SelectOneMenu disabled attribute disappears

I have the following code to create a selectOneMenu:
<h:selectOneMenu id="geboorteLand" tabindex="12" value="#{myForm.geboorteLand}" disabled="true"
<f:selectItems value="#{enumeratiesBean.landen}"/>
and it generates the following
<select> starttag:
<select id="body:myForm:geboorteLand" name="body:myForm:geboorteLand" size="1" tabindex="12">
The problem is that the disabled attribute is not being rendered at all. Does anyone know this problem?

Yep, that's a bug. The tag class for <f:selectitem>
is not passing the "disabled" flag on to the
underlying SelectItem bean. This will be fixed for
the final release.
CraigA couple of pieces of further information on this:
I've been able to work around this kind of problem (in the beta) by using a backing bean to calculate the list of SelectItem instances to be displayed, accessed something like this:
<h:select_one id="selection" value="...">
  <f:selectitems value="#{mybean.validSelections}"/>
where the getValidSelections() method of your backing bean returns a List of javax.faces.model.SelectItem beans.  Any "disabled" property on these beans will be honored.
However, my experiments with Internet Explorer 6 so far indicate that it seems to ignore the following W3C standard syntax to disable an available option:<option value="foo" disabled="disabled">The Foo Option</option>
We are still investigating this issue -- any information or feedback that might be helpful should be sent to <[email protected]>.
Craig McClanahan

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    Disabling attributes and operation is not something I would recommend, but if
    you need to do it it should be relatively easy to use
    for that.
    For instance if you want to disable invoke for a given MBean, you could
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       // disable method whatever
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    }For background reading see: When and Why.
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    dn: cn=subschemasubentry
    changetype: modify
    add: objectclasses
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    Looks like I was able to resolve my issue! Some of the attribute add fields had a SPACE in after the quote in the DESC value.
    Rather than:
    DESC 'some description'
    It had:
    DESC ' some description'
    Hope that helps another poor soul. This led to major application-wide destruction if not done correctly; very little error checking on the scripts side.

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    Yep, that's a bug. The tag class for <f:selectitem>
    is not passing the "disabled" flag on to the
    underlying SelectItem bean. This will be fixed for
    the final release.
    CraigA couple of pieces of further information on this:
    I've been able to work around this kind of problem (in the beta) by using a backing bean to calculate the list of SelectItem instances to be displayed, accessed something like this:
    <h:select_one id="selection" value="...">
      <f:selectitems value="#{mybean.validSelections}"/>
    where the getValidSelections() method of your backing bean returns a List of javax.faces.model.SelectItem beans.  Any "disabled" property on these beans will be honored.
    However, my experiments with Internet Explorer 6 so far indicate that it seems to ignore the following W3C standard syntax to disable an available option:<option value="foo" disabled="disabled">The Foo Option</option>
    We are still investigating this issue -- any information or feedback that might be helpful should be sent to <[email protected]>.
    Craig McClanahan

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    If it's a bug in Safari's handling of the input element, then no there's nothing you can do to get around it.
    What are you trying to achieve? If you explain your aims maybe someone could offer an alternative solution.

  • SelectOneMenu disables itself after facesMessage

    Hello All,
    I have been working this for a while now and not really sure how to get around it. I have a SelectOneMenu populated with selectItems inside a form. The required attribute is set to true and the requiredMessage attribute is set to "Please select a position". The form elements (including the selectOneMenu) is nested inside a rich:modalPanel.
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    <rich:modalPanel id="groupsAddPanel" width="500" height="450" style="background-color: #EEEECB;" 
    binding="# {membersHandler.addNewMembers}">
                    <f:facet name="header">
                            <h:outputText id="groupsAddPanelHeaderText"
                    <f:facet name="controls">
                            <h:graphicImage value="/images/close.png"
                                            style="cursor:pointer" id="hidelinkAddGroups"/>
                            <rich:componentControl for="groupsAddPanel"
                                                    operation="hide" event="onclick"/>
                    <a4j:region id="groupsAddRegion">
                        <a4j:form id="groupsAddForm" ajaxSubmit="true" rendered="true" status="groupAddStatusId" >
                            <h:panelGroup id="groupsAddPanelGroup" rendered="true" >
                                <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="addGroupsTable"
                                       style="background-color: #EEEECB;" >
                                        <td class="groupsTdLables">
                                            <h:outputText id="posLblGroupsAddForm" value="Position: "/>
                                        <td colspan="3" class="addGroupsInputs">
                                            <h:selectOneMenu id="positionDropDown"                                                         
                                                             requiredMessage=" Please select a position!"
                                                <f:selectItems value="#{membersHandler.generalSelectItem}"
                                                <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="positionDropDown"/>
                                <h:panelGrid id="groupsAddPanelButtonsPanelGrid" columns="3" style="text-align:center; width:100%;">
                                    <a4j:commandButton id="saveLinkAddGroupsPanel"  value="#{srpBundle.hlinkSave}" 
                                                       styleClass="buttons01" status="groupAddStatusId"
                                                       rendered="true" action="#{membersHandler.saveNewRow}"
                                                       onclick="this.value='Processing...'; this.disabled=true;"
                                        <a4j:support event="onclick" reRender="addGroupsTable"/>
                                    <rich:spacer id="blankspaceId" width="200px;" />
                                    <a4j:commandButton id="cancelLinkAddGroupsPanel"  value="#{srpBundle.hlinkCancel}"
                                                       styleClass="buttons01" status="groupAddStatusId"
                                                       rendered="true" reRender="facStudRotcForm" immediate="true">
                                        <rich:componentControl id="richCmptCntrlCancelAddGroupsPanel" for="groupsAddPanel"                          attachTo="cancelLinkAddGroupsPanel"      
                        operation="hide" event="onclick"/>
                        <a4j:status id="groupAddStatusId" startText="One Moment Please..."
                   stopText="Ready!" style="text-align: center; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;"/>
                    <rich:messages id="richMessagesBaseForm2"
                                   style="text-align: left"
                                   passedLabel="Data is allowed to be stored."
                        <f:facet id="richMessagesBaseFormFacetHeader" name="header">
                            <h:outputText id="baseFormOutPutText" value="Entered Data Status:"></h:outputText>
                        <f:facet  id="richMessagesBaseFormFacetPassed" name="passedMarker">
                            <h:graphicImage id="baseFormImagePassed" value="/images/passed.gif"/>
                        <f:facet  id="richMessagesBaseFormFacetError" name="errorMarker">
                            <h:graphicImage id="baseFormImageError" value="/images/error.gif"/>
    </rich:modalPanel>I didn't see a need to post the valueChangeListern method because according to my debugger I never get there. The require=true attribute
    doesn't let the valueChangeListerner fire.
    Any ideas?

    place your select one menu in Ajax enable ajaxouputpanel and assign id to that component and re render the ajaxoutputpanel i hope it will resolve your problem.
    like the code.
    <a4j:outputPanel layout="block" id="positionDropDown">
    <h:selectOneMenu  valueChangeListener="#{membersHandler.positionSelected}"
                                                             requiredMessage=" Please select a position!"
                                                <f:selectItems value="#{membersHandler.generalSelectItem}"
                                                <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="positionDropDown"/>
    </a4j:outputPanel>Edited by: [email protected] on Sep 16, 2008 11:55 PM

  • Struts: How to set 'disabled' attribute name using a property in ActionForm

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    <nested:select property="someProperty" disabled="<nested:write property="screenReadOnly"/>">
       <html:options .../>
    where 'screenReadOnly' is a boolean variable in the ActionForm.
    However this does not work. Is there a way to use this technique in a struts way (without using any scriplets) for attribute names instead of having duplicate struts tags where the only difference is, in this case, the disabled value?
    For those that are interested, I get the following thrown exception:
    weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 120): Non-matching extension tags //[ null;
    Line: 120]
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.jspException(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mCLOSE_EXTENSION_TAG(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mTOKEN(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.nextToken(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.parse(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.doit(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.parse(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.Jsp2Java.outputs(
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generate(

    Rule of thumb: You can't use tags for attribute values.

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    I tried using style="size:10" but that isn't working either. Do I just have the syntax wrong?

    Sorry, I misunderstood the size attribute and how it works with a dropdown list. Basically what I want to happen is when the down arrow is clicked for the dropdown, I want the expanded list to only show like 20 options with a scrollbar on the right. Is this even possible?

  • Title attributes disappeared

    A beautiful credit sequence that had exported satisfactorily appeared the next time the project was opened with nothing in the credits but basic text and all attributes (fonts and placements) gone. No other damage to the storyline occurred. This was unprecedented. Any ideas what caused it and/or how to recover the attributes and/or how to prevent it from happening in the future?
    Because I'm in the completion stages of a film that has taken years to produce I've been stuck using older versions of the OS (Snow Leopard) and FCP (10.0.9). I'll replace everything on a new Mac Pro when this is done but I've got to wrap up the project with what I have first.
    I have the project file on the Mac Pro's main HD and the event library files for it on a separate internal HD.

    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    The puzzle remains, even though the next time I launched the program, the attributes returned.
    What I meant was, in playing the storyline with the elaborate titles, everything else that had been edited into the movie, including numerous composited and shots with various parameters adjusted, played normally except for that sequence in which every title played with all the text appearing in the centered basic title mode with none of the font attributes or placements within the frame on display. Still a worrisome event.

  • Javascript attributes disappear when going back

    This question is mostly about javascript and cookies but
    since I use CF i decided to post here.
    I have a very simple question - I hope!
    I have the following code in my very simple page:
    When I click on the link "turn black", the layer "newdiv"
    turns black. Now if I click on the google link go to google and hit
    the back button to come back to my page, the layer "newdiv" retains
    its original background color of gray.
    I want the color to remain black when I hit the back button.
    It works fine on Mozilla and Netscape, but does not work on IE6.
    How can I make it work on IE ? Any pointers much

    Hi sanman,
    You need to drop a Javascript cookie when the user clicks on
    the "change background link". You'll set that cookie to
    bgcolor="black" or someithing and tell it to expire when the
    browser closes. When the page first loads, ask if the cookie
    exists. If it doesn't, put the default gray color. If it does, set
    the bgcolor of the div to the value of the cookie. This way, no
    matter where the user goes after they leave this page, when they
    come back, the div will be the color that they chose. It will even
    work if the user clicks on "back".
    I don't know the code by heart because it's been awhile since
    I've used it, but if you Google Javascript cookies, you can find a
    bunch of tutorials on how to set and delete JS cookies.

  • Apex4 does not render readonly attribute properly for IE.

    I found that Apex4 renders the readonly attribute with an extra quotation mark for IE. So I get this:
    And it doesn't work, obviously. For Firefox, all is good.
    The simplest solution seems to be to just leave the Disabled attribute set to No and manually add "readonly=true" to the "HTML Form Element Attributes" field.

    yes that is a problem on our known issue list and will be fixed in our upcoming patchset 4.0.1. Actually the release candidate for this patchset has already been installed on So there you should not be able to reproduce the problem anymore.
    My Blog:
    APEX 4.0 Plug-Ins:

  • How to specify a radio button as disabled in Net-UI

    How do i specify a radio button to be disabled using the net-ui ??
    i know i can do it in HTML using
    So what is the Net-UI equivalent to the same ? I could not find much information
    in the workshop documentation pertaining to the same
    I have my radio button set up as
    <netui:radioButtonGroup dataSource="{actionForm.itemSelected}" >
    <netui:radioButtonOption value="{pageContext.itemNumber}" labelStyle="right"
    how do I specify a disabled property ??? I presume it can be done using labelStyle
    but I dont know what to write in it .
    Help !! MayDay !! MayDay !!

    The netui:radioButtonOption does not have a disabled attribute. I think your
    only option is to use javascript to set disabled to true.
    - john
    "kar piyush" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:4087ec3e$[email protected]..
    How do i specify a radio button to be disabled using the net-ui ??
    i know i can do it in HTML using
    So what is the Net-UI equivalent to the same ? I could not find muchinformation
    in the workshop documentation pertaining to the same
    I have my radio button set up as
    <netui:radioButtonGroup dataSource="{actionForm.itemSelected}" >
    <netui:radioButtonOption value="{pageContext.itemNumber}"labelStyle="right"
    how do I specify a disabled property ??? I presume it can be done usinglabelStyle
    but I dont know what to write in it .
    Help !! MayDay !! MayDay !!

  • Disabling a checkbox which is in a table, from managed bean

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    Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
    ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
    ValueExpression valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "#{bindings}", Object.class);
    DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer) valueExp.getValue(elContext);
    DCIteratorBinding iter = bindings.findIteratorBinding("dogsIterator");
    RowSetIterator rit = iter.getRowSetIterator();
    while(rit.hasNext()) {
    Row currentRow =;
    Attribute attr = (Attribute)row.getAttribute("checked");
    what code should come here to disable checkbox?

    Wes Fang wrote:
    You might find it easier to simply use EL and evaluate that value on the disable property:
    <af:column ...>
    <af:selectBooleanCheckbox ... disabled="#{row.bindings.checked.inputValue==YOUR_DISABLE_VALUE?true:false}"/>
    i used this approach.
    kept a bean in session and used it's property in disabled attribute - now setting this property in my bean...

  • Why I cannot process a disabled field when using htmldb_item

    I have a report that has this in the select statement
    case when c.sec_lic_status in (1,2,7,505,1002,1004,1005) then
    htmldb_item.text(2,sum( distinct a.fee_variable),8,20)
    htmldb_item.text(2,sum( distinct a.fee_variable),8,20,'disabled')
    end "Quantity 1"
    The above shows correctly. If there are 2 records one field is disable and the other is enabled.
    I have a process that fires on submit - after Computations and Validations. But the records don't changed when updating the enabled one.
    In debugging and writing to a file using the UTL_FILE package, I'm able to pinpoint that the disable fields are the problem.
    Is there a trick on manually processing disabled fields?
    I've found that when I uncheck the show box in the report, I cannot use the fields either. This is not a problem, just another comment.
    My main problem is what do I have to do to manually process a disabled field.
    Thanks for your help, comments, pointers, or anything that could help me or give me ideas.

    Juan - HTML items with the disabled attribute are not POSTed with the form so your after-submit processes never see them. Try 'readonly="readonly"' instead. Others may be able to suggest how to also give those cells a greyed-out appearance.

Maybe you are looking for