Server outgoing email fails

I have a fresh install of OS X Yosemite, Server 4.0.3 installed. I have a/29 subnet of Static IP's, everything works well except outgoing email. DNS entries are set and propagation time allowed for. Clients can connect and receive from within the server. I.E.    one act to another. The can also receive from the outside world. just cannot send to the outside world..
Relay issue?? my ISP does not require it, however? ..... any ideas would be greatly appreciated... Thank you i advance. (I am familiar with servers. just new to OS X Servers.... Previous experience with Linux and Unix based systems.)

Turns out that configuration files generated by iPhone Configuration Utility 2.1 are not necessarily compatible with iPhone4 -- even when they're compatible with iOS4 on 3GS and 3G.

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    Thank you.

    Hi Layman,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to configure the SMTP to use port 465 for outgoing email in SharePoint.
    Per my knowledge, Exchange server will secure communication over any port, but will not use SSL, so there is only TLS encryption in SMTP.
    To use port 465, we can add the port 465 under Network tab to the Receiver Connector for SharePoint Outgoing email. And then TCP port number on Outbound Connections in
    DSMTP Virtual Server properties.
    More references:
    For more information, you can post your question to the forum for Exchange: .
    More experts will assist you, then you will get more information relation to Exchange.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sending outgoing emails fail

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    I don't have AT&T but maybe it has to do with turning on SSL?  I think some email servers require SSL to be on to send emails.  For gmail I think there is also an account setting in the web version of gmail where you can specifiy support for pop or imap.

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    I agree with Bistesh. But after Outgoing e-mail settings are configured properly, if the issue still exists,
    It may result from your Anti-Virus. Please refer to the following steps:
    Open MCAfee Console and go to Access Protection window.
    Click Anti-Virus Standard Protection and edit “prevent mass mailing 
    worms from sending emails” rule.
    Now we need to know which processes are being blocked therefore we need to check the MCAfee Log located at
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\DesktopProtection\AccessProtectionLog.txt
    you may find entries of DtExec , DtExecUI and DatabaseMail90, now these processes need to be entered in the exclusion list of selected rule .
    Reset the IIS And SharePoint Timer service to check if this works for you.
    Here are some similar issues with you, you can use as a reference:
    Best Regards,
    Lisa chen

  • All outgoing email suddenly failing

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    Mar 3 23:19:12 serverx postfix/smtp[14100]: connect to[]: Operation timed out (port 25)
    Mar 3 23:19:12 serverx postfix/smtp[14159]: connect to[]: Operation timed out (port 25)
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    Mar 3 23:19:13 serverx postfix/smtp[14144]: connect to[]: Operation timed out (port 25)
    Mar 3 23:19:13 serverx postfix/smtp[14181]: connect to[]: Operation timed out (port 25)
    etc etc... for each email in the queue.
    Only thing i know is that today our supplier changed from one network supplier to another. They said that all we need to change is our DNS IPs and the name of their SMTP relay in the 'relay outgoing mail through host' box in SA. However this started before i'd changed those fields, and changing them to the correct ones makes no difference.
    All incoming email works and emails internal to the network work fine.
    I have someone from the network supplier phoning me tomorrow to have a chat and see if we can decide if it's their end or ours, but i thought i'd just put this out there to see if anyone's had a similar problem or could at least let me know what usually causes the 'operation timed out' error i have.
    Rob Kettridge

    serverx:/Users/admin root# postconf -n
    alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/var/mailman/data/aliases
    always_bcc = mailadmin
    command_directory = /usr/sbin
    config_directory = /etc/postfix
    content_filter =
    daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
    debugpeerlevel = 2
    enableserveroptions = yes
    html_directory = no
    inet_interfaces = all
    localrecipientmaps =
    luser_relay = postmaster
    mail_owner = postfix
    mailboxsizelimit = 0
    mailbox_transport = cyrus
    mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq
    manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
    messagesizelimit = 0
    mydestination = $myhostname,localhost.$mydomain,,
    mydomain =
    mydomain_fallback = localhost
    myhostname =
    mynetworks =,
    mynetworks_style = host
    newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
    ownerrequestspecial = no
    queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
    readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
    recipient_delimiter = +
    relayhost =
    sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
    sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
    setgid_group = postdrop
    smtpdtls_keyfile =
    unknownlocal_recipient_rejectcode = 550
    I notice there's nothing under relayhost... it's definitely set in SA. Postsuper -r ALL just resulted in all messages being re-queued and the same error messages as originally returned.
    Thanks for all this.

  • Outgoing Email on Cox server

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    Set your outgoing mail server to  Go to advanced, outgoing server settings and click ESMPT, then under username enter your 10 digit Verizon phone no. then your Verizon Wireless my account password.
    Since cox central won't allow users to send outgoing mail on their smpt server, you just simply use Verizon's.
    Worked great.
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)

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    Sometimes deleting the account and then re-creating it can solve this issue
    Write down all the information in accounts before doing this
    Highlight the account on the left and click the minus button
    Then click the plus button to add the new account and follow the prompts

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    Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Your Email Account > Outgoing Mail Server > Outgoing Mail Server you want to edit > User Name & Password
    Be sure to tap on Save or Done When finished.

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    You say you have the pse 5 disk?
    I guess you do't have a dvd drive on your new windows 8 computer?
    Do you have access to another computer with a dvd drive?
    Anyway if you can find another computer with a dvd drive you could copy the pse 5 install disc to removable device like a camera card or flash drive.
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    Posting this here is a good idea if you’re looking for possible solutions/workarounds, but if all you want is to let Apple know so that it’s fixed, you’d better do it in one of the following places:

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    Have you checked your Gmail in-box? See if this helps:

  • Ironport C170 Relay outgoing Email to External Server

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    Any assistance would be greatly welcomed,

    Hi Stephen,
    You can control all the outgoing mail from SMTP Route configuration, if is in GUI menu > Netowork > SMTP Route.
    You can define the route to next hop based on destination domain, as for default - all other domains (this is the one that goes to SaaS) you can enter your cloud SMTP address and the port number there.
    Hope this helps.

  • Windows Live Mail 2012 - Outgoing Email Times Out due to Lost Server Connection

    Using Windows Live Mail 2012 on WIN7 64-bit.
    Been receiving emails seemingly without issues, but...
    Haven't been able to POST any outgoing emails now since September 16th for any of my main/sub accounts.
    Indicator is a Norton Internet Security popup stating:
    "Email Error. Your email message was unable to be sent because the connection to your email server was interrupted. Please open your email client and resend the message from the Sent Messages folder." Then it lists the from/to/subj.
    I recompose and try to resend; same results.
    I've rolled WIN7 back to September 6th, but results are the same.
    I thought perhaps NIS was blocking the SMTP port, but same results when I turn off NIS and Antivirus. I don't see anything of significance in NIS's logs.
    Of course, Verizon's mini-app that sniffs out and corrects email problems does not know or care about Live Mail. Just Outlook and OE.
    Ideas? Things to try? Thanks.
    Go to Solution.

    GeezingInVA2 wrote:
    I noticed my email account server settings don't match what is defined on the FiOS email setup page on
    The server setting I have for my POP3 is "" (not and my SMTP server setting is "" (not
    Why don't these match? 
    Also, my port settings don't seem to match what's posted online.
    My outbound port is 25 (not 465) and my inbound port is 110 (not 995).
    Doesn't seem right to me, and I'm wondering what changed in the past week?
    The changes to pop/smtp from incoming/outgoing have been in the works for a while. Maybe Verizon finally go around to disabling the old servers?
    Either way, you should update to the latest settings.
    For the sake of example, we are going to pretend that we are setting up fictional account "[email protected]" and the password for logging into that account in webmail is "fakepassword" - Again, this is a fictitious account for the sake of an example.
    The settings for using Verizon's servers would be:
    Incoming Server:
    Server Requires Authentication: Yes
    Username: fakeacct
    Password: fakepassword
    Requires a Secure Connection (SSL): Yes
    Port: 995
    Outgoing Server:
    Server Requires Authentication: Yes (You can set it to use the same settings as incoming, or manually enter the username and password.)
    Requires a Secure Connection (SSL): Yes
    Port: 465
    If you are given the option anywhere for Secure Password Authentication (SPA), set it to No or Normal
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
    "All knowledge is worth having."

  • Exchange server cannot send outgoing email

    We are experiencing some issue with the outgoing email , we found out that some email cannot reach our client email. 
    if the customer is using exchange server, it seems there is no issue.
    However, if customers use other server.. like lotus or notes,,etc, there are issues.

    Can you send to a Gmail or Hotmail account?
    Otherwise, SMTP traffic to outside clients should not depend on any sort of password replication.
    Even if the partner was using something like mutual TLS (unlikely), that has to do with certificates, not passwords.
    One thing you could do is enable protocol logging on the Send Connector to see what happens when your Exchange server attempts to talk to the client's messaging system.
    Bharat Suneja (MVP) wrote an excellent article on how to enable this and where to find the resulting logs:
    Directions for 2010 and 2013 are included.
    Now, reading the log can be a challenge but if you need to get to the bottom of this, you may have to make this effort.
    EDIT: Of course, if you need help with that, feel free to follow up.
    Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

  • My outgoing email suddenly quit working.  Settings are correct, but says server unable to send. Can receive fine.  This happened on both Iphone

    My outgoing email suddendly stopped working.  Happened first on my IPhone, msgs were stuck in outbox.  This self-corrected, and now my Mac Pro will not send email.  It says server not able to send, but I can receive fine.  No changes were made.  Settings are correct.  Any ideas what's wrong?

    OK, I thought you'd like to know that I figured it out!   Yea.
    I reasoned since my iphone is now sending, I would check to see if the exact same settings in the advanced mail area were the same.
    The port on my phone was 110, but in advanced mail area on the mac it was 995/SSL.
    I clicked on that and it defaulted to 110.
    But what is strange is the 110 port is supposed to be for incoming mail (which I was getting fine even tho it had the 995 port) and the smtp outgoing I thought was a defaulted 25 port. 
    Anyway, when I changed the mac to the 110 port in advanced area, the mail in outbox was immediately sent.
    I have absolutely no idea how the port server was changed to 995 SSL on the mac, since no one but myself uses this computer and I certainly didn't change it.  Also, it doesn't at all explain the iphone doing the exact same thing a week ago, even tho that port said 110 when I checked.  Very strange indeed, but thanks for the help anyone who is reading this and I hope this helps anyone else having a similar problem....

Maybe you are looking for