Sending mails without using sendmail service. Is that possible?

Hi all,
I am considerably new to Solaris.
I have a query,
Is it possible to send mails out without using sendmail service?
If so how can they be implemented in,
Solaris 7?
Solaris 8?
Solaris 9?
If it is not possible, are there any workarounds to achieve this or else this cannot be implemented at all?
It would be really great if someone could shed light on this query.

Your question is a little ambiguous. However, I will try to answer it.
You need to use a program to send the email for you. On Solaris by default this is sendmail. However, it can be used in a number of modes.
1. It can be run as a daemon, listening on port 25 for new messages to be delivered to it.
This is enabled by default but is not necessary for sending email. If you wish to switch sendmail off as a service in Solaris10 then you should type 'svcadm disable svc:/network/smtp:sendmail'. If you wish to switch it off on earlier Solaris releases you will need to move/erase the startup script in either /etc/rc2.d or /etc/rc3.d.
2. It can be run in 'immediate mode' to send mail immediately.
This allows you to send a mail directly to someone. On a normally configured sendmail instance it will try to deliver the mail immediately - if the server at the other end is unavailable, the mail will be queued locally to be potentially delivered at a later date.
3. It can run in delivery only mode to attempt to send queued mail
Queued mail will not automatically get processed. Sendmail needs to run at a later date to attempt to deliver any queued mail. This can either be done via cron using 'sendmail -q' or sendmail can be left running the whole time and told to rerun the queue in given periods ie 'sendmail -q15m'
There are alternatives to sendmail for delivering mail - postfix, exim, qmail are just three examples. I would advise against trying to deliver mail without using a specific mail agent to do it. Whilst the SMTP mail protocol is pretty simple in basic use cases the protocol does get complex. There is no real downside in using an established program.

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == last week

    Sorry, I have no idea what you mean by '''"The Java plugin has created a time unfriendly issue with my e-mail account, I can not open or send any e-mail without using this plugin,"'''.
    If you think your problem is caused by the Java plugin, you should visit the Java support forum for assistance.
    If you could explain what you mean by '''"time unfriendly''' issue with my e-mail account", maybe we'll be able to help you solve that issue.
    It might be helpful for us if we knew exactly which web-mail provider you are using. It seems strange to me that viewing or sending web-mail would actually "need" Java for operation, its more likely that some other item on the web page needs Java to run some advertising or other garbage that isn't a necessary part of the web-mail functionality you want to use.

  • Sending mail without attachment file

    Hi Sapfans:
    I would like to send mail without attachment file, just a notice,
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    Which function shoud I use?
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    Thanks a lot!

    Hi Alchie,
    Please take a look at my example below. It sens e-mail to multiple recipients without attachments.
    FUNCTION-POOL zts0001                    MESSAGE-ID sv.
    INCLUDE lsvimdat                                . "general data decl.
    INCLUDE lzts0001t00                             . "view rel. data dcl.
    */ Author: Aris Hidalgo
    */ Created on: September 7, 2006
    */ Purpose of program: This will send out e-mails to specified users in
    */ custom table ZSHIPTO_EMAIL whenever records have been deleted or
    */ modified via the maintenance view of ZTS0001. The changes will also
    */ be reflected in custom table ZTS_STPGEOLOC.
    TABLES: zts_stpgeoloc,
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_old_total> TYPE ANY.
    *       CLASS lcl_main DEFINITION ABSTRACT
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_zts0001_old,
                kunnr    TYPE zts0001-kunnr,
                cdseq    TYPE zts0001-cdseq,
                zaddress TYPE zts0001-zaddress,
                zcperson TYPE zts0001-zcperson,
                zcnumber TYPE zts0001-zcnumber,
               END OF t_zts0001_old.
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_zts0001_new,
                kunnr    TYPE zts0001-kunnr,
                cdseq    TYPE zts0001-cdseq,
                zaddress TYPE zts0001-zaddress,
                zcperson TYPE zts0001-zcperson,
                zcnumber TYPE zts0001-zcnumber,
               END OF t_zts0001_new.
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_zts_stpgeoloc,
                kunnr    TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-kunnr,
                cdseq    TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-cdseq,
                zaddress TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-zaddress,
                zcperson TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-zcperson,
                zcnumber TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-zcnumber,
               END OF t_zts_stpgeoloc.
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_del_entries,
                kunnr    TYPE zts0001-kunnr,
                cdseq    TYPE zts0001-cdseq,
                zaddress TYPE zts0001-zaddress,
                zcperson TYPE zts0001-zcperson,
                zcnumber TYPE zts0001-zcnumber,
                name1    TYPE kna1-name1,
               END OF t_del_entries.
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_modified_entries,
                kunnr       TYPE zts0001-kunnr,
                cdseq       TYPE zts0001-cdseq,
                old_address TYPE zts0001-zaddress,
                new_address TYPE zts0001-zaddress,
                old_person  TYPE zts0001-zcperson,
                new_person  TYPE zts0001-zcperson,
                old_number  TYPE zts0001-zcnumber,
                new_number  TYPE zts0001-zcnumber,
                name1       TYPE kna1-name1,
               END OF t_modified_entries.
        DATA: gt_zts0001_old      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_zts0001_old,
              gt_zts0001_new      TYPE HASHED   TABLE OF t_zts0001_new
                                           WITH UNIQUE KEY kunnr cdseq,
              gt_zts_stpgeoloc    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_zts_stpgeoloc,
              gt_del_entries      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_del_entries,
              gt_modified_entries TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_modified_entries,
              gt_zshipto_email    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zshipto_email,
              t_maildata          TYPE sodocchgi1,
              gt_mailtxt          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1,
              gt_mailrec          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF somlreci1.
        DATA: v_old_total     TYPE i,
              v_new_total     TYPE i,
              v_flag(1)       TYPE c,
              v_counter(1)    TYPE c,
              v_contents(255) TYPE c.
    *       CLASS lcl_get_old_recs DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_get_old_recs DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_main.
        METHODS: export_old_recs.
    *       CLASS lcl_get_old_recs IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_get_old_recs IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD export_old_recs.
        SELECT kunnr cdseq zaddress zcperson zcnumber
        FROM zts0001
        INTO TABLE gt_zts0001_old.
        v_old_total = sy-dbcnt.
        ASSIGN v_old_total TO <fs_old_total>.
        EXPORT gt_zts0001_old = gt_zts0001_old TO MEMORY ID 'AVH'.
        CLEAR gt_zts0001_old. REFRESH gt_zts0001_old.
    *       CLASS lcl_old_and_new DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_old_and_new DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_main.
        METHODS: compare_old_and_new.
    *       CLASS lcl_old_and_new IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_old_and_new IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD compare_old_and_new.
        DATA: wa_del_entries    LIKE LINE OF gt_del_entries.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_old> LIKE LINE OF gt_zts0001_old,
                       <fs_new> LIKE LINE OF gt_zts0001_new.
        SELECT kunnr cdseq zaddress zcperson zcnumber
        FROM zts0001
        INTO TABLE gt_zts0001_new.
        v_new_total = sy-dbcnt.
        IF v_new_total <> <fs_old_total>.
          IMPORT gt_zts0001_old = gt_zts0001_old FROM MEMORY ID 'AVH'.
          LOOP AT gt_zts0001_old ASSIGNING <fs_old>.
            READ TABLE gt_zts0001_new WITH TABLE KEY kunnr = <fs_old>-kunnr
                                                     cdseq = <fs_old>-cdseq
                                                     ASSIGNING <fs_new>.
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fs_old> TO wa_del_entries.
              APPEND wa_del_entries TO gt_del_entries.
              CLEAR wa_del_entries.
              DELETE FROM zts_stpgeoloc
              WHERE kunnr = <fs_old>-kunnr
                AND cdseq = <fs_old>-cdseq.
          IF NOT gt_del_entries[] IS INITIAL.
            EXPORT gt_del_entries = gt_del_entries TO MEMORY ID 'DEL'.
          REFRESH gt_zts0001_old.
    *       CLASS lcl_check_changes DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_check_changes DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_main.
        METHODS: check_for_changes.
    *       CLASS lcl_check_changes IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_check_changes IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD check_for_changes.
        TYPES: BEGIN OF t_zts_stpgeoloc,
                mandt    TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-mandt,
                kunnr    TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-kunnr,
                cdseq    TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-cdseq,
                zcgeoloc TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-zcgeoloc,
                zaddress TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-zaddress,
                zcperson TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-zcperson,
                zcnumber TYPE zts_stpgeoloc-zcnumber,
               END OF t_zts_stpgeoloc.
        DATA: wa_modified_entries LIKE LINE OF gt_modified_entries,
              lt_zts_stpgeoloc    TYPE HASHED TABLE OF t_zts_stpgeoloc
                                       WITH UNIQUE KEY kunnr cdseq,
              wa_zts_stpgeoloc    LIKE LINE OF lt_zts_stpgeoloc.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_zts0001_old> LIKE LINE OF gt_zts0001_old,
                       <fs_zts0001_new> LIKE LINE OF gt_zts0001_new.
        IMPORT gt_zts0001_old = gt_zts0001_old FROM MEMORY ID 'AVH'.
        SELECT kunnr cdseq zcgeoloc zaddress zcperson zcnumber
        FROM zts_stpgeoloc
        INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE lt_zts_stpgeoloc.
        SELECT kunnr cdseq zaddress zcperson zcnumber
        FROM zts0001
        INTO TABLE gt_zts0001_new.
        LOOP AT gt_zts0001_old ASSIGNING <fs_zts0001_old>.
          READ TABLE gt_zts0001_new WITH TABLE KEY
                                         kunnr = <fs_zts0001_old>-kunnr
                                         cdseq = <fs_zts0001_old>-cdseq
                                         ASSIGNING <fs_zts0001_new>.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            READ TABLE lt_zts_stpgeoloc WITH TABLE KEY
                                            kunnr = <fs_zts0001_new>-kunnr
                                            cdseq = <fs_zts0001_new>-cdseq
                                            INTO wa_zts_stpgeoloc.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              wa_zts_stpgeoloc-mandt    = sy-mandt.
              wa_zts_stpgeoloc-kunnr    = <fs_zts0001_new>-kunnr.
              wa_zts_stpgeoloc-cdseq    = <fs_zts0001_new>-cdseq.
              wa_zts_stpgeoloc-zcgeoloc = space.
              wa_zts_stpgeoloc-zaddress = <fs_zts0001_new>-zaddress.
              wa_zts_stpgeoloc-zcperson = <fs_zts0001_new>-zcperson.
              wa_zts_stpgeoloc-zcnumber = <fs_zts0001_new>-zcnumber.
              MODIFY zts_stpgeoloc FROM wa_zts_stpgeoloc.
              COMMIT WORK AND WAIT.
    *       address
            IF <fs_zts0001_old>-zaddress <> <fs_zts0001_new>-zaddress.
              MOVE: <fs_zts0001_new>-kunnr  TO wa_modified_entries-kunnr,
                    <fs_zts0001_new>-cdseq  TO wa_modified_entries-cdseq,
              <fs_zts0001_old>-zaddress TO wa_modified_entries-old_address,
              <fs_zts0001_new>-zaddress TO wa_modified_entries-new_address.
              v_flag = 1.
    *       person
            IF <fs_zts0001_old>-zcperson <> <fs_zts0001_new>-zcperson.
              MOVE: <fs_zts0001_new>-kunnr  TO wa_modified_entries-kunnr,
                    <fs_zts0001_new>-cdseq  TO wa_modified_entries-cdseq,
              <fs_zts0001_old>-zcperson TO wa_modified_entries-old_person,
              <fs_zts0001_new>-zcperson TO wa_modified_entries-new_person.
              v_flag = 1.
    *       number
            IF <fs_zts0001_old>-zcnumber <> <fs_zts0001_new>-zcnumber.
              MOVE: <fs_zts0001_new>-kunnr  TO wa_modified_entries-kunnr,
                    <fs_zts0001_new>-cdseq  TO wa_modified_entries-cdseq,
              <fs_zts0001_old>-zcnumber TO wa_modified_entries-old_number,
              <fs_zts0001_new>-zcnumber TO wa_modified_entries-new_number.
              v_flag = 1.
          IF v_flag = 1.
            APPEND wa_modified_entries TO gt_modified_entries.
            CLEAR wa_modified_entries.
    *     update ZTS_STPGEOLOC based from the modified records in ZTS0001
          IF v_flag = 1.
            CLEAR v_flag.
            UPDATE zts_stpgeoloc SET zaddress  = <fs_zts0001_new>-zaddress
                                      zcperson = <fs_zts0001_new>-zcperson
                                      zcnumber = <fs_zts0001_new>-zcnumber
                                   WHERE kunnr = <fs_zts0001_new>-kunnr
                                     AND cdseq = <fs_zts0001_new>-cdseq.
        IF NOT gt_modified_entries[] IS INITIAL.
        EXPORT gt_modified_entries = gt_modified_entries TO MEMORY ID 'MOD'
    *       CLASS lcl_messages DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_messages DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_main.
        METHODS: create_message.
    *       CLASS lcl_messages IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_messages IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD create_message.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_email> LIKE LINE OF gt_zshipto_email,
                       <fs_del>   LIKE LINE OF gt_del_entries,
                       <fs_mod>   LIKE LINE OF gt_modified_entries.
        DATA: wa_mailtxt LIKE LINE OF gt_mailtxt,
              wa_mailrec LIKE LINE OF gt_mailrec.
        IMPORT gt_modified_entries = gt_modified_entries
                                     FROM MEMORY ID 'MOD'.
        IMPORT gt_del_entries = gt_del_entries FROM MEMORY ID 'DEL'.
        SELECT * FROM zshipto_email INTO TABLE gt_zshipto_email
         WHERE zevent = '2'.
        IF sy-dbcnt > 0.
    */    routine for records that were deleted
          IF NOT gt_del_entries[] IS INITIAL.
            t_maildata-obj_name  = 'Record Deleted in table ZTS0001'.
            t_maildata-obj_descr = 'Record Deleted in table ZTS0001'.
            t_maildata-obj_langu = sy-langu.
            CLEAR: v_flag, v_counter.
            LOOP AT gt_zshipto_email ASSIGNING <fs_email>.
              LOOP AT gt_del_entries ASSIGNING <fs_del>.
    *           get name of dealer
                SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM kna1
                INTO <fs_del>-name1
                WHERE kunnr = <fs_del>-kunnr.
                IF v_counter IS INITIAL.
                 CONCATENATE: 'FYI: The ff record/s were deleted in tables'
                               'ZTS0001 and ZTS_STPGEOLOC by user' sy-uname
                                                          INTO v_contents
                                                         SEPARATED BY space.
                  wa_mailtxt-line =  v_contents.
                  APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                  CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt. "Extra space for message
                CONCATENATE: 'Dealer :' <fs_del>-kunnr '-'
                             INTO v_contents
                             SEPARATED BY space.
                wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                CONCATENATE: 'Ship-To:' <fs_del>-cdseq
                             INTO v_contents
                             SEPARATED BY space.
                wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                CONCATENATE: 'Address:' <fs_del>-zaddress
                             INTO v_contents
                             SEPARATED BY space.
                wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                CONCATENATE: 'Contact person:' <fs_del>-zcperson
                             INTO v_contents
                             SEPARATED BY space.
                wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                CONCATENATE: 'Contact number:' <fs_del>-zcnumber
                             INTO v_contents
                             SEPARATED BY space.
                wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                v_counter = 1.
              wa_mailrec-receiver = <fs_email>-zemail.
              wa_mailrec-rec_type  = 'U'.
              APPEND wa_mailrec TO gt_mailrec.
                        document_data              = t_maildata
                        document_type              = 'RAW'
                        put_in_outbox              = 'X'
    *                  commit_work                = 'X'
    *                  object_header              = mailtxt
                        object_content             = gt_mailtxt
                        receivers                  = gt_mailrec
                        too_many_receivers         = 1
                        document_not_sent          = 2
                        document_type_not_exist    = 3
                        operation_no_authorization = 4
                        parameter_error            = 5
                        x_error                    = 6
                        enqueue_error              = 7
                        OTHERS                     = 8.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
              CLEAR:    wa_mailtxt, wa_mailrec.
              REFRESH:  gt_mailtxt, gt_mailrec.
          CLEAR wa_mailtxt.
          REFRESH gt_mailtxt.
    */    routine for records that were modified
          IF NOT gt_modified_entries[] IS INITIAL.
            CLEAR t_maildata.
            t_maildata-obj_name  = 'Record changed in table ZTS0001'.
            t_maildata-obj_descr = 'Record changed in table ZTS0001'.
            t_maildata-obj_langu = sy-langu.
            CLEAR v_counter.
            LOOP AT gt_zshipto_email ASSIGNING <fs_email>.
              CONCATENATE: 'FYI: The ff records were changed in tables'
                           'ZTS0001 and ZTS_STPGEOLOC by user' sy-uname
                           INTO v_contents
                           SEPARATED BY space.
              wa_mailtxt-line =  v_contents.
              APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
              CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
              LOOP AT gt_modified_entries ASSIGNING <fs_mod>.
    *          get name of dealer
                SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM kna1
                INTO <fs_mod>-name1
                WHERE kunnr = <fs_mod>-kunnr.
                APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                CONCATENATE: 'Dealer :' <fs_mod>-kunnr '-'
                             INTO v_contents
                             SEPARATED BY space.
                wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                CONCATENATE: 'Ship-To:' <fs_mod>-cdseq
                             INTO v_contents
                             SEPARATED BY space.
                wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
    *           address
                IF NOT <fs_mod>-old_address IS INITIAL AND
                   NOT <fs_mod>-new_address IS INITIAL.
                  CONCATENATE: 'Address from:' <fs_mod>-old_address
                               INTO v_contents
                               SEPARATED BY space.
                  wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                  APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                  CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                  CONCATENATE: 'Address to  :' <fs_mod>-new_address
                               INTO v_contents
                               SEPARATED BY space.
                  wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                  APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                  CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
    *           person
                IF NOT <fs_mod>-old_person IS INITIAL AND
                       NOT <fs_mod>-new_person IS INITIAL.
                  CONCATENATE: 'Contact person from:'
                               INTO v_contents
                               SEPARATED BY space.
                  wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                  APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                  CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                  CONCATENATE: 'Contact person to  :'
                               INTO v_contents
                               SEPARATED BY space.
                  wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                  APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                  CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
    *           number
                IF NOT <fs_mod>-old_number IS INITIAL AND
                       NOT <fs_mod>-new_number IS INITIAL.
                  CONCATENATE: 'Contact number from:'
                               INTO v_contents
                               SEPARATED BY space.
                  wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                  APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                  CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
                  CONCATENATE: 'Contact number to  :'
                               INTO v_contents
                               SEPARATED BY space.
                  wa_mailtxt-line = v_contents.
                  APPEND wa_mailtxt TO gt_mailtxt.
                  CLEAR: wa_mailtxt, v_contents.
              wa_mailrec-receiver = <fs_email>-zemail.
              wa_mailrec-rec_type  = 'U'.
              APPEND wa_mailrec TO gt_mailrec.
                        document_data              = t_maildata
                        document_type              = 'RAW'
                        put_in_outbox              = 'X'
    *                  commit_work                = 'X'
    *                  object_header              = mailtxt
                        object_content             = gt_mailtxt
                        receivers                  = gt_mailrec
                        too_many_receivers         = 1
                        document_not_sent          = 2
                        document_type_not_exist    = 3
                        operation_no_authorization = 4
                        parameter_error            = 5
                        x_error                    = 6
                        enqueue_error              = 7
                        OTHERS                     = 8.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
              CLEAR:    wa_mailtxt, wa_mailrec.
              REFRESH:  gt_mailtxt, gt_mailrec.
    *       FORM get_orig_contents_of_zts0001                             *
    */ before saving the data in the database
    FORM get_orig_contents_of_zts0001.
      DATA: get_old_recs TYPE REF TO lcl_get_old_recs.
      CREATE OBJECT get_old_recs.
      CALL METHOD get_old_recs->export_old_recs.
    *       FORM get_rev_contents_of_zts0001                              *
    */ after saving the data in the database
    FORM get_rev_contents_of_zts0001.
      DATA: old_and_new   TYPE REF TO lcl_old_and_new,
            check_changes TYPE REF TO lcl_check_changes,
            messages      TYPE REF TO lcl_messages.
      CREATE OBJECT: old_and_new, check_changes, messages.
      CALL METHOD old_and_new->compare_old_and_new.
      CALL METHOD check_changes->check_for_changes.
      CALL METHOD messages->create_message.
    *       FORM move_latest_date_and_user                                *
    FORM move_latest_date_and_user.
      zts0001-zcreated_by   = sy-uname.
      zts0001-zchanged_date = sy-datum.
    Hope it helps...
    P.S. Please award points if it helps...

  • Can't send mail when using mobile broadband

    I am getting quite frustrated as I can't send mail when using my mobile broadband modem! I can receive mail, and surf the internet etc, but mail just wont send!(i get the usual cannot send try later/resend options). I thought this might be an issue with my mobile broadband but have recently reinstalled it. When at home on a wireless network I have no such issues.
    Any help appreciated

    Cgienke wrote:
    I am not using a SMTP it is a Pop3 domain name account from freeparking and uses mail.'NAME'.com for incoming and outgoing mail!
    Even though your e-mail service uses the same URL for POP3 and SMTP servers, in the software sense you actually do have separate POP3 and SMTP servers, although they may be hosted on the same machine, or the requests are routed via some "smoke and mirrors" to the right host.
    It is not related to my ISP at home, which is Virgin media. My mobile broadband provider is 3. I was thinking it might be that I need to change the port settings in mail when using my mobile modem, but don't know what to change them too(or how to do it!) or configure the modem differently but again not sure what to do there!
    Check with the freeparking online help to see if it supports port 587 or some such.
    Also try Mail's "Connection Doctor" (under the Window menu) when you're away from home to see if that shows anything useful.
    Since you can send e-mail from that SMTP server when you're at home but not when you're using your mobile broadband, I think one of two possibilities is likely: (a) Your mobile broadband provider is blocking your attempts to access the freeparking SMTP server and/or port. (b) The freeparking SMPT server for some reason doesn't like being communicated with via your mobile broadband provider. I'd check with each of them to explore these options.
    Does your mobile broadband provider have an SMTP server that you can use instead of the freeparking one?
    My modem(Huawei E220) is not particularly Mac friendly as it is, and I believe Mail can be quite sensitive when servers don't respond immediately?
    Yes. Mail seems to have a fixed time-out value for server responses.

  • Send email without using sender id

    Hi all,
    Is it possible to send email without using sender id?
    Thanks in advance

    nvv wrote:
    I m not asking this for spam. Actualy I m developing software that sends mail to many contacts. If i use sender address then they can use others like gmail, yahoo, or something like that instead.Sounds like spam software to me.

  • How to create different Graphs in SharePoint 2013 without using Excel service?

    Hi All,
    I want to create different graphs in SharePoint without using Excel Service.
    I do not want to create excel and then upload that to SharePoint.
    Any one knows how to do that? Isthere any option to do that?
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Darsh,
    You can use
    SharePoint chart webpart to display charts. Or you can use any jQuery charting library and feed data using JSOM or REST. Ex. high charts:
    Best Regards,
    Brij K

  • CallableStatement using named parameters: is that possible?

    Can I use named parameter in a statement to be executed with CallableStatement, in stead of using :1, :2, etc ?

    Your question is a little ambiguous. However, I will try to answer it.
    You need to use a program to send the email for you. On Solaris by default this is sendmail. However, it can be used in a number of modes.
    1. It can be run as a daemon, listening on port 25 for new messages to be delivered to it.
    This is enabled by default but is not necessary for sending email. If you wish to switch sendmail off as a service in Solaris10 then you should type 'svcadm disable svc:/network/smtp:sendmail'. If you wish to switch it off on earlier Solaris releases you will need to move/erase the startup script in either /etc/rc2.d or /etc/rc3.d.
    2. It can be run in 'immediate mode' to send mail immediately.
    This allows you to send a mail directly to someone. On a normally configured sendmail instance it will try to deliver the mail immediately - if the server at the other end is unavailable, the mail will be queued locally to be potentially delivered at a later date.
    3. It can run in delivery only mode to attempt to send queued mail
    Queued mail will not automatically get processed. Sendmail needs to run at a later date to attempt to deliver any queued mail. This can either be done via cron using 'sendmail -q' or sendmail can be left running the whole time and told to rerun the queue in given periods ie 'sendmail -q15m'
    There are alternatives to sendmail for delivering mail - postfix, exim, qmail are just three examples. I would advise against trying to deliver mail without using a specific mail agent to do it. Whilst the SMTP mail protocol is pretty simple in basic use cases the protocol does get complex. There is no real downside in using an established program.

  • Using FM "SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1"  to send mail without attachment

    What are the parameters to be passed and their values
    to send a mail using SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1
           document_data              = ?
          sender_address             = sy-userid
          sender_address_type        = 'INT'
          commit_work                = 'X'
        TABLES :
          packing_list               =  ?
          contents_bin               =  ?
    The content of the mail is not being displayed in the mail.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Harika,
    Check below piece of code.
    *&      Form  mail_body
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM mail_body.
      DATA:  l_l1 TYPE i.
      CONSTANTS: lc_0 VALUE '0',
                 lc_1 VALUE '1',
                 lc_raw(3) TYPE c VALUE 'RAW'.
      REFRESH: i_objtxt[],
      CLEAR: wa_objtxt.
      SORT i_fail BY type.
    * Customer Number
      CONCATENATE text-t18
                  INTO wa_objtxt
                  SEPARATED BY space.
      APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
      CLEAR wa_objtxt.                        "blank line
      APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
    *  Complete Payment Doc Nos
      READ TABLE i_fail WITH KEY type = c_comp
                        TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS
                        BINARY SEARCH.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        wa_objtxt = text-t16.
        APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
        CLEAR: wa_fail, wa_objtxt.
        APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
        MOVE: text-t23   TO wa_objtxt,
              text-t24   TO wa_objtxt+17(5),
              text-t25   TO wa_objtxt+22(6),
              text-t26   TO wa_objtxt+40(18).
        APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
        CLEAR wa_objtxt.
        LOOP AT i_fail INTO wa_fail WHERE type EQ c_comp.
          DIVIDE wa_fail-disper BY 100.
          MOVE: wa_fail-belnr   TO wa_objtxt,
                wa_fail-buzei   TO wa_objtxt+17(5),
                wa_fail-wrbtr   TO wa_objtxt+22(16),
                wa_fail-disper  TO wa_objtxt+40(18).
          APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
          CLEAR: wa_fail, wa_objtxt.
    *  Partial Payment Doc Nos
      READ TABLE i_fail WITH KEY type = c_part
                        TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS
                        BINARY SEARCH.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        wa_objtxt = text-t17.
        APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
        CLEAR wa_fail.
        CLEAR: wa_objtxt.
        APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
        MOVE: text-t23   TO wa_objtxt,
              text-t24   TO wa_objtxt+17(5),
              text-t25   TO wa_objtxt+22(6),
              text-t26   TO wa_objtxt+40(18).
        APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
        CLEAR wa_objtxt.
        LOOP AT i_fail INTO wa_fail WHERE type EQ c_part.
          DIVIDE wa_fail-disper BY 100.
          MOVE: wa_fail-belnr   TO wa_objtxt,
                wa_fail-buzei   TO wa_objtxt+17(5),
                wa_fail-wrbtr   TO wa_objtxt+22(16),
                wa_fail-disper  TO wa_objtxt+40(18).
          APPEND wa_objtxt TO i_objtxt.
          CLEAR: wa_fail, wa_objtxt.
      DESCRIBE TABLE i_objtxt LINES l_l1.
      CLEAR wa_objpack-transf_bin.
      wa_objpack-head_start = lc_1.
      wa_objpack-head_num = lc_0.
      wa_objpack-body_start = lc_1.
      wa_objpack-body_num = l_l1.
      wa_objpack-doc_type = lc_raw.
      APPEND wa_objpack TO i_objpack.
      CLEAR wa_doc_chng.
      wa_doc_chng-obj_name  = text-t15.
      wa_doc_chng-obj_descr = text-t15.
    ENDFORM.                    " mail_body
    *&      Form  send_mail
    *       text
    FORM send_mail.
      CONSTANTS: lc_c       TYPE so_escape VALUE 'C',
                 lc_mode(3) TYPE c         VALUE 'INT'.
      CLEAR: wa_reclist, i_reclist[].
    *Recipient list
      wa_reclist-receiver = text-t14.       "DL
      wa_reclist-rec_type = lc_c.
      APPEND wa_reclist TO i_reclist.
            document_data                    = wa_doc_chng
            put_in_outbox                    = c_x
    *     IMPORTING
    *       SENT_TO_ALL                      =
    *       NEW_OBJECT_ID                    =
            packing_list                     = i_objpack
    *       OBJECT_HEADER                    =
    *       CONTENTS_BIN                     =
            contents_txt                     = i_objtxt
    *       CONTENTS_HEX                     =
    *       OBJECT_PARA                      =
    *       OBJECT_PARB                      =
            receivers                        = i_reclist
           too_many_receivers               = 1
           document_not_sent                = 2
           document_type_not_exist          = 3
           operation_no_authorization       = 4
           parameter_error                  = 5
           x_error                          = 6
           enqueue_error                    = 7
           OTHERS                           = 8.
    *    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    *    ENDIF.
      IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
    *Send mail immediately
        RAISE mail_not_sent.
    ENDFORM.                    " send_mail

  • Sending mail from using utl_smtp error......

    When i try to send mail like as follows
    v_connection UTL_SMTP.CONNECTION;
    v_connection := UTL_SMTP.OPEN_CONNECTION('',25);
    UTL_SMTP.MAIL(v_connection,'[email protected]');
    UTL_SMTP.RCPT(v_connection,'[email protected]');
    UTL_SMTP.DATA(v_connection,'Sent From PL/SQL');
    I get the following error..
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: 421 Service not available
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 17
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 96
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 138
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    if i send mail from outlook it goes...the configuration is like this
    in mail properties general tab
    email address : [email protected]
    and i have to tick mark the "include this account when receiving mail or synchro" option
    in servers tab
    POP3 :
    smtp :
    and i have to tick the "My server requires authentication" option
    and have to give the setting for that also
    ie. log on using account : [email protected]
         password: xxxxxx
    How to Correct it ?

    i am on the same platform and in same account..... and PL/SQL UTL_SMTP gets a connection plus SMTP error, while telnet cannot even get a connection. A very weird one. Not sure what the problem can be.
    Worse case, forget telnet and do all your troubleshooting using UTL_SMTP.. with liberal usage of DBMS_OUTPUT. :-)
    regd. the connection from my xp client it is
    connecting to the telnet server on server, but when i
    tri to connect to the ISP's smtp address it throws
    the errorNot that strange. You're likely going through a proxy of sorts of to reach the ISP mail server. Besides, to send mail you should be able to use your company's SMTP server as it should route Internet e-mail out to the net automatically.
    In fact, many SMTP servers will not allow you to relay via them. E.g. if you connect from domain 1 to SMTP server on domain 2, and you submit an e-mail to be delivered to domain 3, the domain 2 server will tell you to take a hike. It will only accept mail that is destined for its own domain or originating from its own domain.
    Reason for this is spam. Open relays are one of the prime reasons for having billions of spam mails being transmitted.
    The correct method will be for you on domain 1 to connect to domain 1's SMTP server and submit an e-mail to be delivered to domain 3. That will be accepted and delivered. Using domain 2 as an intermediate agent to act as a relay, is/should not be accepted by all SMTP servers. (your SMTP server should get blacklisted/blackholed if it has an open relay)

  • How to display content without using webcenter services - task flows?

    Good day!
    I wanted to create a portlet where I can display and update an xml content retrieved from UCM Content Server. How can I do this without using taskflows (webcenter services)?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hey Keith,
    Since you are already using the getResponseAsString() method you have your GET_FILE call working. To get the xml file as the file itself you need to instead call the getResponseStream() method. This will get you an InputStream representing the response.
    Once you have the stream you can do the following (I assume you are on a jsp page or somewhere you have access to the HttpServletResponse):
    String contentType = serviceResponse.getHeader("Content-Type");
    InputStream xmlInputStream = serviceResponse.getResponseStream();
    OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream();
    response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=myXmlFile.xml");
    The runthrough:
    1. get the content type of the file coming back form the GET_FILE call
    2. grab the file as an InputStream
    3. get the output stream representing the response
    4. add a header to the response to trigger the "download file" dialog
    5. set the content type of the response
    6. copy the input stream to the output stream to send the xml file to the browser
    -StreamUtil is part of the RIDC jar
    -use Content-Disposition = inline to tell the browser to try and render the file in it's window if it can.
    Hope that helps,
    Andy Weaver - Senior Software Consultant
    Fishbowl Solutions < >

  • Send mail without local SMTP server

    Hey guys,
    Are there any API packages, that one can use with Java mail API to encode a mail to SMTP and send to receipent mail host directly. (without using a local SMTP server)
    I am not talking abt bulk mailer packages. Just an API package that we can program to.
    Appreciate your help guys
    thanx !

    Ex: I want to write a simple SMTP client.
    But i don't want the user to have to input a smtp server address.This is similar as if you wanted to write a simple browser - without wanting to bother the user to provide the URL's to browse!
    There is no "default mail host". Can not be generally - the network situations can be considerably different. One box is a standalone one with maybe a modem link, the other is on a LAN, the third one is a multi-address host itself bridging a LAN and a WAN etc.
    De nada.

  • A send-only e-mail account on iPhone. Is that possible?

    I have two accounts on my iPhone: Gmail and work (via VPN).
    The Gmail account is managed via 3rd party app (Gmail app).
    But the system won't let me send e-mails such as photos from the Camera Roll via this 3rd app automatically, so I have it on the Mail app also.
    So every time that I have to check or reply my work's e-mails I enable VPN, launch Mail app, wait for the system to timeout checking the Gmail account (because the VPN won't let it reach the Gmail server), and then it checks the work account successfully. And that takes a long time (and uses cell data).
    Can I prevent the Mail app to check every account that I have added to it? Or putting in another words, can I have a send-only e-mail account on the Mail app on iPhone?
    Sorry, English is not my native language.
    Thank you,

    I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but I would try setting up an e-mail account without an Incoming Mail Server set.
    As long as you have your outgoing mail server details it will send e-mail.
    If it doesn't allow you, maybe set up a dummy e-mail address that you don't use and enter the Incoming Mail server details for that one instead
    So the two options are:
    Outgoing Server (Gmail)
    Incoming Server (blank)
    Outgoing server (Gmail)
    Incoming server (Gmail 2)

  • How can I convert an outlook pst file to mac mail without using a windows based computer

    I recently bought the new iMac as my older Windows based computer crashed with a bad motherboard.  I have been trying to find a way to convert Outlook 2007 pst files to Mac Mail without the need to use a Windows based computer since all I have now is a Mac.  I have the copies of the pst files on my Mac, so I am looking for the most efficient way to convert them to the format that I can then open them in the Mac Mail.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi - thanks for the instructions but where do you get the option for Quicktime. If I do File - Export I only get the options for File name, place and size but no option that allows to select quicktime:-(
    Have you got any more tips?

  • File To Proxy : Handle the response from ECC to send mail without BPM

    Scenario: FILE To Proxy
    Requirement: We are receiving xml acknowledgement file from bank with IDoc number and status in SAP PI and the file is used to send the status number, message and and IDoc number to ECC. After request is received in ECC BAPI is executed to update the original status of outbound IDOC.
    There would be multiple records in file and PI will send all IDoc acknowledgement to ECC to update the IDoc status.
    Issue: Since PI send all records to ecc, if any single IDoc status update is failing in ECC how would it can be communicated to support.
    ECC can send success or error response in proxy but how we can use the same in PI to send mail to support. Or is there any better error handling we can go for in such scenario.

    Hi everyone
    thanks for response.
    Interface 1: IDoc (ECC) to File (Bank) --> Done
    Interface 2: Acknowledgment File (Bank) to BAPI (ECC) where BAPI will update the status of IDoc sent in first interface.
    For Interface 2 : PI will receive file from Bank with multiple records i.e multiple IDoc numbers and their status. PI will invoke proxy to send the IDoc number and status number (eg 16) for all the records together. Now if BAPI fails to update status of any single IDoc in that file how support team will know that the particular record is failed. To handle this error ECC is saying they can send Error and Success back to PI. But the problem is how we can use that response in PI in the same interface to send emails to support team. Bank does not want any response back in this case. This is just to ensure proper error handling since this is bank related interface.
    Splitting the interface in two interfaces will definitely help. But is there some way which can be used in same interface and based on error response from ECC mail is triggered.
    If any one has better suggestion for such kind of error handling, please post the same.

  • Make task befor send mail. Use of "Show Progress" and Exception

    Could I handle Send Event of MailItem in a way that Outlook understand it.
    I want to do a long task before sending the mail. The user musn't be block. I wish Outlook display the task when user click on "Show progress" I have two choise actualy:
    - I cancel upload while my task ending.
    - I make a new thread were i do all the process and finally call the mailItem send method
    The first seems to work pretty well. But it need the user wait to the end of the process before send. As it didn't block the user to write read others mail it could be a solution.
    I prefered the second one who don't change the user experience. But i have many problem to do it :
    - How to apeared in "Show progress"
    - Exception raise when i send a (draft)mailItem show in preview pane.

    That is how Outlook Object Model works. Prior to Outlook 2013, some things would work on secondary threads, but sometimes they would blow up in a really spectacular fashion. So in Outlook 2013 Microsoft made a decision to raise an exception immediately as
    soon as Outlook detects that one of its objects is used on a thread other than the primary Outlook thread.
    This applies to the COM addins only of course since when your code is running inside the outlook.exe process. If you are out-of-proc, all calls will be marshaled to the main Outlook thread anyway, which negates the whole purpose of using multiple threads
    to begin with.
    Only Extended MAPI (C++ or Delphi) can be safely used on a secondary thread. You can also use the
    RDO family of objects in
    Redemption - it wraps Extended MAPI and can be safely used on a secondary thread from any language. See also
    Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
    Redemption - what the Outlook
    Object Model should have been
    Version 5.5 is now available!

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