Send email with a form

in an effort to reduce the amount of email addresses on my
website (because of spam), i'm making a contact form. i was hoping
someone could help me figure out what i think is a simple script.
there is a drop down box in the form with everyone's names in it.
whichever contact the user chooses, the message from the form will
be sent to them. hope this makes sense; thanks in advance for any

Form Action Page
<cfmail to="#emailTo#" from="#form.emailFrom#"
subject="string or variable">
Where the emailTo value comes from is up to you. You can have
the email
address in the value parameter of the option tags, but this
would still
expose them the spam harvesting. Or you can have the value be
the keys
to the database table where the send to names came from. Then
on the
action table requery this table using the key from the form
data and
then use that value in the <cfmail...> tag.
straffenp wrote:
> i don't think it needs to be that complicated. here's a
better idea of what i'm
> trying to make:
> visitor's name:
> visitor's email:
> send this message to: (drop down with names populated
from a db table)
> message:
> if the visitor selects John Doe from the drop down list,
the contents of the
> form are emailed to John.
> if the visitor selects Jane Smith from the drop down
list, the contents of the
> form are emailed to Jane.
> Hope this makes more sense. thanks again for all the

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    There are a couple of ways to send email (with attachements) from Oracle Forms. Check out these links to some examples.
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    Hope this helps,

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    Actually you can send email through plugin using Actions feature. Recheck my articles about the feature -
    In case you anyway want to send your email directly you should recheck following articles:
    Dynamics CRM MVP/ Technical Evangelist at
    SlickData LLC
    My blog

  • Send Email with Attachment in BSP?

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        Thank you very much!

    Here is a sample application..
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003" >
      <htmlb:page title="Send Mail with Attachment " >
        <htmlb:form id           = "form1"
                    encodingType = "multipart/form-data" >
          <htmlb:label for  = "MAILTO"
                       text = "Mail to" />
          <htmlb:inputField id    = "MAILTO"
                            size  = "20"
                            value = "<%= mail_to %>"
                            type  = "string" />
          <htmlb:fileUpload id          = "myUpload"
                            onUpload    = "HandleUpload"
                            upload_text = "Attach"
                            size        = "90" />
    <b>Page attributes:</b>
    mail_to     TYPE     ADR6-SMTP_ADDR     E-Mail Address
    <b> Event handler OnInputprocessing..</b>
          file_content TYPE XSTRING,
          file_length TYPE STRING,
          file_mime_type TYPE STRING,
          file_name TYPE STRING.
    fileUpload ?= CL_HTMLB_MANAGER=>GET_DATA(
                           request = request
                           id      = 'myUpload'
                           name    = 'fileUpload' ).
    if fileUpload is not INITIAL.
      file_name      = fileUpload->file_name.
      file_mime_type = fileUpload->file_content_type.
      file_length    = fileUpload->file_length.
      file_content   = fileUpload->file_content.
      mail_to = request->get_form_field( `MAILTO` ).
    * Send mail part..
            lo_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs VALUE IS INITIAL.
      lo_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
    * Message body and subject
            lt_message_body TYPE bcsy_text VALUE IS INITIAL,
            lt_att_content_hex type solix_tab,
            lo_document TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs VALUE IS INITIAL.
      APPEND 'Dear Vendor,' TO lt_message_body.
      append ' ' to lt_message_body.
      APPEND 'Please find the attached report.'
      TO lt_message_body.
      append ' ' to lt_message_body.
      APPEND 'Thank You,' TO lt_message_body.
      lo_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
      i_type = 'RAW'
      i_text = lt_message_body
      i_subject = 'Visit report' ).
      data: data_tab type solix_tab,
      p_data type XSTRING.
    * Pass the data of the document we have uploaded..
      p_data = file_content.
      call function 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY'
          buffer     = p_data
          binary_tab = data_tab.
      DATA: lx_document_bcs TYPE REF TO cx_document_bcs VALUE IS INITIAL.
          i_attachment_type = 'PDF'
          i_attachment_subject = 'Visit Report'
          i_att_content_hex = data_tab ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs INTO lx_document_bcs.
    * Add attachment
    * Pass the document to send request
      lo_send_request->set_document( lo_document ).
    * Create sender
      lo_sender TYPE REF TO if_sender_bcs VALUE IS INITIAL,
      l_send type ADR6-SMTP_ADDR value '[email protected]'.
    * Set sender
      l_send = mail_to.
      lo_sender = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( l_send ).
      i_sender = lo_sender ).
    * Create recipient
      lo_recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs VALUE IS INITIAL.
      lo_recipient = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ).
    ** Set recipient
      i_recipient = lo_recipient
      i_express = 'X' ).
      i_recipient = lo_recipient
      i_express = 'X' ).
    * Send email
      DATA: lv_sent_to_all(1) TYPE c VALUE IS INITIAL.
      i_with_error_screen = 'X'
      result = lv_sent_to_all ).
    Hope this will be helpful.
    Raja T

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    Hi Templeton Peck,
    Thanks for droping in my thread ...
    Doesn't the fact that I can surf the web with my iPhone's hot spot and that I cannot use Mail normally has I normally do give you a clue what the problem could be ?
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    Hi apmichael,
    If you are having issues sending email from one of your mail accounts on your iPhone, you may find the following article helpful:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Mail
    - Brenden

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    The iPhone you returned is still syncing against your server and locking out your account. Someone possibly has access to your mail data. I'd recommend having your Exchange Administrator install the Microsoft Exchange Server ActiveSync Web Administration Tool ( -E0B4C6301453&displaylang=en) and attempt to wipe/delete/block that other iPhone.
    Message was edited by: ethanm

  • Is there any problem to use multiple threads to send email with JavaMail

    Dear all,
    I am using JavaMail 1.3.2 to send emails with SMTP, it works very well for a long time.
    But one day, I found that the email service hanged and I could never send email again until I restart the tomcat. I found that the reason was a deadlock had been created, the required resource for sending email had not been released.
    I guess the error is due to multiple threads are sending email at the same time. I made a test to create seperate thread for sending each email. After few days, I found this deadlock happened again. So, my question is: Can I use JavaMail with multiple threads? If not, I may need to sychronized all the thread that using JavaMail. I would like to make sure this is the reason for causing the deadlock problem.
    Here is part of my code for using JavaMail:
    transport = session.getTransport("smtp");
    transport.connect(email_host, smtp_user, smtp_pass);
    which is very standard call, and it worked well for a long time.
    Here is part for my thread dump on tomcat:
    - waiting to lock <0x5447c180> (a sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets)
    - locked <0x5447c180> (a sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets)
    It seems that these happened after call the method transport.sendMessage() or message.updateChanges()
    , and the underlying implementation may require the JRE StandardCharsets object. But the object had been locked and never be released. So, the sendMessage() or updateChanges() can't be completed.
    Please give me some helps if you have any idea about it.
    Thanks very much!

    Note that the Nightly build gets updated daily (and sometimes more than once in case of a respin) and it is always possible that something goes wrong and it doesn't work properly, so be prepared for issues if you decide to stay with the Nightly build and make sure to have the current release with its own profile installed as well in case of problems.
    See also:

  • Sending emails with both body and attachment to multiple recipients

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    Second mapping from Target Structure to Mail Package format.
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    "XIPAYLOAD" is the message protocol used.
    The "Keep attachments" option in the Mail adapter allows only to send "Content" as attachment or as body of the email.
    How to send an email with both content and text?
    The other problem is even with using ASMA, I can't send email to multiple recipients. I can only do CC and TO for 1 person each - a total of 2. Although I can resolve this by creating mailing lists, it is better if this can be addressed in PI.
    Thanks for any input you can provide!
    Edited by: crazylad on Jan 18, 2012 3:39 PM

    Thank you for your response Mikael.
    For the first question, I was able to find the solution in the following blog:
    XI Mail Adapter : Dynamically building attachment and message body content using a simple UDF
    (I just needed to search with the right set of key words )
    The key is to set the "Content Encoding" as "None" in the mail adapter. If this is not done, the mail will be sent with an attachment - untitled.bin containing both the mail body and the attachment text. Also, don't forget to check the "Keep Attachments" checkbox in the mail adapter.
    Multiple recipients could be added by separating the email IDs with a Comma. I have used ASMA to set the recipients.

  • XI Mail Adapter: sending emails with attachment with help of java mapping

    Hi ,
    On trying out the scenerio mentioned in the blog, using the java mapping provided
    "XI Mail Adapter: An approach for sending emails with attachment with help of Java mapping
    The scenerio works just fine.
    But the payload as the content of the attachment is not getting generated in proper XML format.
    I suppose it's because of the replace special characters code part..
    Can anyone help me state the modification required in the code.
    Faria Mithani

    It might be a codepage issue. Is your original payload UTF-8?

  • Sending email with 2 attachments in PDF Format

    I have 2 ALV Layouts, totally different in Structure.
    Now I need to convert these 2 ALV layout to 2 different PDF files and send email with thses 2 attachments.
    Can anyone provide me with sample report.
    I tried searching  for it  but there is no clue for ALV report-> PDF -> email.

    I doubt if you really searched before posting. You will find many posts indicating how to convert your report output be it ALV or classical into spool and then in to pdf. After you get the pdf binary format, its pretty much the same attaching those and sending E-mail

  • Sending email with multiple attachments

    Hi forum,
    I am able to send email with a single attachment using maildemo.sql from:
    But now I am trying to send email with more than 1 attachment and it does not work. My code that calls the above mentioned package is as follows:
    PROCEDURE send (
    psender VARCHAR2,
    precipients VARCHAR2,
    pcc VARCHAR2,
    pbcc VARCHAR2,
    psubject VARCHAR2,
    pmessage VARCHAR2,
    pnumattach NUMBER) -- The number of attachments that need to be sent
    p_blob BLOB;
    p_filename VARCHAR2(200);
    p_filetype VARCHAR2(200);
    p_currSeq NUMBER;
    conn utl_smtp.CONNECTION;
    i NUMBER;
    j NUMBER;
    len NUMBER;
    IF pnumattach > 1
    conn := SEND_EMAIL_HELPER.begin_mail(
              sender => psender,
              recipients => precipients,
              subject => psubject,
              mime_type => send_email_helper.MULTIPART_MIME_TYPE);
    j := 0;
    SELECT seq_attach_transact_id.CURRVAL INTO p_currSeq FROM dual; -- seq_attach_transact_id is a primary key that identifies every single attachment in the table
    WHILE (j < pnumattach) LOOP
    p_currSeq := p_currSeq - j;
    SELECT blob_content INTO p_blob FROM wwdoc_document WHERE transaction_id = p_currSeq;
    SELECT name INTO p_filename FROM wwdoc_document WHERE transaction_id = p_currSeq;
    SELECT mime_type INTO p_filetype FROM wwdoc_document WHERE transaction_id = p_currSeq;
    conn => conn,
    mime_type => p_filetype,
    inline => TRUE,
    filename => p_filename,
    transfer_enc => 'base64');
    -- split the Base64 encoded attachment into multiple lines
    i := 1;
    len := DBMS_LOB.getLength(p_blob);
    WHILE (i < len) LOOP
    UTL_SMTP.Write_Raw_Data (conn,
    UTL_SMTP.Write_Raw_Data (conn,
    DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(p_blob, (len - i)+1, i)));
    END IF;
    UTL_SMTP.Write_Data(conn, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    SEND_EMAIL_HELPER.end_attachment(conn => conn);
    conn => conn,
    data => pmessage,
    mime_type => 'text/html');
    SEND_EMAIL_HELPER.end_mail( conn => conn );
    END IF;
    END send;
    Can anyone please tell me where am i going wrong.
    Message was edited by:

    The easiest is to send an e-mail with multiple attachments to yourself and then view the message in raw to see how it is formatted - how the boundaries work. what the boundary headers are, etc.
    Then you use that as a template for your PL/SQL code to generate a MIME body for an e-mail that has multiple attachments.
    To debug.. have your PL/SQL code send sample e-mails with multiple attachment to your account, view it in raw format and compare that to the original format you've based your template on.
    And none of this is really a PL/SQL issue.. it is all about formatting a valid MIME message for an e-mail.

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