Selecting a row of h:datatable with java

Is there any way to set selected row in java bean for h:datatable ?
in other words.
how can I select a row of h:datatable with java ?

If you have an UICommand component in a row, there are two ways:
Bind h:dataTable to an UIData property in backing bean and use UIData#getRowData().
Or wrap data list in an DataModel instance and use DataModel#getRowData().
Alternatively you could also use f:setPropertyActionListener, but that isn't that efficient inside a h:dataTable.
If you actually want to select rows using radiobuttons or checkboxes, then check the examples in this article: [].

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    hello, I want to selected all rows in a dataTable.
    I use JS to got it:
    the selectBooleanCheckbox in the header of row:
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    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
        function selectAll(obj, first, size) {
            for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                var current = eval(first - 1 + i);
                var objs = document.getElementById("form:listbody:listtable:" + current + ":aa");
                obj.checked ? objs.checked = true : objs.checked = false;
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                                  onclick="javascript:selectAll(this,#{firstRow},#{displayedRowsCount})"/>It run good in IE,but not it does not work in firefox.
    Are there some method to do?
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    Needs you help!

    Yes, the paging for <h:dataTable> works pretty good, it manages the task through four methods created in the java code -- DataTable1_firstPageAction(), DataTable1_previousPageAction(), DataTable1_nextPageAction(), DataTable1_lastPageAction() -- without adding any javascript in the jsp page.
    Maybe I could test if a java script similar to the <ui:table>'s one fit also the dataTable...

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    SQL> select * from si_a31_per_vw v, TABLE(v.current_allergies) a where a.alg_seq
    AAAHQPAAMAAAAfxAAA N00000 771 223774444 20 GREGG
    CADILLAC 12-MAY-69 M R3
    E06 11-JUN-02 H N
    05-JAN-00 Y Y
    353535 USS SPAWAR
    L, NULL)
    *******Notice the allergy entry of 75, Strawberries, 13-JUN-02 at the
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    Name Null? Type
    ........ Omitted uneeded previous column desc because of metalink
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    Name Null? Type

    Can you explain what do you mean by the following?
    "PL/SQL tables (a.k.a. Index-by tables) cannot be used as the basis for columns and/or attributes"There are three kinds of collections:
    (NTB) Nested Tables
    (VAR) Varrying Arrays
    (IBT) Index-by Tables (the collection formerly known as "PL/SQL tables")
    NTB (and VAR) can be defined as persistent user defined data types, and can be used in table DDL (columns) and other user defined type specifications (attributes).
    SQL> CREATE TABLE my_table ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ints my_ntb );
    SQL> CREATE TYPE my_object AS OBJECT ( id INTEGER, ints my_ntb );
    /IBT are declared inside stored procedures only and have slightly different syntax from NTB. Only variables in stored procedures can be based on IBT declarations.
       TYPE my_ibt IS TABLE OF INTEGER INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;  -- now you see why they are called Index-by Tables
       my_ibt_var my_ibt;
    END;That sums up the significant differences as it relates to how they are declared and where they can be referenced.
    How are they the same?
    NTB and VAR can also be (non-persistently) declared in stored procedures like IBTs.
    Why would you then ever use IBTs?
    IBTs are significantly easier to work with, since you don't have to instantiate or extend them as you do with NTB and VAR, or
    Many other highly valuable PL/SQL programs make use of them, so you have to keep your code integrated/consistent.
    There's a lot more to be said, but I think this answers the question posed by Sri.

  • Selecting multiple rows using column header with checkbox in it.

    Dear All.,
    I am trying to select multiple rows with checkbox in column header but it doesnot works...
    Following is my codel
    <af:table value="#{bindings.xx.collectionModel}"
                          emptyText="#{bindings.xx.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                          varStatus="vs" partialTriggers="sbcSelectAll sbcChkFlag"
                          rowSelection="none" id="tCdMast" width="400"
                          columnStretching="column:c4" inlineStyle="height:200px;">
                  <af:column sortProperty="ChkFlag" filterable="true"
                             id="c2" width="55"
                             inlineStyle="#{row.ChkFlag ? 'background-color:#9CACC9;' : ''}">
                    <af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true" value="#{row.ChkFlag}"
                                              selected="#{row.ChkFlag}" id="sbcChkFlag"
                                              autoSubmit="true" immediate="true"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                      <af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true"
    Managed Bean
        public void onTableChkAllCheckChanged(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            Boolean newValue =
            Boolean oldValue =
            if (newValue.equals(oldValue))
            int rowIndex=0;
            ViewObject vo = u.findIterator("xxIterator").getViewObject();
              Row row;
                 row.setAttribute("ChkFlag", newValue.booleanValue());
        }Please help!!.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Can you check this sample in the blog post?

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    I'm pretty sure you can't do this using the standard JTable interface.
    You might be able to write your own keyboard listener and fake focus events for up&down arrow, but making this work seamlessly with JTable seemss like it would not be trivial.

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    You could enhance your collection item with a boolean. On your interface you then insert a checkbox column that you bind to the boolean property. on any given action you can go thru your collection and check which item has been selected. In case of doubt go to [] -i'm sure you'll find some samples/tuts there.

  • How to select one row in a table with radio button

    Hi all.
    I have a VO where there is an attribute (isDefault [String]) that identifies the default record in the view. The possible values are 'Y' for yes and 'N' for no. Obviously only one record can have the 'Y' value.
    In my page I have created an ADF Table (with the usual data control drag & drop). I would to transform the default inputText of "isDefault" field with a selectOneRadio component in order to permit the user to select (and save contextually in the DB) the default row of this table.
    Can you explain me how? I'm using JDeveloper
    Thanks in advance.

    Baduel wrote:
    thanks for your responses. Yes, it's easier to use af:selectBooleanCheckbox but I need that the selection is mutually exclusive (only one row can be selected). >If this is possible also with the boolean checkbox please tell me how.- Let's try with CheckBox :
    1. At the ViewObjectImpl level (for example, YourViewObjectImpl), add the following code:
      private oracle.jbo.Key currSelectedRowKey = null;
      public void doRowSelection(Key newKey) {
          // de-select old one
          if (currSelectedRowKey != null) {
              Row[] rows = findByKey(currSelectedRowKey,  1);
              if (rows != null && rows.length > 0)
                   rows[0].setStatusAsBoolean(Boolean.FALSE); // cast to the appropriate row Impl class if need !
         // remember a new selected row key:
        currSelectedRowKey = newKey;
      }In the ViewRowImpl, in the transient attr settter, do as follows:
      public void setStatusAsBoolean(Boolean value) {
         setStatus(value.booleanValue() ? ONE : ZERO);
         if (value.booleanValue()) {
             YourViewObjectImpl vo = (YourViewObjectImpl)getViewObject();
       }   P.S. The above was not tested at all, but should give you an idea

  • How to select one row from the datatable

    I have a data table which displays the employee list .the table contains 4 columns which represents the employee code,address,status like that.
    when we click on particular row,the row must be selected and the total details of the employee will be displayed on the same page below the datatable.
    how to write the code for this.

    Jsp Page
    <h:dataTable value="#{bean.list}" var="role" binding="#{bean.table}">
    binding- attribute need to include in dataTable tag
    1> private UIData _table; as variable
    2>Getter and setter Methods
    public void setTable(UIData table) {
    _table = table;
    public UIData getTable() {
    return _table;
    3> Object objectName=(Object)_table.getRowData();; -- include the code in the method u wanna fetch the row data.
    It'll work

  • Selecting The First Row Of h:dataTable after getting new DataModel f

    Hi Friends
    If any one knows how to select first row of a dataTable on change of a DataModel it is representing please give the reply

    I haven't understood the answer of UlrichCech
    I am not using IRDA for my development purpose.
    and abt your reply ..
    I have already tried tht way but the problem is that
    whenever I selects different row page gets postback and selects
    the first row again and there is no way to trap posback event in JSF
    like ASP.NET
    I think my answer is some where related to DataModelListener..

  • How to set selected all checkboxes in all dataTable's rows?

    Hi there,
    I'm trying to perform this simple task: having a dataTable with a column containing checkboxes, how can I allow (with a button, a "super" checkbox or so) to simultaneously set selected all checkboxes in all rows?
    And - is it possible to do so without calling the submit of the page?
    Thanks to everyone!

    Yes, the paging for <h:dataTable> works pretty good, it manages the task through four methods created in the java code -- DataTable1_firstPageAction(), DataTable1_previousPageAction(), DataTable1_nextPageAction(), DataTable1_lastPageAction() -- without adding any javascript in the jsp page.
    Maybe I could test if a java script similar to the <ui:table>'s one fit also the dataTable...

  • How to get selected values from datatable with paging

    hi all
    here is my problem
    I have a datatable with paging size of 2 and first column as checkbox.
    now i have total record of 5 data,2 row on each page.
    Now i m selecting 1-1 row from each page.
    When i m clicking Command button to display all the selected row from different page ,i m only able to display values selected from last page.
    Through debug i can see that only last page value is set to TRUE OR FALSE and every other value is neither true nor false.
    any help???

    <f:facet name="footer">
    <h:panelGroup binding="#{Page1.groupPanel1}" id="groupPanel1"
    style="display: block; text-align: center" styleClass="list-paging-footer">
    <h:commandButton action="#{Page1.dataTable1_firstPageAction}" binding="#{Page1.dataTable1FooterFirstButton}" id="dataTable1FooterFirstButton" image="resources/paging_first.gif" immediate="true"/>
    <h:commandButton action="# Page1.dataTable1_previousPageAction}" binding="#{Page1.dataTable1FooterPreviousButton}"
    id="dataTable1FooterPreviousButton" image="resources/paging_previous.gif" immediate="true"/>
    <h:commandButton action="#{Page1.dataTable1_nextPageAction}" binding="#{Page1.dataTable1FooterNextButton}"
    id="dataTable1FooterNextButton" image="resources/paging_next.gif" immediate="true"/>
    <h:commandButton action="#{Page1.dataTable1_lastPageAction}" binding="#{Page1.dataTable1FooterLastButton}"
    id="dataTable1FooterLastButton" image="resources/paging_last.gif" immediate="true"/>
    Above is the code which i m using for paging which is command button
    Any problem with it.???

  • multiple rows

    Hi all, i'm trying to select multiple rows but couldn't do it.. can you please help me to solve this trouble?
    Here the code..
    function doCount() {
              button = document.getElementById('formProcedurelist:buttonCount');
    <h:commandButton id="buttonCount" style="visibility:hidden" action="#{MainViewBean.getSelectedItems}"></h:commandButton>
    <h:dataTable id="tableProcedurelist" value="#{MainViewBean.procedureList}" rendered="#{!empty MainViewBean.procedureList}" var="procedure" border="1" headerClass="heading" columnClasses="col0,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5">
                                     <f:facet name="header">
                                     <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{MainViewBean.selectedIds[procedure.idProcedura]}" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:doCount()"/>
                                </h:column>Here my bean..
    private List<TKbankProcedure> selectedProcedureList;
    private Map<Integer, Boolean> selectedIds = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>();
    private ArrayList<TKbankProcedure> procedureList;
    public void getSelectedItems() {
             // Get selected items.
             selectedProcedureList = new ArrayList<TKbankProcedure>();
            for (TKbankProcedure procedure : procedureList) {
                if (selectedIds.get(procedure.getIdProcedura()).booleanValue()) {
                    selectedIds.remove(procedure.getIdProcedura()); // Reset
            System.out.println("number sel. items = " + selectedProcedureList.size());
        }and here my faces-config.xml:
              </managed-property>I can't understand why returns me 0 elements selected..i really hope in your help!
    However, thanks BalusC for the help you gave me in the other post!!
    Edited by: emergencyDeveloper on Dec 22, 2008 7:52 AM

    BalusC, i've removed entries and seemed to work..but still doesn't!
    Returns me these Exceptions:
    ERROR [InvokeApplicationPhase] #{MainViewBean.getSelectedItems}: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.NullPointerException
    javax.faces.FacesException: #{MainViewBean.getSelectedItems}: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction(
    Caused by: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke(
         at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction(
         ... 26 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at m2u_kbank.MainViewBean.getSelectedItems(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke(
         ... 27 more
    11:32:37,698 ERROR [[Faces Servlet]] Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception
    javax.faces.FacesException: #{MainViewBean.getSelectedItems}: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction(
    Caused by: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke(
         at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction(
         ... 26 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at m2u_kbank.MainViewBean.getSelectedItems(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke(
         ... 27 moreCan't found data in procedureList ArrayList, i think error is there..
    public void getSelectedItems() {
             // Get selected items.
             selectedProcedureList = new ArrayList<TKbankProcedure>();
             Iterator it = procedureList.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                 TKbankProcedure procedure = (TKbankProcedure);
                if (selectedIds.get(procedure.getIdProcedura()).booleanValue()) {
                    selectedIds.remove(procedure.getIdProcedura()); // Reset
        }Hope in your suggest!

  • Getting the selected row from a datatable -- URGENT

    I am facing the following problem with a datatable. The datatable does not have any Input components like CommandLink, Buttons, Radio Buttons and Checkbox. Even I cannot use the hidden Command Link.
    One solution is to use a input hidden variable which can hold the curent row Id. But in this case too, how to get the control in a backing bean method is not clear to me.
    Please guide me how to get the data of the selected row in the backing bean.
    Thanks in advance......

    I again explain my problem:
    I need to get the Current Selected Row onclick of any row in a Datatable. But the datatable is restricted not to have any CommandLink or Input component so that I can generate the action to go to any method on a backing bean as shown below.
    <h:dataTable id="dTable" value="#{Bean.myList}" var="currentRow" >
    <h:column id="row1">
    <h:outputText value="# currentRow.productNumber}"></h:outputText>
    <h:column id="row2">
    <h:outputText value="# currentRow.productName}"></h:outputText>
    As shown above I cannot use any commandButton or CommandLink to submit the page. All I can do is to generate any onclick function on Table and do something with it. But not sure how to do it.
    Now I want the productNumber of the selected row in any method say getCurrentRowId of the Bean.
    I hope the problem must be clear now....
    Thanks for your quick reply..

  • How to create a datatable with row headers and column headers

    I am trying to create a two dimensional datatable which has both column headers and row headers. using <h:datatable> i could create a datatable with only column headers.
    Thanks in advance

    Are you saying that you want a column with only th's? You could also just apply some CSS on that specific column that its rows look like headers.

  • Select item on a Tabular form with a different dynamic LOV on each row

    I would like to use a tabular form where one of the columns is a dynamic LOV based Select, and where that dynamic LOV refers to one of the column values on each row.
    So if the tabular form represented a list of teams and the LOV-based Select column was the current team leader, I would want that select list to be populated only with the members of that team (different for each row). Since the list of team members is in some other table (all_players or something) I would want to populate the LOV with a query with a where clause that selected only those players records with a team-membership equal to the current tabular form's team id. So, on each row that select list's contents would be different.
    -- Justin

    I'm beating a dead horse here but I did get something to work with "less" code. My current needs do not require me to cascade drop downs, I only want 1. You can use the query like the in the first reply (but I don't have a table with joins) I created a simple two column table dept_emp with 4 records 10,null 20,null .... I want to fill the nulls with an employee but ONLY an employee that matches the dept. (Same concept of team leader and members).
    Here's the query:
    select apex_item.display_and_save(1,dept) dept,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(2, name, 'select ename from emp where deptno='||dept) name
    from dept_emp
    I removed the code that was there already (ApplyMRU) and just put in this code:
    UPDATE dept_emp
    WHERE dept=to_number(HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i));
    The G_F01 matches the column 1 and so forth. There's more documentation but little explanation at:
    The thing I could not get to work was a dynamic message
    #MRU_COUNT# row(s) updated, #MRI_COUNT# row(s) inserted.
    Not sure when the MRU_COUNT gets populated (probably in the routine I removed ;))
    You're probably way past me by now but I like to have as little code as possible when it comes to maintaining an app. That's why I liked oracle forms so much. This kind of stuff was pretty easy to do.
    Thanks again everybody!

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