Select part of text

Hi all,
My need is to select part of text, it starts with "rrt" and ends with "hhk".
How do I perform it?
Thanks ahead.

marco wrote:
Hi all,
My need is to select part of text, it starts with "rrt" and ends with "hhk".
How do I perform it? Regular expressions (introduced in Oracle 10.1) are good for that.
           , 'rrt.*hhk'
I hope this answers your question.
If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only), and also post the results you want from that data.
Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
Always say which version of Oracle you're using.

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    To elaborate (further) on what Emil said, you may use Character>Baseline Shift with a nrgative value on the G selected separately and then apply a negative Character>Tracking, or go back and forth between the two operations.
    Here is such a BG as live (editable) Type with a colour change of the G (the fairest font in 72pt, baseline shift -30pt, tracking -100).
    As mentioned earlier, there is a lot of things that cannot be done with live Type.

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    Pressing Alt is
    supposed to force-toggle the infuriating text tool between the TypeTool and the TypeOnAPathTool.
    So if the path that you don't want to turn into a PathType object is an open unfilled path (like a manually-drawn underline, and it is in front of the text object you want to edit, this seems to work, when the TypeTool is selected:
    1. Press Ctrl to momentarily invoke the most recently-used pointer. Select the underlying text object.
    2. Release Ctrl. The TypeTool cursor returns. Note that when the cursor is in proximity to the path, it changes to the TypeOnAPathTool cursor (the one with the wavy line).
    3. Press Alt. Note that the cursor changes to the TypeTool, and has a circle around it. Click and you should enter the text, not create a PathType object.
    However, as far as I can figure out (actually, as far as I can bear to muck with this awful interface), this does not work correctly if the unwanted path is filled. Try this:
    1. Create a text object with some text in it.
    2. Draw a filled rectangle that overlays just part of the text.
    3. TypeTool: Press Alt to momentarily invoke a pointer. Click the text object to select it.
    4. Release Alt. TypeTool comes back.
    5. Hover within proximity to the filled rectangle. The cursor becomes the normal TypeTool cursor enclosed in a circle.
    This suggests that a click will enter the text, not create a PathType. Alas, it creates a PathType anyway. Try it again, this time pressing Alt. Pressing Alt makes the cursor change to the TypeOnAPath cursor, with no circle around it. Clicking creates a PathType.
    Worst text-handling interface I have ever seen.

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    Logical databases are special ABAP programs that retrieve data and make it available to application programs. The most common use of logical databases is still to read data from database tables and linking them to executable ABAP programs while setting the program contents. You edit logical databases using the Logical Database Builder in the ABAP Workbench.
    However, since Release 4.5A, it has also been possible to call logical databases independently of this tool using the function module LDB_PROCESS. This allows you to call several logical databases from any ABAP program, nested in any way. It is also possible to call a logical database more than once in a program, if it has been programmed to allow this. This is particularly useful for executable programs, allowing them to use more than one logical database and process a database more than once.
    Logical databases contain Open SQL statements that read data from the database. You do not therefore need to use SQL in your own programs. The logical database reads the program, stores them in the program if necessary, and then passes them line by line to the application program or the function module LDB_PROCESS using an interface work area.
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    Re: **LDB**
    Logical databases are SAP standard programs that are desinged with selections screens that helps easy retrival and access of data from various tables in and efficient manner.
    You can get to know more about the logical databases from the SAP documentation or the following links.
    A logical database is a special ABAP/4 program which combines the contents of certain database tables. You can link a logical database to an ABAP/4 report program as an attribute. The logical database then supplies the report program with a set of hierarchically structured table lines which can be taken from different database tables.
    Advantages of Logical database -
    1) No need of programming for retrieval , meaning for data selection
    2) Easy to use standard user interface, have check completeness of user input.
    1) Fast in case of lesser no. of tables But if the table is in the lowest level of hierarchy, all upper level tables should be read so performance is slower.
    1. A logical database is in fact
    a program only.
    2. This LDB provides two main things :
    a) a pre-defined selection screen
    which handles all user inputs and validations
    b) pre defined set of data
    based upon the user selection.
    3. So we dont have to worry about from
    which tables to fetch data.
    4. Moreover, this LDB Program,
    handles all user-authorisations
    and is efficient in all respects.
    5. tcode is SLDB
    good info about Logical Database. you can check the link.
    Re: How to Create and Use ldb in reports?
    Re: Logical databases
    Functions for displaying and changing logical databases:
    Call Transaction SE36 or
    Choose ABAP Workbench -> Development -> Programming environ. -> Logical databases
    Interaction between database program and report:
    During program processing, subroutines are performed in the database program and events are executed in the report.
    To read data from a database tables we use logical database.
    A logical database provides read-only access to a group of related tables to an ABAP/4 program.
    The programmer need not worry about the primary key for each table.Because Logical database knows how the different tables relate to each other,and can issue the SELECT command with proper where clause to retrieve the data.
    i)An easy-to-use standard user interface.
    ii)check functions which check that user input is complete,correct,and plausible.
    iii)meaningful data selection.
    iv)central authorization checks for database accesses.
    v)good read access performance while retaining the hierarchical data view determined by the application logic.
    i)If you donot specify a logical database in the program attributes,the GET events never occur.
    ii)There is no ENDGET command,so the code block associated with an event ends with the next event
    statement (such as another GET or an END-OF-SELECTION).
    1. transaction code SLDB.
    2.enter name z<ldb-name>
    4.short text
    6. name of root node (here Ekko)
    7. enter short text (f6)
    8.node type -> data base table.
    10 change logical DB
    riht click on ekko and insert node
    here node name ekpo
    12. click on selections
    13. press no Should the changed structure of Z<ldb name> be saved first. tables which you want to join.
    16 now you have to o to coding part.
    17. save
    activate. to src code
    double click on first include and activate

  • How to make part of text as bold..

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    its urgent..
    i have an expression in my ssrs report like
    =iif(passorder=1 and zoneorder<>4,
    iif(field!xxxx.value=3,field!xxxx.value & "is having perecntage of" & field!percentage.value, field!percentage.value)
    now,its having row and column, in preview i get 8 rows output
    so..i cant take place holders
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    this static text is having perecntage of should be in normal font only
    if used iif(field!percenatge.value="xx",bold,normal) in font weight but not achieved..
    can any on please help to  me if there is any bold() function that to use in that i can use in expression
    please help..
    thanks in advance..

    Hi LuckyLucky12,
    According to your description, you have a long string in a textbox which concatenate values of two fields and static text. Now you want to set bold style for values of two fields, but still keep the default style for the static text. Right?
    In Reporting Service, we can set style for text in a textbox, this style will be effective on whole textbox. However, we can create placeholders in textbox. So in this scenario, we suggest put those parts of text into different placeholders inside of a textbox.
    We can set style for each placeholder. Also, we can use expression in Value to set condition for displaying data. We tested your case with some sample data in our local environment. Here are steps and screenshots for your reference:
    1. Create a table in the report, double click on textbox, right click and select Create Placeholder. Select field in Value (If we want to set condition, put expression in it). Go to Font, select Bold.
    2. Repeat step1 to create other two placeholder. For the placeholder with static text, unselect Bold. 
    3. Save and preview. In our sample report, we set the condition for displaying data (display null string when DocId = 3). It looks like below:
    Formatting Text and Placeholders (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou (Pactera)

  • When does a selection in a text field in a Finder window lose focus?

    this problem has emerged on account of an Applescript file that needs to access a text selection (portion of a filename highlighted) in an open Finder window.
    The bare minimum code to demonstrate the problem is this:
    *tell application "System Events"*
    * *tell process "Finder"*
    * *set selText to value of attribute "AXSelectedText" of text field 1*
    * *end tell*
    *end tell*
    other variants also exist, using "keystroke" but that does not work either. I am not asking help with Applescript here, it is here only to give a sense of the problem.
    My conclusion thus far is that the selection lose focus before the script process can access it. In the best case I get the full filename by using "attribute" and copy of the alias onto the clipboard by using "keystroke".
    So my problem is this:
    It seems that the focus stays alive when one clicks on a menubar item, any click on any other item on the desktop, including windows of irrelevant applications, changes the focus from the selection within the text field corresponding to a filename, to the filename itself.
    And my question is this:
    Is there a changeable setting within the OS that has to do with how long the focus stays alive on a selection within a text field corresponding to a filename? If yes, how do I change it?

    baltwo wrote:
    Thanks for clarifying. Never heard it called a text field, just a label. So, exactly what are you trying to accomplish? Is it that you want AS to select the file, highlight its label so you can edit/change it with some other text? If so, have you checked out the Finder scripts installed on the machine, especially the Finder script *Add to Finder Names*?
    UI Element Inspector calls the activated/editable filename a text field.
    Actually I want to modify one of the stock Finder scripts. I want to be able to select part of the file name in the active text field of the Finder window, then activate the script, *have the script pick up the selection* as a text string then use it internally.
    The bolded step is the one in question.
    Every attempt fails on the fact that the focus is lost from the "text field" and it reverts to the label for the filename, if I may use this distinction, (or to "FinderItem" in the parlance of UIEI) as soon as another process begins, it seems. So when the script becomes active, but before any of the commands is executed, the selection disappears.
    My guess is that it is not some absolute necessity but a setting that perhaps can be changed somehow.

  • When I log into hotmail, I cannot select part of an e-mail and print just the selection. This will work with other borowsers.

    I can print an entire e-mail when I log into Hotmail using Firefox, but if I select part of the e-mail and tell the printer to print the selected part, all I get is a blank page coming from the printer.
    I can print the selected text if I use Internet Exlporer as a browser to log into Hotmail.

    My dad told me he had this 'no selection' problem when he wanted to print out a selection in Hotmail, so I had a hunt around, but didn't find a definitive solution.
    So, I have done some playing around, and have come up with this solution which works if you want to print out a selection in Hotmail (using firefox), but it is now greyed out.
    It seems to be connected with the way that Hotmail handles frames.
    (Thought I would post it as posts like this have helped me a ton in the past :0))
    '''To print a selection in hotmail you need to do this.'''
    1/ On the email you want to print click the small Printer icon in the hotmail menu.
    There is no need to highlight a selection at this stage because the email is in a frame, so it will do no good anyway.
    2/ A new page will open up and the printer dialog box will open up.
    Close the printer dialog box.
    3/ Highlight the text selection that you want to print on that page.
    4/ Press Ctrl-P on the keyboard.
    5/ The printer dialog box will now pop up again and you will be able to choose 'Selection'
    Your selection will now print.

  • Cannot highlight parts of text to revise leading, font, etc.

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    In the same way, I cannot see nodes in a drawing, although I can modify them if I can select them. I have tried both in wireframe but still cannot see my selections. CC 2014.

    View>Show Edges.
    That is toggled by Ctrl/Cmd+H, the most probable near miss of all.

  • Select part of message

    I just needed to reinstall Mountain Lion - well all of my applications - hard drive failure - I did have a backup of all data. Now though it seems I cannot select part of a message in mail as I've been able to do in the past. Thus I need to Reply to the whole message and then delete what I do not wish to response to. In the past I could simply select by dragging what I wanted to respond to and then respond just to that. I'm sure it's a Preference either System or Mail, but I cannot find it. Any suggestion? Thanks. Rick

    Mail -> Preferences -> Composing, in the Responding section, select the "Include selected text ..." option.

  • Partly Hidden Text if Printing Documentation large VI`s

    LabView 5.1.1:
    If I choose "Print Documentation" on large VI`s (Windows 98 Second Edition, HP LaserJet 4500 in Postscript Mode) and I choosed "scale to fit to page" in the sub menues, there are sometimes as on panel, as on diagram some labeling texts total or partly hidden (e.g. shifted down in that manner, that only a little upper part is visible in the text fields). Sometimes changing paper direction helps, but often it doesn`t.
    How can I print out documentation with all labeling texts visible?

    Select the whole text.
    Copy the text in a text editor.
    Print the text.

  • How to get the value from select list to text box

    I have a select list i want to retrieve the value from select list to text box.
    How can i do that???

    Hi Sakthi,
    Yo can use the Java script for that..
    Dynamically the value will come into text box.
    Use the below script.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function disFormItems()
    var lReturn = $v(here your select list name)
    document.getElementById(here your text box name).value =lReturn; }

  • I can not print only a selected part of a page

    I have reset the print.print_printer and still can't print only the selected part of a page. I highlight what I want to print and use control P to get to the printer setup. Then I click the selection button and then OK. The preview screen shows what would print but the page has blank space above what was selected. This has only started to happen since the upgrade to FF 11.0. I have tried the same operation using IE and it works fine. please, is there a fix for this??

    Hi jweigh,
    This is a known bug. You should take a look at this thread:
    See the last post by Cww.
    Hopefully this helps!

  • How do I select the entire text when the focus is moved to one TextBox?

    How do I select the entire text when the focus is moved to one TextBox?
    There are three TextBoxes.  I use <TextBox TabIndex="1"/> to set the order they are selected.  When I enter one specific TextBox, I would like to have the entire text selected ... one key stroke removes all of the text in that TextBox.

    I do it the following way:
    1.  Override the OnStartup for the application.  Use the following code: (VB.NET)
    EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(GetType(TextBox), TextBox.GotFocusEvent, New RoutedEventHandler(AddressOf TextBox_GotFocus))
    2.  In the event handler use this code (again VB.NET)
    Private Sub TextBox_GotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
    _theTextBox = CType(sender, TextBox)
    If setFocusTimer IsNot Nothing Then
    RemoveHandler setFocusTimer.Tick, AddressOf setFocusTimer_Tick
    End If
    setFocusTimer = New DispatcherTimer
    setFocusTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)
    AddHandler setFocusTimer.Tick, AddressOf setFocusTimer_Tick
    End Sub
    Private Sub setFocusTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    End Sub
    What this does is register a handler for every textbox in your application.  This will execute when the GotFocus event is raised and will allow you to do whatever (in this case select all) you want.  A great way of handling things at the application
    Lloyd Sheen

  • How to print selected parts of a webpage

    How can I print selected parts of a webpage (or more than one), without printing whole pages? Screen shot is nor effective for what I want.

    See Print Selection Service here:

  • Free Transform multiple layers at the same time (only selected part)

    i have two layers - one contains color and second one contains outline. I want to select a part of the image and free transform both the layers at the same time. (so when i for example move or rotate the selected part of my example, both the color and outline moves at the same time). Layers must stay separated, process must be sort of quick, i would love to use this all the time when drawing etc.
    - Only way i managed to make this somewhat happen was to select the desired part of the image -> save the selection -> new layer via copy (on first layer) -> reselect the saved selection -> new layer via copy (on the second layer) -> select both of the new layers -> free transform. Warp doesnt work but other transforms do. But still this process is too slow and distracting even when having all the required commands hotkeyed. Is there a faster way?
    Any tips are welcome!

    i did understand, but as i said ctrl clicking the new layer only selects visible pixels in it, and my layers dont cover the whole canvas, especially not the outline layer, so ctrl click will only select that noodle of pixels and thats not usable in the other layer. (doing selection in the other layer first isnt a solution)
    Better description of what exactly im after:
    im manually drawing characters and i keep the their black "ink" lines/outlines on separate layer from the color layer. From time to time i want to transform small part of the character, lets say warp or rotate just its leg to fix or iterate, but i want to transform both the outline and color layer at the same time with that rotation so i see realtime how it looks. I would use this all the time if it was doable quickly. Transforms and puppetwarp are so powerful when drawing that as last resort i will have to switch to drawing everything on single layer.

Maybe you are looking for