Okay, So I'm sending in my ipod mini which needs a new batery. I am paying 60 dollars and they are supose to replace the batery. My friend says that they don't make them anymore so they will send you a new ipod nano or some other product. Is this true? If not, Can someone tell me what will happen? I mean why pay 60 dollars if you can buy a brand new one for 150? HELP!!!!

My guess is they have MANY minis available that are refurnished, used and/or new.
Why spend $150 when you can get a like new mini, that's if it still meets your needs?
If you need bigger/new, then get an aftermarket battery and do it yourself, buy the bigger new one and keep them both.
Or, buy new, leave the old mini in a cradle or plugged into the car adapter and use it as a 'less portable' jukebox.
iMac 20    

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    b Various Methods to Connect to a Car Stereo System, or Listen to Your iPod in the Vehicle
    b Best:
    Direct connection via the dock connector or headphone jack of your iPod, to the mini-jack input (or AUX RCA input jacks) of your car stereo. Not many low/moderate-end cars have this feature yet, but it is becoming more popular. Some aftermarket auto stereo units may have this feature.
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    b Brave Techno-Geek:
    This site gives some direction on adapting your own car stereo by yourself: . Risky, but it has been successful: Seanski, "silent track" #2, 11:59pm Jul 15, 2005 CDT
    Whichever you choose, power the iPod through your car’s DC power -- either from a power adapter, or as part of the combined audio adaptor. Have a method to secure the iPod to the dash/console/etc. See the reviews for all the various accessories at the iLounge
    You will also get better audio output if the dock connection plug is used, rather than the headphone jack. See this URL for a novel adaptor: Others types are also available via this site.
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    wen its nearly flat and you play a song and a game can that cause it to freeze?
    If its nearly dead the best thing to do is conserve what energy you have. I don't know if this causes it to freeze, but I do know that playing games while playing music will drain the battery quickly. What do you think.
    Recharge it when it goes flat, or even before it goes flat.

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    Ask at the store and they will tell you or you can do a web search for that information.

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    You need to ask Apple to reset your security questions. To do this, click here and pick a method; if that page doesn't list one for your country or you're unable to call, fill out and submit this form.

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    Have you had a chance to look at these troubleshooting pages? They may be of some help:
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    iPod does not play content purchased from the iTunes Music Store

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    You can arrange online service here.
    Service request.

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    I'm not sure how that would affect the listings, but I still believe it should be worth more than the price of 10% off a new ipod. I am, assuming, however, that your ipod is still in good working condition. I, for one, am in the market for a ipod mini. With that said, I recommend you hold on to your mini.
    The 10% discount is really intended for people with 1G or 2G (maybe 3G) ipods whose battery life went down and would like to upgrade. A Ipod mini, as I said before, still has lots of interest.
    Before you go get a ipod video, I recommend you see one in person if you haven't already. I hear complaints that the screen is simply too small, (engadget said this), and there isn't that much content right now. Note that itunes won't convert your dvds to be ipod friendly (copyright issues) but there are ways of doing this if you search around. Perhaps the best thing to do is wait for two things:
    1) more content becomes available
    2) for apple to come out with a new ipod video (which will probably be next month, knowing them)
    If you must get the 10%, just visit the apple store with your old ipod, and someone should help you.
    I hope this helps.

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    Many thanks,

    You don't need to install the software
    Sorry Jeff. She asked "Can you install itunes software that comes with your ipod mini on as many computers as you want or only one?"
    You HAVE to install the software (iTunes) in order to run it.
    Yes, you can install iTunes on as many computers as you want. You do not need to use the software CD that came with the iPod. Probably outdated anyway.
    You can download iTunes from

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    I have had mine just under a year and The Battery is starting to play up.
    Can you please tell me whether the rumours are true and how I can fix my iPod.

    If your iPod battery play time is really that bad, then my advice to you would be to send it off to Apple before the warranty runs out for a battery replacement.
    Fill out the service request.

  • Clean My iPod Mini

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    My question is, are there any cleaning methods to clean the clickwheel without damaging it; I tried alcohol.
    Note: I am thinking to buy a GoofOff Cleaner.

    when cleaning your ipod mini go here and then go to the support section at the apple website.
    then go to manuals. then ipod mini. then scroll down to the cleaning section. it will tell u exactly what to do.

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