system running
    SQL> set timing on
    SQL> drop table t1 purge;
    Table dropped.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
    SQL> create table t1
      2  nologging
      3  as
      4  with generator as (
      5     select
      6             rownum id
      7     from dual
      8     connect by
      9             level <= 50
    10  ),
    11  ao as (
    12     select
    13             *
    14     from
    15             all_objects
    16     where   rownum <= 50000
    17  )
    18  select
    19     rownum          id,
    20     ao.*
    21  from
    22     generator       v1,
    23     ao
    24  ;
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:07.09
    7 seconds to generate 2.5M rows doesn't seem like a problem.  For a modelling example I have one script that generates 6.5M (carefully engineered) rows, with a couple of indexes and a foreign key or two, then collects stats (no histograms) in 3.5 minutes.
    Jonathan Lewis
    Now on Twitter: @jloracle

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    You can do that only if your have collected the stats properly. Otherwise its going to show you wrong information.
    Check this out...
    SQL> drop table t
      2  /
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table t
      2  as
      3  select level no from dual connect by level <=100
      4  /
    Table created.
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      2  /
    TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
    SQL> begin
      2      dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'T');
      3  end;
      4  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
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      2  /
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    T                                     100


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    How to insert a table with variable rows in smart form?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Right click the mouse->create->table
    If you want 5 columns, you need to declare 5 cells in one line type of the table
    Click on Table -> Details, then do the following
    Line Type 1 2 3 4 5
    L1 2mm 3mm etc
    Here specify the width of the columns as many as you want..
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    Why it happens? any solutions for this issue?

    I've found (i guess so) solution to this issue
    here are two links to this new feature that is called deffered segment creation
    The reason for this behavior is 11.2 new feature ‘Deferred Segment Creation‘ – the creation of a table sent is deferred until the first row is inserted.
    As a result, empty tables are not listed in dba_segments and are not exported by exp utility
    And this is i've found in official documentation from oracle
    Beginning in Oracle Database 11g Release 2, when creating a non-partitioned heap-organized table in a locally managed tablespace, table segment creation is deferred until the first row is inserted. In addition, creation of segments is deferred for any LOB columns of the table, any indexes created implicitly as part of table creation, and any indexes subsequently explicitly created on the table.The advantages of this space allocation method are the following:A significant amount of disk space can be saved for applications that create hundreds or thousands of tables upon installation, many of which might never be populated.Application installation time is reduced.There is a small performance penalty when the first row is inserted, because the new segment must be created at that time.
    To enable deferred segment creation, compatibility must be set to '11.2.0' or higher. You can disable deferred segment creation by setting the initialization parameter DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION to FALSE. The new clauses SEGMENT CREATION DEFERRED and SEGMENT CREATION IMMEDIATE are available for the CREATE TABLE statement. These clauses override the setting of the DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION initialization parameter.
    +Note that when you create a table with deferred segment creation (the default), the new table appears in the _TABLES views, but no entry for it appears in the SEGMENTS views until you insert the first row. There is a new SEGMENTCREATED column in _TABLES, _INDEXES, and _LOBS that can be used to verify deferred segment creation+
    The original Export utility does not export any table that was created with deferred segment creation and has not had a segment created for it. The most common way for a segment to be created is to store a row into the table, though other operations such as ALTER TABLE ALLOCATE EXTENTS will also create a segment. If a segment does exist for the table and the table is exported, the SEGMENT CREATION DEFERRED clause will not be included in the CREATE TABLE statement that is executed by the original Import utility.

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    a component cannot handle 20.000 rows you should filter these in the database by using quries when getting the data in the dashboard. If there is no database connection available, you can use pivot tables to create list for the different dimensions and then use lookup formulas like match and index o display the data for your chart.

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    I'd suggest you start here:

  • Editable table with multiple rows

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    What is the best way to do that?
    There's no problem with displaying data.
    But when I try to add something to table (on portal interface), I'm able to use only first row of the table... Even if I fill all fields of that row, I'm not able to add data to second row, etc.
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    And last. What is the best way to submit data from table view in VC (portal) to R/3 table? I understand that we should write some functional module, that puts data to R/3. I'm asking about what should be done in VC itself. Some button, or action...
    Any help will be appreciated and rewarded :o)

    Here are some former postings:
    Editable table with multiple rows
    Editable table with multiple rows
    Are you on the right SP-level?
    Can you also split up your posting: one question, one posting? This way you get faster answers, as people might just browse the headers.

  • Selection in table with Master Column

    can anybody explain me how selection works in table with MasterColumn (TreeByNestingTableColumn)?
    I've created a table with several columns and the "master" one behaves differently from others.
    First of all, leaf elements of master column are not clickable (i.e. I don't receive notification "onLeadSelect" from the table, when user clicks in the cell of leaf element of the column). With expandable elements I receive loadchildren event and can react on selection.
    I'm using TextView as cell editor, will try LinkToAction, may be it will resolve situation, but it's rather workaround as solution
    Second, getLeadSelection doesn't work anymore for the table - it works with indexes of top level elements only.
    However onLeadSelect action brings me selected row number, which I somehow should map to the tree.
    I.e. when I get "25" as selected element, I recursively traverse context node to find 25th element. Which is rather slow operation as for any selection I have to reiterate whole structure and I hope that visual appearance is similar to context element order.
    May be there is simplier ways to get selected element by its index in "flat" list?
    And one another strange thing: first click on the table sends me onLeadSelect "0", but highlight points to the element user clicked - not necessary first one.
    Context node is "single" selection, initLeadSelect=true,
    selection = 0..1 (with 1..1 setTreeSelection doesn't work - method I want to use to be able to select a node in hierarchy on my own)
    all quite similar to other tables I have, which works well. Just the problems with the table, where Master Column is used.
    Thank you!
    Best regards,

    >Valery's proposal was to perform reverse traverse from current element to root and summarize parent element indexes.
    It seems to work:
    in method, which sets selection I applied
    // we need to know index of the element not in whole context, but in scope of table-relevant node
    int index = getIndexInContext(selElement, wdContext.currentXXXElement());
    IContextElement curContext = wdContext.currentContextElement();
    int firstVisibleRow = curContext.getTableFirstVisibleRow();
    int visibleRows = curContext.getTableVisibleRows();
    if (index < firstVisibleRow || index > firstVisibleRow + visibleRows) {
    and method getIndexInContext looks as:
        private int getIndexInContext (IWDNodeElement element, IWDNodeElement root) {
              int index = element.index();
              if (element == root) {
                   return index;
              IWDNodeElement parent = element.node().getParentElement();
              if (parent == null) {
    // do whatever you like here for error diagnostic
                   myMsgMgr.reportException("Internal Error: getIndexInContext - element is not under passed root", false);
                   return 0;
              // +1 - every level adds 1 (otherwise indexes of first children of hierarchy will be 0)
              return  index + getIndexInContext(parent, root) + 1;
    Best regards,

  • Issue in retrieving all the records from ADF Table with multiple row

    As per my requirement, I need to fill the table with multi selected LOV values and when user clicks on commit, I need to save them to database.
    I am using ADF 11g, Multi select table. Using the below ADD method, I am able to add the records but if user clicks on cancel, I need to remove those from view and clear the table as well.
    But the Issue I am facing is, in my cancel method, always I am getting half of the records. Lets assume table contains 100 records but in my cancel method, I am getting only 50 records.
    Please let me know what is the issue in my source code.
    ADD Method:
    public void insertRecInCMProcessParamVal(String commType, String processType, Number seqNumber){       
    Row row = this.getCmProcessParamValueView1().createRow();
    row.setAttribute("ParamValue7", commType);
    row.setAttribute("ProcessType", processType);
    row.setAttribute("CreationDate", new Date());
    row.setAttribute("CreatedBy", uid);
    row.setAttribute("ParamValueSeqNum", seqNumber);
    row.setAttribute("ProcessedFlag", "N");
    }catch(Exception e){           
    Table Code:
    <af:table value="#{bindings.CmProcessParamValueView11.collectionModel}"
    emptyText="#{bindings.CmProcessParamValueView11.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    id="t1" width="100%" inlineStyle="height:100px;" >
    <af:column sortProperty="ParamValue6"
    id="c1" visible="false">
    <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.ParamValue6.inputValue}"
    <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.ParamValue6.validator}"/>
    <af:column sortProperty="ParamValue7"
    headerText="Comm Type"
    <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.ParamValue7.inputValue}"
    <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.ParamValue7.validator}"/>
    <af:column sortProperty="ParamValue8"
    id="c3" visible="false">
    <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.ParamValue8.inputValue}"
    <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.ParamValue8.validator}"/>
    Backing Bean Code:
    DCBindingContainer dcBindings=(DCBindingContainer)getBindings();
    DCIteratorBinding dcIterator=dcBindings.findIteratorBinding("CmProcessParamValueView1Iterator");
    RowSetIterator rs = dcIterator.getRowSetIterator();
    System.out.println("In Cancel Row Count is : "+ rs.getRowCount());
    if (rs.getRowCount() > 0) {
    Row row = rs.first();
    while (rs.hasNext()) {
    int count = rs.getRowCount();
    System.out.println("Count is : "+ count);
    Row row =;
    System.out.println("Row === "+ row);
    if(row != null){                   

    Issue resolved.
    remove selectionListener and selectedRowKeys....
    code to get all the selectedRows.
    RowSetIterator rs = dcIterator.getRowSetIterator();
    RowKeySet rks = this.t1.getSelectedRowKeys();
    Iterator rksIter = rks.iterator();
    while (rksIter.hasNext()) {
    List l = (List);
    Key key = (Key)l.get(0);
    Row row = rs.getRow(key);

  • Creating a selectable HTML table with Sahrepoint list data dind

    Hi All,
    I m creating an app for sharepoint2013 , on my app I want to read data from SP list and display on something like HTML table/ grid view.
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    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="TermList">
                                        <th>Start Date</th>
                                <th>End Date</th>
                                <th>Term Type(s)</th>
                                <th width="12%">Sub Specialty</th>
    var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    var user = context.get_web().get_currentUser();
    var Termsitems, web, hostcontext, currentusertitle;
    var hosturl;
    (function () {
    $(document).ready(function () {
                        "sScrollY": 200,
                            This will enable jQuery UI theme
                        "bJQueryUI": true,
                            will add the pagination links
                        "sPaginationType": "full_numbers"
    function gethostdata() {
        hosturl = decodeURIComponent(getQueryStringParameter("SPHostUrl"));
        context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
        hostcontext = new SP.AppContextSite(context, hosturl);
        web = hostcontext.get_web();
        context.load(web, 'Title');
        context.executeQueryAsync(onSiteLoadSuccess, onQueryFailed);
    function onSiteLoadSuccess(sender, args) {
        //   alert("site title : " + web.get_title());
    function onQueryFailed(sender, args) {
        alert('request failed ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
    function getQueryStringParameter(urlParameterKey) {
        var params = document.URL.split('?')[1].split('&');
        var strParams = '';
        for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i = i + 1) {
            var singleParam = params[i].split('=');
            if (singleParam[0] == urlParameterKey)
                return decodeURIComponent(singleParam[1]);
    // This function prepares, loads, and then executes a SharePoint query to get the current users information
    function getUserName() {
        context.executeQueryAsync(onGetUserNameSuccess, onGetUserNameFail);
    // This function is executed if the above call is successful
    // It replaces the contents of the 'message' element with the user name
    function onGetUserNameSuccess() {
    currentusertitle= user.get_title();
      $('#message').text('Hello ' + user.get_title());
    // This function is executed if the above call fails
    function onGetUserNameFail(sender, args) {
        alert('Failed to get user name. Error:' + args.get_message());
    function getTermdetails() {
        var Termlist = web.get_lists().getByTitle("TraineeTermsSPlist");
        var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
        camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="Title" />' +
                                 '<Value Type="Text"> + currentusertitle + </Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>');
        Termsitems = Termlist.getItems(camlQuery);
        context.executeQueryAsync(getTermdetailsQuerySuccsess, getTermdetailsQueryFails)
    function getTermdetailsQuerySuccsess(sender, args) {
        var listEnumerator = Termsitems.getEnumerator();
        var datatable = document.getElementById("TermList");
        while (listEnumerator.moveNext()) {
            var oListItem = listEnumerator.get_current();
            var startdate = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item('startdate');
            var enddate = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item('Enddate');
            var termtype = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item('TermType');       
            var Specialty = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item('Specialty');
            var Specialty = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item('Subspecialty');
            $("#TermList").append("<tr align='middle'  class='gradeA'>" +
                                      "<td align='left'>" + startdate +
    "</td>" +
                                      "<td align='left'>" + enddate + "</td>"
                                      "<td align='left'>" + termtype + "</td>"
                                      "<td align='left'>" + Specialty +
    "</td>" +
                                      "<td align='left'>" + Specialty +
    "</td>" + "</tr>");
    function getTermdetailsQueryFails(sender, args) {
        alert(' Error:' + args.get_message());
    Now what I want to do is allow user to select rows on the table. Once they select a row I want to get that selected row and search SP list based on the selected value.  Also I would like to make this table with search area to search records.
    Can someone please help me to do this, or are there any easy way to do this. Sample code or useful link much appreciate.
    Thank you very much.
    d.n weerasinghe

    Instead of writing in dive each and every time directly,
    just have a div in html, and inside the while loop
    write and store in the variable like
      output += "<li><a href='#' style='display:none'>" + usernames[i] + " </a> "
                         + "<table id='results' width='100%'>"
                         + "
    <tr style='border-bottom:1px silver solid;'>"
                         + "
    <td style='width:60px;height:70px;' >"
                         + "
    <img alt=\"profile pic\" src= '" + pictureuri[i] + "'  style='width:60px;height:60px;'/>"
                         + "
                         + "
    <td >"
                         + "
    <table style='height:100%'>"
                         + "
                         + "
    <td style='padding-padding-vertical-align:top;height:10px' >"
                         + "
    <a href='" + personaluri[i] + "' classq='ms-bold ms-subtleLink' style='color: gray; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;'>" + tempnames[i] + "</a>"
                         + "
                         + "
                         + "
                         + "
    <td  style='padding-vertical-align:top;height:50px;color:#ADAEAD;font-size:14px;' >" + deptNames[i]
                         + "
                         + "
                         + "
                         + "
                         + "
                         + "</table>"
                         + "</li>"
    and finaly oyutside the loop 

  • Several reports on joined master-detail tables with single row source

    I have 1 master table (Fixed Assets) and several datail tables (Improvements, Depreciation, ...)
    I need to create several reports based on them all with criteria
    'Select ALL from Master and join details
    /1 total row from details for 1 master row/
    filtered by [on_date <= report_date]'
    How to do it better and not copy same code in every report?
    As mentioned on this forum, ApEx is not able to use RefCursor as row source for ApEx reports
    So I tried this Tom Kyte's example:
    create type apex_user.myRecordType as object
    (seq int,
    a int,
    b varchar2(10),
    c date
    Create Or Replace Type Apex_User.Mytabletype As Table Of Apex_User.Myrecordtype;
    create or replace function Apex_User.my_function return Apex_User.myTableType
    l_data Apex_User.myTableType;
    l_data := Apex_User.myTableType();
    for i in 1..5
    l_data(i) :=Apex_User.myRecordType(i, i, 'row ' || i, sysdate+i);
    end loop;
    Return L_Data;
    Select *
    from TABLE (cast(Apex_User.my_function() as Apex_User.mytableType))
    Where C > Sysdate+1
    Order By Seq Desc
    SEQ A B C
    5 5 row 5 22.08.2010
    4 4 row 4 21.08.2010
    3 3 row 3 20.08.2010
    2 2 row 2 19.08.2010
    4 Rows Selected
    - and it really works from ApEx reports.
    The questions are:
    1) is this the best solution for my task (one centralized code for several reports with parameter filtering detail tables)?
    2) how to change example properly to have here -
    l_data(i) :=Apex_User.myRecordType(i, i, 'row ' || i, sysdate+i);
    end loop;
    - simple SELECT from my MASTER-DETAILS joined tables?

    if (row != null)
    Row masterRow = row;
    // not needed : getMesReponsesPourTiersVO1().executeQuery();
    You shouldnot execute the child VO after setting current row in master VO.
    When the current row is set in master VO, then the child rows will get refreshed automatically.

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