Self Contained Applications and their preferences, database, etc

Let say i have a cross-platform runnable application
This application create then read/write some data and preference in external files
Bundle hierarchy is as follow:
Whether it's on a Mac, Windows or Linux, the application knows that everything is next to her (ie: /database.odb or /config.xml)
Now comes the Self Contained Application feature provided by JavaFx 2
The application is embedded in .exe on Windows, .app on Mac and don't know yet about Linux...
As a Mac user i've tested it on Mac and saw that database.odb and config.xml are now created at the user root path
I thus agree that i should think of a cross-platform mechanism to save/read my application preferences regarding the operating system
But i'm not quite sure of what to do and how to do it (can't find any googling help either..)
On windows, the .exe is installed in a folder, so i guess i can keep the same behavior
On Mac, the .app is a folder and i should keep everything inside (how to get the .app path ?!)
Isn't there a built-in mechanism in Java/JavaFx ?
Thanks a lot for any comment, advice, documentation or else that you could give me

dolik.rce wrote:
Hi kolbycrouch,
I've been experimenting with the very same ideas in the past, trying to build portable apps to be used from thumb drive. But I ended up with much less success than you I did pretty much the same steps as you (CDE + LD_LIBRARY_PATH/LD_PRELOAD), but didn't think of recompiling glibc. Did you do that manually or using modified pkgbuild? If you have the pkgbuild for that I would really like to see it, as I will definitely try this again
Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience!
I just used the pkgbuild from the abs.
Ill have my tarballs uploaded somewhere soon, as of right now, some very old systems do not have /lib/ which might be needed for plugin programs, I noticed this when running gimp 2.7 (that i built on arch)  on centos, gimp would run if you used the prepackaged however it wouldnt load the plugins unless I put that ld in /lib, not a problem really, but i wish i could assign some variable like $LD= or something. It doesnt seem to need the ld that it was built with, just anyone will do, since ubuntu hardy has /lib/ it worked fine without needing my prepackaged one.
Maybe someone can tell me why arch's default Glibc packages is built with --enable-kernel=2.6.27, as I have not noticed any difference after lowering it to 2.6.9.
P.S. Woot, am running gimp 2.7.2 flawlessly on my very old centos 4.8 (kernel 2.6.9, glic 2.3) workstation.

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                                                                                                       *sincerly nube*

    OK. That wasn't clear at first. See the following:
    Uninstalling Software: The Basics
    Most OS X applications are completely self-contained "packages" that can be uninstalled by simply dragging the application to the Trash.  Applications may create preference files that are stored in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder.  Although they do nothing once you delete the associated application, they do take up some disk space.  If you want you can look for them in the above location and delete them, too.
    Some applications may install an uninstaller program that can be used to remove the application.  In some cases the uninstaller may be part of the application's installer, and is invoked by clicking on a Customize button that will appear during the install process.
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    Some software use startup daemons or agents that are a new feature of the OS.  Look for them in /Library/LaunchAgents/ and /Library/LaunchDaemons/ or in /Home/Library/LaunchAgents/.
    If an application installs any other files the best way to track them down is to do a Finder search using the application name or the developer name as the search term.  Unfortunately Spotlight will not look in certain folders by default.  You can modify Spotlight's behavior or use a third-party search utility, EasyFind, instead.
    Some applications install a receipt in the /Library/Receipts/ folder.  Usually with the same name as the program or the developer.  The item generally has a ".pkg" extension.  Be sure you also delete this item as some programs use it to determine if it's already installed.
    There are many utilities that can uninstall applications.  Here is a selection:
        1. AppZapper 2.0.1
        2. AppDelete 3.2.6
        3. Automaton 1.50
        4. Hazel
        5. AppCleaner 2.1.0
        6. CleanApp
        7. iTrash 1.8.2
        8. Amnesia
        9. Uninstaller 1.15.1
      10. Spring Cleaning 11.0.1
    For more information visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on removing software.

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    I only use external FW HDDs for my video work; my Capture Scratch files are on external drives and I export finished movies to external drives. My project files are on my system drive, this is the best way to work, I have never had any problems I could associate with this configuration
    I am assuming you've gone thru your project, your timeline and everything is kosher. Is everything fully rendered? Have you mixed down your audio? Have you tried exporting just the last 30 seconds of one of the projects to see if you can replicate the problem?

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    Save As places the file inside a .mov container. No re-encoding.
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    >>>So basically I want to define global BPM variables, populate them with some content during BPM execution and then at some point reference those container variables in the mapping ( prob via java code ) in a transform step ... Is that supported ?
    no, this is not possible
    you can only compare those varabiels with some of your message tags (in a loop step for example)

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    871609 wrote:
    We have an 24/7 application that uses oracle 11g R2 as the back end database. The application sits on a separate box and the oracle database sits on a separate box.
    Unless we keep both the machines in the same sub-net, the throughput of the application becomes very slow and kind of un-usable in performance setups.
    In fully loaded conditions, the application will be inserting around 12K records per minute into the database. In such scenario, restarting the application takes longer time (more than 2 hours) when the oracle server is on a different network as compared to the application. In real world, the oracle will be in a separate dedicated network and the DBAs resist to have an application in the same sub-net.
    Is there a way we can keep the application and the oracle database server in a different network (but present in same location) and achieve same throughput/performance when both servers are on same subnet.
    KrishnaHave the DBAs explained why they resist having the apps and db servers in the same subnet? Every place I've ever worked configured it exactly that way ... db and apps servers on different machines in the same subnet.

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    //load the driver class
    //Define the data source for the driver               
    String wdURL = "jdbc:odbc:SWDTEST";
    String username = "UNTEST";
    String password = "PTEST";
    wdConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(wdURL, username, password);
    wdStatement = wdConnection.createStatement();
    catch(SQLException e)
    System.out.println( e.toString() );
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    Does the server have ODBC installed on it? (Windows boxes will, unix will likely not.)
    Do you have a ODBC driver installed on the the server. This has nothing to do with java.
    Have you created a DSN on the server?

  • Self Contained apps.

    Hello everyone, well recently i've been experimenting with trying to build static applications, and self-contained packages.
    Ive messed around with Appimagekit and CDE to build self-contained apps and have finally come up with a method of my own for achieving massive portability with packages compiled with very new glibc versions.
    what i've done is built gimp 2.7.2 on arch and managed to run it on ubuntu 11.04, 10.04 and 8.04, as well as centos 5.6 and the very old centos 4.8
    basically I've rebuilt arch's glibc package to require kernel version 2.6.9 instead of 2.6.27 (still not sure if this is entirly neccessary)
    install all the packages required to build and run the gimp.
    make a directory called /Programs that has user read and write permission.
    built the gimp to install all its required files into /Programs/Gimp/2.7
    ran cde ( can be found here ) to find all the files that gimps requires, including other base tools, libraries etc.
    moved all the libraries i need into /Programs/Gimp/2.7
    and use this line to run
    LD_PRELOAD=/Programs/Gimp/2.7/lib/ /Programs/Gimp/2.7/lib/ /Programs/Gimp/2.7/bin/gimp-2.7
    which can be implemented into a script very easily.
    So by simply makeing a /Programs directory and changing the ownership to user, this same binary can be ran on systems as old as centos 4.8 which is as old a system I would expect anyone to use, however it most likely works with any linux using 2.6 kernel.
    Ill be uploading my packages to an fileserver of mine when I get the machine configured.
    This may not help anyone here in particular, but its very nice if you have older machines and need the latest apps, or an unpopular distro where packages arent available, and building is quite tedious.
    I would imagine these packages would work on *BSD with linux emulation but have not tested this yet.
    Sorry for my bad writting. Hopefully some of you can help me make more packages, test or whatever, as it would be nice to have a one stop place for common GNU/Linux apps that arent distro/glibc/kernel dependent.
    P.S. one good advantage of this aswell, is that the user has read and write access to the apps, which themselves do not require superuser rights to run, so why should they require rights to be installed. If anything this may be a security feature.

    dolik.rce wrote:
    Hi kolbycrouch,
    I've been experimenting with the very same ideas in the past, trying to build portable apps to be used from thumb drive. But I ended up with much less success than you I did pretty much the same steps as you (CDE + LD_LIBRARY_PATH/LD_PRELOAD), but didn't think of recompiling glibc. Did you do that manually or using modified pkgbuild? If you have the pkgbuild for that I would really like to see it, as I will definitely try this again
    Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience!
    I just used the pkgbuild from the abs.
    Ill have my tarballs uploaded somewhere soon, as of right now, some very old systems do not have /lib/ which might be needed for plugin programs, I noticed this when running gimp 2.7 (that i built on arch)  on centos, gimp would run if you used the prepackaged however it wouldnt load the plugins unless I put that ld in /lib, not a problem really, but i wish i could assign some variable like $LD= or something. It doesnt seem to need the ld that it was built with, just anyone will do, since ubuntu hardy has /lib/ it worked fine without needing my prepackaged one.
    Maybe someone can tell me why arch's default Glibc packages is built with --enable-kernel=2.6.27, as I have not noticed any difference after lowering it to 2.6.9.
    P.S. Woot, am running gimp 2.7.2 flawlessly on my very old centos 4.8 (kernel 2.6.9, glic 2.3) workstation.

  • Mac OS X: calling Self-Contained App Package Ant Tasks with jenkins

    we're trying to create a self-contained application package using the ant packager tasks running on Mac OS X Mountain Lion using Java 1.7.0_07-b10. This works fine when it is executed as a regular build. However, when we try to execute it from a Jenkins build job that is forced to use our "Mac Build Node" everything works fine as well BUT the packager fails to create a DMG-Image. It seems that the Applescript, created by the Packager to build the DMG, has problems to talk to the Finder application. Probably because it is executed remotely.
    Here is the Stacktrace:
    16:36:55 Using default package resource [script to run after application image is populated] (add package/macosx/ to the class path to customize)
    16:36:55   Using default package resource [DMG setup script] (add package/macosx/sfx-client-dmg-setup.scpt to the class path to customize)
    16:37:09 /var/folders/rk/mtx558t16p1f50_432f2dkq00000gq/T/build6253445559899130246.fxbundler/macosx/sfx-client-dmg-setup.scpt:55:59: execution error: Finder got an error: Application isn’t running. (-600)
    16:37:09 Exec failed with code 1 command [[osascript, /var/folders/rk/mtx558t16p1f50_432f2dkq00000gq/T/build6253445559899130246.fxbundler/macosx/sfx-client-dmg-setup.scpt] in unspecified directory
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at'd like to know if this is a known problem or a general limitation of the packager (or the way DMG creation works in OS X) ... OR if there is anything that I can do/configure/change to make it execute correctly when called via ssh on a remote mac?
    Thanks in advance!

    Apple script is used to style dmg installer (position icons, etc.).
    This is unavoidable step unless you will only build .app and generate .dmg on your own.
    It should still work over ssh if you log as a same user on the desktop on the build system.
    Finder can not initialize if it can not display. We use Hudson in house to do builds and they are building .dmg bundles fine as long as build slaves
    have same user logged in on desktop on the slave node. I assume similar should work for Jenkins but i have not tried myself.
    Otherwise, you can do custom dmg along these lines:
    - create .dmg image once from manual build
    - convert .dmg file to read-write form
    - remove content of you application folder (but keep top level app directory)
    - add this dmg to the build (should be able to compress it if size is concern)
    - at the build time - mount it, copy .app content into the image, then convert .dmg into compressed read only form

  • Final Cut Express wont make make a self contained movie

    Until recently I have always been able to export my movies from final cut express HD without any problems. They save as final cut express movie files. Now when I come to export a movie, I click on " make self contained movie" and what I get is a quicktime movie that is split into 3 parts, one named whatever I had told it to save as and the other 2 with the same name but -av1 or -av2 after it. If either of these is deleted the original wont play but they wont open on their own. There is sufficient hard drive space and they are all saved in the same folder. There appears to be a 2GB maximum file size as the first movie is 2 GB the second is 2 GB and the third is whatever is left over. Anything smaller than 4 GB just saves as a 2GB plus whatever is lreft over! They will play if original video clips are deleted so they are independent but wont play if one of the 3 is missing. Please help this is driving me scatty
    Powermac G4/466 (upgraded to dual 1.4GHz), Macbook pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Is the drive you aresaving to formatted to Mac OS Extended?
    Sounds like it could be Mac Standard.
    Also check in Prefernces that the file size export limit is not set to 2 gig.

  • Saving and restoring sets of open applications and documents

    Sometimes I have to restart when I have 20 to 30 Word and Excel files, websites, etc., open for work. It's time-consuming to go back and open them all up and get them positioned on various virtual desktops so I can get back to productive work, and every time I do it I swear there's got to be a utility that will save the state of these applications and their open documents for later restoration. Yet I've never been able to find an application to do this. Has anyone dealt with this issue successfully?

    AFAIK, when you select Restart, you should get a dialog box for each unsaved, open document that allows you to save it, before the app will quit. If that's not working, then you should manually save the open documents and quit the app before you restart.

  • Crashing screensaver and system preference.

    Any time I try to adjust my screensave in system pref, system pref crashes and says, "the application system preferences unexpecetlly quit." If I keep trying the screensaver option screen will eventually show up, but when I make any adjustment and close out, I get the warning New Preferences have been chosen for this system would you like to choose preferences or old preferences. No matter what I choose, when the screensaver tries to come on, just a blank screen flashes up for two seconds then go back to the desktop, then black screen, the desktop...and repeats. Any suggestions?

    It will transer: Home folder, third-party applications and their support files, and system preferences. System preferences are not the same as those you setup in System Preferences. They refer to your network and startup configurations as stored in the /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ folder.

  • Self-contained movie asking for source files

    I have exported a final cut pro movie as a self-contained file, and after I deleted the source files, as my harddrive was jammed full, I am unable to burn the project onto a dvd. The file won't open in quicktime or final cut pro. It keeps asking for a source file to continue - HELP! It was a two hour movie that I am to be burning for XMas, and it has slipped out of my computer apparently. It was opening on its own without my harddrive connected before I deleted the source files, so I KNOW it was self-contained which is the only reason I deleted the files in the first place! Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    This is not a new problem. I have encountered it through many versions of QuickTime.
    Typically, it happens after I assemble a compilation of clips from various sources, including imported Windows Media files. I diligently check the "Save as a self-contained movie" option, which always indicates a file size larger than the "Save as reference movie" option -- for example, 1.7 MB vs. only 9.2 KB for a short clip. And yet, if I have discarded the original clip, QuickTime is unable to play some of the supposedly self-contained movies because it can't find the deleted source files. It's kind of maddening, especially when there's no way to recover the original clips.
    I haven't tracked this, but I suspect it might happen when a clip in one format is pasted into a movie without first converting it to QuickTime. Has anyone else noticed this possibility and tested it?

  • Accidentally deleted all my applications and associated files using App Cleaner and when I put them all back in to Applications none of them work now

    Hi last night I stupidly downloaded App Cleaner and deleted all my applications and their associated files. Because I panicked I wasn't able to use the "put back" so I just dragged everything back in to Applications. Now none of the applications will work as some of the associated files aren't in the correct location and some of the files aren't even applications. i did not back up my system with Time Machine (lesson learnt). Please please can someone help me, I know that Mac's don't have a roll back like PC's

    Buddhaguru wrote:
    I know that Mac's don't have a roll back like PC's
    They do. It's called Time Machine.
    You need to reinstall all of your Apps. That should replace all of the support files you nuked.

  • Saving Final Cut project as a self contained Mpeg2

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    If you're using the current version of Compressor, if you look in the video settings you'll find a checkbox that allows you to create a muxed mts file.
    This is the Final Cut Express forum.

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