Sending parameter between JSP and CGI

How to send parameters from CGI to JSP ? And how to receive returned value from JSP to CGI?

When you mention "rest of params" as a parameter, would the request not include all of the parameters within that bean????
You might be calling ur bean from the JSP right, for
eg assume your bean name is "myBean".
From JSP you pass the request object ie,
myBean.executeTransaction(request,<rest of the
params you need>)Your bean should be like
import javax.servlet.*;
public String executeTransaction(HttpServletRequest
request, <rest of the paramss){
//do you check here
//if request.getParameter("actionPerformed")==null(?)

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    Hello msdnexpert,
    Active Server Pages (ASP) allows you to build rich, data driven, dynamic complex applications. ASPs are written in Perl, VBScript, C/C++. They run on machines running Microsoft Windows. With ASP, an HTML page on a web server can contain snippets of embedded code. This code is read and executed by the web server before it sends the page to the client (usually a browser such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer.) For more information on ASP see:
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    Java Servlet Programing 2nd Ed by Jason Hunter with William Crawford.
    Developer Technical Support,

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    Hi Srikanth,
    In the JAVA File, 
    OnSubmit Event,
    String inputvalue ;
    InputField myInputField = (InputField) getComponentByName("Input_Field_ID");
    if (myInputField != null) {
                   inputvalue = myInputField.getValueAsDataType().toString();
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    In JSP File,   to retreive the value,
    String  textstring = (String) ComponentRequest.getValue("textvalue");
    <component name="component name">
            <property name="ClassName" value="classname"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="tagLib" value="/SERVICE/htmlb/taglib/htmlb.tld"/>
    Using the code above, You can pass and read values between abstract portal component and Jsp Page.
    Instead of this, I suggest you to use JSPDYNPAGE Component for Data Exchange.
    Check the [Link|].
    Hope this helps you.
    Eben Joyson

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    Find the difference between JSP and JSF
    1. A developer has more control with JSP, but (should) get easier development with JSF
    2. Event handling is done differently in JSP (HTTP) and JSF (Java)
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    4. The end product should also be defined differently - JSP page versus a JSF application.
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    If you are in this vacuum here are some key points promoting JSF:
    1. Fundamental unit is the Component
    2. Built in event and state management
    3. Component sets can be provided by any vendor
    4. Closer to ASP.Net or Swing development
    5. Choice of UI technology
    6. Scale up (rich clients)
    7. Scale down (mobile devices)
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    EL cannot pick up scripting variables. It picks up attributes from scope only.
    Similarly it doesnt set any scripting variables too.
                  int g_nAge=12;
                  pageContext.setAttribute ("g_nAge", new Integer(g_nAge));

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    JSP is a view technology providing a template to write plain HTML/CSS/JS in. JSP supports Java based taglibs to generate output and/or control the page flow dynamically. A well known example is JSTL. JSP also supports access to backend data with help of EL (Expression Language).
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    Yes, there are a few ways to do this.
    1) Think about using Cookies.
    2) Maybe use a Redirect passing the values in the Query string.
    3) Retain the data in a repository in the back end.
    4) Using Hidden fields within your pages.
    I am sure you can use these Idea's for a base to develop other methods on how to pass values back and forth from JSP -> PHP and vice versa.
    -Richard Burton

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    go to PostgreSQL website and download the JDBC or other connection and use it.
    Setup the connection from your controlpanel > ODBC data source if its win98 OS.

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    Two different things. The encoding adds this to the URL (after the page, before the query string
    ;jsessionid=ABC123 but only if the user isn't using cookies.
    So in your example, you would do this (maybe):
      String url = response.encodeURL("Servlet");
      <form name="form1" method="post" action="<%= url %>?cmd=pay"> ... Or some modification.
    So the difference between encodeing and using a post is that
    1) encoding adds the jsessionid to the url string if necessary. It does nothing else
    2) POSTing will send a request to the provided URL via the POST method, including the inputs of the form as parameters to the URL.
    They really don't interact with each other. It is like asking what is the difference between the Color Orange and thr Size Big? They can both be applied to the same thing, or not... and have no real relation to each other.

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    JSPX uses an XML doument for you page code - it is the way we recommend you build your page. Makes for cleaner code and easier customization.
    JSP uses HTML with embedded JSF tags in it.

  • RFC Sender problem  between 46D and RFC adapter

    I have this simple integration scenario where I want to send data to a archiving system;
    SAP -> (tRFC) -> XI -> (MQ) -> BizTalk -> (MQ) Arch.syst.
    SAP side ***
    A Z-program using a Z func. like;
            pt_filing_info = gt_filing.
    XI side ***
    Both IR and ID is configured correctly, in the development environment everything works just great. I have created a test program where I can define how many calls I will do, looping over the func. call with a commit inside the loop - 500 or more msgs are ok.
    The integration scenario is transported to quality enviroment using CMS, and the RFC sender is configured accordingly.
    The problem in quality ***
    When sending just 1 msg, everything is just fine, message received and delivered to MQ.
    When sending >= 2 msgs, the 1 msg is always ok, BUT all others fails due to the following from Adapter monitor;
    - Error: 2006-01-19 10:55:18 CET: lookup of alternativeServiceIdentifier via CPA-cache failed for channel 'RFCSender_XI0002' (02d4d30de3593874942ed0659add0827, party '', schema 'TechnicalSystem', identifier 'Q93#120')
    - OK: 2006-01-19 10:55:17 CET: Message processed for interface ZSD_DCF_SEND_TAG
    My sending system is Q93 CLI 505 so I can understand the error, BUT I cannot understand why the RFC adapter is saying the TechnicalSystem is Q93#120 - it should be Q93#505. My Q XI has client 120...
    It seems to me that the RFC adapter is kind of confused about the sender..
    I have created a OSS message and SAP has looged on and looked into it with both a XI expert and RFC expert without being able to answer - all is configured correctly.
    - The SLD config. for bus.system Q93 is ok -
    - The bus.system in ID is showing correct vaues for
    Adapter Specific Identifiers (SID Q93, client 505)
    - Both Dev. and Qual. environment are running on XI 3.0 SP 14 latest patch, RFC component version on the SAP side is identical between dev. and qual. SAP systems
    - It doesn't matter which gw I use (Q93 gw or XI gw), the error is persistent
    - It doesn't matter if I increase initial conn, max conn.
    I have also tried to use qRFC instead, but with the same result.
    Anyone using tRFC for asynch. communication from SAP to XI seeing something similar?
    Meanwhile, I will do RFC trace on GW and RFC Adapter on AE....
    Please, do not say SP15, oss msg for FAQ RFC adapter or links to RFCAdapter config....
    best regards

    SAP Note 730870 FAQ: XI 3.0 RfcAdapter 15
    <i>Q 15: Whats wrong when the error message "lookup of alternativeServiceIdentifier via CPA-cache failed" shows up while sending a RFC call to the RfcAdapter?
    A: A RFC sender channel is located beneath a service within the Integration Directory. Within this service choose "Service" -> "Adapter-Specific Identifiers". The values in the fields "R/3 System ID" and "Client" has to be maintained with the correct values of the system, that sends the RFC call to the RfcAdapter. It normaly only makes sense to have these values filled for services of type "Business System". If maintained in SLD, this fields will be filled automaticaly for services of type "Business System" and can be updated with the button "Compare with System Landscape Directory".</i>
    - Give correct appserver and gateway service details in XI.
    - Open the service holding the RFC adapter you are trying to use. On the top menu, goto Service -> Adapter Specific Identifiers..

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    Hi. I'm new to JSP programming and noticed that form actions call something like -- what's the difference between the .JSP and .DO? When do you call one vs. the other? Thanks.

    A request including the jsp extension usually refers to a single JSP file on disk that will be loaded and rendered directly.
    A request including the do extension usually refers to a call into a special servlet that will redirect the request to another "controller" class which will in turn do some processing, and then load one or more JSP files to render the response.
    The commonest form of the latter is the usage in the Struts framework. The do extension is not mandatory, it just presents a convenient way to distinguish calls that should be handled by Struts from requests for JSPs and other content that are mostly handled by the container (e.g. Tomcat) directly.

  • Jsf passing parameter between jsp's

    I have my main.jsp and another screen which i call object.jsp
    the object.jsp can present an object in multiple ways : add, edit, view
    i have 3 buttons in my main.jsp add, edit, view. I want to pass a parameter from main.jsp to object.jsp such that object.jsp will know in what state its being loaded... how do i do this?

    as the article says :
    To avoid these problems, developers might use session-scoped variables instead. This fixes both of those problems, but adds new ones:
    A single user cannot have two windows open simultaneously; session-scoped variables are global to the user. So, for instance, a user could not work with two different search results simultaneously.
    Back button support is highly limited, since navigating back can't magically restore the session to its old state.

  • Passing parameter between JSP

    Hi All,
    I want to pass a parameter (let us say data from a text box) from one JSP to another on an event (when 'Submit' button is clicked.). Can you please let me know how to go about this? Any sample codes or any other kind of help will be greatly appriciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    It's quite easy, just go thru the following code.
    <form action="two.jsp" method="post">
      <input type="text" name="name"/>
      <input type="submit" value="Press"/>
    </form>now receive the value in two.jsp and print the same.
        String name=request.getParameter("name");
        out.print("Your Name -->"+name);

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