Serializing a MIMEmessage ..

Hi .. I need to create an application where a client creates a message using java mail API and sends to the server . . I need to serialize the MIME message but unfortunately it turns out that MIME message isn't a serializable class! I have googled and got few search results like .. But they don't work either .. can anyone help out ..please

you can create a serialization wrapper class to contain the MIMEMessage object. And serialize that one. But you will still need to write a custom serialization logic to make it work. But the question is why? If you explain what you are trying to do probably there is a better way.

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    MimeMessage mimemessage
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    Olá, achei bem interessante este projeto, porém tenho algumas perguntas:
    Existe alguma especificação quanto ao Hardware para capturar o sinal?
    Quando você diz: "Reconhecer comandos de voz como "POSIÇÃO 1, POSIÇÃO 2", você está se referindo que o conteúdo da mensagem falada é "POSIÇÃO 1,POSIÇÃO 2" ou que isso é uma mera identificação para uma mensagem diferente?
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    Espero que eu tenha ajudado
    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they’re not."

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    sunshinecowgill wrote:
    We have three operational computers, one does not have iTunes on it.  Since Apple is saying I have more than 5 authorized computers, and I can't imagine what they are, I am afraid to deauthorize all my computers.  See what I mean?  I just wanted to ask the question about how I can find out WHICH computers Apple thinks I have authorized, so I can decide if it's safe to deauthorize them all or not. 
    You could have more 5 computers authorized if you ever, for example, reformatted a hard drive or replaced a hard drive without deauthorizing the computer first. Apple's system would see that as a different computer, even though you don't. There's nothing to be afraid of in deauthorizing everything and the reauthorizing what you actually have. You won't lose any data. Mistimp is correct, they can't tell you which computers are authorized.

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    Fred Tech wrote:
    Broadly speaking, it depends on the type of license you have.
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    Sorry Fred you are wrong.
    If you have a single license you can install it on as many computers as you like. you can only activate the suite on two computers at anyone time. Work and Home or as many of us do it Desktop and Laptop. You can not use the computers simultaneously. You only have 20 activation/deactivations so use them wisely. Student versions only have one activation. You can not break up the suite installs the suite is considered one application.

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    contact adobe support by clicking here and, when available, click 'still need help',

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    You need to contact Adobe Support when you have serial number and activation issues, either by chat or via phone.

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    The serial number of your device can be located at the back. Check on this page for more information.

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    I got the Serial Number from my Adobe ID account and e-mail purchase validation.
    And no phone number to contact. Someone knows what I could do ?

    You should Contact Customer Care via chat; phone support is only available Mon-Fri during US daytime.

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    " [PCH1.WhsCode][line: 4] , 'This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC -2035) "
    If anybody has encountered this error and found a solution kindly let me know.

    Hi Vivek,
    Are you trying to add same document number, serial number or so on?
    "entry exist " means like "duplicate key problem", I guess.
    Basically, whscode column in PCH1 table allows duplicating.
    So, I think serial number is duplicated among same item code.
    Hope this useful for you.
    Hyunil Choi.

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    Many Thanks ! 

    Anyone ??
    Pretty Please .....

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