Server/Data Push Form Java to Flex.

Hi All ,
   In my application ( Flex3 + Java Struts) i am using RPC (HttpService) calls only . Recently i read the article about
Can anybody tell me more about this , how to use this in my application.
Thanks in Advance....

Did not worked that much with those but I know there are some embedded example
that comes along with the blazeDS download.
The DB is embedded but you can have a rough idea. alsoe there are some
turtorials and odcs for both of them, Google is your friend. Also google for
James Ward's blog and Christophe Coenraets, they have posts about this.

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    <mx:Text id="opentask_updated_text" text="{opentask_updated.toString()}" />
    My adaptions in WDJ:
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    public void wdDoInit()  {

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    Yes the the most bugging problem, took lot of time to debug this.
    check web.xml file in your server, need to set session time out property as below
      <!-- Set timeout to 120 minutes -->
    Set '-1' for session to be continuous...
    Thanks and Regards

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    [email protected]

    1). Is this functionality be added to Forms 10g or later products or it is obsoleted.
    There are no plans to add OCA functionality.
    2). Steps to connect Forms 9i natively by using Java Importer.
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    it doesnt wrk.
    ok here's what i did:
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                   DBConnect db = new DBConnect();
                   ResultSet rs = db.execute(query);
                        days = rs.getInt("Diff");
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                   System.out.println("Error on Execution: " + ex);
              return days;___________
    an error occurred: Error on Execution: java.lang.nullpointerexception

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    Any ideas?
    <!--- Form variables here --->
    <cfparam name="FORM.FirstName" default="">
    <cfparam name="FORM.LastName" default="">
    <cfparam name="FORM.Email" default="">
    <cfparam name="FORM.Phone" default="">
    <cfparam name="FORM.Comments" default="">
    <cfparam name="FORM.Action" default="">
    <cfparam name="URL.Msg" default="">
    <cfset VARIABLES.Msg="#URL.Msg#">
    <cfif VARIABLES.Msg is "" and FORM.Action is "Submit">
    <!--- Validation --->
    <cfif Trim(FORM.FirstName) is "">
    <cfset VARIABLES.Msg=VARIABLES.Msg & "<li>You
    must enter your first name</li>">
    <cfif Trim(FORM.LastName) is "">
    <cfset VARIABLES.Msg=VARIABLES.Msg & "<li>You
    must enter your last name</li>">
    <cfif Trim(FORM.Email) is "">
    <cfset VARIABLES.Msg=VARIABLES.Msg & "<li>You
    must enter your Email Address</li>">
    <cfif Trim(FORM.Phone) is "">
    <cfset VARIABLES.Msg=VARIABLES.Msg & "<li>You
    must enter your Phone Number</li>">
    <cfif Trim(FORM.Comments) is "">
    <cfset VARIABLES.Msg=VARIABLES.Msg & "<li>You
    must describe your query</li>">
    <!--- Process data mailto: --->
    <cfmail to="[email protected]"
    subject="SUBJECT" type="html">
    Dear #FirstName# The Following details have been processed:
    #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName# #Form.Phone# #Form.Email#
    <cfif VARIABLES.Msg is "">
    <!--- Process finished either cf location or URLmessage
    url="baseform.cfm?Msg=#URLEncodedFormat('Information validated
    & posted - Thank you!')#" addtoken="No">
    <!--- ERROR MESSAGE appears here above form --->
    <cfif VARIABLES.Msg is not "">
    <form action="baseform.cfm" method="POST"
    <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"
    <th>* First Name:</th>
    <td><input type="text" class="inputbox"
    name="FirstName" message="" validateat="onServer"
    value="#FORM.FirstName#" size="30"></td>
    <th>* Last Name:</th>
    <td><input type="text" class="inputbox"
    name="LastName" message="" validateat="onServer"
    value="#FORM.LastName#" size="30"></td>
    <th>* Phone:</th>
    <td><input type="text" class="inputbox"
    name="Phone" message="" validateat="onServer" value="#FORM.Phone#"
    <th>* Email:</th>
    <td><input type="text" class="inputbox"
    name="Email" message="" validateat="onServer" value="#FORM.Email#"
    <th>Required Date:</th>
    <td><input type="text" id="SdDays" name="SdDays"
    value="" size="4" maxlength="2" class="inputbox">
    <input type="text" id="SdMonths" name="SdMonths" value=""
    size="4" maxlength="2" class="inputbox">
    <input type="text" id="SdYears" name="SdYears" value=""
    size="6" maxlength="4" class="inputbox">
    <th>* Query:</th>
    <td><textarea name="Comments" class="inputbox"
    cols="40" rows="6" validateat="OnServer" message=""
    tooltip="tooltip in here" enabled="yes"
    <td> </td>
    <td><input type="submit" name="Action" id="Submit"
    <input type="reset" value="Reset" id="Reset">

    Any progress?

  • Issues in mapping objects from java to flex - using flex4

    I have a class in java which i want to send to flex4 using BlazeDS as middleware. There are a few issues that i am facing and they are:
    When sending the object across (java to flex), the properties with boolean data type having value as true gets converted to properties with value as  false. Even after setting the value to true it still comes as false on flex side. Can't understand why this is happening.
    When sending the list of object containing property with boolean data type, the object on flex side does not show those properties at all. As of there were no boolean properties in that object.
    Last but not the least, When sending List<ContractFilterVO> contractFilterVOs to flex using remote call, the result typecasted to ArrayCollection does not show the holding objects as ContractFilterVOs but as plain default Object though having all the properties send, except the boolean one mentioned in above points. Basically it is not able to typecast the objects in arraycoolection but the same objects gets typecasted when sent individually.
    In all the above points i am using Remote Service through BlazeDS for connectivity with Java. I have done a lot of this stuff in Flex 3 but doing it for the first time in flex 4, is there anything that Flex 4 needs specific. Below is the pasted code for reference purpose.
    Flex Object
    package com.vo
    public class ContractFilterVO{
         public function ContractFilterVO(){
         public var contractCode:String;
         public var contractDescription:String;
         public var isIndexation:Boolean;
         public var isAdditional:Boolean;
    * Rmote Part of code
    var remoteObject:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
    public function handleResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
         var contarctFilterVOs:ArrayCollection = event.result as ArrayCollection; //Point 2&3 probelem, if list sent form java
         var contarctFilterVO:ContractFilterVO= event.result as ContractFilterVO; //Point 1 probelem, if only single Object of type ContractFilterVO sent form java
    Java Object
    package com.vo
    public class ContractFilterVO implements Serializable 
         public function ContractFilterVO(){
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 8067201720546217193L;
         private String contractCode;
         private String contractDescription;
         private Boolean isIndexation;
         private Boolean isAdditional;
    I don't understand what is wron in my code on either side, it looks syntactically right. It would be great anyone could help me point out my mistake here. Waiting for right solutions...
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Jeffery,
    Thanks for your reply, it did solve my query @ point 3 as well as point 2 where the objects in arraycollection were not geting converted and boolean properties did not appear when list of an objects were received. And hey, i did have public functions for properties defined java class, just forgot to mention here in post, sorry for that.
    The solution you gave was right, but than what if i have a VO which has multiple List of objects coming from Java, than i would have to create an instance of each type of object on flex side this is too tedious, is'nt it? Is there any better solution... out there.
    And jeffery do you some tricks up your sleeve for this Boolean issues to that i am facing in point 1... Still struggling with this one...
    Anyone out there would be more than welcome to point my mistake, if any and provide tips/tricks or solutions...
    Thanks again to Jeffery...
    Waiting for more solutions sooner...
    thanks and Regards,

  • [svn] 4377: Bug: BLZ-292 - Data Push sample does not work in BlazeDS Turnkey

    Revision: 4377<br />Author:   [email protected]<br />Date:     2008-12-22 16:16:25 -0800 (Mon, 22 Dec 2008)<br /><br />Log Message:<br />-----------<br />Bug: BLZ-292 - Data Push sample does not work in BlazeDS Turnkey<br />QA: Yes<br />Doc: No<br />Checkintests Pass: Yes<br /><br />Details:<br />* Regression due to some refactoring of user-agent handling that was failing to set up defaults if no explicit <properties> were defined for the <channel-definition>. This meant that for IE, no kick-start bytes were being pushed down the streaming connection at setup time...<br /><br />Ticket Links:<br />------------<br /><br /><br />Modified Paths:<br />--------------<br />    blazeds/trunk/modules/core/src/flex/messaging/endpoints/<br />    blazeds/trunk/modules/core/src/flex/messaging/endpoints/<br />    blazeds/trunk/modules/core/src/flex/messaging/util/

    Thanks for your feedback!
    This feature has been going through a lot of changes with the BlazeDS and Flash Builder builds.
    We request you to pick up the BETA2 build of Flash Builder and BlazeDS, hopefully you should see things working fine.
    Kindly let us know if you still encounter problems.

  • Retrieving data from form

    I have a form that I have created in Livecycle that will sit on our company's intranet. I want to be able to audit particular fields on the form (at the end of each month) by collecting the user's responses and presenting the responses in a spreadsheet. Is there a good example / tutorial available that runs through the process of achieving this?
    Thanks for any help.

    Data (XML) can be retrieved from PDF at server side using Form Data Integration Service -> Export Data opeartion.
    Or the data can be exported using Adobe Reader / Acrobat (provided the form should have the proper Usage Rights)
    Perhaps, if the users opens the form from Intranet, fills it and submits the data through email, any server program (Java/.Net) can manipulate the XML and collect the information from specific nodes as it requires.
    If you can determine a way, I would able to clarify the solution a bit deeper.

  • Data Push

    When it comes to data push in coldfusion everyone start talking about Live cycle and BlazDS, but looks like those 2 products can't work unless you use Flex , Flash or AIR, looks like it can't update just a simple div content on a web page, I saw one example which use a third part server to make the data push!!.
    Can't ColdFusion just do a simple push without using Flex ... etc or a third party server, any example??

    The app you mention only works on HTML5 (which hasn't been released yet), and indeed it falls back to Flash on browsers that don't support HTML5.
    The fact of the matter is that most people can't use HTML5 features yet because it's not widely supported (by that I mean: it's not supported on IE, which is the browser the bulk of people use, whether we like it or not).
    Also, looking at this - - general HTML5 support aside, it seems that web sockets are hardly supported on any browser at all, as yet.
    So it would be a poor use of resource for CF to include support for this sort of "edge case" just yet.
    And even after HTML5 is released, it will be quite a long time before it has the ubiquity necessary for this sort of solution to be a sensible approach.  IMO.
    The current best option for push-capable applications is... Flash. It does have the ubiquity (some niche Apple products aside ;-)

  • "Exception Processing Message" error when clicking the Accessing Server Data link on the start page

    When I first started the application, I click the Accessing Server Data link on the start page.  I immediately got the error "Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c in a dialog box titled "Windows - No Disk".  I had to used Task Manager to remove the box after closing Flash Builder 4.  I then tried the video tutorial on "PHP Services in Flash Builder 4".  I keep receiving an error during service introspection trying to connect to the PHP class.  It was the same error as the other individual "Cannot Connect to PHP Service".  So I tried another tutorial and generated a sample PHP class.  I moved a datagrid on to the stage, droped in the getAllItems function, and configured the return type.  However, when I ran the app, I received the same error "Exception Processing Message" again.  I have attached the screenshot of the error in addition to my phpinfo and log files.

    "The exception process message" is definitely a issue. Is it happening consistently, if so can you file a bug at and give out your machine config details, and the error log.
    With regards to generating a new php file and the introspection error that you are getting, looking at the logs it probably is two fold.
    First off the name of the file and the class name should be the same, are you having employeeServices as the name of the class in employeeServices.php file.
    Second, It seems prior to generating this new file, you had a syntax error at line 5.
    It would be easier to figure out what the error is, if you can also attach the php file, by removing any sensitive information in that.
    Hope this helps.

  • Insert data into oracle based on sql server data(here sql server acting as source to oracle and destination to oracle)

    Source is Oralce. Destination is SQL Server.
    Requirement - I have to fetch sql server server data (empid's) based emp table  and send this as input data to oracle to fetch and empid's are common.
    I cannot use merge or loopkup or for each as oracle have too many records.
    For example - In MS SQL - i have empid=1,2..Only these records, I have to fetch from oracle source into sql server destination. For this, I have adopted the below approaches...The major problem I face, when i build a empid's as a string, it is taking only
    4000 chars. My string lenght is 10000. How do I breakup this string lengh and send to data flow task till all broken strings length passed to DFT.
    created two variables - oraquery string, empid string
    step1 - ms sql database - created sql task - declare @empid varchar(max)
    SELECT @empid=
    Stuff((SELECT ',' + empid
            (SELECT  DISTINCT  convert(varchar(10),empid ) empid FROM emp
             ) x
            For XML PATH ('')),1,1,'')
    select @empid =    '(' +  @empid + ')'
    select @empid
    resultset=resultname=0; variablename=User::empid (empid is declared as string)
    step2 - oracle database - created data flow task
    created oledb source
    I put  this statemnt in oraquery expression - "select * from dept where dept in  "
    +  @[User::empid] + "
    [OLE DB Source [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle"  Hresult: 0x80040E14  Description: "ORA-00936: missing expression".
    created three variables - oraquery string, empid  int, loop object--when I put int then it is automatically setting to 0
    step1 - ms sql database - created sql task - SELECT  DISTINCT  convert(varchar(10),empid ) empid FROM emp
    resultset=resultname=0; variablename=User::loop
    step2 - created a for each loop container
    for loop editor - for each ado ennumerator
    enumerator configuration - loop
    variablemapping - variable=empid;index=0
    step3 - oracle database - created data flow task (outside for each loop. If I put inside it is taking long time)
    created oledb source
    I put  this statemnt in oraquery expression - "select * from dept where dept in  "
    +  @[User::empid] + "
    Data inserting in a destination table but  empid=0.

    Sorry didnt understand if your step3 is outside loop how
    @[User::empid] will get values for the empids from User::loop. The iteration happens inside loop so you
    need to have a logic to form the delimited list inside using a script task or something and concatenating everything and storing to variable @[User::empid]
    . Then only it will have full value used to be used in step3 query
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • How to upload data into form of Oracle EBS R12 using ATS ver 9.0

    Hi experts,
    Could you please guide me how to upload data into form on Oracle EBS R12 using Oracle Application Testing Suite verson 9.(The simpliest way)
    For example: I need to create user account on Oracle EBS. Normally, I use Dataloader to upload the data, however it just can upload one by one record, cannot upload multi record at same time. Moreover if the performance of server is low, so I will get the issue when using dataloader.
    Thanks in advance
    Best Regards

    Hi you can create Virtual users to enter data. Note than you have to name the objects accordingly.
    For Example default recording provided by Open script is ObjectNAME_(Index No of the object).
    when you record one iteration the name of any object would be ObjectNAME_(0)
    You can then create virtual users so the index will increment as the total number of Virtual users increases. Also you have to handle which row of your test data would get mapped to which Virtual user in the script run session.

  • Dynamic forms in AIR/Flex

    OK, this is another of those "Is AIR the right tool for the job" questions. And I have zero previous exposure to Flash/Flex, just doing a fast forward through all available information, to reach an assessment.
    The app in question is mainly a vanilla database client (server component exists and has a ReSToid HTTP interface). It involves task lists, forms, all the ususal stuff and is glueing together a bunch of other (pre-existing) apps on the client  which are to be spawned from the glue app.
    In contrast to the legacy app which is to be replaced, the database structure shall be customizable per customer site and consequently have custom edit forms.
    Now, how to implement custom, dynamic forms in AIR/Flex? It seems logical to store the forms together with custom table in the database, but in which format? It is impossible to just store MXML forms, as Flex is a compiled language and I didn't find a hook to pull in extra MXML from an external source.
    Is there a Flex component turning an XML description of a form into a form on the screen, as mx:FlexNativeMenu can turn XML into a menu?
    Or am I looking into the wrong direction? It seems an AIR/Ajax soulution would be able to just pull the custom form in HTML from an external source and use it. But AIR/Flex is looking to be the friendlier and more productive environment....

    You can dynamically compose a form at runtime via as3.
    Here is a quick example.
    ps: afaik there is no component which automatically builds a form from xml.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" initialize="init()">
         import mx.controls.TextInput;
         import mx.containers.FormItem;
         private function init():void {
              var formItem:FormItem = new FormItem();
              formItem.label = "FormItem1";
              var textInput:TextInput = new  TextInput();
         <mx:Form id="myForm">
              <mx:FormHeading label="My Form"/>

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