Servers not appearing in sidebar or Network icon

My home LAN has another mac (running 10.4.10) as well as two NAS hard drives on it. Even though I've set Finder preferences to show Connected Computers and Bonjour Servers, none of them show up in the Sidebar.
Worse still, when I click on the Network icon (which no longer appears in the sidebar either, but is available under the computer name), it shows nothing! In other words, I can't browse for my servers and they don't show up in the sidebar.
The only way I can connect to them is to hit Connect to Server... in the finder and specify them by IP number, which is a pain. Seems to me I ought to be able to browse for them, the way I did in Tiger. I thought Leopard was supposed to make all this easier!
For what it's worth, I did an Archive and Install when I installed Leopard.

Have you turned file sharing on? When I did that on the server I wanted to view, it appeared in the sidebar automatically and then it is easier than Tiger. Screen sharing is very cool!

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    Hmmm.. ok.. well you are kind of on your own.. purchasing from another country leads to problems.. especially as the TC itself is regional .. all the setup applies to the region it is sold in.
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    What is the name of your old Time Capsule? Did you change the name to the new one?
    It appears in Finder .. that is to be expected.. it is after all a network drive.. and it has PC symbol more than likely because you are using Mavericks which defaults to SMB network.. ie the computer thinks it is a windows computer.
    There is nothing bad or sinister going on.. but you certainly need to ensure your own wireless network is secure..
    That is otherwise all fine.
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    reset all settings
    settings-general-reset-reset all settings
    now reconnect to wifi
    settings- wifi- click network name- enter password - join
    now redownload app from purchase history
    Peace, Clyde

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    Please reinstall your network adapter driver to check the result.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Wish some Apple folks would chime in...
    Apple is not here. Even if they might rarely monitor these boards, they will not respond. We're all users, just like you.
    Suggest that you open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utiltiies > AirPort Utility
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    Click the Wireless Options button
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    It’s possible that you’re not seeing the computer category simply because there aren’t any computers to list. 
    Make sure that the computers you’re expecting to see are powered on and connected to your network. 
    Another thing to ensure is that network discovery is enabled.
    In order to enable network discovery in Windows 8.1, start by right-clicking on the Network system icon in the taskbar notification area, then click on Open Network and Sharing Center. 
    Next, in the left pane of the Network and Sharing Center window, click on the Change advanced sharing settings link. 
    The next window that comes up will give you the option of turning network discovery on.
    I hope this helps!
    Windows Outreach Team – IT Pro

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