Send HTTP Request to Server

i need to implement a program that will send request to the server and recieve the http response from the server.
Some of information will attached in the http response from the server.
My application must able to catch out this info in the http response header.
I had use the httpClient jar to send the request and i able to recieve http response 200 or 400 only from the server.
Can any one of you give me some idea on how to retrieve the attached info in the response header?
Thanks in advance.

package org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods methods: GetMethod PostMethod : getResponseHeaderGroup, getResponseHeaders, getResponseHeaders...

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    I am trying to use ActionScript's File.upload to upload a file on Air SDK for iOS8 environment, but the File.upload does not work properly. No handler about the file upload is executed after File.upload is invoked, and no exception is caught. When I check the network traffic of the server side, I found that no http request even hit the server after File.upload is executed. The code snippet here is very simple.
      private var file:File;
      private var dir:File;
      //This method is executed to create a file and upload it when the Upload Button is pressed.
      protected function OnUploadButtonPressed(event:MouseEvent):void{
      var str:String = 'This is test';
      var imageBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
      for ( var i:int = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {
      imageBytes.writeByte( str.charCodeAt(i) );
      dir = File.applicationStorageDirectory
      var now:Date = new Date();
      var filename:String = "test" + now.seconds + now.milliseconds + ".txt";
      file = dir.resolvePath( filename );
      var stream:FileStream = new FileStream(); file, FileMode.WRITE );
      stream.writeBytes( imageBytes );
      file.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, uploadComplete );
      file.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError );
      file.addEventListener( SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityError );
      file.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, someError);
      file.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
      file.upload( new URLRequest(""));//This line does not work. No handler is executed. No http request hit the server side.
      } catch( e:Error ) {
      trace( e );
      //Complete Handler
      private function uploadComplete( event:Event ):void
      trace( "Upload successful." );
      //IOError handler
      private function ioError( error:IOErrorEvent ):void
      trace( "Upload failed: " + error.text );
      //SecurityError handler
      private function securityError(error:SecurityErrorEvent):void{
      trace( "Security error:" + error.text );
      //Other handler
      private function someError(error:ErrorEvent):void{
      trace("some error" + error.text);
      //Progress handler
      private function onProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void{
    When executed on Air Simulator, it works fine as expected, and the file is successfully uploaded to the server. But When executed on iOS devices(in my case, iPad), as I explain early, no handler about the file upload is executed, and no the http request even hit the server. So I think the problem may be in the client side. It seems that the Air SDK for iOS just failed to send the http request for some reason.
    To make my problem more clear, I list my environment below:
    Development Environment:  Windows7 (64bit)  / Mac os 10.9.4 (Tested on  OS platforms.)
    IDE: Flash Builder 4.7
    Air SDK:  3.8 / 16.0.0 (After I updated to the lastest Air SDK 16.0.0 , the problem still exists.)
    Application Server:  Tomcat7 + Spring
    Target OS: iOS 8
    I have been struggling for this for days. So I really appreciate it if anyone has any idea about this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi bluewindice ,
    As you have quoted ( ActionScript's File.upload does not work on Air SDK for iOS devices ) , this issue has been replicated at our end, and our team will be working on it.

  • Problem in sending HTTP request to the server.

    i dveloped an ant script for sar deployment.
    i deployed a sar to my local soa server with ant script. it got deployed succesfully..
    but when i try to deploy to a remote server, getting the below error..
    "Problem in sending HTTP request to the server. Please make sure the server is up and/or check standard HTTP response code for 404"
    but the server is up and runnig and i am able to ping it from my machine and also access the console...
    below is my script
    #Deployment environment
    #Deploy Action
    deployAction =redeploy
    #For Composite deployment
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <project name="soaDeployAll" default="deployAll">
         <echo>basedir ${basedir}</echo>
         <property environment="env"/>
    <echo>current folder ${basedir}</echo>
         <property file="${basedir}/"/>
         <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
              <pathelement location="${all.needed.jars.path}/ant-contrib.jar"/>           
         <target name="init">
                   <format property="timestamp" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"/>
              <property name="build.log.dir" location="${basedir}/buildlogs"/>
              <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}"/> <property name="build.log.filename" value="build_${timestamp}.log"/>
              <record name="${build.log.dir}/${build.log.filename}" loglevel="verbose" append="false"/>
              <echo message="Build logged to ${build.log.filename}"/>
         <target name="deployAll" depends="init">
         <echo>Deploy for environment ${deployment.plan.environment}</echo>
         <antcall target="deployAllComposites"/>
    <!-- Following Actions are performed for Composite files in Managed Server - Deploy,Redeploy -->
         <target name="deployAllComposites" depends="init">
         <foreach target="deployComposites" param="Files">
              <fileset dir="${sarLocation}" casesensitive="no" includes="*.jar"/>
         <target name="deployComposites" depends="init">
         <basename file="${Files}" property="basename"/>
    <echo>Deploy Project ${basename} for environment ${deployment.plan.environment}</echo>
                   <equals arg1="${deployAction}" arg2="deploy" />
                        <echo message="Deploying composites in Managed server........." />
                        <ant antfile="${oracle.soa.home}/bin/ant-sca-deploy.xml" inheritAll="true" target="deploy">
                             <property name="serverURL" value="${serverURL}"/>
                             <property name="user" value="${user}"/>
                             <property name="password" value="${password}"/>
                             <property name="overwrite" value="false"/>
                             <property name="forceDefault" value="${forceDefault}"/>
                             <property name="sarLocation" value="${sarLocation}/${basename}"/>
                        <echo message="ReDeploying composites in Managed server........." />
                        <ant antfile="${oracle.soa.home}/bin/ant-sca-deploy.xml" inheritAll="true" target="deploy">
                             <property name="serverURL" value="${serverURL}"/>
                             <property name="user" value="${user}"/>
                             <property name="password" value="${password}"/>
                             <property name="overwrite" value="true"/>
                             <property name="forceDefault" value="${forceDefault}"/>
                             <property name="sarLocation" value="${sarLocation}/${basename}"/>                         
    please help....

    Give the serverURL as http://<host>:<managed.server.port>/soa-infra/deployer and try.
    e.g .
    Neeraj Sehgal

  • How does Flash send outgoing HTTP request to server?

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    I would like to know how Flash sends outgoing HTTP requests.
    I would like to know when from the inside of a Flash SWF file
    request for another SWF or FLV file is made; how the Flash sends
    this request to server.
    Thank you very much and have a great day,

    Hello everyone,
    I would like to know how Flash sends outgoing HTTP requests.
    I would like to know when from the inside of a Flash SWF file
    request for another SWF or FLV file is made; how the Flash sends
    this request to server.
    Thank you very much and have a great day,

  • Adobe Creative Cloud connectivity issue on Websense run network; Failed to send the request to server to get the response - 12002

    Hi all,
    I am able to install the Windows Adobe Creative Cloud application fine on Windows 7 box but the application fails to establish a connection with Adobe server/-s.
    We use a proxy with Websense as our network security solution. Proxy configuration script is set in Internet Options. We have not tried to whitelist anything as per as the errors suggest the application does not even connect to the proxy server/Websense at all.
    Please see below snippet from that DLM.log file that contains the error messages - please have a look. Could anybody tell me what it means or advise how to resolve this please? I don't see the Adobe Creative Cloud tool to have any options where manual proxy settings can be setup to try that.
    11/05/14 08:50:48:184 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 5236 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:50:52:145 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 3732 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:51:05:327 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 1784 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:51:06:968 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 3452 | The windows error code is - 12002
    11/05/14 08:51:06:968 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 3452 | Failed to send the request to server to get the response - 12002
    11/05/14 08:51:06:968 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 3452 | the download job (0) failed to execute. The job state is STOPPED_STATE
    11/05/14 08:51:06:992 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6844 | some intermittent error. Retrying now. Error code is 12002 and error type is -45
    11/05/14 08:51:11:514 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6844 | incrementing the thread. now the active thread count is 2
    11/05/14 08:51:12:519 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6648 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:51:16:541 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6844 | decrementing the thread count. now the active thread count is 1
    11/05/14 08:51:22:281 | [INFO] |  | |  |  |  |  | 3452 | resetting intermitent error 9 from to 1 to 0
    11/05/14 08:51:29:022 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 1836 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:52:22:381 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 7220 | incrementing the thread. now the active thread count is 2
    11/05/14 08:52:26:971 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 6756 | The windows error code is - 12002
    11/05/14 08:52:26:971 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 6756 | Failed to send the request to server to get the response - 12002
    11/05/14 08:52:26:971 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 6756 | the download job (5) failed to execute. The job state is STOPPED_STATE
    11/05/14 08:52:27:383 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 7220 | some intermittent error. Retrying now. Error code is 12002 and error type is -45
    11/05/14 08:52:27:663 | [INFO] |  | |  |  |  |  | 4908 | resetting intermitent error 9 from to 1 to 0
    11/05/14 08:52:28:733 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6064 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:52:42:810 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 7220 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:52:45:570 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 3788 | **File download complete.**
    There is also an INFO class message that talks about resetting an ‘error 9’ from 1 to 0.

    Hi all,
    I am able to install the Windows Adobe Creative Cloud application fine on Windows 7 box but the application fails to establish a connection with Adobe server/-s.
    We use a proxy with Websense as our network security solution. Proxy configuration script is set in Internet Options. We have not tried to whitelist anything as per as the errors suggest the application does not even connect to the proxy server/Websense at all.
    Please see below snippet from that DLM.log file that contains the error messages - please have a look. Could anybody tell me what it means or advise how to resolve this please? I don't see the Adobe Creative Cloud tool to have any options where manual proxy settings can be setup to try that.
    11/05/14 08:50:48:184 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 5236 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:50:52:145 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 3732 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:51:05:327 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 1784 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:51:06:968 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 3452 | The windows error code is - 12002
    11/05/14 08:51:06:968 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 3452 | Failed to send the request to server to get the response - 12002
    11/05/14 08:51:06:968 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 3452 | the download job (0) failed to execute. The job state is STOPPED_STATE
    11/05/14 08:51:06:992 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6844 | some intermittent error. Retrying now. Error code is 12002 and error type is -45
    11/05/14 08:51:11:514 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6844 | incrementing the thread. now the active thread count is 2
    11/05/14 08:51:12:519 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6648 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:51:16:541 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6844 | decrementing the thread count. now the active thread count is 1
    11/05/14 08:51:22:281 | [INFO] |  | |  |  |  |  | 3452 | resetting intermitent error 9 from to 1 to 0
    11/05/14 08:51:29:022 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 1836 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:52:22:381 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 7220 | incrementing the thread. now the active thread count is 2
    11/05/14 08:52:26:971 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 6756 | The windows error code is - 12002
    11/05/14 08:52:26:971 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 6756 | Failed to send the request to server to get the response - 12002
    11/05/14 08:52:26:971 | [ERROR] |  | |  |  |  |  | 6756 | the download job (5) failed to execute. The job state is STOPPED_STATE
    11/05/14 08:52:27:383 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 7220 | some intermittent error. Retrying now. Error code is 12002 and error type is -45
    11/05/14 08:52:27:663 | [INFO] |  | |  |  |  |  | 4908 | resetting intermitent error 9 from to 1 to 0
    11/05/14 08:52:28:733 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 6064 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:52:42:810 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 7220 | **File download complete.**
    11/05/14 08:52:45:570 | [INFO] | |  |  |  |  |  | 3788 | **File download complete.**
    There is also an INFO class message that talks about resetting an ‘error 9’ from 1 to 0.

  • ExecutorService creating tasks to send HTTP requests - time out

    In my java application, I have introduced ExecutorService to create tasks. The tasks consist of sending HTTP requests to an application server, to process transactions. The ExecutorService will process about 1000 requests.
    The executor process the transactions and terminates OK, but some of the transactions timed out (before introducing ExecutorService, I was just sending one transaction at time, all the transactions were processed OK; but, it was taking a long time to process).
    See the code below.
    private ExecutorService threadExecutor;
    threadExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(30);
         //Shutting down the ThreadExecutor
    threadExecutor.awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    catch (InterruptedException e)
         System.out.println("ERROR - cannot shutdown the ThreadExecutor - exception is: " + e);
    Is this the best way to implement this use case?
    Thank you.

    From the above code, it seems like you are starting only a single transaction in a thread pool. Or does the transaction object you pass to the threadExecutor spawn more tasks for the executor?
    If you are indeed still making all HTTP requests from the single transaction object, then yes, it will 'time-out' after 30 seconds, since the ExecutorService was instructed to stop its threads after that period of time.
    Your description of the use case is actually a good example of the usage of an ExecutorService, since it is faster to do 1000 HTTP requests in parallel than it is to do them sequentially.
    Consider this:
    ExecutorService threadExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(30);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      threadExecutor.execute(new Transaction());
      threadExecutor.awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    catch (InterruptedException e)
      // Ignore
    }This will spawn 1000 transactions that will execute in parallel, with max. 30 running at any single point in time. Any transactions still not executed after 30 seconds will be terminated.
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: Kramor_dude on Nov 5, 2009 6:55 AM

  • Problem sending http request

    I have a Java program that creates a url from a String, then uses the openConnection method of URLConnection to send the request to a web server. The exact same Url string works fine from my browser, but the Java program throws a Other url's work OK.
    Any pointers as to what could cause this are appreciated.

    See if anything in helps you.

  • Error while sending SOAP Request to server through XML Spy

    i have created a webservice to jdbc scenario application and when i tried to check my webservice with XML Spy by giving inputs to wsdl file as SOAP Request to server, its showing the error like this:
    <b><u>Http error : could not POST File</u></b>
    It would be good if u explain step by step procedure how to solve the issue.
    Thanks & Regards.,

    This is the error showing after clicking OK button after it showed the error
    Http error : could not POST File
    <b><?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- see the documentation -->
    <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
                   <faultstring>Server Error</faultstring>
                        <s:SystemError xmlns:s="">
                             <text><![CDATA[ XIServer:PL_TIMEOUT:
    yes i have the role of XIAPPLUSER
    scenario has created by me and i have the authorization to enter into XI

  • Problems sending HTTP request to PI

    In order to receiver a HTTP request from HTTP server onto PI, what things needs to be defined in PI?
    there is an HTTP application which can connect to other PI server in my environment without any issues, but when I point it to intended PI server, it is throwing exceptions. Where am I doing wrong? do I need to create a some RFC destination for this?

    Since you are talking about "PI" I believe you're using 7.1X.
    From this, check this link:
    Also, when you go to the INTEGRATION_DIRECTORY_HMI, the result
    should be 500 "Internal Server Error" and not the 200 Ok that we're used to
    Hope it helps!
    Caio Cagnani

  • Apache HA: Probe sends HTTP request to HTTPS port

    i have a Sun 3.2 Cluster and the Apache HA module configured as described in the documentation. Works fine, except of the probe sending a HTTP request to the HTTPS port - this causes every minute an error log entry which is annoying. The log file runs full of these "HTTP spoken on HTTPS port" messages.
    I have already tried to set the Monitor_Uri_List parameter to http://servername:80/ but this does not help. Has anyone a solution to this problem? Can I just re-create the apache HA module and leave out the '44/tcp' in the Port_list parameter?
    Thanks for help,

    It doesnt matter where they are, you just need to set up the two virtual hosts as per my example. The fact that the domains are the same with/without ssl doesnt change my example above.
    So, you need to set up one ssl host for the domain, and a non-ssl host for the domain If you want to have the same behavior you will need another pair for that.
    Apache must have a virtual host to respond to a port/domain combination.
    The reason I suggested a re-write rule of the form I did was to ensure that if someone went to: (for instance)
    they would be redirected to
    rather than the root of the domain.
    Does this help?

  • Sending HTTP request to an unknown URL

    How to set timeout and continue the flow in plsql when a http request is sent to an unknown ip(fake ip). I am sending request using utl_http package. i tried setting timeout using utl_http.set_transfer_timeout but no luck.I would like to know some suggestions on this. im really bugged on this for the past 2 weeks. I posted this twice. But there was no satisfactory answers.
    please help.

    Here's what i tried using exception handlers. but it does not work
    IF (cou > 0) THEN
                    l_url            VARCHAR2(256) ;
                    l_http_request   UTL_HTTP.req;
                    l_http_response  UTL_HTTP.resp;
                        l_url := hostname;
                            l_http_request  := UTL_HTTP.begin_request(l_url);
                         l_http_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response(l_http_request);
    CASE WHEN l_http_response.status_code = 200  THEN
                WHEN l_http_response.status_code in(401,403,500,503) THEN
            END CASE;
                    EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN
                Result := 'continue';
          END IF;

  • Sending http request form forte to webserver

    Hai ,
    Do any one has an idea of sending the HTTP request from forte client to the
    webserver where my servlet is running.
    Thanks in Advance

    Here's what i tried using exception handlers. but it does not work
    IF (cou > 0) THEN
                    l_url            VARCHAR2(256) ;
                    l_http_request   UTL_HTTP.req;
                    l_http_response  UTL_HTTP.resp;
                        l_url := hostname;
                            l_http_request  := UTL_HTTP.begin_request(l_url);
                         l_http_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response(l_http_request);
    CASE WHEN l_http_response.status_code = 200  THEN
                WHEN l_http_response.status_code in(401,403,500,503) THEN
            END CASE;
                    EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN
                Result := 'continue';
          END IF;

  • Send http request..

    hi to all !
    someone can tell me the one way for send a request http like for browser ""username=nico&password=nico" but with library ?
    thanks in advance,(and sorry for my english..;-))

  • In ActionScript 2.0 , How can I send HTTP request and get the response in JSON format.

    I am using ActionScript 2.0 for my app development. I have checked XML and LoadVars class. These classes by default send/receive data either in XML or name/value pair format. I want to send data in JSON format and receive the response in JSON format. How can I achieve this behavior using AS2.0. I have noticed that AS3.0 has the capabilities to do so. My client platform doesn't support AS3.0. Can anybody suggest a way to achieve this?
    Thanks in Advance.

    Atlast I am able to find the solution for this problem. In the end solutioin is very simple.
    Following steps will help in sending request in JSON format.
    1. extend LoadVars class
    2. override toString method. (It should return JSON format )
    3. Use subclass to send the request.

  • How do I send HTTP request to a server via a proxy server in JDK 1.4?

    JDK 1.5 's URL class provides an overloaded version of openConnection() which accepts an object of type Proxy using which we can establish connection with a remote server via a proxy server, but JDK 1.4 doesn't provide any such overloaded version. How do I do that in JDK 1.4? Even if I had a class that can create HTTP packets for me, then I could have established Socket connection with the proxy server and sent the HTTP packet to it. Is there a way to do that also?

    There are some system properties, which can be set with System.setProperty []

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