Sending info to all remote clients

Hi all, I'm creating a chat room application with EJB specification.
When ever a client enters a message, I want all other clients to see it on the main screen. What sort of mechenism should I use for this?
So I implement this code in my business logic?
Thanks for your help.

When ever a client enters a message, I want all other
clients to see it on the main screen. What sort of
mechenism should I use for this?Consider using Message Driven Beans.
So I implement this code in my business logic? You would need a polling process from the client.

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    public class KnockKnockClient {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
             Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java KKMultiServer");
            Socket kkSocket = null;
            PrintWriter out = null;
            BufferedReader in = null;
            try {
                kkSocket = new Socket(""/*my IP*/, 4444);
                out = new PrintWriter(kkSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
                in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(kkSocket.getInputStream()));
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            BufferedReader stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            String fromServer;
            String fromUser;
            while ((fromServer = in.readLine()) != null) {
                System.out.println("Server: " + fromServer);
                if (fromServer.equals("Bye."))
                fromUser = stdIn.readLine();
             if (fromUser != null) {
                    System.out.println("Client: " + fromUser);
                     //Send info to server thread
    public class KKMultiServer {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
            boolean listening = true;
            try {
                serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4444);
            } catch (IOException e) {
            while (listening)
                      //Starts a new thread for each client that connects to the port
                new KKMultiServerThread(serverSocket.accept()).start();
    public class KKMultiServerThread extends Thread {
        private Socket socket = null;
        public KKMultiServerThread(Socket socket) {
         this.socket = socket;
        public void run() {
         try {
             PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);
                //Gets what the client writes
             BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
             String inputLine, outputLine;
             KnockKnockProtocol kkp = new KnockKnockProtocol();
             outputLine = kkp.processInput(null);
                 //Send back to client
                 //This I would like to send to all clients and not just the one who wrote to the server
             while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
              outputLine = kkp.processInput(inputLine);
                     //Send back to client
                    //This I would like to send to all clients and not just the one who wrote to the server
              if (outputLine.equals("Bye"))
         } catch (IOException e) {
    public class KnockKnockProtocol {
        private static final int WAITING = 0;
        private static final int SENTKNOCKKNOCK = 1;
        private static final int SENTCLUE = 2;
        private static final int ANOTHER = 3;
        private static final int NUMJOKES = 5;
        private int state = WAITING;
        private int currentJoke = 0;
        private String[] clues = { "Turnip", "Little Old Lady", "Atch", "Who", "Who" };
        private String[] answers = { "Turnip the heat, it's cold in here!",
                                     "I didn't know you could yodel!",
                                     "Bless you!",
                                     "Is there an owl in here?",
                                     "Is there an echo in here?" };
        public String processInput(String theInput) {
            String theOutput = null;
            if (state == WAITING) {
                theOutput = "Knock! Knock!";
                state = SENTKNOCKKNOCK;
            } else if (state == SENTKNOCKKNOCK) {
                if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("Who's there?")) {
                    theOutput = clues[currentJoke];
                    state = SENTCLUE;
                } else {
                    theOutput = "You're supposed to say \"Who's there?\"! " +
                       "Try again. Knock! Knock!";
            } else if (state == SENTCLUE) {
                if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase(clues[currentJoke] + " who?")) {
                    theOutput = answers[currentJoke] + " Want another? (y/n)";
                    state = ANOTHER;
                } else {
                    theOutput = "You're supposed to say \"" +
                       clues[currentJoke] +
                       " who?\"" +
                       "! Try again. Knock! Knock!";
                    state = SENTKNOCKKNOCK;
            } else if (state == ANOTHER) {
                if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
                    theOutput = "Knock! Knock!";
                    if (currentJoke == (NUMJOKES - 1))
                        currentJoke = 0;
                    state = SENTKNOCKKNOCK;
                } else {
                    theOutput = "Bye.";
                    state = WAITING;
            return theOutput;
    }As you see I wrote in commented that I'd like the Thread to send the String to all connected clients, is that possible? If so please tell me how this can be done.
    //Thanks Considerate

    Hi I've tried the Sockets Tutorial on Sun and found it really great but one >thing. It leaves out the idea of all clients being in touch with each other.Consider that the clients could receive data like jwenting says below which means all traffic MUST be routed through the server
    OR you could also have the client open a Socket directly to the other client
    and send the data sans server.
    Look into multicasting (google is your friend)Unless he wants guaranteed delivery.
    but don't expect it to work for clients outside of your intranet.This is true and depending on your router you may not be able to implement a class D address.
    So better keep a list of connected clients and loop through that to send the >notifications. Bingo!

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    yeah, if you add the CMP jars to the client, it should work, but, if they attempt to introspect the lazy collection, a runtime exception will be thrown since their local copy does not have access to the backing DB... ..I understand the hesitance to have separate object types for different consumers, but, in some cases, it can save time in the long run because you a) avoid these access exceptions and b) have a middle API that can insulate the client or server from changes on the other end (i.e. the server now holds all 'tenants' as a Set, rather then List, but the VO objects still return it as a List so that client code does not need to be updated). You can also find tools to generate the value objects, so your development costs aren't too much hire during the initial release...

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    Please do 2-3 SMC and PRAM resets back to back and retest. Also use new cables, they can go bad.
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  • Problem in sending username to all clients in a chat programme

    this is a repeat of the problem which i had posted earlier,due to ambiguous subject
    i wrote a server programme but i want to show to all the clients when they connect to the server , the name of the clients online, however when i am running the programme i don't get the names and the rest of the programme is working fine .... please can anyone help ....
    public class MultiThreadChatServer{
        // Declaration section:
        // declare a server socket and a client socket for the server
        // declare an input and an output stream
        static  Socket clientSocket = null;
        static  ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
        // This chat server can accept up to 10 clients' connections
        static  clientThread t[] = new clientThread[10];          
        public static void main(String args[]) {
         // The default port
         int port_number=2224;
         if (args.length < 1)
              System.out.println("Usage: java MultiThreadChatServer \n"+
                           "Now using port number="+port_number);
             } else {
         // Initialization section:
         // Try to open a server socket on port port_number (default 2222)
            try {
             serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port_number);
            catch (IOException e)
         // Create a socket object from the ServerSocket to listen and accept
         // connections.
         // Open input and output streams for this socket will be created in
         // client's thread since every client is served by the server in
         // an individual thread
             try {
              clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
              for(int i=0; i<=9; i++){
                   (t[i] = new clientThread(clientSocket,t)).start(); // creating that many instanceas for the class clientThread
         catch (IOException e) {
    // This client thread opens the input and the output streams for a particular client,
    // ask the client's name, informs all the clients currently connected to the
    // server about the fact that a new client has joined the chat room,
    // and as long as it receive data, echos that data back to all other clients.
    // When the client leaves the chat room this thread informs also all the
    // clients about that and terminates.
    class clientThread extends Thread{
    DataInputStream is = null;
    PrintStream os = null;
    Socket clientSocket = null;
    clientThread t[];
    public clientThread(Socket clientSocket, clientThread[] t){
    public void run()
         String line;
    String name;
         is = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
         os = new PrintStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
         os.println("Enter your name.");
         name = is.readLine();
         os.println("Hello "+name+" to our chat room.\nTo leave enter /quit in a new line\n The present users online are:");
    for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)
              if (t[i]!=null && t[i]!=this)
    for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)
              if (t[i]!=null && t[i]!=this)
              t[i].os.println("*** A new user "+name+" entered the chat room !!! ***" );
         while (true) {
              line = is.readLine();
    if(line.startsWith("/quit")) break;
              //for(int j=0;j<=9;j++)
              for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)
              if (t[i]!=null) t[i].os.println("<"+name+"> "+line);
         for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)
              if (t[i]!=null && t[i]!=this)
              t[i].os.println("*** The user "+name+" is leaving the chat room !!! ***" );
         os.println("*** Bye "+name+" ***");
         // Clean up:
         // Set to null the current thread variable such that other client could
         // be accepted by the server
         for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)
              if (t[i]==this) t[i]=null;
         // close the output stream
         // close the input stream
         // close the socket
         catch(IOException e){};
    Edited by: pranay09 on Oct 12, 2009 1:16 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    The "clientThread[] t" in the client code constructor is null. Initialize it .

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    The VNC part works, but not sure how to configure the UNIX commands.
    We are trying to be able to send rpm, df, etc commands to multiple centos clients at one time...

    not sure how to configure the UNIX commands.
    You can't. That's not a feature of ARD.

  • Remote client copy fails.

    Remote client copy fails.
    The error message and info is given below. Help me to proceed.
    Client copy
    The client copy you started has terminated
    Client Copy could not start because of Repository differences
    The table definitions differ between the systems. These differences mean that a copy of the data can cause a data loss and system inconsistencies. Differences occur when further developments were not transported or were copied between different maintenance levels.
    Transport all the developments of table structures between the systems using the Transport Organizer and bring your system to the same development level.
    It is observed that some tables are missing in the target system. How do I copy the table structures to the target system?
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Ashraf,
    There are repository differences between you source and traget system.
    If you want to get the list of repository differences, then run a RFC check before you execute remote clinet copy.
    You have to then remove these repository differences before you start with the remote client copy.
    to remove the difference you have to:
    "Transport all the developments of table structures between the systems using the Transport Organizer and bring your system to the same development level" as mentioned above
    I would recommend you to go for Export / Import rather than Remote client copy.
    There are several advantages of export import method over remote clinet copy
    Ammey Kesarkar
    <i>'Award points for useful info'</i>

  • Remote Client copy issues

    I have performed a remoted client copy of ECP300 to ECQ system using
    SAP_ALL Profile and the client copied successfully. After the client
    copy some users are complainting that not all data moved over or there
    are some major differences. I know the client copy finished but the
    users are saying the client copy is not a exact copy of ECP.Are there
    any functional or abap post configuration that needs to happen after
    this remote client copy? From the client copy logs, it seem like all
    the tables got copied over. Please advise as this is very critical.
    I have attached 2 issues reported by users and the client copy log with
    details. I have also attached the data dictionary differences of the 2
    system ECP and ECQ using SCC9 --> RFC SYSTEM COMPARISON.
    Target Client                220
    Source Client (incl. Auth.)  265
       Source Client User Master 265
    Copy Type                    Local Copy
    Profile                      SAP_ALL
    Status                       Successfully Completed
    User                         SAP*
    Start on                     01/07/2011 / 23:16:01
    Last Entry on                01/08/2011 / 03:53:31
    Statistics for this Run
    - No. of Tables                  56787 of     56787
    - Number of Exceptions               1
    - Deleted Lines                  11478
    - Copied Lines               152345539
    /ISDFPS/CS_EXLST     Field Missing Remote     IS-DFS-MM     /ISDFPS/MM_CS     SAP     TRANSP          Exception List: Overwritten Purchase Requisitions     SAPKGED04G
    /SAPMP/GT_FDE_T1     Table Missing Remote     IS-MP     /SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_GEN_APP     SAP     TRANSP          IMG: Fast Entry in Trading Contract General Settings     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    /SAPMP/GT_FDE_T2     Table Missing Remote     IS-MP     /SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_GEN_APP     SAP     TRANSP          Fast Entry in Trading Contract: Transfer from Info Record     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    AD01DLI     Field Missing Remote     PS-REV     AD01     SAP     TRANSP          Dynamic items (DI)     
    ADPIC_MIGO_SET     Table Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPN     ADPIC     SAP     TRANSP          Customizing Settings for MIGO     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    ADPIC_MIGO_USR     Table Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPN     ADPIC     SAP     TRANSP          Customizing Settings for MIGO     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    MPDCD     Field Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPD     AD_MPD     SAP     TRANSP          MPD: OBSOLETE - Counter Data for Maintenance Document Items     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    MPDCUST_DATA_FLG     Table Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPD     AD_MPD     SAP     TRANSP          Customising table to store the data container flag     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    MPDCUST_EFFT_DOC     Table Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPD     AD_MPD     SAP     TRANSP          Customising table to store effectivity data for documents     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    MPDCUST_EFFT_TO     Table Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPD     AD_MPD     SAP     TRANSP          Cust. table to store effectivity data from technical objects     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    MPDCYCLE     Table Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPD     AD_MPD     SAP     TRANSP          MPD: Cycle Data for Maintenance Document Items     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    MPDEFFECT     Table Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPD     AD_MPD     SAP     TRANSP          MPD effectivity data     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    MPDITEM     Table Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPD     AD_MPD     SAP     TRANSP          Maintenance Plan Items     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    MPDPSD     Field Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPD     AD_MPD     SAP     TRANSP          MPD: MPD and MP header data     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    ADMPN_RBA_CGRP     Table Missing Remote     IS-AD-MPN     AD_MPN_RBA_DDIC     SAP     TRANSP          Check Groups for APO ATP     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    TMCNV     Convertible -> Local     CA-GTF-TS     BMG     SAP     TRANSP          Data on Material Numbers Conversion     
    CRFH     Field Missing Remote     PP-BD-PRT     CF     SAP     TRANSP          CIM production resource/tool master data     
    CKIS     Field Missing Remote     CO-PC-PCP     CK     SAP     TRANSP          Items Unit Costing/Itemization Product Costing     
    KALM     Field Missing Remote     CO-PC-PCP     CK     SAP     TRANSP          Costing Run: Costing Objects     
    KEKO     Field Missing Remote     CO-PC-PCP     CK     SAP     TRANSP          Product Costing - Header Data     
    MLCR     Field Missing Remote     CO-PC-ACT     CKML     SAP     TRANSP          Material Ledger Document: Currencies and Values     
    VSAFKO_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Order header data for PP orders     
    VSAFPO_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Order items in PP orders     
    VSAFVC_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Operation in order     
    VSAUFK_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Order master data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    VSFPLT_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Billing schedule: Dates     
    VSPLAF_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Planned order     
    VSRESB_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Reservation/Dependent requirements     
    VSRSADD_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Additional fields for reservation     
    VSVBAK_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Sales document: Header data     
    VSVBAP_CN     Field Missing Remote     PS-SIM     CNVS     SAP     TRANSP          Version: Sales document: Item data     
    RSADD     Field Missing Remote     PS-MAT     CN_MAT     SAP     TRANSP          Additional fields for reservation     
    TCNTM05     Field Missing Remote     PS-ST-OPR-NET     CN_NET_OPR     SAP     TRANSP          Assignment Components to Groups     
    AFKO     Field Missing Remote     PP-SFC     CO     SAP     TRANSP          Order header data PP orders     
    AFPO     Field Missing Remote     PP-SFC     CO     SAP     TRANSP          Order item     
    AFVC     Field Missing Remote     PP-SFC     CO     SAP     TRANSP          Operation within an order     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    AFFW     Field Missing Remote     PP-SFC-EXE-CON     CORU     SAP     TRANSP          Goods Movements with Errors from Confirmations     
    AFRU     Field Missing Remote     PP-SFC-EXE-CON     CORU     SAP     TRANSP          Order Confirmations     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    AFRV     Field Missing Remote     PP-SFC-EXE-CON     CORU     SAP     TRANSP          Confirmation pool     
    PLPO     Field Missing Remote     PP-BD-RTG     CP     SAP     TRANSP          Task list - operation/activity     
    STPO     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-BOM     CS     SAP     TRANSP          BOM item     
    T414     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-BOM     CS     SAP     TRANSP          Explosion Types     
    CJITO_02     Table Missing Remote     IS-A-JIT     DI_JITOUT     SAP     TRANSP          Customizing Table for Definition of Tolerances     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    CJITO_02T     Table Missing Remote     IS-A-JIT     DI_JITOUT     SAP     TRANSP          Text Table to Define the Tolerances     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    JITOCO     Field Missing Remote     IS-A-JIT     DI_JITOUT     SAP     TRANSP          Call Components JIT Outbound     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    S2L_GLOBAL_DATA     Field Missing Remote     IS-A-S2L     DI_S2L     SAP     TRANSP          User-specific Save for Global Settings     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    LFA1     Field Missing Remote     FI     FBASCORE     SAP     TRANSP          Vendor Master (General Section)     
    KNKK     Field Missing Remote     FI-AR-AR     FBD     SAP     TRANSP          Customer master credit management: Control area data     
    VIMI01     Field Missing Remote     RE     FVVI     SAP     TRANSP          Rental unit - Master data     
    VIOB01     Field Missing Remote     RE     FVVI     SAP     TRANSP          Business entities     
    VIOB02     Field Missing Remote     RE     FVVI     SAP     TRANSP          Property master data     
    VIOB03     Field Missing Remote     RE     FVVI     SAP     TRANSP          Real estate building master     
    VIOB27     Field Missing Remote     RE     FVVI     SAP     TRANSP          Relationship between properties and buildings     
    VIOB38     Field Missing Remote     RE     FVVI     SAP     TRANSP          Relationship between Real Estate objects and SAP-PS     
    PEG_TXPT     Field Missing Remote     IS-AD-GPD     GPD     SAP     TRANSP          Pegging: Record of intransit stock in cross plant transfers     SAPKGES01G
    VEKP     Field Missing Remote     LO-HU-BF     HANDLING_UNITS     SAP     TRANSP          Handling Unit - Header Table     
    EQUI     Field Missing Remote     PM-EQM-EQ     IEQM     SAP     TRANSP          Equipment master data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    EQUZ     Field Missing Remote     PM-EQM-EQ     IEQM     SAP     TRANSP          Equipment time segment     
    MHIO     Field Missing Remote     PM-PRM-TL     IPRM     SAP     TRANSP          Call Object from Maintenance Order     
    MHIS     Field Missing Remote     PM-PRM-TL     IPRM     SAP     TRANSP          Maintenance plan history     
    EQBS     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-SN     IQSM     SAP     TRANSP          Serial Number Stock Segment     
    OBJK     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-SN     IQSM     SAP     TRANSP          Plant Maintenance Object List     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    SER01     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-SN     IQSM     SAP     TRANSP          Document Header for Serial Numbers for Delivery     
    SER02     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-SN     IQSM     SAP     TRANSP          Document Header for Serial Nos for Maint.Contract (SD Order)     
    T377X     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-SN     IQSM     SAP     TRANSP          Documents Allowed for Serial Number Management     
    CJIT01     Field Missing Remote     IS-A-JIT     ISAUTO_JIT     SAP     TRANSP          JIT: Call Control     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    VLCADDCUST     Table Missing Remote     IS-A-VMS     ISAUTO_VLC     SAP     TRANSP          VELO: Table for VMS additional end customer     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    AFIH     Field Missing Remote     PM-WOC-MO     IWO1     SAP     TRANSP          Maintenance order header     
    AUFM     Field Missing Remote     PM-WOC-MO     IWO1     SAP     TRANSP          Goods movements for order     
    AUFK     Field Missing Remote     CO-OM-OPA     KAUF     SAP     TRANSP          Order master data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    CEZP     Field Missing Remote     CO-PC-OBJ-PER     KKPK     SAP     TRANSP          Reporting Points Line Items     
    CPZP     Field Missing Remote     CO-PC-OBJ-PER     KKPK     SAP     TRANSP          Reporting Points - Periodic Totals Values     
    PABHD     Field Missing Remote     PP-KAB     LAPA     SAP     TRANSP          JIT call header record     
    PABIT     Field Missing Remote     PP-KAB     LAPA     SAP     TRANSP          JIT call items     
    LTAK     Field Missing Remote     LE-WM     LVS     SAP     TRANSP          WM transfer order header     
    ASMD     Field Missing Remote     MM-SRV     MASB     SAP     TRANSP          Service Master: Basic Data     
    CHVW     Field Missing Remote     MM-IM     MB     SAP     TRANSP          Table CHVW for Batch Where-Used List     
    ISEG     Field Missing Remote     MM-IM     MB     SAP     TRANSP          Physical Inventory Document Items     
    MKPF     Field Missing Remote     MM-IM     MB     SAP     TRANSP          Header: Material Document     
    MSEG     Field Missing Remote     MM-IM     MB     SAP     TRANSP          Document Segment: Material     
    RESB     Field Missing Remote     MM-IM     MB     SAP     TRANSP          Reservation/dependent requirements     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    MCIPMIS     Field Missing Remote     PM-IS-REP     MCI     SAP     TRANSP          PMIS: Master data characteristics for PMIS before image     
    MDTB     Field Missing Remote     PP-MRP-BD     MD     SAP     TRANSP          MRP Table     
    PLAF     Field Missing Remote     PP-MRP-BD     MD     SAP     TRANSP          Planned order     
    PKHD     Field Missing Remote     PP-KAB     MD05     SAP     TRANSP          Control Cycle     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    TPK02     Field Missing Remote     PP-KAB     MD05     SAP     TRANSP          Key for Controlling Control Cycle: External Replenishment     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    T459K     Field Missing Remote     PP-MP-DEM     MDPB     SAP     TRANSP          Control table for customer requirements     
    EBAN     Field Missing Remote     MM-PUR     ME     SAP     TRANSP          Purchase Requisition     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    EKBE     Field Missing Remote     MM-PUR     ME     SAP     TRANSP          History per Purchasing Document     
    EKBEH     Field Missing Remote     MM-PUR     ME     SAP     TRANSP          Removed PO History Records     
    EKEK     Field Missing Remote     MM-PUR     ME     SAP     TRANSP          Header Data for Scheduling Agreement Releases     
    EKES     Field Missing Remote     MM-PUR     ME     SAP     TRANSP          Vendor Confirmations     
    EKET     Field Missing Remote     MM-PUR     ME     SAP     TRANSP          Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines     
    EKKO     Field Missing Remote     MM-PUR     ME     SAP     TRANSP          Purchasing Document Header     
    EKPO     Field Missing Remote     MM-PUR     ME     SAP     TRANSP          Purchasing Document Item     
    EKRS     Field Missing Remote     MM-PUR     ME     SAP     TRANSP          ERS Procedure: Goods (Merchandise) Movements to be Invoiced     
    MARA     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MG     SAP     TRANSP          General Material Data     
    MARC     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MG     SAP     TRANSP          Plant Data for Material     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    MARM     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MG     SAP     TRANSP          Units of Measure for Material     
    MCH1     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MG     SAP     TRANSP          Batches (if Batch Management Cross-Plant)     
    MCHA     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MG     SAP     TRANSP          Batches     
    MVKE     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MG     SAP     TRANSP          Sales Data for Material     
    T130F     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MG     SAP     TRANSP          Field attributes     
    T134     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MG     SAP     TRANSP          Material Types     
    MVRA     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MGVERS     SAP     TRANSP          Cross-version fields for MARA     SAPKGES01G
    MVRC     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MGVERS     SAP     TRANSP          Cross-version fields for MARC     SAPKGES01G
    MVRM     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MGVERS     SAP     TRANSP          Units of Measure for Material     SAPKGES01G
    MVVE     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-MM     MGVERS     SAP     TRANSP          Sales Data for Material     SAPKGES01G
    MILL_T399X     Field Missing Remote     IS-MP-PP     MILL_PP     SAP     TRANSP          Parameters for Partitioning Order - Order Type     SAPK-603DDINECCDIMP
    ESLH     Field Missing Remote     MM-SRV     ML     SAP     TRANSP          Service Package Header Data     
    ESLL     Field Missing Remote     MM-SRV     ML     SAP     TRANSP          Lines of Service Package     
    RSEG     Field Missing Remote     MM-IV     MRM     SAP     TRANSP          Document Item: Incoming Invoice     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    ADRC     Field Missing Remote     BC-SRV-ADR     SZAD     SAP     TRANSP          Addresses (Business Address Services)     
    VBAK     Field Missing Remote     SD-SLS     VA     SAP     TRANSP          Sales Document: Header Data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    VBAP     Field Missing Remote     SD-SLS     VA     SAP     TRANSP          Sales Document: Item Data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    VBEP     Field Missing Remote     SD-SLS     VA     SAP     TRANSP          Sales Document: Schedule Line Data     
    VBKD     Field Missing Remote     SD-SLS     VA     SAP     TRANSP          Sales Document: Business Data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    CHVW_INC     Field Missing Remote     LO-BM     VB     SAP     TRANSP          Batch Where-Used List- N:M Assignment for Order     
    VBRK     Field Missing Remote     SD-BIL     VF     SAP     TRANSP          Billing Document: Header Data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    VBRP     Field Missing Remote     SD-BIL     VF     SAP     TRANSP          Billing Document: Item Data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    KONDH     Field Missing Remote     SD-MD-CM     VKON     SAP     TRANSP          Conditions: Batch Strategy - Data Division     
    LIKP     Field Missing Remote     LE-SHP     VL     SAP     TRANSP          SD Document: Delivery Header Data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    LIPS     Field Missing Remote     LE-SHP     VL     SAP     TRANSP          SD document: Delivery: Item data     SAPK-603DDINSAPAPPL
    VALW     Field Missing Remote     LE-SHP     VL     SAP     TRANSP          Delivery Plan: Definition of Route Schedule     
    KNVV     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-BP-CM     VS     SAP     TRANSP          Customer Master Sales Data     
    KNA1     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-BP-CM     VSCORE     SAP     TRANSP          General Data in Customer Master     
    FPLA     Field Missing Remote     SD-BF     VZ     SAP     TRANSP          Billing Plan     
    FPLT     Field Missing Remote     SD-BF     VZ     SAP     TRANSP          Billing Plan: Dates     
    TFPLT     Field Missing Remote     SD-BF     VZ     SAP     TRANSP          Date Type for Billing Plan Type     
    VBSK     Field Missing Remote     SD-BF     VZ     SAP     TRANSP          Collective Processing for a Sales Document Header     
    VBUK     Field Missing Remote     SD-BF     VZ     SAP     TRANSP          Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data     
    VBUP     Field Missing Remote     SD-BF     VZ     SAP     TRANSP          Sales Document: Item Status     
    WBHI     Field Missing Remote     LO     WB2B_DDIC     SAP     TRANSP          Trading Contract: Item Data     
    LFM1     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-BP-VM     WLIF     SAP     TRANSP          Vendor master record purchasing organization data     
    LFM2     Field Missing Remote     LO-MD-BP-VM     WLIF     SAP     TRANSP          Vendor Master Record: Purchasing Data     
    ZPPWRKMAP     Convertible -> Local     BC     ZDEV     PTANAKI     TRANSP          PP-012: Work Center Mapping     ECDK901192

    What is the volume of data you copied. Also have you followed the best practice of minimal/no activity in the source client.
    The dictionary differences seems to be becuase of some SPs not applied in your ECP system yet

  • Trying to write a basic EJB app w/ JPA and remote client

    I'm trying to put together a simple sample app that shows a simple stateless session bean that grabs a Java EE 5 entity from the DB and sends it to the remote caller. I have an entity class called Person that simply has getId() and getName() methods.
    I'm trying to get a reference to the session bean (using InitialContext.lookup()), which works. Then I try to call a method on that bean, which works as long as the type being returned is not a Person object. I've had the bean always return "Hello" and it works just fine.
    Here's the bean code.
    public class RolodexSessionBean implements RolodexSessionRemote {
        private EntityManager em;
        /** Creates a new instance of RolodexSessionBean */
        public RolodexSessionBean() {
        public Object getPersonByName(String name)
            Query q = em.createQuery("select object(o) from Person o where");
            List results = q.getResultList();
            if (results.isEmpty())
                return "emtpy";
            // this would work just fine...
            // return "Some string";
            // but this doesn't work at all
            return results.get(0);
    }Here's the client code...
    public class Main {
        protected RolodexSessionRemote rolodexSession;
        /** Creates a new instance of Main */
        public Main() throws NamingException {
            Context ctx = new InitialContext();
            rolodexSession = (RolodexSessionRemote)ctx.lookup("RolodexSession");
            Object result = rolodexSession.getPersonByName("John Smith");
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException {
            Main m = new Main();
    }I made sure to put a Person object into my database with the name "John Smith".
    The error I keep getting is...
    Dec 7, 2006 4:40:29 PM read_value
    WARNING: "IOP00810257: (MARSHAL) Could not find class"
    org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 257 completed: Maybe
            at session.__RolodexSessionRemote_Remote_DynamicStub.getPersonByName(
            at session._RolodexSessionRemote_Wrapper.getPersonByName(
            at clientapp.Main.<init>(
            at clientapp.Main.main('m running this on the Sun Java System App Server 9.0.
    Any ideas?

    I've narrowed down the issue. The Person object that I'm trying to send back has a one-to-many relationship with Address objects. I have this all setup correctly, I think. Here's the code from that establishes that relationship.
         * Holds value of property addresses.
        @OneToMany(mappedBy = "person")
        private List<Address> addresses;
         * Getter for property addresses.
         * @return Value of property addresses.
        public List<Address> getAddresses() {
            return this.addresses;
         * Setter for property addresses.
         * @param addresses New value of property addresses.
        public void setAddresses(List<Address> addresses) {
            this.addresses = addresses;
        }In I have the other side of the relationship defined (again, correctly, I think).
    IF I COMMENT OUT THIS RELATIONSHIP EVERYTHING WORKS! So, the problem seems to be related to using foreign key associations. Is there something I'm missing here? Perhaps it's related to lazy-loading of foreign keys?

  • Sending exceptions back to the client : in return object or in a SOAPFault?

    A question for all the JAX-RPC/SOAP experts out there.
    What is your recommendation for the cleanest way to handle exceptions in a Java web service and send the info back to the client ?
    I am considering two options :
    1- Put the exception info in fields of the object returned by the web service method.
    2- Throw a SOAPFaultException and add any necessary info in the Detail attribute of the Exception using a SAAJ SOAPFactory. In this case, how does the client retrieve the SOAPFaultException attributes ?
    What is the best option ? Pros and cons ?
    Thanks in advance.

    It throws jvm bind error. Please show the full exception stack trace and the block of code it occurs in. The server shouldn't be trying to do a bind at this point.

  • What is about remote client copy?

    pls send me about remote client copy

    Hi All,
        This is the web site that is built to help the consultant who is having problem in implimentation, support & while practice. But you are playing is this to gain point Both the reddy. from morning you ask the query & other on replays. this in not fair.
    Stop this things immediatly.

  • Is this possible?  -- The servlet itselt has to update all its clients.

    I need to update the values of clients pages , when ever a request to the servlet arrives.
    namely the servlet has to update all its client's HTML pages,when ever a new request is sent from any one of its clients.
    for an example.
    consider the value of a variable A in servlet is 1, initially
    Three pages[b] m1,m2,and m3 are accessing that servlet
    and value of[b] A is displayed in m1,m2 and m3
    if m1 calls the servlet and updates the value of A to 2.
    Then this updation has to be reflected in m2 and m3 also.
    This must not be done by the clients,by refreshing itselt, or by sending a request to the servlet at certain intervals.
    The servlet itselt has to update all its clients.

    Not having used pushlets myself, but having heard about them many times before, I took a look at the article.
    Interesting. It never closes the connection to the client, so can keep sending additional info. It seems to solve the problem of updating the page. But at what cost?
    When does the "updating" of the page stop?
    How do you know if the user is still alive?
    How many "listeners" will it be able to handle at one time?
    Would the users session expire if they left it on this pushlet page?

  • Remote Client Copy - Ended in Erros

    Hi Friends,
    We recently performed a Remote client copy. What we normally do is we restore an latest offline backup of the Prod into an instance built exclusively for performing client copies into our QA system.
    So if our actual PROD is ABC ( production ), the replica system is ADC. We restore latest backup onto ADC. Then from ADC we do a client copy onto AQC ( Quality ). We have n number of clients in AQC. When copying into a particular client we are facing this problem of 3 tables not being able to get copied. They are BKPF,LTAK and SOST. It happened twice that the Remote client ended with errors.
    It says "Read or conversion error". The detailed error looks like below ;
    I01 0000066362
    Read or conversion error system: ADCT500 table: LTAK
    ERROR: Internal error when inserting in table: LTAK
    Internal error:      1,262,713         65,536 VERIFY_CNT
    Process 00001 has copied data 25.02.2010 18:04:16
    Read or conversion error system: ADC500 table: BKPF
    Process 00002 has copied data 25.02.2010 19:09:00
    Start: Recopy errors 25.02.2010 19:09:02
    2100 5100019665 2008
    Read or conversion error system: ADC500 table: BKPF
    ERROR: Internal error when inserting in table: BKPF
    Internal error:      6,948,636      1,777,664 VERIFY_CNT
    Read or conversion error system: ADC500 table: LTAK
    OTF 34 000000019247
    Read or conversion error system: ADC500 table: SOST
    ERROR: Internal error when inserting in table: SOST
    Internal error:      2,594,254        180,224 VERIFY_CNT
    We approached SAP and they asked to do a DB reorg, run update statistics on both source and target and then re run the client copy.
    Well DB reorg is a big activity so we just updated the statistics and ran again the "recopying errors" but still it is the same problem.
    Can anybody please suggest something. Thank you.
    Vinod K

    Hi Friends,
    My apologies for coming back to you guys so late. I kind of was lost to find a solution for this.
    Hi Sanujit,
    The database logs dont indicate anything at all about this error or i am not able to locate them.
    There was a table comparison done for these tables properties in both source and target and everything looked ok and confirmed by the application.
    At this moment we have anyway decided to go a fresh client copy again as lot of time has already passed and there would be differences in source and target tables.
    But anyway could you please tell me the procedure to transport tables between source and target systems?
    Hi Anil,
    SAP iS ECC 6.0 and Oracle is
    Thanks again for your time and pateince.
    Vinod K

  • Remote client copy performance

    Hello experts,
    I need an opinion on following possibilities that could speed up remote client copy:
    Increasing maximum number of processes for parallel processing in dialog mode?
    Increasing the update processes?
    Decreasing the undo retention from default 900 seconds to 600 seconds (Oracle) ?
    Increase the number of redo log files?
    An opinion or any other insights would be highly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Well, the answer is maybe.
    You did not supply any information about your run and your system, how can we give you good advice? Any of your proposals might speed up the copy process, but we cannot tell (well decreasing the undo retention and changing the update work processes will not change much). If your hardware (cpu/disk/network) is not exhausted, then increase the number of parallel processes.
    Besides that these notes contain good hints regarding copy speedup:
    [489690 - CC INFO: Copying large production clients|]
    [446485 - CC-ADMIN: Special copying options|]
    Cheers Michael

  • Remote client copy - scc9

    Hi All
    am performing remote client copy through scc9, created RFC & tested connection,
    this server is not in the transport landscape.
    when i execute scc9 and select profile SAP_ALL from target system (Production server) it runs for 5-7 mins and ends with message as "The client copy you started has terminated  Tables cannot be converted.
    should the users on Production server to be locked.
    here is the logs in SCC3:
      Client in Source System 500
    Copy Type                 Remote copy
    Profile                   SAP_ALL
    Status                    Cancelled. See Log
    User                      MODI_SUPER
    Start on                  31.08.2009 / 16:47:19
    Last Entry on             31.08.2009 / 16:50:00
    Last Action:              RFC DDIC System Comparison
    Statistics for this Run
    - No. of Tables                   0 of     53521
    - Copied Lines                    0
    Warnings and Errors
    Table Name      Component Package
    A543                      Table Def. Missing Locally
    A544                      Table Def. Missing Locally
    A800                      Table Def. Missing Locally
    A950                      Table Def. Missing Locally
    A960                      Table Def. Missing Locally
    A961                      Table Def. Missing Locally
    ZCOM                      Table Def. Missing Locally
    ZCSKS                     Field missing locally
    ZEMAIL                    Table has Incompatible Fields
    ZLR_DTL                   Field missing locally
    ZMM_RGP_SLNO              Different Field Names
    ZPM_CALIBRATION           Field missing locally
    ZSDD                      Table not Convertible

    Hi Ashun8
    Please not be in rush as your SD & MM consultant need to testing some scenarior on sandbox.
    As being Basis expert! you should have many comprisions including patch level on both server before initiate the Remote Client Copy.
    I will prefer to do the system copy instead the Remote Client copy without downtime on PRD server.
    Anwer Waseem
    SAP NetWeaver Basis

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